like: Rein
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Advanced Level



all words:
VNEN bê tông cốt sắt * reinforced concrete, ferroconcrete *
VNEN chuyển hồi * reincarnation *
VNEN cương * (1) law, principle
(2) hard
(3) bridle, reins
VNEN cầu viện * to seek reinforcements *
VNEN cứu binh * reinforcements *
VNEN cứu viện * to aid, assist, reinforce; reinforcements *
VNEN gia cố * to reinforce, strengthen *
VNEN gửi quân tăng cường * to send reinforcements *
VNEN hậu viện * reinforcements *
VNEN khai phục * reinstate, rehabilitate *
VNEN làm sống lại * to make (something from the past) come alive again, revitalize, reincarnate, reanimate, bring back to life *
VNEN nghiên cứu lại * reinvestigate *
VNEN phục chức * reinstate, restore *
VNEN phục hoàn * to reintegrate, return *
VNEN quân tăng cường * (military) reinforcements *
VNEN sườn bê tông * reinforcement *
VNEN sự phục hồi * rehabilitation, reinstatement, restoration *
VNEN tháo khoán * to give free rein to somebody, give somebody his *
VNEN tiếp viện * to supply, support reinforce *
VNEN tuần lộc * reindeer *
VNEN tăng cường * to strengthen, reinforce *
VNEN viện binh * reinforcements *
VNEN đầu thai * reincarnate *

OTOP: rein * Leisure Equine sports

VSLW 45 tăng cường ☊ (S) to strengthen/ to reinforce [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 củng cố ☊ (S) to reinforce, to strengthen [ Basic Reading ]