like: Piece
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all words:
VNEN an tâm * having piece of mind, not worried; assurance, peace *
VNEN bài văn * a piece of poetry, text, composition, essay *
VNEN bãi đất hoang * waste land, abandoned land, vacant (piece of) land *
VNEN bưu phẩm * piece of mail, postal matter *
VNEN bản * (1) edition, version, tablet, block, copy, print, piece, document, edition, impression
(2) [CL for scripts, songs, plays, statements, treaties]
(3) root, basis, base, origin, source
VNEN bản nhạc * piece of music, song *
VNEN bản đàn * piece of music, musical number *
VNEN bị gãy làm hai khúc * to be broken into two pieces *
VNEN bộ đồ tắm hai mảnh * bikini, two-piece swimsuit *
VNEN chiếu manh * piece of sleeping mat *
VNEN chuyển biên * to arrange (a piece of music) *
VNEN chết bầm * to kill (by smashing into pieces), chop into bits *
VNEN cây gỗ nhiều mắt bướu * a piece of timber full of knots *
VNEN công việc nhẹ nhàng * a light piece of work *
VNEN cắt khúc * cut into pieces *
VNEN cục * office, department; piece, block, chunk *
VNEN di tích lịch sử * a part, piece of history *
VNEN diềm cửa * the cross piece on window curtain *
VNEN diện tích đất * area, piece of land *
VNEN gặp chuyện bất hạnh * to run into a piece of bad luck *
VNEN hai mảnh * two-piece *
VNEN hai phần * two pieces, two parts *
VNEN hòn gạch * piece of brick *
VNEN hòn đá * piece of rock, stone *
VNEN học mót * learn by bits and pieces *
VNEN hợp tấu * to perform together a piece of music *
VNEN khúc * section, piece *
VNEN khổ dịch * vorvee, piece of hard labor *
VNEN kiệt tác * masterpiece *
VNEN kẹo * (piece of) candy *
VNEN làm nhiều mảnh * into many pieces *
VNEN lương khoán * pay for piecework, piece rate, piece wages, job *
VNEN lời khuyên * (piece of) advice, council *
VNEN lủng * (1) to perforate, piece
(2) numberless, plentiful
VNEN manh * (1) rag, piece, scrap, piece
(2) blind
(3) to sprout
(4) vagrant, criminal
VNEN manh mún * pieces, rag, tattered garment *
VNEN miếng * (1) fragment, piece, bit, morsel, bit, mouthful
(2) (fighting) trick, technique, move
VNEN miếng thịt * piece of meat *
VNEN miếng thịt nạc * piece of lean meat *
VNEN miếng đất * piece of land *
VNEN * piece of wood struck during public announcements *
VNEN mũ trụ * head piece *
VNEN mảnh * (1) piece, fragment, part, scrap
(2) [CL for furniture]
VNEN mảnh bát * broken piece of a bowl *
VNEN mảnh nhỏ * small piece, fragment *
VNEN mảnh đạn * piece of shrapnel *
VNEN mảnh đất * piece of land *
VNEN mẩu * piece, bit *
VNEN mẻo * small part, small piece *
VNEN một bản đàn * a piece of music *
VNEN một lời khuyên * a piece of advice, a word of advice *
VNEN một miếng đất nhỏ * a small piece of land *
VNEN một sợi dây kim khí * a piece of wire *
VNEN nghiên * (1) grind (into fine pieces), investigate, study
(2) inkstone
VNEN nhạc khúc * piece of music, air *
VNEN nẩy mực tấm ván * to line out a piece of wood *
VNEN phong vân * wind and clouds, piece of luck, favorable opportunity *
VNEN phần đất * section, piece of land *
VNEN rách nát * torn to pieces *
VNEN tan nát * smashed, destroyed completely, in pieces; to break into pieces *
VNEN tan tành * broken up, smashed, in pieces; to break into pieces *
VNEN thiên * (1) thousand
(2) partial (to), favorable, pro-(something)
(3) heaven, sky, God, heavenly, divine, celestial
(4) (classifier for articles, novels, chapters)
(5) to move, shift, change
(6) section, part, piece
VNEN tháo rời * to take apart, take to pieces, disassemble *
VNEN thước nách * square, setsquare, square rule, knee-piece, right angle *
VNEN thước thợ * square, square rule, knee-piece, geometrical *
VNEN thẻo * piece, bit, slice; to cut *
VNEN thị kính * eyepiece, lens *
VNEN thổ tả * (1) cholera
(2) rickety thing, piece of crap; junky, shoddy
VNEN trăm mảnh * a hundred pieces *
VNEN tuyệt bút * great work of writing, masterpiece *
VNEN tuyệt tác * masterpiece *
VNEN tàn phá manh mún * to destroy, break into pieces *
VNEN tơi bời * to pieces, up, down *
VNEN tờ * (work)sheet, piece of, sheet of *
VNEN tờ giấy * sheet, piece (of paper) *
VNEN tứ đại cảnh * name of a traditional piece of music *
VNEN việc ngon ơ * a very easy piece of work *
VNEN vân mòng * news, tidings, piece of news, trace, track *
VNEN vùng đất * piece of land, territory *
VNEN vằm * to mince, cut into small pieces *
VNEN vở diễn * play, piece *
VNEN xé tan * to tear to pieces *
VNEN xé tan nát * to tear into pieces *
VNEN xé xác * to tear somebody to pieces, tear somebody limb from limb *
VNEN xảo kế * malice, maliciousness, malicious act, piece of spite *
VNEN đoạn * paragraph, section, part, piece; then, after that *
VNEN đoạn sử * part, piece of history *
VNEN đánh tơi tả * to tear to pieces *
VNEN đại tác * work of great value, valuable work, masterpiece *
VNEN đạo luật * law, act, (piece of) legislation *
VNEN đất hoang * waste land, abandoned land, vacant (piece of) land *
VNEN đầu thừa đuôi thẹo * remains, leavings, oddments, odds and ends, bits and pieces *
VNEN đốt vía * burn a bamboo spill (a piece of paper) for driving ill luck away *
VNEN đổ nát * fall to pieces, be in ruin, collapse; to damage, ruin *
VNEN đổ vỡ * to break to pieces, fall to pieces, be revealed; to call off, break up, break off; offshoot *
VNEN ống nói * mouthpiece (of a phone) *

GNOT: a piece of Quantitati • quantity determiners
SNOT: names of pieces of furniture House and home, environment • furniture, bedclothes
SNOT: piece ‘Would you like a piece of cake? Food and drink • types of food and drink

A2 piece (n.)

OXF3000: cái piece
OXF3000N mảnh mẩu đồng tiền piece

OTOP: piece * Culture Types of play
OTOP: piece * Personality and emotio Anger
OTOP: piece * The media Journalism

BNC6000 : piece [ Rank: 689 ] n 👪

OPD : Take out a piece of papeer. Studying
OPD : eyepiece Science
OPD : revolving nosepiece Science

FN: piece n Part_piece

VSLW123 khăn mỏ quạ ☊ (S) head piece in traditional VN style vsl3

50L Chị ấy đã lấy một miếng sô cô la. * She took a piece of chocolate. 083