like: Pie
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Advanced Level


VNEN bánh nướng * pie *

all words:
VNEN Hiếu kinh * the Classic of Filial Piety *
VNEN an tâm * having piece of mind, not worried; assurance, peace *
VNEN bài văn * a piece of poetry, text, composition, essay *
VNEN bánh * (1) cake, bread, pie, pastry
(2) wheel
VNEN bánh chả * sweet meat pie in lumps *
VNEN bánh giầy * glutinous rice dumpling, rice pie *
VNEN bánh nướng * pie *
VNEN bánh trung thu * mid-autumn festival pie, moon cake *
VNEN báo hiếu * to show filial piety *
VNEN bãi đất hoang * waste land, abandoned land, vacant (piece of) land *
VNEN bưu phẩm * piece of mail, postal matter *
VNEN bản * (1) edition, version, tablet, block, copy, print, piece, document, edition, impression
(2) [CL for scripts, songs, plays, statements, treaties]
(3) root, basis, base, origin, source
VNEN bản nhạc * piece of music, song *
VNEN bản đàn * piece of music, musical number *
VNEN bận * (1) busy, occupied
(2) to dress, wear clothes
(3) time, occurrence
VNEN bận bịu * busy, occupied; annoyed *
VNEN bận rôn * busy, occupied; busily *
VNEN bận việc * busy, occupied *
VNEN bến * dock, wharf, pier, landing place, station, terminal *
VNEN bến tàu * dock, quay, port, railway station, pier, wharf *
VNEN bệ rồng * canopied dais, throne *
VNEN bị gãy làm hai khúc * to be broken into two pieces *
VNEN bỏng cốm * rice crispies *
VNEN bộ đồ tắm hai mảnh * bikini, two-piece swimsuit *
VNEN chim khách * racked-tailed treepie, crypsirina temia *
VNEN chim thước * magpie *
VNEN chiếu manh * piece of sleeping mat *
VNEN chuyển biên * to arrange (a piece of music) *
VNEN chích chòe * blackbird, magpie *
VNEN chói tai * brassy, shrill, strident, piercing, deafening, disharmonious, dissonant *
VNEN chết bầm * to kill (by smashing into pieces), chop into bits *
VNEN chọc thủng * to pierce, perforate, puncture *
VNEN chữ hiếu * filial piety *
VNEN càng mừng * happier (and happier) *
VNEN cây gỗ nhiều mắt bướu * a piece of timber full of knots *
VNEN công việc nhẹ nhàng * a light piece of work *
VNEN cắt khúc * cut into pieces *
VNEN cổ độ * old pier, old landing place *
VNEN cục * office, department; piece, block, chunk *
VNEN di tích lịch sử * a part, piece of history *
VNEN dinh tê * leave for enemy-occupied zones *
VNEN diềm cửa * the cross piece on window curtain *
VNEN diện tích đất * area, piece of land *
VNEN giò * (1) foot, leg
(2) meat pie
VNEN giò xào * fried pie *
VNEN giẻ cùi * green magpie, blue magpie *
VNEN gặp chuyện bất hạnh * to run into a piece of bad luck *
VNEN hai mảnh * two-piece *
VNEN hai phần * two pieces, two parts *
VNEN hiếu * (1) to like, love, be fond of
(2) pious, faithful; filial piety
(3) mourning, funeral
VNEN hiếu dạo * filial piety *
VNEN hiếu hạnh * filial piety *
VNEN hiếu hữu * piety and friendliness *
VNEN hiếu nghĩa * dutiful and loyal; filial piety *
VNEN hiếu trung * piety and loyalty *
VNEN hiếu tâm * filial piety *
VNEN hiếu tình * filial piety and conjugal love *
VNEN hiếu từ * filial piety and love for one’s parents *
VNEN hiếu đạo * filial piety *
VNEN híp pi * hippie, hippy *
VNEN hòn gạch * piece of brick *
VNEN hòn đá * piece of rock, stone *
VNEN học mót * learn by bits and pieces *
VNEN hợp tấu * to perform together a piece of music *
VNEN khoét * to bore, make a hole, pierce *
VNEN khúc * section, piece *
VNEN khổ dịch * vorvee, piece of hard labor *
VNEN kiệt tác * masterpiece *
VNEN kẹo * (piece of) candy *
VNEN làm nhiều mảnh * into many pieces *
VNEN lương khoán * pay for piecework, piece rate, piece wages, job *
VNEN lảnh * (of voice) shrill, sharp, piercing *
VNEN lời khuyên * (piece of) advice, council *
VNEN lủng * (1) to perforate, piece
(2) numberless, plentiful
VNEN manh * (1) rag, piece, scrap, piece
(2) blind
(3) to sprout
(4) vagrant, criminal
VNEN manh mún * pieces, rag, tattered garment *
VNEN miếng * (1) fragment, piece, bit, morsel, bit, mouthful
(2) (fighting) trick, technique, move
VNEN miếng thịt * piece of meat *
VNEN miếng thịt nạc * piece of lean meat *
VNEN miếng đất * piece of land *
VNEN * piece of wood struck during public announcements *
VNEN mũ trụ * head piece *
VNEN mảnh * (1) piece, fragment, part, scrap
(2) [CL for furniture]
VNEN mảnh bát * broken piece of a bowl *
VNEN mảnh nhỏ * small piece, fragment *
VNEN mảnh đạn * piece of shrapnel *
VNEN mảnh đất * piece of land *
VNEN mẩu * piece, bit *
VNEN mắc bận * busy, occupied, engaged *
VNEN mẻo * small part, small piece *
VNEN một bản đàn * a piece of music *
VNEN một lời khuyên * a piece of advice, a word of advice *
VNEN một miếng đất nhỏ * a small piece of land *
VNEN một sợi dây kim khí * a piece of wire *
VNEN nghiên * (1) grind (into fine pieces), investigate, study
(2) inkstone
VNEN người nhận * recipient (of a letter) *
VNEN người thụ hưởng * recipient *
VNEN nhàn nhã * easy, free, unoccupied, casual *
VNEN nhạc khúc * piece of music, air *
VNEN nhức xương * piercing pain in the bones *
VNEN nẩy mực tấm ván * to line out a piece of wood *
VNEN phong vân * wind and clouds, piece of luck, favorable opportunity *
VNEN phần đất * section, piece of land *
VNEN rách nát * torn to pieces *
VNEN rét buốt * piercingly cold *
VNEN rét căm căm * a piercing cold *
VNEN rét cắt ruột * cold piercing wind *
VNEN rét như cắt * piercing cold *
VNEN rảnh * free, unoccupied *
VNEN rảnh rỗi * unoccupied, idle, free *
VNEN rỗi * free, unoccupied *
VNEN sáo * (1) magpie
(2) bamboo blinds
(3) stock phrase, cliché
(4) flute
(5) cook meet with bamboo shoots and spices
VNEN tan nát * smashed, destroyed completely, in pieces; to break into pieces *
VNEN tan tành * broken up, smashed, in pieces; to break into pieces *
VNEN the thé * shrill, shrieking, piercing *
VNEN thiên * (1) thousand
(2) partial (to), favorable, pro-(something)
(3) heaven, sky, God, heavenly, divine, celestial
(4) (classifier for articles, novels, chapters)
(5) to move, shift, change
(6) section, part, piece
VNEN tháo rời * to take apart, take to pieces, disassemble *
VNEN thư nhàn * leisure, spare time, unoccupied, free *
VNEN thước nách * square, setsquare, square rule, knee-piece, right angle *
VNEN thước thợ * square, square rule, knee-piece, geometrical *
VNEN thảnh thơi * free, relaxed, unoccupied, leisurely *
VNEN thấm thía * (1) to penetrate, pierce
(2) to suffice, be sufficient, be enough
VNEN thẻo * piece, bit, slice; to cut *
VNEN thị kính * eyepiece, lens *
VNEN thổ tả * (1) cholera
(2) rickety thing, piece of crap; junky, shoddy
VNEN thủng * to bore, make a hole; having holes, pierced *
VNEN trăm mảnh * a hundred pieces *
VNEN trụ * (1) pillar, pier, post
(2) time
(3) keep, guard
(4) offspring
(5) lustful
(6) military helmet
VNEN tuyệt bút * great work of writing, masterpiece *
VNEN tuyệt tác * masterpiece *
VNEN tàn phá manh mún * to destroy, break into pieces *
VNEN tá dược * excipient *
VNEN tên * (1) name; named
(2) [CL for spies, robbers]
(3) arrow
VNEN tơi bời * to pieces, up, down *
VNEN tạc đạn xuyên phá bê tông * concrete piercing *
VNEN tề điệp * puppet officials an spies *
VNEN tờ * (work)sheet, piece of, sheet of *
VNEN tờ giấy * sheet, piece (of paper) *
VNEN tứ đại cảnh * name of a traditional piece of music *
VNEN việc ngon ơ * a very easy piece of work *
VNEN vân mòng * news, tidings, piece of news, trace, track *
VNEN vô sự * unharmed, unhurt, unoccupied, at leisure, uneventful, without a care *
VNEN vùng tạm chiếm * enemy-occupied territory *
VNEN vùng tự do * free zone, unoccupied zone *
VNEN vùng đất * piece of land, territory *
VNEN vằm * to mince, cut into small pieces *
VNEN vở diễn * play, piece *
VNEN xuyên * to pierce, cross, go through; through, across *
VNEN xuyên qua * to pierce, cross *
VNEN xâu tai * pierce the ears (for wearing earrings) *
VNEN xé tan * to tear to pieces *
VNEN xé tan nát * to tear into pieces *
VNEN xé xác * to tear somebody to pieces, tear somebody limb from limb *
VNEN xõng lưng * idle, unoccupied *
VNEN xảo kế * malice, maliciousness, malicious act, piece of spite *
VNEN xỏ tai * pierce the ears (for earrings) *
VNEN ác là * magpie *
VNEN áp dịch kế * piezometer *
VNEN áp kế * manometer, pressure-gauge, piezometer *
VNEN áp điện * piezoelectricity *
VNEN đau nhói * sharp or stabbing or piercing or throbbing pain *
VNEN đoạn * paragraph, section, part, piece; then, after that *
VNEN đoạn sử * part, piece of history *
VNEN đánh tơi tả * to tear to pieces *
VNEN đại tác * work of great value, valuable work, masterpiece *
VNEN đạo luật * law, act, (piece of) legislation *
VNEN đất hoang * waste land, abandoned land, vacant (piece of) land *
VNEN đầu thừa đuôi thẹo * remains, leavings, oddments, odds and ends, bits and pieces *
VNEN đốt vía * burn a bamboo spill (a piece of paper) for driving ill luck away *
VNEN đổ nát * fall to pieces, be in ruin, collapse; to damage, ruin *
VNEN đổ vỡ * to break to pieces, fall to pieces, be revealed; to call off, break up, break off; offshoot *
VNEN đột * (1) sudden, abrupt, unexpected
(2) to sew, stitch up, mend
(3) to pierce, put a hole in (metal)
VNEN ống nói * mouthpiece (of a phone) *

GNOT: a piece of Quantitati • quantity determiners
SNOT: names of pieces of furniture House and home, environment • furniture, bedclothes
SNOT: pie Food and drink • types of food and drink
SNOT: piece ‘Would you like a piece of cake? Food and drink • types of food and drink

OTOP: pie * Food and drink Savoury dishes

BNC6000 : pie [ Rank: 5083 ] n 👪

Pastete pie bánh nướng nhân ngọt ☊ (N) Essen

OPD : Take out a piece of papeer. Studying
OPD : pierced ear Describing People
OPD : pie pan Kitchen Utensils
OPD : pie A Coffee Shop Menu
OPD : pierced earrings Shoes and Accessories
OPD : copies of ID and credit cards Emergency Procedures
OPD : copies of important papers Emergency Procedures
OPD : make copies Office Skills
OPD : photocopier An Office
OPD : eyepiece Science
OPD : revolving nosepiece Science
OPD : pier The Beach

VSLW123 rỗi/rảnh ☊ (S) free, unoccupied vsl1
VSLW123 nhàn ☊ (S) unoccupied, not busy vsl2
VSLW123 khăn mỏ quạ ☊ (S) head piece in traditional VN style vsl3

DUOS Cái bánh táo the apple cake / apple pie Classifiers 1
DUOS Khi cô ấy trở lại, cô ấy hạnh phúc hơn tôi nghĩ. When she returns, she is happier than I think. Verbs 2.5
DUOS Người đàn ông muốn tìm ra ai là người phụ nữ hạnh phúc nhất. The man wants to find out who is the happiest woman. Verbs 2.5

50L Chị ấy đã lấy một miếng sô cô la. * She took a piece of chocolate. 083