like: Hill
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VNEN đồi * hill *

all words:
VNEN băng ngàn * go up hill and down dale *
VNEN cay như ớt * hot as chilli, red pepper *
VNEN cái ớn lạnh * chills, shivers *
VNEN cảm hàn * to catch cold, catch a chill *
VNEN cảm thấy ớn lạnh * to feel cold, have chills, shiver *
VNEN du canh du cư * shifting cultivation of wandering hill tribes *
VNEN dặm ngàn * way up hill and down dale, frontier area *
VNEN gò đống * hills and mounds *
VNEN lành lạnh * a little chilly, slightly cold *
VNEN lãnh đạm * cold, chilly, apathetic, indifferent *
VNEN lăng * (1) sheat-fish
(2) mound, hillock, imperial tomb
(3) angle
(4) to insult, offend, invade
VNEN lạnh buốt * icy, chilling, freezing cold *
VNEN lạnh bụng * a bowel complaint, a chill on the stomach *
VNEN lạnh mình * to grow cold, shiver, feel a chill *
VNEN lạnh người * to get the chills, grow cold, feel one’s blood freeze *
VNEN lặn lội * take pains, brave dangers, travel up hill and down dale, go *
VNEN * hill, mound; what, where; tissue *
VNEN ngọn * [CL for mountains, hills]; peak (of a mountain), top, tip, end, summit *
VNEN ngọn đồi * hilltop *
VNEN quả * (1) fruit, result, [CL for fruits, mountains, hills, balls]
(2) exactly, honestly; honest, exact, true
(3) betel box, round lacquered box
(4) few, sparse, widowed
(5) courageous
VNEN roi * (1) whip, switch, rod, cane
(2) (hill) apple
VNEN ruộng rộc * fields between two hills *
VNEN yểng * hill myna *
VNEN Ác Xiên Luận * Achilles *
VNEN đồi * hill *
VNEN đồi núi * hills and mountains *
VNEN đồi trọc * bald hill, bare hill, treeless hill *
VNEN đụn cát * dune, sandhill *
VNEN ổ kiến * nest of ants, ant-hill *
VNEN ớn lạnh * to have chills, shake, shudder (from cold) *
VNEN ớn rét * to feel chilly, shiver *

GNOT: chilly Spatial • temperature
SNOT: hill House and home, environment • region

A2 hill (n.)

OXF3000: đồi hill
OXF3000N đồi hill

OTOP: hill * Nature Mountains and valleys
OTOP: hill * Nature Other geographic regions

BNC6000 : hill [ Rank: 1683 ] n 👪

OPD : chill Food Preparation and Safety
OPD : chills Symptoms and Injuries
OPD : Phillips screwdriver Tools and Building Supplies
OPD : hills Geography and Habitats
OPD : downhill skiing Winter and Water Sports

FN: hill n Natural_features

DUOS Có nhiều hoa và cây trên ngọn đồikia. There are many flowers and trees on that hill. Nature
DUOS ngọn đồi hill Nature