like: GP
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all words:
VNEN chim thước * magpie *
VNEN chích chòe * blackbird, magpie *
VNEN * (1) eggplant
(2) to rub, grind
VNEN cà pháo * eggplant *
VNEN cà tím * eggplant *
VNEN cột cờ * flagpole, flagstaff, flag tower *
VNEN cột phướn * flagpole (of a Buddhist temple) *
VNEN giẻ cùi * green magpie, blue magpie *
VNEN kèn túi * bagpipe *
VNEN rường * kingpost *
VNEN sáo * (1) magpie
(2) bamboo blinds
(3) stock phrase, cliché
(4) flute
(5) cook meet with bamboo shoots and spices
VNEN ác là * magpie *

OTOP: GP * Health Medical staff

OPD : eggplants Vegetables
OPD : GPS (Global Positioning system) Directions