like: Excess
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all words:
VNEN cuồng nhiệt * madly violent, excessive *
VNEN * surplus, excess, leftover, extra, spare *
VNEN dư lực * excess of strength *
VNEN giữ kẽ * show excessive caution (in one’s dealings), be overcautious *
VNEN gạo cụ * grind excessively *
VNEN lượng phóng xạ quá cao * excessively high dose of radiation *
VNEN lộng hành * abuse, abuse one’s power, excessive action *
VNEN mứa * in excess, more than one can manage *
VNEN nhẹ tênh * excessively light *
VNEN phát phì * put on excessive weight *
VNEN quá * (1) very, extremely; excessive
(2) to go beyond, go past; past
VNEN quá cao * excessively high *
VNEN quá chừng * excessively, in the extreme *
VNEN quá mức * excessive, beyond measure, more than is reasonable *
VNEN quá nhiều * very much, many, too much, excessive *
VNEN quá quắt * exaggerated, excessive *
VNEN quá tay * excessively *
VNEN quá xá * excessive, exaggerated *
VNEN quá đa * excessive, exorbitant *
VNEN quá đáng * to say to much, exaggerate, make to much of; excessive *
VNEN quá đỗi * beyond measure, excessively *
VNEN quá độ * excessive, immoderate, exorbitant *
VNEN quá ư * excessive, extremely *
VNEN * very, excessively, extremely *
VNEN sử dụng sức mạnh quá mức * to use excessive force *
VNEN thái quá * excessive, extreme *
VNEN thặng * remaider (after division), excess *
VNEN thặng dư * excess, surplus *
VNEN ti toe * to show off excessively *
VNEN tiền dư * excess, leftover money *
VNEN uống quá nhiều * to drink to excess *
VNEN vượt tốc * excess speed *
VNEN xuất siêu * excess of imports over exports, trade surplus *
VNEN * mound; excessive *

OTOP: excess * Personality and emotio Immoral

BNC6000 : excess [ Rank: 5381 ] a 👪
BNC6000 : excess [ Rank: 3286 ] n 👪

VSLW123 thừa/dư ☊ (S) more than enough, in excess vsl3
VSLW 45 thừa ☊ (S) surplus, excess [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 không quá ☊ (S) not in excess, not exceding [ Basic Reading ]