like: EMS
Beginner Level Intermediate Level
Advanced Level



all words:
VNEN bị rắc rối * to get into trouble, encounter problems *
VNEN bổ sung thêm * to add (an additional number of items) *
VNEN can chi * the signs of the heavenly stems and of the earthly branches *
VNEN cơ chừng * it seems that, apparently, seemingly *
VNEN dáng chừng * it seems that, it appears that, it looks as if *
VNEN dường như * to appear, seem that; it would appear, as it seems *
VNEN giải quyết khó khăn * to solve difficulties, problems *
VNEN gây khó khăn cho * to create problems for *
VNEN gặp khó khăn * to meet with difficulties, have problems *
VNEN hình như * to seem, appear; it seems, seemingly *
VNEN hầu như hàng ngày * almost every day, it seems like every day *
VNEN mấy cái * a few items, a few times *
VNEN một loạt vấn đề * a series of problems *
VNEN nghe chừng * it seems *
VNEN nghe như * it seems *
VNEN ngân nga * trill (when declaiming poems) *
VNEN nhã tập * collection of selected poems *
VNEN như tuồng * it seems *
VNEN như tuồng anh ta không biết gì về việc ấy cả * it seems he does not know anything about that matter at all *
VNEN phân tích hệ thống * systems analysis *
VNEN thi ca * poems and songs, poetry *
VNEN thi tập * collected poems *
VNEN thiết kế hệ thống * systems design *
VNEN thập can * the ten heaven’s stems' cyclical terms *
VNEN thập nhị chi * the twelve earth’s stems cyclical terms *
VNEN tin học phân tán * distributed information systems *
VNEN tin vặt * miscellaneous items of news *
VNEN tuồng như * it seems, it appears *
VNEN tạp hóa * various good, sundry items *
VNEN tệ nạn xã hội * social ills, problems *
VNEN tệ trạng * problems, evils, ills *
VNEN vượt qua những khó khăn hiện nay * to get through current problems *
VNEN đe nẹt * to intimidate (children) into behaving themselves *
VNEN đá quý * precious stone, gemstone *
VNEN đâu như * it seems that, seemingly, apparently *

OTOP: EMS * Technology Mobile devices
OTOP: EMS * Technology Text messages

OPD : Match the items. Studying
OPD : Clothing Problems Describing Clothes
OPD : Types of Health Problems Taking Care of Your Health
OPD : vision problems Taking Care of Your Health
OPD : Help with Health problems Taking Care of Your Health
OPD : Dental Problems Dental Care
OPD : solve math problems Job Skills
OPD : stems Flowers

VSLW123 thì phải ☊ (S) it seems that vsl3
VSLW123 thì phải ☊ (S) it seems that vsl3
VSLW 45 Hình như ☊ (S) It seems like [ Useful expressions ]
VSLW 45 hệ thống đèn trên cao ☊ (S) overhead lighting systems [ Topic Reading ]

VSLS Hình như cô ấy đi ra ngoài rồi. It seems that she has gone out already. vsl2

DUOS Nó có vẻ nguy hiểm. It seems dangerous. Common Phrases 3
DUOS Họ muốn tự mình nấu mì Ý. They want to cook pasta by themselves. Common Phrases 3