like: Bụi
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Advanced Level


VNEN bụi * (1) dust, dusty
(2) mourning, grieving
(3) thicket, brush, shrub

all words:
VNEN bờ bụi * hedge and bush, thick bush *
VNEN bụi * (1) dust, dusty
(2) mourning, grieving
(3) thicket, brush, shrub
VNEN bụi bậm * dusty *
VNEN bụi bặm * dust, dusty *
VNEN bụi cây * bush, shrubbery *
VNEN bụi hồng * red dust, the earth, this world *
VNEN bụi không gian * space dust *
VNEN bụi mù * dusty *
VNEN bụi phóng xạ * radioactive dust, fallout *
VNEN bụi phổi * pneumoconiosis *
VNEN bụi rậm * bush, brush, thicket *
VNEN bụi tre * bamboo tree, bush *
VNEN bụi đời * loose derelict, street-urchin *
VNEN cát bụi * sand and dust *
VNEN có bụi * to be (in) mourning *
VNEN cơm bụi * meal taken at an inn (usually with cheap price) *
VNEN gió bụi * dust storm *
VNEN hút bụi * to vacuum *
VNEN máy hút bụi * vacuum cleaner *
VNEN mưa bụi * small drizzling rain *
VNEN phủ đầy bụi * to be covered with dust *
VNEN phủi bụi * to dust *
VNEN tìm khắp bờ bụi * to search hedges and bushes, to look for everywhere *
VNEN túi bụi * to thrash around, beat around *
VNEN túi bụi vào chung quanh. * to thrash all around, beat around wildly *

OXF3000: bụi dirt
OXF3000: bụi dust
OXF3000N bụi cây bụi rậm bush
OXF3000D: bụi dust Staub

VSLW 45 bụi ☊ (S) dust [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 bụi mịn ☊ (S) fine dust [ Basic Reading ]

DUOS Những chiếc ghế bụi bặm the dusty chairs Reduplicative Words
DUOS Tôi thấy con mèo trên một cái bàn bụi bặm. I see the cat on a dusty table. Reduplicative Words
DUOS bụi bặm dusty Reduplicative Words
DUOS Những du khách thích ăn cơm bụi hơn ăn ở một nhà hàng. The tourists like to eat meals taken from an inn more than eating in a res Informal Expressions
DUOS Cô ấy luôn ăn cơm bụi. She always eats meals taken from an inn. Informal Expressions
DUOS Cơm bụi meals taken from an inn Informal Expressions

50L Ai hút bụi? * Who does the vacuuming? 020

SYL bùi SYL bụi