like: Animal
Beginner Level Intermediate Level
Advanced Level


VNEN con thú * animal *
VNEN con vật * animal *

all words:
VNEN canh mục * farming and animal husbandry *
VNEN chim muông * birds and beasts, animals *
VNEN chăn nuôi * to rear, breed; animal raising, husbandry *
VNEN con * (1) [CL for animals and other small objects]
(2) child; you (said to a child by a parent); I (said to a parent by a child), I (said by a believer to a religious figure)
(3) young, small, baby
VNEN con thú * animal *
VNEN con vật * animal *
VNEN con vật pha giống * a hybrid animal *
VNEN cân hơi * weight of an animal still alive, live weight *
VNEN cân móc hàm * to weigh an animal slaughtered, weight of an animal slaughtered *
VNEN cầm thú * animals *
VNEN cầm tinh * to be born under the auspices of (one of the twelve animals whose *
VNEN cẩu trệ * animal, beast *
VNEN cỗ lòng * internal organs (of animal) *
VNEN gia súc * cattle, livestock, domestic animals *
VNEN giết trộm * to poach (animals) *
VNEN giống thú * animal species *
VNEN giới động vật * the animal kingdom *
VNEN gây giống * to breed (plants or animals) *
VNEN hang ổ * lair (of animals), den (of thieves) *
VNEN hiếu sinh * kind to animals, reluctant to kill animals; to love life, fear death *
VNEN hổ lang * cats, wild fierce animals, ferocious beasts *
VNEN loài vật * animal kingdom *
VNEN lục súc * the six kinds of domestic animals and fowls *
VNEN muông * quadruped, animal, hound *
VNEN muông thú * wild animals, wild quadrupeds, (wild) beast *
VNEN móng guốc * hoof (of animals such as horses, cattle, sheep) *
VNEN mục súc * cattle breeding, animal husbandry; grazing animals *
VNEN nghiên cứu sử dụng súc vật * animal research *
VNEN nuôi trồng * rear (animals) and grow (plants) *
VNEN nái * female of certain animals *
VNEN nọng * neck (flesh of an animal’s neck) *
VNEN phèo * (1) tasteless
(2) bowels, intestines of animals
(3) to give off, ooze out
(4) fleetingly, quickly
(5) extremely, very
VNEN phóng sinh * to leave uncared for, neglect, set free (animal) *
VNEN rừng nhám * forest frequented by wild animals and robbers *
VNEN súc * (1) to raise (animals)
(2) bale, bundle
(3) to rinse
(4) to hold, contain, arrest
VNEN súc khoa * animal husbandry *
VNEN súc mục * breeding, raising, rearing (of cattle); to raise cattle, animals *
VNEN súc sinh * animal, beast *
VNEN súc sản * animal husbandry products, dairy products *
VNEN súc vật * animal, pet, livestock *
VNEN săn trộm * to poach (animals) *
VNEN sổi * barren, sterile (of female animals) *
VNEN sừng * horn (of an animal) *
VNEN tam sinh * the three incarnations (previous, present, next); sacrifice of three animals (ox, pig, goat) *
VNEN than xương * animal charcoal *
VNEN thú * (1) animal, quadruped
(2) pleasureable, delightful; pleasure, delight
(3) to confess, admit
(4) garrison force
VNEN thú dữ * wild beast, dangerous animal *
VNEN thú rừng * jungle animal *
VNEN thú vật * animal, beast, brute *
VNEN thịt * (1) meat, flesh
(2) to kill (an animal)
VNEN thủy tộc * aquatic animals *
VNEN vi động vật * animalcule *
VNEN vật biết suy tư * a thinking animal, man *
VNEN vật nuôi * domestic animal *
VNEN ác thú * (wild) beast, creature, animal *
VNEN động vật * animal, fauna *
VNEN động vật có xương sống * vertebrate animal *
VNEN đực * (1) (of animals) male, masculine
(2) stupified, astonished
VNEN ốc * (1) snail, mollusk, shellfish, animal with a shell
(2) house
(3) screw

SNOT: animal House and home, environment • flora and fauna
SNOT: names of animals, birds, fish, insects House and home, environment • flora and fauna

A1 animal (n.)

OXF3000: động vật animal
OXF3000N động vật thú vật animal

BNC6000 : animal [ Rank: 671 ] n 👪

Tier animal động vật ☊ (N) Tiere

OPD : stuffed animals The Kid's Bedroom
OPD : Sea Animals Marine Life, Amphibians, and Reptiles
OPD : Farm Animals Domestic Animals and Rodents

FN: animal n Animals

VSLW 45 động thực vật hoang dã ☊ (S) wild animals and plants [ Basic Reading ]

DUOS Many animals are very smart. Common Phrases
DUOS Động vật the animal Animals 1
DUOS vật animal, object
DUOS Con trâu và con bò là động vật. The buffalo and the ox are animals.
DUOS Chúng tôi không bán động vật. We do not sell animals. Verbs 1
DUOS We do not sell animals. Verbs 1
DUOS Nông trại động vật animal farm Places
DUOS Những học sinh đang nghiên cứu về các động vật. The students are researching about the animals. Education
DUOS Động vật nào có cái đuôi dài nhất? Which animal has the longest tail? Animals 2
DUOS Những động vật đó là nô lệ của những con heo. Those animals are the slaves of the pigs. Miscellaneous
DUOS Những con heo đang bóc lột những động vật khác The pigs are exploiting the other animals. History