like: Address
Beginner Level Intermediate Level
Advanced Level



all words:
VNEN anh * (1) young man, elder brother, first cousin (son of parent’s older sibling), form of address to a young man
(2) England, (Great) Britain
(3) canary
(4) infant
(5) flower
(6) male hero
VNEN * grandmother; Mrs. (form of address for a woman) *
VNEN bẩm ông * sir (form of address) *
VNEN chúng cháu * we (when addressing one’s uncle or aunt or one’s *
VNEN chúng con * we (when addressing one’s parents or grandparents or one’s *
VNEN chúng em * we (when addressing one’s elder brother or sister) *
VNEN chúng tôi * we, us (excluding the person addressed) *
VNEN chư ông * gentlemen (as a term of address) *
VNEN chỗ ở * address, residence *
VNEN cách sưng hô * forms of address, ways of addressing people *
VNEN * (1) aunt (father’s sister); Miss (form of address for a young lady), etc.
(2) lonely, isolated, solitary
VNEN di trú * to immigrate, migrate, change one’s address; immigration *
VNEN diễn từ * welcoming address *
VNEN diễn văn * speech, address *
VNEN hô cách * nominative of address *
VNEN hệ thống loa phóng thanh * public address system *
VNEN kính bẩm * report respectfully (used in addressing superior) *
VNEN mình ơi * (form of address between people on a familiar basis) *
VNEN nói trống * speak without addressing the person spoken to *
VNEN thông điệp * message, memo, speech, address *
VNEN thông điệp tình trạng liên bang * State of the Union Address *
VNEN thưa * (1) (polite form of address), answer, reply
(2) sparse, thin
VNEN thưa bẩm * address (a superior) in a respectful way *
VNEN ti chức * I, me (a mandarin addressing his superior) *
VNEN trống không * empty-unaddressed *
VNEN tấu * to address to tell tale *
VNEN xưng hô * to address (a person), call *
VNEN đáp từ * reply (to a welcome address, toasts) *
VNEN đại vương * (form of address) *
VNEN địa chỉ * address, direction, destination *
VNEN địa chỉ thư từ * mail address *
VNEN địa chỉ tuyệt đối * absolute address *
VNEN địa chỉ tương đối * relative address *
VNEN địa chỉ điện tử thủ * email address *
VNEN địa chỉ ảo * virtual address *
VNEN định địa chỉ * addressing *
VNEN đồ * (1) scholar, disciple
(2) thing, article, item
(3) derogatory form of address

SNOT: address Personal identification • address

A1 address (n.) (v.)

OXF3000: địa chỉ address
OXF3000N địa chỉ đề địa chỉ address

OTOP: address * Technology Email
OTOP: address * Technology Websites

BNC6000 : address [ Rank: 1566 ] n 👪
BNC6000 : address [ Rank: 1625 ] v 👪

OPD : address Personal Information
OPD : return address The Post Office
OPD : mailing address The Post Office
OPD : Address the envelope. The Post Office
OPD : URL / wbsite address The Internet
OPD : address the email The Internet

FN: address n Speak_on_topic
FN: address v Statement
FN: address v Topic
FN: address v Speak_on_topic
FN: address v Referring_by_name
FN: address v Resolve_problem

VSLW123 địa chỉ ☊ (S) address vsl1
VSLW123 hỏi thăm ☊ (S) to address, to ask vsl1
VSLW 67 xưng hô ☊ (S) to address (someone) [ Advanced Reading ]

DUOS Đây là địa chỉ của tôi. This is my address. Places
DUOS Họ không biết cái địa chỉ của khách sạn. They do not know the hotel's address. Places
DUOS địa chỉ address Places

50L Đây là địa chỉ của tôi. * Here is my address. 005
50L Bạn hãy đưa tôi đến địa chỉ này. * Drive me to this address. 040
50L Và đây là địa chỉ của tôi. * And here is my address. 062
50L Bạn có địa chỉ không? Vừa xong tôi vẫn còn. * Do you have the address? I had it just now. 084