like: thi hành công lý
Intermediate Level Advanced Level
Composite Words Listening Comprehension Oxford Topics Duolingo Topics 315 Activities



VNEN thi hành công lý * to carry out justice *

[ thi ] : to take an examination or a test, take part in contest or race, compete

[ hành ] : (1) scallion, spring onion; (2) to act, execute, carry out; (3) stem; (4) to go, travel (on foot); (5) one of the five elements

[ công ] : (1) labor, effort, work; (2) (bank) account; (3) peacock; (4) duke; (5) wages, salary, pay; (6) fair, equal, just; (7) public, common; (8) to attack

[ lý ] : physics; reason, principle, law

[ thi ] : exam
