like: lệ
Intermediate Level Advanced Level
Composite Words Listening Comprehension Oxford Topics Duolingo Topics 315 Activities



VNEN lệ * (1) custom, rule, regulation; (2) tear; (3) to depend on, rely on; servant; (4) to be shy; (5) epidemic; (6) lichee; (7) beautiful; (8) to encourage *

[ lệ ] : (1) custom, rule, regulation; (2) tear; (3) to depend on, rely on; servant; (4) to be shy; (5) epidemic; (6) lichee; (7) beautiful; (8) to encourage

VSLW 67 tục lệ truyền thống ☊ (S) traditional customs [ Intermediate Reading ]

人人都要遵守交通规则。 Rén rén dōu yào zūnshǒu jiāotōng guīzé. Mọi người đều phải tuân thủ luật lệ giao thông. →