like: cơ quan công quyền
Intermediate Level Advanced Level
Composite Words Listening Comprehension Oxford Topics Duolingo Topics 315 Activities



VNEN cơ quan công quyền * civil rights organization *

[ cơ ] : (1) foundation; (2) occasion, opportunity, circumstance; (3) odd; (4) regiment; (5) machine, mechanism, motor, engine; (6) airplane; (7) hunger, famine; (8) muscle; (9) outburst, crisis

[ quan ] : (1) official, officer; (2) franc (unit of currency); (3) coffin; (4) sense

[ công ] : (1) labor, effort, work; (2) (bank) account; (3) peacock; (4) duke; (5) wages, salary, pay; (6) fair, equal, just; (7) public, common; (8) to attack

[ quyền ] : (1) acting (president, etc.); (2) authority, power; (3) right (to do something)

[ quyền ] : access
