like: bỏ đảng để phản đối
Intermediate Level Advanced Level
Composite Words Listening Comprehension Oxford Topics Duolingo Topics 315 Activities



VNEN bỏ đảng để phản đối * to quit the party in protest *

[ bỏ ] : (1) to leave, quit, abandon (a policy), drop, divorce; (2) to insert, put, invest (into)

[ đảng ] : party, gang, band

[ để ] : (1) in order to, so, so that; to allow, permit; to put, place, let (someone do something)

[ phản ] : (1) wooden bed, camp bed; (2) to turn back, oppose, be contrary; (3) to counter, betray

[ bỏ ] : abandon
[ bỏ ] : drop
[ bỏ ] : quit

[ để ] : so that
