like: bất đồng căn bản
Intermediate Level Advanced Level
Composite Words Listening Comprehension Oxford Topics Duolingo Topics 315 Activities



VNEN bất đồng căn bản * basic, fundamental differences, disagreements *

[ bất ] : (1) not, non-, un-; (2) type of card game

[ đồng ] : (1) unit of currency, money; coin; (2) field; (3) same, co-, fellow; (4) copper, brass

[ căn ] : (1) apartment, flat; (2) [CL for houses, apartments, rooms]; (3) cause, origin, root

[ bản ] : (1) edition, version, tablet, block, copy, print, piece, document, edition, impression; (2) [CL for scripts, songs, plays, statements, treaties]; (3) root, basis, base, origin, source
