like: đi nghênh ngang ngoài phố
Intermediate Level Advanced Level
Composite Words Listening Comprehension Oxford Topics Duolingo Topics 315 Activities



VNEN đi nghênh ngang ngoài phố * to be swaggering about in the streets, blocking the way *

[ đi ] : to go; (particle used to form commands, suggestions)

[ nghênh ] : (1) to look round, look about one; (20 to welcome

[ ngang ] : across, horizontal, through; level, equal

[ ngoài ] : besides, outside, aside from, in addition; without, exterior, external; up north (referring to the northern part of VN)

[ đi ] : go

[ ngang ] : sideways

[ ngoài ] : beyond
[ ngoài ] : out
[ ngoài ] : outer
