Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Goethebuch VieEngDeu
Oxford 3000VieEng
sān drei
十三 shísān dreizehn
二十三 èrshí sān dreiundzwanzig
三十 sānshí dreißig
三点差一刻 sān diǎn chà yíkè Viertel vor drei
三明治 sānmíngzhì Sandwich
星期三 xīngqī sān Mittwoch
三月份 sān yuèfèn März
沮丧的 jǔsàng de deprimiert
雨伞 yǔsǎn Regenschirm
散布开来 sànbù kāi lái sich verbreiten
散步 sànbù spazierengehen
三角架 sān jiǎo jià Stativ
散布 sàn bù verbreiten
散布谣言 sàn bù yáo yán ein Gerücht verbreiten
沮丧的 jǔ sàng de deprimiert
三分之一 sān fēn zhī yī Drittel
三角 sānjiǎo Dreieck
把某人的注意力从 ... 分散 bǎ mǒurén de zhùyìlì cóng ... fēnsàn jemanden ablenken von ...
耗散 hàosàn Zerstreuung
熏三文鱼 xūn sānwényú geräucherte Lachs
散热器 sànrèqì Kühler
降落伞 jiàngluòsǎn Fallschirm
三和弦 sān héxián Dreiklang
把某物转录到MP3播放器上 bǎ mǒuwù zhuǎnlù dào MPsān bōfàngqì shàng etwas auf den MP3-Player überspielen
小便, 撒尿 xiǎobiàn, sāniào pinkeln
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng
Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
A + * * san1 three 1. drei 2. immer wieder, mehrmals +
A 散步 + * * san4 bu4 take a walk spazieren gehen +
B + * * san3 umbrella 1. Schirm 2. schirmförmiger Gegenstand +
B 嗓子 + * * sang3zi throat/ larynx/ voice Kehle +
C 再三 + * * zai4san1 again-three/ again and again/ over and over again immer wieder, abermals +
C + * * san3 break up/ disperse/ distribute/ give out/ dispel sich lösen,sich lockern,auseinandergehen,verstreut siehe san4 +
C 散文 + * * san3wen2 prose/ literary works including scribbles/ essays; etc. Prosa,literarische Werke +
C + * * san4 break up/ disperse/ distribute/ give out/ dispel 1. sich trennen, sich auflösen,auseinandergehen 2. verbreiten, ausstreuen, verteilen 3. vertreiben, zerstreuen, herauslassen siehe san3 +
C 散布 + * * san4bu4 scatter/ disseminate/ spread/ sow ausstreuen,verbreiten,etw. in Umlauf bringen +
C 喪失 + * * sang4shi1 lose/ forfeit verlieren, einbüßen +
C 分散 + * * fen1san4 distract/ divert/ decentralize/ disperse/ distribute verstreuen, zerstreuen, dezentralisieren +
D 擴散 + * * kuo4san4 diffuse sich ausbreiten, sich verbreiten +
D 解散 + * * jie3san4 dismiss/ disband auflösen +
D 三番五次 + * * san1 fan1 wu3 ci4 again and again/ time and again immer wieder, wiederholt, mehrmals +
D 三角 + * * san1jiao3 triangle Dreieck, Trigonometrie +
D + * * san1 three drei (kompliziert) +
D 散發 + * * san4fa1 emanate etwas von sich geben, ausströmen, verteilen, verbreiten +
D 桑樹 + * * sang1shu4 mulberry Maulbeerbaum +
D 一哄而散 + * * yi1 hong4 er2 san4 break up in a hubbub wild durcheinander laufen, sich wild zerstreuen +
D 雨傘 + * * yu3san3 umbrella Regenschirm +
D 朝三暮四 + * * zhao1 san1 mu4 si4 blow hot and cold/ play fast and loose heute so, morgen so , wetterwendisch, allzu unbeständig +
D 接二連三 + * * jie1 er4 lian2 san1 one after another/ in quick succession eins nach dem anderen, ununterbrochen +
Oxford 32000EngGloss

Mcc SentencesGbEngDeuVie
20 三明治 + I ordered a sandwich. Ich habe ein Sandwich bestellt.
53 夫妻 公园 散步 + The couple are taking a walk in the park. Ein Ehepaar macht einen Spaziergang im Park.
162 苹果 + I've got three apples. Ich habe drei Äpfel.
180 爷爷 树林 散步 + The old man is taking a walk in the woods. Der alte Mann macht einen Spaziergang im Wald.
191 出门 + Whenever he leaves home, he always takes an umbrella with him. Wenn er hinausgeht, trägt er immer einen Regenschirm.
872 他们 养育 孩子 + They've raised three children. Sie haben drei Kinder groß gezogen. (=altes Foto ,-) )
1041 他们 全家 公园 散步 + His whole family took a walk in the park. Seine ganze Familie macht einen Spaziergang im Park.
1549 癌细胞 扩散 + The cancer cells have spread.
1630 纸币 散开 + The paper money is scattered.
1660 扩散 + There has been nuclear proliferation.
2214 犯错 + He makes mistakes again and again.
2424 感到 沮丧 + She feels frustrated.
2425 他们 教堂 丧事 + They're holding the funeral ceremony in the church.
2759 表示 第三 意思 + The character 丙 (bing) denotes the idea of Number 3.
2878 虫吃 桑叶 + Silkworms eat mulberry leaves.
3160 可以 遮挡 阳光 + Umbrellas can block the sunshine.
3568 雨伞 + She's holding an umbrella.
3754 去年 三亚 男朋友 作伴 + I had a journey to Sanya in Hainan Province last year, and my boyfriend accompanied me.
3777 长江 人民 为了 三峡大坝 修建 作出 巨大 牺牲 + People on both sides of Changjiang River have sacrificed a lot for the building of the Three Gorges. Die Menschen an beiden Ufern des Yangtze haben für den Bau des Drei Schluchten Damms ungeheure Opfer auf sich genommen.
Lesson 009. Weather and Seasons in Chinese.
san1 + three
Lesson 009. Weather and Seasons in Chinese.
shi2san1 + thirteen
Lesson 009. Weather and Seasons in Chinese.
san1yue4 + March
Lesson 011. Buying and Bargaining in Chinese.
san1 bai3 + three hundred
Lesson 011. Buying and Bargaining in Chinese.
san1bai3 jiu3shi2 ba1 + three hundred ninety-eight
Lesson 014. Calendar and Time.
san1yue4 + March
Lesson 014. Calendar and Time.
xing1qi1san1 + Wednesday
Lesson 014. Calendar and Time.
san1 ge4 xiao3shi2 + three hours
Lesson 014. Calendar and Time.
san1 dian3zhong1 + three o'clock
Lesson 014. Calendar and Time.
san1dian3 shi2wu3fen1 + three fifteen
Lesson 015. Making Phone Calls in Chinese.
Da4gai4 san1 dian3. + at about three o'clock
Lesson 015. Making Phone Calls in Chinese.
san1 wei4 + three persons
Lesson 019. Traveling in China. Pt 1.
san1 lou2 + third floor
Lesson 023. Asking Age in Mandarin Chinese.
Wo3 san1 sui4. + I am three years old.
Lesson 023. Asking Age in Mandarin Chinese.
Wo3 san1shi2 sui4. + I am thirty years old.
Lesson 025. Colours and Numbers. Review.
san1 + three
Lesson 025. Colours and Numbers. Review.
shi2san1 + thirteen
Lesson 028. Finding and Renting an Apartment.
san1 tao4 gong1yu4 + three apartments
Lesson 028. Finding and Renting an Apartment.
mei3 san1si4 tian1 + every three or four days
Lesson 029. Buying Food in a Supermarket.
san1 ci4 + three times
Lesson 042. Teaching Mandarin.
shang4 san1 ge4 xiao3shi2 de ke4 + to attend three hours of classes
Lesson 042. Teaching Mandarin.
Wo3 mei3tian1 shang4 san1 ge4 xiao3shi2 de Zhong1wen2 ke4. + I attend three hours of Chinese classes every day.
Lesson 042. Teaching Mandarin.
di4-san1 + the third
Lesson 042. Teaching Mandarin.
di4-san1 ge4 + the third one
Lesson 043. Chinese Traditional Art.
san1 fu2 hua4 + three paintings
Lesson 043. Chinese Traditional Art.
hua4 san1 fu2 hua4 + to paint three paintings
Lesson 044. Driving in China.
gua4 san1 dang3 + to put into the third gear
Lesson 046. Baby Talk in Mandarin.
san4bu4 + to go for a walk
Lesson 046. Baby Talk in Mandarin.
Wo3men zhi1hou4 chi1fan4fan4, jiu4 qu4 wai4mian san4bu4, hao3 ma? + After we finished eating, let's go outside for a walk, ok?
Lesson 047. Marriage and Wedding.
Ta1 jie2 guo4 san1 ci4 hun1. + He married three times.
Lesson 052. Chinese Antiques.
san1 tao4 + three sets
Lesson 053. In the Gym.
sang1na2 + sauna
Lesson 053. In the Gym.
Zhe4li3 you3 sang1na2 ma? + Is there a sauna here?
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