VNEN nhỏ tuổi * young * 103 VNEN trẻ * young * 103 VNEN trẻ tuổi * young * 103

Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Goethebuch VieEngDeu
già và trẻ old and young alt und jung
70 năm về trước ông còn trẻ. 70 years ago he was still young. Vor 70 Jahren war er noch jung.
Hồi tôi còn bé, tôi có thể chạy rất nhanh. + When I was young, I could run very fast.
Nur và Chelsea còn quá trẻ. Tôi nghĩ họ không nên kết hôn. + Nur and Zaina are too young. I don't think they should get married.
Tôi từng phải học nhiều môn khi tôi còn bé. + I had to take a lot of classes when I was younger.
Ai là học sinh ít tuổi nhất trong lớp? + Who's the youngest student in the class?
Cậu cần sự bình tĩnh để dạy bọn trẻ nhỏ. + You need patience to teach young children.
Họ còn qua trẻ để kết hôn. > Họ không đủ lớn để kết hôn. + They're too young to get married. — They're not old enough to get married.

Em trai của cô ấy + her younger brother

Anh trai và em trai + The elder brother and the younger brother

Em trai và em gái của tôi có ba con cá. + My younger brother and younger sister have three fishes.

Anh trai và em trai + the elder brother and the younger brother

Em trai của cô ấy + Her younger brother

Tôi vẫn trẻ. Tôi vẫn muốn đi chơi. + I am still young. I still want to go out.

Cô ấy trẻ hơn tôi hai tuổi. + She is two years younger than me.

trẻ + young

Anh ấy là một nhà sử học trẻ. + He is a young historian.

Anh ấy là một nhà nghiên cứu trẻ. + He is a young researcher

John là một thanh niên, 24 tuổi. + John is a young adult, at 24 years of age.

Em làm anh thấy trẻ lại + You make me feel young again
GNOT Qualitative • age young nhỏ +
young trẻ +
SNOT • family youngest child con út +
SNOT Personal identification • family younger brother em trai +
SNOT Personal identification • family younger sister +
SNOT Personal identification • family youngest sister +
Oxford 3000VieEng
trẻ young
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
1-1. Person Exercise 1-1-4 Junge 1. boy, 2. youngster   (n-Dekl.)
1-1. Person Exercise 1-1-6 Jugendliche young person, adolescent   (Adj. Dekl.)
2-1. Körper Exercise 2-1-13 jung young
9-2. Kleidung Exercise 9-2-7 klein 1. small, 2. short, 3. younger
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Exercise 3-3 Er ist drei Jahre jünger als ich. + Jahr He's three years younger than me. Anh ấy trẻ hơn tôi ba tuổi.
Exercise 4-2 Mein jüngster Bruder geht noch zur Schule.  + Bruder My youngest brother's still in school.  Em trai út của tôi vẫn còn ở trường.
Exercise 4-6 Mein jüngster Sohn ist vier.  + Sohn My youngest son is four.  Con trai út của tôi là bốn.
Exercise 5-1 Für diesen Film bist du noch zu jung.  + jung You're too young for this movie.  Bạn còn quá trẻ cho bộ phim này.
Exercise 5-1 Meine Mutter ist jung geblieben.  + jung My mother stayed young.  Mẹ tôi vẫn còn trẻ.
Exercise 5-1 Claudia ist 21. – Was? Noch so jung?  + jung Claudia's 21. - What? Still young?  Claudia's 21. - Cái gì? Còn trẻ?
Exercise 5-1 Ich habe sehr jung geheiratet.  + jung I got married very young.  Tôi đã kết hôn rất trẻ.
Exercise 5-1 Bei uns im Haus wohnen viele junge Leute.  + jung Many young people live in our house.  Nhiều thanh niên sống trong nhà chúng tôi.
Exercise 5-1 Mein Bruder ist zehn Jahre jünger als ich.  + jung My brother's ten years younger than me.  Em trai của tôi mười tuổi trẻ hơn tôi.
Exercise 5-1 Ich bin oft ausgegangen als ich jung war.  + jung I went out a lot when I was young.  Tôi đã đi ra ngoài rất nhiều khi còn trẻ.
Exercise 5-1 Man ist nur einmal jung.  + jung You're only young once.  Bạn chỉ còn trẻ một lần.
Exercise 6-7 Gibt es hier einen Sportverein für Jugendliche?  + für Is there a sports club for young people here?  Có một câu lạc bộ thể thao dành cho thanh thiếu niên ở đây không?
Exercise 9-7 Nicht nur junge Leute tragen Jeans.  + Jeans Not only young people wear jeans.  Không chỉ những người trẻ tuổi mặc quần jean.
Exercise 11-6 Das jüngste Kind ist der Liebling der ganzen Familie.  + Liebling The youngest child is the darling of the whole family.  Con út là đứa con yêu của cả gia đình.
Exercise 11-7 Er sieht jung aus für sein Alter.  + Alter He looks young for his age.  Anh ấy trông trẻ vì tuổi tác của mình.
Exercise 13-1 Viele Jugendliche gehen gerne in die Disko.  + Jugendliche Many young people like to go to the disco.  Nhiều thanh thiếu niên thích đi chơi disco.
Exercise 13-1 Der Eintritt ist für Kinder und Jugendliche bis 16 Jahre frei. + Jugendliche Entrance is free of charge for children and young people up to 16 years of age. Lối vào miễn phí cho trẻ em và thanh thiếu niên từ 16 tuổi trở lên.
Exercise 19-2 Ein weibliches Huhn heißt Henne, ein männliches nennt man Hahn und ein junges Küken.  + Huhn A female chicken is called hen, a male one is called rooster and a young chick.  Một con gà cái được gọi là gà mái, một con đực được gọi là gà trống và một con gà con.
Exercise 20-4 Dieses Spiel ist bei Jugendlichen sehr beliebt.  + beliebt  This game is very popular with young people.  Trò chơi này rất phổ biến với những người trẻ tuổi.
Exercise 22-3 Du musst die Tatsache berücksichtigen, dass er zu jung ist.  + berücksichtigen You have to take into account the fact that he's too young.  Bạn phải tính đến thực tế là anh ta còn quá trẻ.
Exercise 27-3 Sie hat schon sehr jung geheiratet.  + heiraten She married very young.  Cô kết hôn rất trẻ.
Exercise 32-6 Ich möchte nicht in der Stadt wohnen, zumindest jetzt nicht, wenn die Kinder noch so klein sind.  + zumindest I don't want to live in the city, at least not now, when the kids are so young.  Tôi không muốn sống ở thành phố, ít nhất là không phải lúc này, khi những đứa trẻ còn quá trẻ.
Exercise 34-9 Ich hätte ihn jünger geschätzt.  + schätzen I would have guessed him younger.  Tôi sẽ đoán cậu ấy trẻ hơn.
Exercise 37-9 Wir suchen für diese Arbeit möglichst junge Leute.  + möglichst We are looking for young people for this work.  Chúng tôi đang tìm kiếm những người trẻ tuổi cho công việc này.
Exercise 38-2 Die Teilnehmer waren hauptsächlich junge Leute.  + Teilnehmer The participants were mainly young people.  Những người tham gia chủ yếu là những người trẻ tuổi.
Exercise 43-1 Sie hat viele junge Künstler gefördert.  + fördern She has supported many young artists.  Cô đã hỗ trợ nhiều nghệ sĩ trẻ.
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng

Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode
young Describing People 1
+ + 103 Agriculture Livestock Hähnchen + chicken, young rooster + A

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
A 妹妹 + * * mei4mei younger sister jüngere Schwester +
A 青年 + * * qing1nian2 young person/ youth Jugend,Jugendlicher +
A 年輕 + * * nian2qing1 young jung, jugendlich +
A 小(小李) + * * xiao3 small/ little/ petty/ minor/ young 1. klein, geringfügig, unbedeutend 2. eine kurze Weile 3. jung +
A 小姐 + * * xiao3jie young lady/ Miss/ miss Fräulein, junge Frau +
A 弟弟 + * * di4di younger brother jüngerer Bruder +
B 叔叔 + * * shu1shu father's younger brother/ uncle jüngerer Bruder de Vaters, Onkel,Schwager +
B 年青 + * * nian2qing1 young jung +
B 小伙子 + * * xiao3huo3zi young fellow/ lad junger Mann +
C 嬸子 + * * shen3zi aunt/ wife of father's younger brother Tante, Frau des jüngeren Bruders des Vaters +
C 幼兒園 + * * you4'er2yuan2 young-child-garden/ kindergarten/ nursery school Kindergarten +
C 幼稚 + * * you4zhi4 young-childish/ childish/ puerile/ immature/ naive jung, klein, kindisch, naiv +
C 上下 + * * shang4xia4 up and down/ high and low/ old and young hoch und niedrig,alt und jung,von oben bis unten +
C 少女 + * * shao4nü3 young girl/ unmarried girl/ teenage girl junge Frau, unverheiratete Frau +
C 少先隊 + * * shao4xian1dui4 Young Pioneers Junge Pioniere +
D + * * you4 young 1. jung, minderjährig 2.Kinder +
Oxford 32000EngGloss

Mcc SentencesGbEngDeuVie
40 妹妹 + My younger sister is crying. Meine jüngere Schwester weint.
60 弟弟 + He's my younger brother. Er ist mein jüngerer Bruder.
165 弟弟 + My younger brother is six years old. Mein jüngerer Bruder ist sechs Jahre alt.
167 妹妹 + My younger sister is eight years old. Meine jüngere Schwester ist acht Jahre alt.
170 弟弟 + I have a younger brother. Ich habe einen jüngeren Bruder.
381 年轻 美丽 + She's young and beautiful. Sie ist jung und schön.
536 妹妹 海边 石头 + My younger sister has gone to the seashore to collect stones. Meine jüngere Schwester geht zur Küste, um Steine zu sammeln.
802 少年 活泼 + The young boys are very spirited. Junge Leute sind sehr lebhaft.
915 年轻 艺术家 + She's a young artist. Sie ist eine junge Künstlerin.
963 动物 保护 子女 天性 + It's in animals' nature to protect their young. Tiere haben einen angeborenen Instinkt, ihr Junges zu schützen.
1233 弟弟 怀 + She's holding her younger brother in her arms. Sie herzt ihren jüngeren Bruder.
1340 弟弟 + My younger brother is crying. Mein jüngerer Bruder weint.
1368 年轻 美丽 + She's young and pretty. sie ist jung und schön-
1425 妹妹 + She has two younger sisters. Sie hat zwei jüngere Brüder.
1588 年轻人 追求 时尚 + Young people try to be trendy (lit., pursue the current fashion).
1910 年轻人 喜欢 酒吧 + Young people like to drink in bars.
2621 小姨 看书 + She's reading with her youngest aunt.
2727 弟弟 花盆 + Younger brother is standing in the flowerpot.
2763 幼鸟 羽翼 渐渐 丰满 + The wings of the young birds have gradually become stronger.
3301 婶婶 医生 + My aunt [father's younger brother's wife] is a doctor.
3542 弟弟 小幺 + My younger brother is the youngest in my family.
3658 丈夫 一个 非常 英俊 年轻人 + Her husband is a very handsome young man.
3740 年轻人 老年人 活力 + Young people have more energy than old people.
Lesson 013. My Family.
mei4mei + younger sister
Lesson 013. My Family.
di4di + younger brother
Lesson 023. Asking Age in Mandarin Chinese.
nian2qing1 + young
10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng

il est considérablement plus jeune que moi + he’s considerably younger than I am

je fais plus jeune sans maquillage + I look younger without makeup

le gouvernement cherche à exploiter les jeunes + the government is trying to exploit young people

le jeune Français propose une promenade au parc + the young Frenchman proposed a stroll through the park

tu es trop jeune pour t’entraîner + you’re too young to receive training

c’est une jeune fille de seize ans + she’s a young girl of sixteen years

il ne faut pas sous-estimer la capacité de lecture des jeunes + one must not underestimate the reading abilities of young people

la jeune femme baisse encore un peu plus la tête + the young woman bows her head a little lower

le jeune reste sous statut scolaire + the young man remains in student status

une jeune fille appelait au secours + a young girl was crying for help

nous étions alors de jeunes adolescents + we were young teenagers at the time

le jeune homme a été abattu par la police + the young man was killed by the police

un peu jeune pour du trafic d’organes, non? + a little young to be trafficking in organs, hey?

nous faisons de la prévention auprès des jeunes enfants + we’re being preventive with our young children

il est jeune et sportif + he’s young and athletic

je suis tombé dedans quand j’étais petit + I fell into it when I was young

le jeune homme cumule trois diplômes prestigieux + the young man is earning three prestigious degrees

la restauration emploie beaucoup de jeunes + catering employs many young people

quand elle était jeune, elle était danseuse + when she was young, she was a dancer
Wordnet ChineseGb
Wordnet GermanGer
Wordnet EnglishEng
103 young +
103 young +
103 young +
103 young +
103 young +
103 young +
103 young +
103 Young +
103 Young +
103 Young +
103 Young +
103 Young +
103 Young +
103 Young +
Wordnet FrenchFra
Wordnet SpanishSpa
Wordnet ItalianIta
Wordnet ThaiThai
Wordnet FinnishFin
Wordnet VietnameseVie
Wiktionary VietnameseVie
young trẻ, trẻ tuổi + +
trẻ + + young