VNEN con giai * son * 103 VNEN thằng con trai * son * 103

Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
der Sohn son Con trai
Ich habe zwei Söhne. I have two sons. Tôi có hai cậu con trai.
Goethebuch VieEngDeu
Người con trai the son der Sohn
Chúng ta có giờ học. We are having class / a lesson. Wir haben Unterricht.
Đó là những mùa trong năm: These are the seasons: Das sind die Jahreszeiten:
Và túi xách tay thực sự là rất rẻ. And the bag is really very reasonable. Und die Handtasche ist wirklich sehr preiswert.
Con trai tôi đã không muốn chơi với búp bê. My son did not want to play with the doll. Mein Sohn wollte nicht mit der Puppe spielen.
Cô ấy là một người rất trầm lặng. Cô ấy không nói chuyện nhiều lắm. + She's a very quiet person. She doesn't talk very much.
Sonia đi xem phim ba lần tuần trước. + Sonia went to the movies three (3) times last week.
Shakira là một người thú vị. Cô ấy từng làm nhiều nghề khác nhau và từng sống ở nhiều nơi. + Shakira's an interesting person. She's had many different jobs and has lived in many places.
Cậu đã bao giờ gặp người thành phố tiếng chưa? + Have you ever met a famous person?
Giá cả không phải nhà Wilson à? Xin lỗi, hẳn là tôi nhầm số mất rồi. + This isn't the Wilsons? I'm sorry. I must have the wrong number.
Tôi biết cô Thompson có việc làm nhưng cô ấy luôn ở nhà suốt ban ngày. Cô ấy hẳn là đi làm đêm. + I know Ms. Thompson has a job, but she's always home during the day. She must work at night.
Giá cả không phải nhà Karlson à? Xin lỗi, hẳn là tôi nhầm số mất + This isn't the Karlsons? I must have the wrong number.
Tôi đã sẵn sàng đi nhưng Sonia thì chưa. + I'm ready to go, but Sonia isn't.
Igor là người rất tốt đúng không? Đúng, ai cũng thích anh ấy. + Igor's a very nice person, isn't he? — Yes, everybody likes him.
Nếu tôi có tin gì nữa thì cậu sẽ là người đầu tiên được biết. + If I have any more news, you'll be the first person to know.
Em trãi Milena đang ở trong nhà tù vì ăn cướp. ? Anh ấy đang ngồi tù. + Milena's brother's in prison for robbery. — He's in jail.
Milena, đã đến nhà tù thăm em trai của cô ấy. + Milena went to the prison to visit her brother.
Người yêu hoà bình là người phản đối chiến tranh. + A pacifist is a person who is against war.
Lí do tôi đang gọi cho cậu là muốn xin cậu lời khuyên. + The reason I'm calling you is to ask your advice.
Camilia đưa tôi bức ảnh của con cô ấy, người đang là cảnh sát. + Camila showed me a picture of her son, who is a police officer.
Hầu hết gợi ý được đưa ra tại buổi họp không hợp lí lắm. + Most of the suggestions made at the meeting weren't very reasonable.
Anh ấy là người kiên nhẫn nhất mà tôi từng gặp. + He's the most patient person I've ever met.
Con cả anh ấy mười sáu tuổi. + His eldest son is sixteen (16) years old.
Cậu đã bao giờ ngồi tù chưa? + Have you ever been in prison? — Have you ever been in jail?
Cậu là một người độc lập và cậu có thể tự ra quyết định. Tôi không quan tâm cậu làm cái gì. + You're an independent person and can make your own decisions. I don't care what you do.
Cậu đã mơ trở thành loại người như thế nào? + What kind of person have you dreamed of becoming?
Sau khi khám phá ra anh ấy đã bị kết án sai vì tội giết người, các nhà chức trách đã cho anh ấy ra tù. + After discovering he had been wrongly accused of murder, the authorities let him out of prison.
Họ đã tìm được một mẩu bằng chứng quan trọng và giờ hắn đã ngồi tù rồi. + They happened to come across an important piece of evidence, and now he's in prison.

Tôi là một người kiên nhẫn. + I am a patient person.

Người đầu tiên là anh ấy. + The first person is him.

Ai là người cuối cùng? + Who is the last person?

Tôi là người đầu tiên yêu cô ấy. + I am the first person to love her.

Một năm có bốn mùa. + A year has four seasons.

Bạn là con trai của họ. + You are their son.

Họ cần một người như bạn. + They need a person like you.

Nhạc sĩ không thích xem tivi. + The songwriter does not like to watch tv.

+ He is a famous songwriter.

tính cách + The personality

Tôi là một người bảo thủ. + I am a conservative person ( conservative)

+ My secretary is a diligent and independent person.

Bố của tôi là một người thông minh. + My father is a smart person.

Họ đang giữ con trai của tôi. + They are keeping my son.

Một người lười biếng sẽ hoàn toàn thất bại. + A lazy person will completely fail.

Một nhà lãnh đạo cần phải là một người tốt. + A leader needs to be a good person.

nhà tù + prison

Tôi đang ở tù. + I am in prison.

+ prison

Con trai và con gái + The son and the daughter

Bạn là con trai của họ. + You are their son.

Tôi không phải là một người Đan Mạch bảo thủ. + I am not a conservative Danish person.

Bạn có thể đi đến nhà tù bằng xe buýt. + You can go to the prison by bus.

So với tôi, bạn nổi tiếng hơn. + In comparison to me, you are more famous.

So voi qua tao do, qua tao nay ngon hon. + In comparison to that apple, this appleis more delicious.

So với bạn, tôi thân thiện hơn. + In comparison to you I am more friendly.

so với + in comparison to

Tôi là một người mạnh mẽ. + I am a strong person.

Cô ấy là một người bình tĩnh. + She is a calm person

Anh ấy không phải là người thích hợp cho nhóm của chúng tôi. + He is not the suitable person for our team.

Vệ sinh cá nhân + personal hygiene

cá nhân + personal

Bài hát của anh ấy về thời trang đang được nghe rất nhiều. + His song about fashion is being listened to a lot.

Ai đã viết bài hát này? + Who wrote this song?

bài hát + song

Anh ấy yêu cô ấy chỉ vì lợi ích cán hân. + He loves her only because of personal benefit.

vị + CF (honorific for certain persons )

Ca sĩ đã hát ba mươi ba bài hát. + The singer sang thirty-three songs.

bài + CF ( units, songs)

Con trai của tôi rất ngoan. + My son is very obedient.

Anh ấy là một người rất lạ. + He is a very strange person.

Gia đình và trường giúp một đứa trẻ hình thành tính cách. + Family and school help a child to form personality.

Tại sao chúng tôi bị bắt giam? + Why are we imprisoned?

bắt giam + imprison

Lý do của bạn là gì? + What is your reason?

Anh ấy luôn có rất nhiều lý do. + He always has many reasons.

Lý do + reason

Anh ấy thà đầu hàng còn hơn trở thành một tù binh. + He would rather surrender than become a prisoner.

tù binh + prisoner

Đó là con trai của họ trong một bộ quân phục. + That is their son in an uniform.

Mẹ của tôi là một người mê tín. + My mother is a superstitious person.

Họ hoãn chuyến du lịch vì một ngườibị bệnh. + They postpone the travel because one person is sick.

Cô ấy là một người nhanh nhẹn. + She is an agile person.

Không ai thích một người cộc cằn. + Nobody likes a rude person

một người cộc cằn + rude person

Vị nhạc sĩ cằn nhằn trong khi đi bộ. + The songwriter grumbles while walking.

Chồng của người phụ nữ đó làmột người bẩn tính. + The husband of that woman is a mean person.

người dở hơi +  a crazy person

Hiện tại đang là mùa gì ở nước bạn? + What is the season in your country now?

Bạn yêu thích mùa nào? + What is your favorite season?

Đề nghị làm điều gì đó cho người khác. + Offering to do something for another person

Lý do đến đây của bạn là gì? + What is the reason for your visit?

Mình ở chung với một người nữa. + I share with one other person.

Cậu có lý do cho việc đến muộn không? + Do you have a reason for being late?

Đích thân + In person

Lãi suất hiện tại cho khoản vay cá nhân là bao nhiêu? + What's the current interest rate for personal loans?

chuyên gia nhiều kinh nghiệm + I am a seasoned professional.

Nhân viên giao hàng + Delivery person

Nhân viên bán hàng + Salesperson

Ngộ đọc thực phẩm + Food poisoning

Cha nào con nấy + Like father like son

Không phận sự miễn vào. + Authorized personnel only
GNOT Temporal • divisions of time season +
GNOT Qualitative • ownership genitive singular of personal noun +
SNOT Personal identification • family son con trai +
SNOT Free time, entertainment • radio, TV, etc., song +
SNOT • holidays English person người Anh +
SNOT Relations with other people • crime and justice prison +
SNOT Education • education lessons etc. +
• education to study a lesson học bài +
SNOT Education • education lesson +
Oxford 3000VieEng
con trai son
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
1-1. Person Exercise 1-1-4 Person person
1-1. Person Exercise 1-1-6 Jugendliche young person, adolescent   (Adj. Dekl.)
1-1. Person Exercise 1-1-7 Typ 1. model, 2. type, sort of person, 3. guy, fellow
1-1. Person Exercise 1-1-9 persönlich personal
1-1. Person Exercise 1-1-15 vernünftig reasonable
1-2. Familie Exercise 1-2-1 Sohn son
2-2. Krankheit Exercise 2-2-2 Kranke sick person, patient   (Adj. Dekl.)
2-3. Unfall Exercise 2-3-2 Ursache reason
2-3. Unfall Exercise 2-3-2 Gift poison
2-3. Unfall Exercise 2-3-8 giftig poisonous
4-1. Zeit Exercise 4-1-2 Stunde 1. hour, 2. lesson
5-1. Wohnung Exercise 5-1-3 Grund 1. reason, 2. bottom, 3. plot of land
6-3. Klima, Wetter Exercise 6-3-3 Jahreszeit season
7-2. Reise Exercise 7-2-1 Saison season
Exercise 9-1-4 Vergleich comparison
Exercise 9-1-13 günstig 1. favourable, 2. reasonably priced, 3. convenient
12-1. Ausbildung Exercise 12-1-2 Lehre 1. apprenticeship, 2. lesson, 3. teachings
12-1. Ausbildung Exercise 12-1-4 Unterricht lesson
14-3. Unterhaltung, Kultur Exercise 14-3-5 Lied song
15-1. Polizei, Recht, Gesetz Exercise 15-1-4 Gefängnis prison
17-2. Meinungen Exercise 17-2-4 Begründung reason
18-2. Konflikte Exercise 18-2-8 begründen to give a reason, to found, to justify   (begründet, begründete, hat begründet)
19-2. Lokaladverbien Exercise 19-2-1 daher 1. therefore, 2. from there, 3. for that reason
20-2. Pronomen, Adverbien Exercise 20-2-5 deswegen for that reason
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Exercise 1-3 Der Eintritt kostet 10 Euro pro Person.  + Person The entrance fee is 10 Euro per person.  Phí vào cửa là 10 Euro / người.
Exercise 1-3 Ist noch Platz für eine weitere Person? + Person Is there room for one more person? Có chỗ cho một người nữa không?
Exercise 1-8 Wir haben gefeiert und Lieder gesungen. + singen* We celebrated and sang songs. Chúng tôi cử hành và hát các bài hát.
Exercise 1-8 Zu deinem Geburtstag singen wir dir ein Lied.  + Lied For your birthday, we'll sing you a song.  Đối với ngày sinh nhật của bạn, chúng tôi sẽ hát cho bạn một bài hát.
Exercise 1-8 Er hat ein Lied gesungen. + Lied He sang a song. Anh hát một bài hát.
Exercise 2-1 Die folgenden Personen haben den Test bestanden. + folgend The following persons have passed the test. Những người sau đây đã vượt qua bài kiểm tra.
Exercise 2-4 Hier gibt es zu viele Autos. Das ist meine persönliche Meinung.  + persönlich There are too many cars here. That's my personal opinion.  Có quá nhiều xe ô tô ở đây. Đó là ý kiến ​​cá nhân của tôi.
Exercise 2-4 Ich muss Herrn Meier persönlich sprechen.  + persönlich I must speak to Mr Meier personally.  Tôi phải nói chuyện riêng với ông Meier.
Exercise 2-4 Dafür müssen Sie persönlich vorbeikommen.  + persönlich You'll have to come by personally.  Bạn sẽ phải đến cá nhân.
Exercise 2-4 Das ist meine persönliche Ansicht.  + persönlich That is my personal view.  Đó là quan điểm cá nhân của tôi.
Exercise 2-5 Mein Sohn kann schon bis 100 zählen.  + zählen My son can count to 100.  Con trai tôi có thể đếm đến 100.
Exercise 2-7 Der Eintritt kostet 12 Euro pro Person.  + pro  The entrance fee is 12 Euro per person.  Phí vào cửa là 12 Euro / người.
Exercise 3-4 Sie ist ein fröhlicher Mensch.  + Mensch She's a happy person.  Cô ấy là một người hạnh phúc.
Exercise 3-9 Mein Sohn möchte Polizist werden.  + werden* My son wants to be a cop.  Con trai tôi muốn trở thành cảnh sát.
Exercise 4-4 Der Frühling ist meine liebste Jahreszeit. + Frühling Spring is my favourite season. Mùa xuân là mùa yêu thích của tôi.
Exercise 4-5 Die vier Jahreszeiten heißen Frühling, Sommer, Herbst und Winter.  + Jahreszeit The four seasons are spring, summer, autumn and winter.  Bốn mùa là mùa xuân, mùa hè, mùa thu và mùa đông.
Exercise 4-5 Der Winter ist die kalte Jahreszeit.  + Jahreszeit Winter is the cold season.  Mùa đông là mùa lạnh.
Exercise 4-5 Sie zieht den Sommer allen anderen Jahreszeiten vor.  + Jahreszeit She prefers summer to all other seasons.  Cô thích mùa hè cho tất cả các mùa khác.
Exercise 4-6 Mein jüngster Sohn ist vier.  + Sohn My youngest son is four.  Con trai út của tôi là bốn.
Exercise 4-6 Sie umarmte ihren Sohn und brachte ihn ins Bett.  + Sohn She hugged her son and put him to bed.  Cô ôm cô con trai và đưa anh ta đi ngủ.
Exercise 5-1 Mein Freund hat einen Sohn.  + haben* My friend has a son.  Bạn tôi có một con trai.
Exercise 5-8 Für die Jahreszeit ist es zu heiß.  + heiß It's too hot for the season.  Nó quá nóng cho mùa giải.
Exercise 5-9 Für die Jahreszeit ist es zu kühl.  + kühl  It's too cool for the season.  Nó quá mát mẻ cho mùa giải.
Exercise 7-4 Der Unterricht beginnt um neun und endet nachmittags um sechs.  + nachmittags Lessons begin at nine and end in the afternoon at six.  Các bài học bắt đầu lúc chín giờ và kết thúc vào buổi chiều lúc sáu giờ.
Exercise 7-5 Lehrer sollten ihren Unterricht immer gut vorbereiten.  + vorbereiten Teachers should always prepare their lessons well.  Giáo viên phải chuẩn bị bài học tốt.
Exercise 8-2 Das soll dir eine Lehre sein. + Lehre Teach you a lesson. Dạy bạn một bài học.
Exercise 8-4 Sie möchte mehr Zeit mit ihrem Sohn verbringen.  + verbringen* She wants to spend more time with her son.  Cô ấy muốn dành nhiều thời gian hơn cho con trai.
Exercise 8-9 Die Eltern schrieben dem Sohn eine Entschuldigung für die Schule.  + Entschuldigung The parents wrote the son an apology for school.  Cha mẹ đã viết cho con trai một lời xin lỗi cho trường học.
Exercise 9-1 Mein Sohn spielt am liebsten mit dem roten Ball.  + Ball My son likes to play with the red ball.  Con trai tôi thích chơi với quả bóng màu đỏ.
Exercise 10-4 Urlaub in der Hauptsaison ist immer teurer.  + Saison Vacation in the high season is always more expensive.  Kỳ nghỉ trong mùa cao điểm luôn luôn đắt hơn.
Exercise 10-4 Vor der Saison sind die Hotelpreise billiger.  + Saison Before the season hotel prices are cheaper.  Trước khi giá khách sạn mùa hè rẻ hơn.
Exercise 10-4 Erdbeeren haben jetzt Saison. + Saison Strawberries are now in season. Dâu tây hiện đang trong mùa.
Exercise 10-8 Mein Sohn ist blond.  + blond My son is blonde.  Con trai tôi tóc vàng.
Exercise 10-9 Mein Sohn ist sehr dünn. Er isst zu wenig.  + dünn My son is very thin. He doesn't eat enough.  Con trai tôi rất mỏng. Anh ấy không ăn đủ.
Exercise 11-4 Das ist nur zum persönlichen Gebrauch bestimmt.  + bestimmen This is for personal use only.  Đây chỉ cho mục đích sử dụng cá nhân.
Exercise 11-7 Die Eltern haben ihren Sohn zur Selbständigkeit erzogen. + erziehen The parents raised their son to be self-employed. Cha mẹ nuôi con trai làm nghề tự doanh.
Exercise 12-4 Er sprach über private Dinge.  + privat He was talking about personal things.  Anh ấy đang nói về những điều cá nhân.
Exercise 12-4 Die Gründe sind rein privat. + privat The reasons are purely private. Lý do là hoàn toàn riêng tư.
Exercise 12-9 Mein Sohn will Journalist werden.  + Journalist My son wants to be a journalist.  Con trai tôi muốn làm phóng viên.
Exercise 13-2 Ich melde meinen Sohn im Kindergarten an.  + anmelden I'll register my son in kindergarten.  Tôi sẽ đăng ký con trai tôi ở mẫu giáo.
Exercise 13-3 Mein Sohn ist ganz stolz, dass er die Prüfung bestanden hat.  + stolz My son is very proud to have passed the test.  Con trai tôi rất tự hào đã vượt qua bài kiểm tra.
Exercise 13-5 Mein Sohn lebt immer noch im Ausland. + Ausland My son still lives abroad. Con trai tôi vẫn sống ở nước ngoài.
Exercise 13-6 Sie dürfen nur persönliche Gegenstände mitnehmen.  + Gegenstand You may only bring personal belongings.  Bạn chỉ có thể mang đồ đạc cá nhân.
Exercise 13-6 Mein Sohn ist gut in Chemie.  + Chemie My son is good at chemistry.  Con trai tôi giỏi hóa học.
Exercise 13-6 Mein Schwiegersohn studiert Physik.  + Physik My son-in-law's studying physics.  Con dâu của tôi đang nghiên cứu vật lý.
Exercise 13-8 Mein Sohn will Medizin studieren.  + Medizin My son wants to study medicine.  Con trai tôi muốn học thuốc.
Exercise 13-8 Meine Kinder lernen im Musikunterricht gerade Noten lesen. + Note My children are learning to read music in music lessons. Con tôi đang học cách đọc nhạc trong các bài học âm nhạc.
Exercise 17-9 Ich suche für meinen Sohn einen Kindersitz fürs Auto.  + Sitz I'm looking for a car seat for my son.  Tôi đang tìm chỗ ngồi cho con trai tôi.
Exercise 18-3 Dieses Lied ist sehr bekannt.  + bekannt This song is well known.  Bài hát này được biết đến nhiều.
Exercise 18-7 Mein Sohn war am Anfang in der Schule sehr faul. Heute lernt er sehr fleißig.  + faul My son was very lazy in school at the beginning. Today he is learning very hard.  Con trai tôi lúc đầu rất lười biếng trong trường học. Hôm nay anh ấy học rất chăm chỉ.
Exercise 20-4 In Deutsch ist Ihr Sohn sehr gut, aber in Mathematik sind seine Leistungen nur durchschnittlich.  + durchschnittlich In German your son is very good, but in mathematics his achievements are only average.  Ở Đức con trai của bạn rất tốt, nhưng trong toán học thành tích của ông chỉ là trung bình.
Exercise 20-5 Unser Sohn isst sehr gerne Bonbons.  + Bonbon Our son loves to eat candy.  Con trai của chúng tôi thích ăn kẹo.
Exercise 21-6 Außerhalb der Saison ist es hier sehr ruhig.  + außerhalb Out of season it is very quiet here.  Vào mùa giải, rất yên tĩnh ở đây.
Exercise 22-1 Wir wissen wenig über seine persönliche Vergangenheit.  + Vergangenheit  We know little about his personal history.  Chúng ta biết rất ít về lịch sử cá nhân của mình.
Exercise 22-2 Sie würzte den Salat mit Zucker und Essig. + Essig  She seasoned the salad with sugar and vinegar. Cô đã trộn salad với đường và giấm.
Exercise 24-1 Was war der Grund für den Unfall? + Unfall What was the reason for the accident? Lý do của tai nạn là gì?
Exercise 25-1 Für den Einbruch hat er Gefängnis gekriegt.  + kriegen He got prison for breaking in.  Anh ta bị bắt giam.
Exercise 25-4 Ein Vergleich ist schwer möglich.  + Vergleich Comparison is difficult.  So sánh là rất khó.
Exercise 25-5 Mein Sohn arbeitet in einer Autofabrik.  + Fabrik My son works in a car factory.  Con trai tôi làm việc trong một nhà máy sản xuất xe hơi.
Exercise 25-8 Aus irgendeinem Grund schüttelte sie den Kopf. + irgendein For some reason, she shook her head. Vì một lý do nào đó, cô lắc đầu.
Exercise 25-8 Mein Sohn ist einfach mit dem Auto weggefahren, ohne mich zu fragen.  + ohne My son just drove away in the car without asking me.  Con trai tôi chỉ lái xe trong xe mà không hỏi tôi.
Exercise 25-9 Mein Sohn ist sehr gewachsen. Er ist jetzt schon größer als ich.  + wachsen* My son has grown a lot. He's already taller than me now.  Con trai tôi đã phát triển rất nhiều. Anh ấy đã cao hơn tôi bây giờ.
Exercise 27-1 Ich kann bestätigen, dass mein Sohn den ganzen Vormittag zu Hause war.  + bestätigen I can confirm that my son was home all morning.  Tôi có thể xác nhận rằng con trai tôi đã về nhà cả buổi sáng.
Exercise 28-5 Sie haben Ihre Stelle gekündigt. Aus welchem Grund?  + Grund You quit your job. For what reason?  Bạn bỏ công việc của mình. Lý do gì?
Exercise 28-5 Was hat er als Grund angegeben?  + Grund What reason did he give?  Anh ấy đã cho anh ta lý do gì?
Exercise 28-5 Dafür habe ich meine Gründe.  + Grund I have my reasons for that.  Tôi có lý do của tôi cho điều đó.
Exercise 28-5 Ich muss leider aus privaten Gründen absagen.  + Grund I'm afraid I have to cancel for personal reasons.  Tôi e rằng tôi phải hủy bỏ vì lý do cá nhân.
Exercise 28-5 Sie haben keinen Grund, sich zu beschweren.  + Grund You have no reason to complain.  Bạn không có lý do để phàn nàn.
Exercise 29-3 Diese Arbeit verlangt persönliche Opfer.  + Opfer This work demands personal sacrifices.  Công việc này đòi hỏi những hy sinh cá nhân.
Exercise 29-4 Das kann mit Gefängnis bestraft werden. + bestrafen That can be punished with prison. Điều đó có thể bị phạt tù.
Exercise 29-5 In der Fahrschule gab es theoretische Kurse und Praxisstunden.  + Fahrschule The driving school offered theoretical courses and practical lessons.  Trường lái xe đưa ra các khóa học lý thuyết và các bài học thực tiễn.
Exercise 30-2 Ich mache mir Sorgen um meinen Sohn. Er ruft nicht an.  + Sorge I'm worried about my son. He's not calling.  Tôi lo lắng về con trai tôi. Anh ấy không gọi.
Exercise 30-7 Unser Sohn entwickelt sich gut in der Schule.  + entwickeln Our son is developing well in school.  Con trai chúng tôi đang phát triển tốt ở trường.
Exercise 31-2 Mein Sohn möchte Fußballspieler werden.  + Spieler My son wants to be a football player.  Con trai tôi muốn trở thành một cầu thủ bóng đá.
Exercise 31-3 Mein Sohn ist kräftig. Er macht viel Sport und isst viel.  + kräftig My son is strong. He does a lot of sports and eats a lot.  Con trai tôi mạnh mẽ. Anh ấy chơi rất nhiều môn thể thao và ăn rất nhiều.
Exercise 31-7 Mein Sohn möchte Profisportler werden. + Profi My son wants to be a professional athlete. Con trai tôi muốn trở thành vận động viên chuyên nghiệp.
Exercise 32-7 Sie wünschen, dass ich persönlich erscheine.  + erscheinen* You want me to appear in person.  Bạn muốn tôi xuất hiện trong người.
Exercise 32-9 Für die Jahreszeit sind die Temperaturen zu niedrig.  + niedrig Temperatures are too low for the season.  Nhiệt độ quá thấp trong mùa.
Exercise 33-1 Der Sohn hat sich bei seiner Mutter über seinen Vater beschwert.  + beschweren The son complained to his mother about his father.  Con trai than phiền với mẹ mình về cha mình.
Exercise 33-1 Warum bist du auf deinen Sohn so maßlos ärgerlich?  + ärgerlich Why are you so excessively angry with your son?  Tại sao bạn quá tức giận với con trai của bạn?
Exercise 33-2 Mein Bruder ist ein sehr ordentlicher Mensch.  + ordentlich My brother is a very neat person.  Anh tôi là một người rất gọn gàng.
Exercise 33-9 Einige Pilze sind essbar, andere sind giftig.  + Pilz Some mushrooms are edible, others are poisonous.  Một số nấm ăn được, một số khác là độc hại.
Exercise 34-7 Das Gericht hat den Täter zu drei Jahren Gefängnis verurteilt.  + verurteilen The court sentenced the perpetrator to three years in prison.  Toà án đã kết án người gây án ba năm tù.
Exercise 34-7 In der Urlaubszeit gibt es viele Wohnungseinbrüche.  + Einbruch During the holiday season, there are many burglaries.  Trong mùa lễ, có rất nhiều kẻ trộm.
Exercise 34-8 Er wurde zu fünf Jahren Gefängnis verurteilt.  + Gefängnis He was sentenced to five years in prison.  Anh ta bị kết án 5 năm tù giam.
Exercise 34-8 Er sitzt im Gefängnis wegen Banküberfalls.  + Gefängnis He's in prison for robbing a bank.  Anh ta đang ở trong tù vì cướp ngân hàng.
Exercise 35-8 Wir waren im Schwimmbad. Mein Sohn ist immer wieder ins Wasser gesprungen.  + springen* We went to the swimming pool. My son used to jump in the water again and again.  Chúng tôi đến bể bơi. Con trai tôi thường xuyên nhảy xuống nước.
Exercise 36-3 Kein einziger Mensch war im Haus.  + einzig There wasn't a single person in the house.  Không có ai trong nhà.
Exercise 38-2 Betreuung für einen Kranken gesucht. + Betreuung Looking for care for a sick person. Tìm kiếm người chăm sóc.
Exercise 38-3 Dieser Eingang ist nur für das Personal.  + Personal This entrance is for personnel only.  Lối vào này chỉ dành cho nhân viên.
Exercise 38-7 Ich kann Sie beruhigen. Ihrem Sohn ist nichts passiert.  + beruhigen I can reassure you. Nothing happened to your son.  Tôi có thể trấn an bạn. Không có gì xảy ra với con trai của bạn.
Exercise 38-9 Mein Sohn hat das Glas auf die Erde fallen lassen.  + Erde My son dropped the glass on the ground.  Con trai tôi thả tấm kính xuống đất.
Exercise 39-3 Vorsicht, Gift!  + Gift Careful, poison!  Cẩn thận, độc!
Exercise 39-3 Das ist ein tödliches Gift.  + Gift It's a deadly poison.  Đó là một chất độc chết người.
Exercise 39-3 Vorsicht, das ist giftig!  + giftig Careful, it's poisonous!  Cẩn thận, nó độc!
Exercise 39-3 Viele Pilzarten sind giftig.  + giftig Many species of mushrooms are poisonous.  Nhiều loài nấm độc.
Exercise 39-3 Diese Schlange ist nicht giftig.  + giftig This snake is not poisonous.  Con rắn này không phải là chất độc.
Exercise 40-6 Persönliches Erscheinen ist erforderlich.  + erforderlich Personal appearance is required.  Xuất hiện cá nhân là bắt buộc.
Exercise 40-7 Gestern habe ich gehört, dass mein Sohn heimlich raucht. + heimlich Yesterday I heard my son was smoking in secret. Hôm qua tôi nghe thấy con trai tôi đang hút thuốc trong bí mật.
Exercise 41-1 Er hat den Bewerber zu einer persönlichen Vorstellung eingeladen.  + Vorstellung He invited the applicant to a personal presentation.  Ông đã mời người nộp đơn trình bày cá nhân.
Exercise 42-3 Ich kenne den Autor persönlich.  + Autor I know the author personally.  Tôi biết tác giả cá nhân.
Exercise 42-6 Mein Sohn malt sehr gut. Er hat viel Fantasie.  + Fantasie My son paints very well. He has a lot of imagination.  Con trai tôi sơn rất tốt. Anh ấy có nhiều trí tưởng tượng.
Exercise 43-5 Die beiden Männer wurden aus dem Gefängnis entlassen.  + entlassen*  The two men were released from prison.  Hai người đàn ông đã được thả ra khỏi nhà tù.
Exercise 43-6 Der Richter hat ihn zu einem Jahr Gefängnis verurteilt.  + Richter The judge sentenced him to a year in prison.  Thẩm phán đã kết án ông một năm tù.
Exercise 44-7 Seien Sie doch vernünftig!  + vernünftig Why don't you be reasonable?  Tại sao bạn không hợp lý?
Exercise 44-7 Das ist ein ganz vernünftiger Vorschlag.  + vernünftig That is a perfectly reasonable proposal.  Đó là một đề xuất hoàn toàn hợp lý.
Exercise 44-7 Das ist eine vernünftige Entscheidung.  + vernünftig That's a reasonable decision.  Đó là một quyết định hợp lý.
Exercise 44-9 Für meinen persönlichen Bedarf brauche ich nicht viel Geld.  + Bedarf I don't need much money for my personal needs.  Tôi không cần nhiều tiền cho nhu cầu cá nhân của tôi.
Exercise 45-1 Der Vertrag kann jederzeit ohne Begründung gekündigt werden.  + Begründung The contract can be terminated at any time without giving reasons.  Hợp đồng có thể được chấm dứt bất cứ lúc nào mà không đưa ra lý do.
Exercise 45-4 Die beiden waren persönliche Feinde. + Feind They were personal enemies. Họ là những kẻ thù cá nhân.
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng

Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode
son Families 15
+ + 103 The animal world Reptiles and amphibians Giftschlange + poisonous snake + A
+ + 103 The animal world Protection and hunting Walfänger(in) + whaler [person] + B
+ + 103 The animal world Mammals Singvogel + songbird + C
+ + 103 The human body and health Symptoms, ailments and illnesses Aidskranke(r) + person suffering from AIDS + B
+ + 103 The human body and health Symptoms, ailments and illnesses Blutvergiftung + blood poisoning + B
+ + 103 The human body and health Symptoms, ailments and illnesses Lebensmittelvergiftung + food poisoning + B
+ + 103 The human body and health Symptoms, ailments and illnesses Schwerbeschädigte(r) + severely disabled person + B
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical treatment Sonographie (Sonografie) + sonography + C
+ + 103 Physical appearance Build füllig + corpulent, portly [person]; ample, portly [figure] + C
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Good/poor judgment (un)vernünftig + (ir)rational, (un)reasonable + A
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Good/poor judgment Verstand + (common) sense, reason + A
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Good/poor judgment einsichtig + reasonable, understanding + B
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Friendliness and unfriendliness, communicativeness unverbindlich + detached, impersonal + C
+ + 103 Food and drink Cooking etw würzen + to season sth + A
+ + 103 Food and drink Herbs, spices and condiments Gewürz + spice; seasoning + B
+ + 103 Food and drink Meat, fish and poultry Hirsch- + venison + C
+ + 103 Perception Taste ungewürzt + unseasoned + B
+ + 103 Perception Sound widerhallen + to resonate, reverberate, resound, echo + C
+ + 103 Colour and light Colours purpurn + crimson + B
+ + 103 Colour and light Colours purpurrot + crimson (red) + B
+ + 103 Colour and light Colours purpurfarben + crimson + B
+ + 103 Colour and light Colours karmesin(rot) + crimson + C
+ + 103 Materials and textures Wood nicht abgelagert + unseasoned + C
+ + 103 Time The day, week and year Jahreszeit + season + A
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Music Volkslied + folk song + A
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Music Liedermacher(in) + singer-songwriter + A
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Music Song + hit, song, satirical song + A
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Music Klavierstunde + piano lesson + B
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Music Klavierunterricht + piano lessons, piano instruction + B
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Music (ein Lied) harfen + to play (a song on) the harp + B
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Theatre Abonnement + season ticket; subscription [newspaper] + B
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Theatre Abonnent(in) + season-ticket holder; subscriber [newspaper] + B
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Theatre etw abonnieren + to have a season ticket/subscription for sth + B
+ + 103 Literature and literary criticism Genres Lied + song + A
+ + 103 Literature and literary criticism Genres Sonett + sonnet + C
+ + 103 Speaking Explaining etw begründen + to explain/give reasons for sth + B
+ + 103 Reading and writing Literacy Analphabet(in) + illiterate person + C
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Tourism Saison + season + A
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Tourism Vorsaison + early season + B
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Tourism Hauptsaison + high season + B
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Tourism Nebensaison + off-season + B
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Personnel Personal + personnel, staff + C
+ + 103 Family, birth, death and marriage The family Sohn + son + A
+ + 103 Family, birth, death and marriage The family Enkel + grandchild; grandson + A
+ + 103 Family, birth, death and marriage The family Enkelsohn + grandson + B
+ + 103 Family, birth, death and marriage Death Tote(r) + dead person, fatality, casualty + B
+ + 103 Family, birth, death and marriage The family Pflegesohn + foster son + C
+ + 103 Religion Faith and practice Gesang + song, hymn + B
+ + 103 Religion Faith and practice Laie + layperson + C
+ + 103 Religion Faith and practice Abendgottesdienst + evensong + C
+ + 103 Education General Unterricht + teaching, lessons, classes, instruction + A
+ + 103 Education General Stunde + lesson, class + A
+ + 103 Education School Lektion + lesson + B
+ + 103 Education Staff and students Abiturient(in) + person who is doing/has done the Abitur + B
+ + 103 Business and commerce Ownership, management and personnel Personal + personnel + A
+ + 103 Business and commerce Ownership, management and personnel Personal-Management + personnel management + A
+ + 103 Business and commerce Ownership, management and personnel persönlicher Assistent; persönliche Assistentin + personal assistant + A
+ + 103 Business and commerce Departments Personalabteilung + personnel department + B
+ + 103 Business and commerce Ownership, management and personnel Personalleiter(in) + personnel manager + B
+ + 103 Business and commerce Marketing and sales Schlussverkauf + (end-of-season) sale + B
+ + 103 Business and commerce Ownership, management and personnel Vorsitzende(r) + chairperson + C
+ + 103 Employment Termination of employment Arbeitslose(r) + unemployed person + A
+ + 103 Employment Jobs, trades and professions Verkäufer(in) + salesperson + A
+ + 103 Employment Jobs, trades and professions Steinmetz(in) + stone mason + C
+ + 103 Employment Jobs, trades and professions Aufseher(in) + attendant [museum]; guard [prison] + C
+ + 103 Employment Jobs, trades and professions Aufsichtsbeamt(r) + attendant [museum]; guard [prison] + C
+ + 103 Employment Jobs, trades and professions Gefängniswärter(in) + prison officer + C
+ + 103 Employment Jobs, trades and professions Hausierer(in) + door-to-door salesperson + C
+ + 103 The office and computing Computing and typing Personalcomputer (PC) + personal computer (PC) + A
+ + 103 The office and computing Office equipment and materials persönliches/individuelles Briefpapier + personalized letterhead + B
+ + 103 The office and computing Computing and typing elektronisches Notizbuch + personal organizer + C
+ + 103 Post and telecommunications Post Privatbrief + personal letter + A
+ + 103 Law Crime ausbrechen + to escape [from prison] + A
+ + 103 Law Justice Freiheitsstrafe + prison sentence + A
+ + 103 Law Justice Gefängnis + prison + A
+ + 103 Law Crime jmdn vergiften + to poison sb + B
+ + 103 Law Crime Häftling + prisoner + B
+ + 103 Law Police and investigation Gefangene(r) + prisoner + B
+ + 103 Law Police and investigation Vermisste(r) + missing person + B
+ + 103 Law Justice Haftentlassung + release from prison + B
+ + 103 Law Crime Brandstiftung + arson + C
+ + 103 Law Crime Brandstifter(in) + arsonist + C
+ + 103 Law Crime Brandanschlag + arson attack + C
+ + 103 Law Justice eine Gefängnisstrafe verbüßen + to serve a prison sentence + C
+ + 103 Law Justice eine Freiheitsstrafe in eine Geldstrafe umwandeln + to commute a prison sentence to a fine + C
+ + 103 Law Justice Sträfling + prisoner + C
+ + 103 Finance Banking and investment Geheimzahl + PIN, personal identification number + A
+ + 103 Finance Profit and loss pleite (coll.) + broke [person], bust [business] + B
+ + 103 Finance Insurance Personenschaden + personal injury + B
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Geographical names and peoples Nigrer(in) + person from Niger + A
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace History Untergang + decline [empire]; ruin [person] + B
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace War jmdn gefangen halten + to hold sb prisoner + B
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Weapons Giftgas + poison gas + B
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Peace Zivildienstleistende(r) + person doing community service + B
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Peace Zivi + person doing community service + B
+ + 103 Politics and international relations Political parties Parteisprecher(in) + party spokesperson + A
+ + 103 Politics and international relations Immigration and asylum politische(r) Gefangene(r) (adj. decl.) + political prisoner + C
+ + 103 Public services, social and environmental issues Poverty and homelessness Obdachlose(r) + homeless person + A

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
A 道理 + * * dao4li3 principle/ truth/ reason/ argument 1.Wahrheit, Grundsatz, Prinzip 2. Grund, Argument +
A 青年 + * * qing1nian2 young person/ youth Jugend,Jugendlicher +
A + * * ge1 song Lied +
A 兒子 + * * er2zi son Sohn +
A 上課 + * * shang4 ke4 attend class/ give a lesson Unterricht haben,zum Unterricht gehen +
A + * * ke4 lesson/ class/ subject/ course 1. Fach, Kursus 2. Unterricht, Vorlesung 3. Lektion,ein Zählwort 4. besteuern, Steuern erheben +
A 預習 + * * yu4xi2 preview/ prepare lessons vor dem Unterricht ansehen,Lektionen vorbereiten +
A + * * ren2 person/ man/ people 1. Mensch, Person 2. Tätiger 3. andere 4. Persönlichkeit 5. jeder +
A 人們 + * * ren2men persons/ people/ the public Menschen,Leute +
A + * * sui4 years old (for a person's age) 1. Jahr 2. Alter, Lebensjahr 3. ein Zählwort,Alter +
A 孩子 + * * hai2zi child/ children/ son or daughter Kind +
B + * * zhou3 head/ first/ leader/ measure word for songs 1. Haupt, Kopf 2. Oberhaupt , Häuptling, Anführer 3. Zählwort Lied 4. der erste +
B 親自 + * * qin1zi4 personally persönlich +
B 對比 + * * dui4bi3 compare/ contrast/ comparison Kontrast +
B 一齊 + * * yi4qi2 at the same time/ in unison zur gleichen Zeit, simultan +
B 合理 + * * he2li3 reasonable/ rational angemessen, vernünftig +
B 老人 + * * lao3ren2 old person, aged alte Leute +
B 私人 + * * si1ren2 private/ personal/ one's own man/ privat, persönlich +
B 理由 + * * li3you2 reason Grund +
B 心得 + * * xin1de2 something personal acquired from study Wissen, daß man durch Arbeit und Studium erwirbt +
B 補課 + * * bu3 ke4 make up a missed lesson eine vermißte Lektion ausgleichen +
B 補習 + * * bu3xi2 take lessons after school außerhalb des Unterrichts Ergänzungslektionen nehmen +
B 季節 + * * ji4jie2 season Jahreszeit +
B 原因 + * * yuan2yin1 cause/ reason Grund +
B 教訓 + * * jiao4xun teach sb. a lesson/ lesson jmd eine Lektion erteilen, Lektion +
B 人物 + * * ren2wu4 figure/ personage Charakter, Person, Darsteller +
B 人員 + * * ren2yuan2 personnel/ staff Personal +
C 行人 + * * xing2ren2 walking-person/ pedestrian/ foot passenger Passant, Fußgänger +
C 品質 + * * pin3zhi4 character/ quality (of a person; product; etc.) Qualität, Wesen, Eigenschaft +
C 犯人 + * * fan4ren2 prisoner/ convict/ (convicted) criminal Kriminell +
C + * * huang1 waste/ desolate/ barren/ unreasonable 1. öde, verlassen, brachliegen 2. wüst, verlassen 3. Mißernte, Hungersnot 4. vernachlässigen, verlernen 5. Ödland, unkultiviertes Land 6. großer Mangel, große Knappheit +
C + * * zhen4 town/ garrison post/ trading center 1. unterdrücken, niederdrücken, nicht hochkommen lassen, lindern 2.gefaßt, ruhig, gleichmütig 3. bewachen, schützen, verteidigen 4. Garnison, Standort 5. (kleinere) Stadt +
C 親眼 + * * qin1yan3 (see) with one's own eyes/ (witness) personally mit eigenen Augen, persönlich +
C + * * du2 poison/ toxin/ narcotics 1. Gift, Giftstoff 2. Rauschgift, Droge 3.giftig 4.vergiften 5. grausam, brutal, rücksichtslos +
C + * * du2 poison/ toxin/ narcotics 1. Gift, Giftstoff 2. Rauschgift, Droge 3.giftig 4.vergiften 5. grausam, brutal, rücksichtslos +
C 烈士 + * * lie4shi4 martyr/ person of heroic ambitions Märtyrer, jmd,der ein erhabenes Ziel vor Augen hat +
C 監獄 + * * jian1yu4 prison/ jail Gefängnis,Haftanstalt +
C 念書 + * * nian4shu1 read/ study (lessons)/ attend a school or university 1.lesen 2. lernen +
C + * * duan1 extremity/ end/ beginning/ reason/ cause 1. Ende, Rand, Extrem, Spitze 2. Anfang, Beginn 3. Grund, Ursache, Anlaß 4. Punkt 5. aufrecht, richtig 6. waagerecht halten, tragen +
C 響亮 + * * xiang3liang4 loud-bright/ loud and clear/ sonorous/ resonant klingend und hell, laut und klar +
C + * * qing2 feeling/ emotion/ love/ passion/ lust/ condition/ reason 1. Gefühl, Sentiment, Gemütsbewegung 2. Gefälligkeit, Gunst, Güte 3. Zustand, Situation, Lage +
C 師範 + * * shi1fan4 teacher training/ person of exemplary virtue Pädagogik +
C 窮人 + * * qiong2ren2 poor person/ have-not/ pauper/ the poor/ the destitute Arme, arme Leute +
C 秋季 + * * qiu1ji4 autumn season/ autumn/ fall/ season of autumn Herbst +
C 消毒 + * * xiao1 du2 remove-poison/ disinfect/ sterilize/ sanitize desinfizieren +
C 知識分子 + * * zhi1shi fen4zi3 knowledge-realization-member-person/ intellectual Intellektuelle +
C 老人家 + * * lao3renjia elderly/ old person/ old parent sehr höfliche Anrede für ältere Respektsperson +
C 歌曲 + * * ge1qu3 song Lied +
C 學者 + * * xue2zhe3 learned-person/ person of learning/ scholar Wissenschaftler +
C 職員 + * * zhi2yuan2 job-person/ office worker/ staff member/ staffer/ clerk Angestellter +
C 時節 + * * shi2jie2 season/ time Saison, Zeit +
C 天才 + * * tian1cai2 heavenly-talent/ genius/ gift/ endowment/ gifted person Genie, Genialität, angeborenes Talent +
C 漁民 + * * yu2min2 fishing-person/ fisherman/ fishing people Fischer +
C 商人 + * * shang1ren2 merchant/ business person/ trader Händler, Geschäftsmann +
C 個性 + * * ge4xing4 personality/ individuality/ character Individualität, Persönlichkeit +
C 兒女 + * * er2nü3 sons and daughters/ children Kinder, Söhne und Töchter +
C 模範 + * * mo2fan4 exemplary thing or person/ fine example/ exemplary Vorbild, Muster, Beispiel +
C 媳婦 + * * xi2fu4 daughter-woman/ son's wife/ daughter-in-law Schwiegertochter, Frau des Sohns +
C 資本家 + * * zi1ben3jia1 money-principal-person/ capitalist Kapitalist +
C + * * zi3 child/ son/ person/ seed/ egg/ copper coin/ bead 1.Kind, Sohn 2. Samen 3. Ei 4. Frucht 5. etwas Kleines und Hartes 6. jung, zart, klein +
C + * * ji4 season 1.Jahreszeit, Saison 2. das Ende einer Epoche 3. letzter Monat einer Jahreszeit +
C 原理 + * * yuan2li3 original-reason/ theory/ principle/ principium Grundsatz, Prinzip +
C 聯絡 + * * lian2luo4 contact/ communicate with/ make liaison with 1. in Verbindung treten, Kontakt herstellen 2. Kontakt, Verbindung +
C 夏季 + * * xia4ji4 summer season/ summer/ season of summer Sommer, +
C 孫女 + * * sun1nü3 grandchild-daughter/ son's daughter/ granddaughter Enkelin +
C 孫子 + * * sun1zi grandchild-son/son's son/ grandson Enkel +
C 人士 + * * ren2shi4 personage/ person with certain social influence Persönlichkeit, Kreise +
C 緣故 + * * yuan2gu4 reason-cause/ reason/ cause Grund, Ursache +
C 春季 + * * chun1ji4 spring season/ spring/ season of spring/ spring time Frühling +
C 壞蛋 + * * huai4dan4 villain/ bad person/ bad egg Bösewicht, üble Person +
C 冬季 + * * dong1ji4 winter season/ winter/ season of winter/ winter time Winter +
D 共鳴 + * * gong4ming2 resonance 1. Resonanz 2. symphatisieren, mitfühlen, Symphatie +
D 親身 + * * qin1shen1 personal/ firsthand selbst, persönlich, am eigenen Leib +
D 親手 + * * qin1shou3 personally mit eigenen Händen +
D 毒害 + * * du2hai4 sb's mind poison geistig vergiften,moralisch verderben +
D 評比 + * * ping2bi3 appraise through comparison abschätzen und vergleichen +
D 比喻 + * * bi3yu4 comparison/ trope Metapher, Analogie +
D 筆跡 + * * bi3ji4 a person's handwriting Handschrift, Schriftzüge +
D + * * gu4 reason/ former/ so 1. Fall, Ereignis, Vorfall 2. Ursache, Grund 3. mit Absicht, absichtlich, vorsätzlich 4. ehemalig, einstig, früher 5.Freund, Bekanntschaft 6. sterben +
D 情理 + * * qing2li3 sense/ reason Vernunft, Verstand, normale menschliche Gefühle +
D 推理 + * * tui1li3 inference/ reasoning vernünftiges Erwägen, Schlußfolgern, +
D 牢房 + * * lao2fang2 prison house Gefängnis, Gefängniszelle, Kerker +
D 無理 + * * wu2li3 out of reason unvernünftig, nicht zurechtfertigen, grundlos, unbegründet +
D 合情合理 + * * he2 qing2 he2 li3 fair and reasonable gerecht, ganz vernünftig +
D 專人 + * * zhuan1ren2 person specially assigned for a task Spezialist, Experte +
D + * * heng4 harsh and unreasonable/ perverse turbulent, ungezügelt, mit Gewalt, gewaltsam, boshaft, brutal, harsch, unerwartet, unvernünftig siehe:heng2 +
D 遺體 + * * yi2ti3 the remains of deceased person sterbliche Überreste +
D 勸說 + * * quan4shuo1 reason/ persuade zureden, überreden +
D 四季 + * * si4ji4 the four seasons die vier Jahreszeiten +
D 莫名其妙 + * * mo4 ming2 qi2 miao4 without rhyme or reason nicht begreifen, wo die eigentliche Pointe liegt, unbegreiflich +
D 新人 + * * xin1ren2 new personality Menschen neuen Typs, neue Persönlichkeiten, +
D 法人 + * * fa3ren2 juridical person juristische Person +
D 人格 + * * ren2ge2 personality Persönlichkeit, Charakter, moralische Eigenschaften, Menschenwürde +
D + * * yin1 cause/ reason 1.aufgrund, nach, gemäß, 2. Grund, Ursache 3. weil, wegen, infolge von, als Ergebnis von +
D 人均 + * * ren2jun1 personal average pro Kopf +
D 淡季 + * * dan4ji4 low season Flaute, Mangelperiode +
D 人身 + * * ren2shen1 person der Körper eines Menschen, Leib, Person +
D 人事 + * * ren2shi4 personnel Vorkommnisse,Peronalangelegenheiten, Welterfahrung +
D 同行 + * * tong2hang2 a person of the same occupation vom gleichen Fach oder Beruf, Berufsgenosse, Fachkollege +
Oxford 32000EngGloss

Mcc SentencesGbEngDeuVie
16 儿子 + He's my son. Er ist mein Sohn.
116 儿子 走路 + My son can walk! Mein Sohn kann laufen.
138 他们 儿子 + They have a son. Sie haben einen Sohn.
285 儿子 必须 八点 起床 + The son has to get up at eight. Der Sohn muß um acht Uhr aufstehen.
293 儿子 + This is my son. Das ist mein Sohn.
341 儿子 + My son has grown tall. Mein Sohn ist groß gewachsen.
351 儿子 自己 洗衣服 + My son can do the laundry by himself. Mein Sohn kann selbst die Wäsche waschen.
375 他们 人事 部门 员工 + They are working in the personnel department. Sie sind Mitarbeiter in der Personalabteilung.
474 他们 儿子 公园 + They take their son to the park. Sie nehmen ihren Sohn in den Park mit.
778 儿子 得意 要胁 妈妈 + The son smugly coerces his mother. Der Sohn übt selbstzufrieden Druck auf seine Mutter aus.
785 什么 理由 + What's your reason? Welche Begründung hast Du?
800 售货员 输入 密码 + The salesperson asked me to enter my pin number. Der Verkaufsangestellte bittet mich, die Geheimnummer einzugeben.
840 调到 人事 部门 + I was transferred to personnel department. Ich wurde in die Personalabteilung versetzt.
927 儿子 每天 + My son saves one yuan every day. Mein Sohn spart jeden Tag einen Yuan.
929 温习 功课 + She's reviewing her lessons. Sie wiederholt den Lernstoff.
1011 儿子 独自 + My son is playing by himself. Mein Sohn spielt allein.
1099 儿子 喜欢 沙子 + My son loves playing in the sand. Mein Sohn mag gern mit Sand spielen.
1266 银行 私人 帐户 + She has a personal account at this bank. Sie hat ein Privatkonto bei dieser Bank.
1300 告诉 私人 秘密 + He's telling her a personal secret. Er verrät ihr ein persönliches Geheimnis.
1578 儿子 喜欢 打鼓 + My son loves playing drums.
1589 儿子 尚未 断奶 + My son hasn't yet been weaned.
1610 蜘蛛 + This is a poisonous spider.
1611 瓶子 毒药 + Inside the bottle is poison.
1699 平凡 + I'm an ordinary person.
1732 判处 无期徒刑 + He's been sentenced to life imprisonment.
1870 责骂 儿子 + She's scolding her son.
1908 当作 自己 亲生 儿子 + She treats him as her own son.
2073 儿子 喜欢 油炸 食品 + My son is very fond of fried food.
2218 雨季 洪水 氾滥 河水 上涨 + During the rainy season, there are floods.
2231 ' 南京 曾经 南宋 首都 + Nanjing was once the capital of the Southern Song dynasty.
2268 蒙古人 打败 宋朝 建立 元朝 + The Mongols defeated the Song dynasty and established the Yuan dynasty.
2310 儿子 幼稚园 + My son is attending kindergarten now.
2341 罪犯 关进 监狱 + The criminal has been put in prison.
2474 妈妈 孩子 自闭 感到 忧虑 + The mother is worried about her son's autism.
2535 儿子 喜欢 小鸡仔 + My son loves little chicks.
2600 奴隶 没有 人身 自由 + Slaves don't have personal freedom.
2610 有毒 + This type of snake is poisonous.
2676 王位 世袭 + The throne is passed down from father to son.
2831 宠爱 儿子 + He dotes on his son.
2853 贿赂 主管 + He is trying to bribe the person in charge.
2883 父子俩 河堤 休息 + The father and his son are resting on the river bank.
2927 非常 谦虚 + She's a very modest person.
2940 囚犯 + He's a prisoner.
3021 警官 犯人 + The police officer is escorting the prisoner.
3066 现在 旅游 旺季 + It's the busy season for tourism now.
3133 感到 敬畏 + He's the kind of person that people respect and hold in awe.
3413 蜘蛛 有毒 + This spider is poisonous.
3418 女婿 + He is my son-in-law.
3421 他们 隶属于 人事部 + They belong to the personnel department.
3559 快乐 曲子 + She's merrily humming a song.
3573 人际 关系 单纯 + Her interpersonal relationships are simple.
3580 + Our lesson starts at 10 o'clock, but he hasn't come until a quarter past ten.
3587 推理 能力 适合 侦探 + His reasoning ability is very strong. He suits doing detective work.
3623 原因 移民 倾向 + The reason he was refused a visa was because he may be inclined to immigrate.
3625 现在 淡季 + It is the off season now.
3682 乐曲 大量 运用 电声 配乐 + This song used much electronic music.
3683 乐曲 大量 运用 电声 配乐 + This song used much electronic music.
3704 尊严 + A person must live with dignity.
3718 统观 全局 自然 总结 这个 事情 失败 原因 + A general review of the situation can lead us to the reason for this failure.
3742 敞快 痛快地 答应了 这件 事情 + He is a candid person, who consents without hesitating.
3744 这个 老人 无儿无女 老景 十分 凄凉 + Having no children, the old person will have a lonely and dreary old age.
Lesson 004. Introducing People. Nationalities and Occupations.
ren2 + person / people
Lesson 008. Let’s talk about hobbies.
chang4ge1 + to sing / to sing a song
Lesson 013. My Family.
er2zi + son
Lesson 015. Making Phone Calls in Chinese.
wei4 + m. for persons
Lesson 015. Making Phone Calls in Chinese.
yi2 wei4 + One person
Lesson 015. Making Phone Calls in Chinese.
liang3 wei4 + two persons
Lesson 015. Making Phone Calls in Chinese.
san1 wei4 + three persons
Lesson 018. I Can Speak a Little Chinese.
Zhe4li3 bu4 ke3yi3 he1 jiu3. + (GP: neng2 and ke3yi3 are also used to show permisson or prohibition of
Lesson 018. I Can Speak a Little Chinese.
Ni3 ming2tian1 neng2 bu4 neng2 lai2? + (GP: neng2 and ke3yi3 are also used to show permisson or prohibition of
Lesson 035. How to Bargain in Mandarin Chinese.
Wo3xi3huan ting1 Zhong1wen2 ge1. + I like listening to Chinese songs.
Lesson 035. How to Bargain in Mandarin Chinese.
ge1 + song
Lesson 035. How to Bargain in Mandarin Chinese.
ke4 + lesson / class
Lesson 035. How to Bargain in Mandarin Chinese.
shang4ke4 + to attend lessons
Lesson 035. How to Bargain in Mandarin Chinese.
ke4 shang4dao4 zhe4li3 + lessons are attended till here / let's stop our lesson here
Lesson 039. Computers and Internet.
xia4zai4 Zhong1wen2 ge1 + to download Chinese songs
Lesson 042. Teaching Mandarin.
Wo3 er2zi zai4 Jia1na2da1 shang4 da4xue2. + My son goes to university in Canada.
Lesson 047. Marriage and Wedding.
you3qian2ren2 + rich person / wealthy person
Lesson 053. In the Gym.
Wo3 xiang3 zhao3 yi4 ge4 si1ren2 jiao4lian4. + I am looking for a personal trainer.
Lesson 055. Movies and TV.
wu2liao2 de ren2 + boring person
10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng

ici, vous avez une personnalité publique + here, you are a public personality

Joseph reconnut le chant de la grive + Joseph recognized the thrush’s song

il a une bonne raison pour tarder autant + he has a good reason for being so late

vous semblez vous inspirer de votre vie personnelle pour écrire + you seem to draw inspiration from your own personal life in writing

j’étais prisonnier de mon passé + I was a prisoner of my past

l’été constitue le pic de la consommation d’essence + summer is the peak season for gas consumption

avant d’entrer dans la chambre de mon fils j’entrai dans la mienne + before going into my son’s bedroom I went into my own

le tourisme est une industrie saisonnière + tourism is a seasonal industry

votre fils est en entraînement pour devenir soldat + your son is in training to become a soldier

chez cet auteur schizophrène cohabitent deux personnages + two personalities live together in this schizophrenic author

son action s’exerce directement ou par intermédiaire + his actions are taken personally or by an intermediary

je désirais cet avantage pour mon fils + I wanted this advantage for my son

mes fils font des progrès + my sons are making progress

je me porte à la défense de la personne responsable + I’m here to help defend the person responsible

ils ont menacé de l’incarcérer et de le torturer + they threatened to imprison and torture him

elle avait effectué trois jours de prison + she had served three days of prison time

les prisons sont la solution à la délinquance juvénile + prisons are the solution to juvenile deliquence

mon garçon, parfois tu me surprends + my son, sometimes you surprise me

ce type d’individu n’a rien à faire en prison + this type of individual doesn’t belong in prison

tous les prisonniers furent libérés sans condition + all the prisoners were freed unconditionally

la conclusion du rapporteur semble raisonnable + the conclusion of the reporter seems reasonable

je reçois ma leçon d’armes à six heures + I get my weapons lesson at six o’clock

il y avait huit travailleurs pour un retraité + there were eight workers per retired person

je ne voyais aucun motif de refus + I didn’t see any reason for refusal

les rebelles échangeront leurs prisonniers + the rebels will exchange their prisoners

plusieurs raisons peuvent motiver un refus de visa + a visa may be refused for several reasons

je viens demander la libération d’une prisonnière + I have come to ask for the release of one female prisoner

l’automne, c’est la saison du football + autumn is football season

dans le bocal, mes larmes préservent le cœur de mon fils + inside the jar, my tears preserved my son’s heart

il était brillant et avait une riche personnalité + he was brilliant and had a rich personality

voici le mandat de dépôt du détenu + here’s the incarceration order for the prisoner

soyez raisonnable, rentrez vous reposer + be reasonable—go home and rest

son fils était maintenu en détention provisoire + his son was held in temporary confinement

je pense que toutes les chansons sont plaisantes à chanter + I think that all songs are fun to sing

notre fils est un génie + our son is a genius

il n’y a pas de comparaison avec l’Afrique + there’s no comparison with Africa

son œuvre est dominée par un drame personnel + his work is dominated by a personal drama

j’espérais épargner cette infortune à mon fils + I was hoping to spare my son this misfortune

il perd sa concentration, donc son sens + he loses his concentration and therefore his reason

personnellement, ces mesures ne me choquent pas + personally, these measures don’t shock me

en plus, c’est une personnalité brillante, intelligente, sympathique + moreover, he’s a brilliant, intelligent, likable person

une personne doit avoir un revenu acceptable + a person must have a decent income

ma raison d’écrire naît de la révolte + my reason for writing began in the rebellion

mon fils aîné a onze ans + my oldest son is eleven years old

tu ne peux pas aller à l’encontre de sa personnalité + you can’t go contrary to his personality

c’est un personnage très touchant + he has a very touching personality

une vingtaine de personnes auraient été interpellées + about 20 persons were apparently summoned

je crois que c’est la sixième saison de cette émission + I think it’s this program’s sixth season

les déplacés sont arrivés par vagues successives + the displaced persons arrived in successive waves

il existe des règles sur la détention de prisonniers + there are rules for detaining prisoners

vous avez été harcelé et emprisonné pour vos opinions + you have been harrassed and imprisoned for your opinions

il laissait à son fils un empire florissant + he left to his son a flourishing empire

ces clauses devraient respecter les droits de la personne + these clauses must respect personal rights

je préfère publier mon journal intime + I prefer to publish my personal diary

je ne suis pas évêque, mon fils + I’m not a bishop, my son

j’ai apporté de l’argent pour racheter mon fils + I brought money to buy back my son

une femme tamoule est une personne vulnérable au Sri Lanka + a Tamil woman is a vulnerable person in Sri Lanka

c’est au foyer domestique qu’elles avaient pris leurs leçons + home is where they learned their lessons

elle parlait sans interruption, d’un air raisonnable + she spoke uninterrupted, quite reasonably

nous allons prendre des cours de chant à domicile + we’re going to take singing lessons at home

le futur de leurs fils devient précaire + their son’s future was becoming precarious

il y a toute une galerie de personnages + there’s a whole range of personalities

il n’y a pas assez de suivi psychiatrique et sanitaire en prison + there isn’t enough psychiatric and sanitary follow-up in prison

c’était rien, juste une petite trahison + it was nothing, just a little bit of treason

j’ai un fils aussi muet qu’une carpe + I have a son as mute as a carp

cela évite au contrevenant d’aller en prison + this prevents the offender from having to go to prison

ils ont droit à une retraite convenable + they have the right to a reasonable retirement

mon budget personnel est en déséquilibre + my personal budget is out of balance

le tourisme est une industrie saisonnière + tourism is a seasonal industry

la mère et le fils se réconcilient + mother and son reconciled

j’ai besoin de savoir à quel clan la personne appartient + I need to know what clan the person belonged to

vous êtes insensible à la raison + you’re unmoved by reason
Wordnet ChineseGb
Wordnet GermanGer
Wordnet EnglishEng
103 Son +
103 son +
Wordnet FrenchFra
Wordnet SpanishSpa
Wordnet ItalianIta
Wordnet ThaiThai
Wordnet FinnishFin
Wordnet VietnameseVie
Wiktionary VietnameseVie
son con trai + +
con trai + + son