VNEN bên hông * side * 103 VNEN mạng sườn * side * 103

Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
befristeter Aufenthalt temporary residence tạm trú
die Aufenthaltserlaubnis residence permit giấy phép cư trú
Ich habe eine Aufenthaltserlaubnis. I have a residence permit. Tôi có giấy phép cư trú.
Meine Aufenthaltserlaubnis ist abgelaufen. My residence permit is expired. Giấy phép cư trú của tôi hết hạn.
Goethebuch VieEngDeu
Trong kỳ nghỉ mấy đứa con tôi đã được phép ở ngoài lâu. During the holidays the children were allowed to remain outside late. In den Ferien durften die Kinder lange draußen bleiben.
Kimiko nhảy xuống sông và bơi sang bờ bên kia. + Kimiko jumped into the river and swam to the other side.
Có bài diễn văn của tổng thống trên vô tuyến tối nay. Cậu có định xem không? + The president's speech is on television tonight. Are you going to watch it?
Trời đang đẹp. Tôi nghĩ tôi sẽ ngồi ở ngoài. + It's a nice day. I think I'll sit outside.
Người đi xe đạp không được đi trên vỉa hè. + Bicyclists must not ride on the sidewalk.
Có một chiếc xe hơi màu đỏ bên ngoài nhà của cậu. Nó là của cậu à? + There's a red car outside your house. Is it yours?
Tại sao cảnh sát lại ở bên ngoài ngân hàng? - Đã có một vụ cướp. + Why are the police outside the bank? — There was a robbery.
Khi chúng tôi tới nhà hát, có một người hàng dài bên ngoài. + When we got to the theater, there was a long line outside.
Có bao giờ cậu xe xét việc sẽ hát sống ở một nước khác chưa? - Chắc chắn có rồi nhưng tôi không biết sẽ tốn kém bao nhiêu. + Have you ever considered going to live in another country? — Sure, but I don't know how much it would cost.
Tổng thống tiếp tục nói chuyện trong nhiều giờ. + The president went on talking for hours.
Sau khi thảo luận về kinh tế, tổng thống tiếp tục nói về chính sách đối ngoại. + After discussing the economy, the president then went on to talk about foreign policy.
Vỉa hè băng dày nên chúng tôi phải đi cẩn thận. Chúng tôi sợ bị ngã. + The sidewalk was icy, so we walked very carefully. We were afraid of falling.
Chúng tôi lái xe dọc con đường mà hai bên cây cối thành hàng. + We drove along the road, the sides of which were lined with trees.
Hãy cởi những giày trước khi vào nhà tôi và làm ơn đừng đánh thức em bé. + Take your shoes off before coming inside my house, and please don't wake the baby up.
Cậu đã được gì từ giáo dục đại học? - Bên cạnh cái bằng chuyên môn, tôi cũng có nhiều bạn trong đời. + What did you get out of your college education? — Besides a professional degree, I also made many friends for life.

+ The cat is outside.

Tôi đang ở ngoài. + I am outside.

Cô ấy ở bên ngoài. + She is outside

Cô ấy nói chào từ bên ngoài. + She says hello from outside.

bên + side

Bạn sẽ an toàn khi bạn ở bên cạnh tôi. + You will be safe, when you are beside me.

Bên ngoài rất lạnh. + It is very cold outside.

Chúng tôi tin Tổng thống của chúng tôi. + We believe ou president.

Ai sẽ là Tổng thống? + Who will be President?

Tổng thống + president

Toà nhà mới toả sáng bên cạnh toà án. + The new building shines besides the court.

Tổng thống có thể thay đổi luật không? + Can the president change the law?

Bạn là một công dân Mỹ và bạn không biết tên của Tổng thống. + You are an American citizen and you do not know the name of the president.

Nếu Tổng thống không từ chức, chúng tôi sẽ đình công. + If the President does not resign, we will go on strike

ứng cử viên Tổng thống + presidential candidate

Tổng thống đã từng là thị trưởng của thành phố này. + The President used to be the mayor of this city.

Tổng thống sẽ quyết định vào ngày mai. + The president will decide tomorrow.

Tổng thống không có một tài xế. + The president does not have a driver.

Có một vũ trụ nhỏ bên trong quả táo. + There is a small universe inside the apple.

Tổng thống đã biến mất cùng với mộ tcon mèo. + The president disappeared with a cat.

Cái này có tác dụng phụ không? + Does it have any side-effects?

Mọi người luôn ở bên dể ủng hộ bạn. + People are beside you to support you

Hãy nhìn vào những điều tích cực. + Look on the bright side

Nếu có đièu gì sơ suất, mong anh thứ lỗi. + I hope you will forgive me if I'm not considerate enough.

Ở phía bên + On the side

Tôi thấy mình là người ... + I consider myself …

Với tôi thì + I consider
GNOT Spatial • location inside +
GNOT Spatial • location outside +
GNOT Spatial • relative position at the side of +
GNOT Spatial • relative position beside +
GNOT Spatial • relative position inside +
GNOT Spatial • relative position outside +
GNOT Spatial • relative position at the side +
GNOT Spatial • relative position inside +
GNOT Spatial • relative position outside +
GNOT Spatial • direction side phía +
GNOT Qualitative • reflection, intuition to consider +
SNOT • region countryside quê +
SNOT House and home, environment • region seaside +
SNOT Relations with other people • government and politics president +
Oxford 3000VieEng
bên side
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
1-1. Person Exercise 1-1-2 Wohnort residence
1-1. Person Exercise 1-1-12 aufmerksam 1. attentive, 2. observant, considerate
5-3. Haushalt Exercise 5-3-9 schief 1. not straight, 2. sideways
14-3. Unterhaltung, Kultur Exercise 14-3-8 Seite 1. page, site, 2. side
16-2. Gesellschaft Exercise 16-2-5 Präsident president   (n-Dekl.)
17-2. Meinungen Exercise 17-2-5 nachdenken to think about, to consider   (denkt nach, dachte nach, hat nachgedacht)
18-2. Konflikte Exercise 18-2-2 Rücksicht consideration
18-2. Konflikte Exercise 18-2-8 berücksichtigen to consider   (berücksichtigt, berücksichtigte, hat berücksichtigt)
19-1. Präpositionen Exercise 19-1-3 neben 1. next to, 2. alongside, 3. compared with
19-1. Präpositionen Exercise 19-1-4 außerhalb outside
19-1. Präpositionen Exercise 19-1-4 innerhalb within, inside
19-2. Lokaladverbien Exercise 19-2-1 herein inside
19-2. Lokaladverbien Exercise 19-2-3 innen inside
19-2. Lokaladverbien Exercise 19-2-3 außen outside
19-2. Lokaladverbien Exercise 19-2-3 drin in it, inside
19-2. Lokaladverbien Exercise 19-2-3 drinnen inside
19-2. Lokaladverbien Exercise 19-2-3 draußen outside
19-2. Lokaladverbien Exercise 19-2-5 nebenbei on the side, in addition
19-2. Lokaladverbien Exercise 19-2-5 daneben alongside, next to
20-2. Pronomen, Adverbien Exercise 20-2-5 außerdem additionally, besides
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Exercise 1-5 z. B. Ostbahnhof, Osteuropa, Ostseite, Ostwind, ... + Osten e. g. East Railway Station, Eastern Europe, East Side, East Wind,... e. g. Ga Đông, Đông Âu, Phía Đông, Đông Gió, ...
Exercise 1-6 Der Lichtschalter ist innen links.  + innen The light switch is inside left.  Công tắc ánh sáng ở bên trái.
Exercise 1-6 Die Tür war von innen verschlossen.  + innen The door was locked from the inside.  Cửa đã bị khóa từ bên trong.
Exercise 3-9 Dieser Vorschlag wurde von allen Seiten begrüßt.  + begrüßen This proposal was welcomed by all sides.  Đề xuất này đã được tất cả các bên hoan nghênh.
Exercise 5-3 Sie ist auf der richtigen Seite.  + richtig She's on the right side.  Cô ấy ở bên phải.
Exercise 5-9 Es ist kühl draußen. Zieh dir eine Jacke an.  + kühl  It's cool outside. Put on a jacket.  Đó là mát mẻ bên ngoài. Mặc áo khoác.
Exercise 7-1 Das Auto steht vor der Tür.  + vor The car is outside the door.  Chiếc xe ở ngoài cửa.
Exercise 8-6 Es ist kalt draußen.  + draußen It's cold outside.  Bên ngoài lạnh lắm.
Exercise 8-6 Wir müssen draußen warten.  + draußen We have to wait outside.  Chúng ta phải đợi bên ngoài.
Exercise 8-6 Draußen ist es ganz dunkel.  + draußen It's dark outside.  Đó là bóng tối bên ngoài.
Exercise 8-6 Ich gehe nicht gerne nach draußen, wenn es regnet.  + draußen I don't like to go outside when it's raining.  Tôi không thích ra ngoài khi trời đang mưa.
Exercise 8-6 Bleib draußen!  + draußen Stay outside!  Ở bên ngoài!
Exercise 9-3 Neben ihrer Arbeit hat sie einen großen Haushalt zu versorgen. + neben Besides her work, she has a large household to look after. Ngoài công việc của mình, cô còn có một gia đình lớn để chăm sóc.
Exercise 9-3 Mein Freund studiert Geschichte. Und nebenbei arbeitet er in einer Kneipe.  + nebenbei My friend's studying history. And besides, he works in a pub.  Lịch sử học tập của bạn tôi. Và bên cạnh đó, anh ấy làm việc trong một quán rượu.
Exercise 9-3 Ich mache die Hausarbeit und nebenbei höre ich Radio.  + nebenbei I do the housework, and besides, I listen to the radio.  Tôi làm công việc nhà, và bên cạnh đó, tôi nghe radio.
Exercise 9-4 Jedes Ding hat zwei Seiten.  + Ding Every thing has two sides.  Mọi thứ đều có hai mặt.
Exercise 9-8 Es ist sehr warm draußen. Zieh dir lieber nur ein T-Shirt an. + T-Shirt It's very warm outside. You better put on a T-shirt. Nó rất ấm áp bên ngoài. Bạn nên đặt một chiếc T-shirt.
Exercise 10-9 Warum ziehst du nur so einen dünnen Mantel an? Es ist kalt draußen.  + dünn Why do you wear such a thin coat? It's cold outside.  Tại sao bạn mặc chiếc áo khoác mỏng như vậy? Bên ngoài lạnh lắm.
Exercise 12-8 Das Recht war auf ihrer Seite.  + Recht The law was on their side.  Luật pháp đã ở bên họ.
Exercise 14-2 Wir warten drin.  + drin We'll wait inside.  Chúng ta sẽ đợi bên trong.
Exercise 14-2 Bei schlechtem Wetter wird die Veranstaltung nicht draußen, sondern drinnen stattfinden.  + drinnen  In case of bad weather the event will not take place outside, but inside.  Trong trường hợp thời tiết xấu sự kiện sẽ không diễn ra bên ngoài, nhưng bên trong.
Exercise 14-7 Du kannst reingehen. Der Schlüssel steckt.  + stecken  You can go inside. The key's in it.  Bạn có thể vào bên trong. Chìa khoá trong đó.
Exercise 15-1 Die Verhältnisse haben sich entscheidend verbessert.  + verbessern Conditions have improved considerably.  Điều kiện đã được cải thiện đáng kể.
Exercise 15-8 Ich kann dir nicht beschreiben, was in mir vorging.  + beschreiben I can't describe to you what was going on inside me.  Tôi không thể mô tả cho bạn những gì đang xảy ra bên trong tôi.
Exercise 16-7 Ich überlege es mir nochmal.  + überlegen I'll reconsider.  Tôi sẽ xem xét lại.
Exercise 16-7 Das muss in Ruhe überlegt sein.  + überlegen That's got to be quietly considered.  Đó là phải được xem xét một cách lặng lẽ.
Exercise 16-7 Es ist zu überlegen, ob sich das wirklich lohnt.  + überlegen It is worth considering whether this is worthwhile.  Cần phải xem xét liệu điều này có đáng giá hay không.
Exercise 16-7 Ich muss mir die Sache noch einmal überlegen.  + überlegen I have to reconsider.  Tôi phải xem xét lại.
Exercise 16-8 Die Bewohner beschwerten sich über den Lärm. + Bewohner The residents complained about the noise. Các cư dân phàn nàn về tiếng ồn.
Exercise 17-5 Um diese Zeit dürfen die Kinder nicht mehr nach draußen.  + dürfen* At this time of the day, the children are not allowed to go outside.  Vào thời điểm này trong ngày, trẻ em không được phép ra ngoài.
Exercise 17-6 Das Schiff legt sich auf die Seite.  + legen The ship is laying down on its side.  Con tàu đang nằm trên nó.
Exercise 17-6 Sie ist berufstätig. Daneben studiert sie noch.  + daneben  She's working. Besides, she's still studying.  Cô ấy đang làm việc. Bên cạnh đó, cô ấy vẫn đang học.
Exercise 17-8 Bitte entsorgen Sie Ihren Müll in den Mülltonnen draußen. + Mülltonne Please dispose of your garbage in the dustbins outside. Xin vứt bỏ rác của bạn vào thùng rác bên ngoài.
Exercise 19-4 Das Steak ist innen noch roh. + roh The steak is still raw inside. Bít tết vẫn còn nguyên bên trong.
Exercise 19-7 Als Beilage nehmen wir Reis. + Reis We'll have rice as a side dish. Chúng ta sẽ có cơm như một món ăn phụ.
Exercise 20-4 Er ernährt sich einseitig.  + ernähren It feeds on one side of the body.  Nó ăn ở một bên của cơ thể.
Exercise 21-6 Wir wohnen außerhalb von Berlin.  + außerhalb We live outside of Berlin.  Chúng tôi sống bên ngoài Berlin.
Exercise 22-1 Ich war außer mir vor Freude.  + außer I was beside myself with joy.  Tôi đã được bên cạnh bản thân mình với niềm vui.
Exercise 22-3 Es tut mir Leid. Ich kann Ihre Anmeldung leider nicht mehr berücksichtigen.  + berücksichtigen I'm sorry about that. I am sorry, but I can no longer consider your registration.  Tôi xin lỗi về điều đó. Tôi xin lỗi, nhưng tôi không còn có thể xem xét đăng ký của bạn.
Exercise 22-7 Haben Sie eine gültige Aufenthaltserlaubnis?  + Aufenthalt Do you have a valid residence permit?  Bạn có giấy phép cư trú hợp lệ không?
Exercise 23-2 Der Flughafen liegt 30 km außerhalb.  + Flughafen The airport is located 30 km outside.  Sân bay cách sân bay 30 km.
Exercise 25-1 Er hat den Tisch zur Seite gerückt.  + rücken He moved the table aside.  Anh đưa bàn sang một bên.
Exercise 25-7 Halt, Polizei! Fahren Sie bitte an den Straßenrand.  + halten* Stop, police! Drive along the side of the road, please.  Dừng lại, cảnh sát! Lái xe dọc theo đường, xin vui lòng.
Exercise 25-7 Auf dem Land arbeiten die meisten Leute in der Landwirtschaft.  + Landwirtschaft Most people work in the countryside in agriculture.  Hầu hết mọi người làm việc ở vùng nông thôn.
Exercise 26-1 Das hier ist die Goethestraße. Ich wohne auf der linken Seite.  + Seite This is Goethestraße. I live on the left side.  Đây là Goethestraße. Tôi sống ở bên trái.
Exercise 26-1 Auf welcher Seite stehen Sie eigentlich?  + Seite What side are you on?  Bạn đang ở phía bên nào
Exercise 26-1 Man muss immer auch die andere Seite hören. + Seite You always have to hear the other side as well. Bạn luôn phải nghe bên kia là tốt.
Exercise 26-9 Man darf nicht auf dem Bürgersteig parken. + parken You can't park on the sidewalk. Bạn không thể đậu xe trên vỉa hè.
Exercise 27-1 Ich habe einen Parkplatz gerade vor dem Gebäude gefunden. + Parkplatz I just found a parking lot outside the building. Tôi chỉ tìm thấy một bãi đậu xe bên ngoài tòa nhà.
Exercise 27-8 Da parkt wieder jemand vor unserer Einfahrt.  + Einfahrt There's another parker outside our driveway.  Có một người đỗ xe bên ngoài đường lái xe của chúng tôi.
Exercise 28-4 Welche Nebenwirkungen hat dieses Medikament?  + Wirkung What side effects may interact with this medicine?  Tác dụng phụ có thể tương tác với thuốc này?
Exercise 29-4 Draußen ist es zwar sonnig, aber ziemlich kalt.  + zwar It's sunny outside, but it's quite cold.  Trời nắng, nhưng trời lạnh.
Exercise 30-4 Wir haben das Schloss nur von außen gesehen.  + außen We only saw the castle from the outside.  Chúng tôi chỉ nhìn thấy lâu đài từ bên ngoài.
Exercise 30-4 Außen ist das Haus nicht sehr schön.  + außen Outside the house is not very nice.  Bên ngoài ngôi nhà không phải là rất tốt đẹp.
Exercise 30-4 Man soll etwas nicht nur von außen beurteilen.  + außen One should not judge something only from the outside.  Không nên đánh giá một cái gì đó chỉ từ bên ngoài.
Exercise 30-4 Nach außen hin scheint sie ganz nett zu sein.  + außen She seems really nice on the outside.  Cô ấy có vẻ như rất đẹp ở bên ngoài.
Exercise 30-5 Er liegt verletzt am Straßenrand.  + Rand He's injured on the side of the road.  Anh ấy bị thương ở bên đường.
Exercise 32-6 Sie hat alles von unten nach oben gekehrt.  + unten She turned everything upside down.  Cô ấy đã lật ngược mọi thứ.
Exercise 33-1 Die Hausbewohner klagten über ständigen Lärm.  + klagen The residents complained of constant noise.  Các cư dân phàn nàn về tiếng ồn liên tục.
Exercise 35-7 Ihre Aufenthaltserlaubnis ist befristet.  + befristet Your residence permit is limited in time.  Giấy phép cư trú của bạn bị hạn chế về thời gian.
Exercise 36-6 Hier ist Parken auf dem Bürgersteig erlaubt.  + Bürgersteig Parking on the sidewalk is allowed here.  Đậu xe trên vỉa hè được cho phép ở đây.
Exercise 36-6 Man sollte nicht auf dem Bürgersteig Fahrrad fahren.  + Bürgersteig You shouldn't ride a bicycle on the sidewalk.  Bạn không nên đi xe đạp trên vỉa hè.
Exercise 36-7 Der Polizist winkte den Wagen zur Seite.  + winken The policeman waved the car to the side.  Cảnh sát vẫy xe về phía.
Exercise 39-3 Es ist heute feucht und kalt draußen. + feucht It's wet and cold outside today. Hôm nay trời ướt và lạnh.
Exercise 40-2 Sie haben das Haus innen und außen renovieren lassen.  + renovieren  You have had the house renovated inside and outside.  Bạn đã có ngôi nhà được cải tạo trong và ngoài.
Exercise 40-4 Bitte warten Sie draußen im Gang.  + Gang Please wait outside in the hall.  Xin vui lòng chờ bên ngoài tại hội trường.
Exercise 40-4 Er ergriff Partei für mich.  + Partei He took sides for me.  Anh ta đi về phía tôi.
Exercise 40-5 Nehmen Sie bitte Rücksicht auf die anderen Gäste.  + Rücksicht Please show consideration for the other guests.  Xin vui lòng xem xét cho các khách khác.
Exercise 40-5 Aus Rücksicht auf ihre Situation, sollte dieses Thema vermieden werden.  + Rücksicht Out of consideration for their situation, this issue should be avoided.  Ngoài việc xem xét tình hình của họ, cần tránh vấn đề này.
Exercise 42-9 Er wurde zum neuen Präsidenten gewählt. + Präsident He was elected new president. Ông được bầu làm tổng thống mới.
Exercise 43-1 Der Präsident hat eine Rede gehalten.  + Rede The President made a speech.  Tổng thống đã phát biểu.
Exercise 43-3 Ich würde lieber rausgehen, statt drinnen zu bleiben. + statt  I'd rather go outside than stay inside. Tôi thà đi ra ngoài chứ không ở bên trong.
Exercise 44-1 Er hat sich nach allen Seiten gesichert.  + sichern He's secured himself on all sides.  Anh ta tự bảo vệ mình ở mọi khía cạnh.
Exercise 44-4 Diese Angelegenheit wird zur Zeit geprüft.  + prüfen This matter is currently under consideration.  Vấn đề này hiện đang được xem xét.
Exercise 44-7 Man spürt den Herbst, es ist frisch draußen.  + spüren  You can feel autumn, it's fresh outside.  Bạn có thể cảm thấy mùa thu, bên ngoài tươi.
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng

Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode
+ + 103 Towns and buildings Public buildings and gardens Einwohnermeldeamt + residents' registration office + A
+ + 103 Towns and buildings Towns Wohnviertel + residential area + B
+ + 103 Towns and buildings Towns Bewohner(in) + resident + C
+ + 103 Towns and buildings Features of building Fassade + outside, exterior, façade + C
+ + 103 Household Furniture Nachttisch + bedside table + A
+ + 103 Household Floors and walls Bettvorleger + bedside rug + C
+ + 103 The physical world Water Schwemmkegel + levee, riverside embankment + C
+ + 103 Weather Wind and storms sich legen + to die down, subside + C
+ + 103 The human body and health Body Gesäß + backside + B
+ + 103 The human body and health Limbs Armbeuge + inside of one's arm + B
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement upwards and downwards sich senken + to come down; subside; sink; descend + C
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement upwards and downwards Senkung + lowering, reduction, subsidence + C
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Benevolence and malevolence, generosity and meanness rücksichtsvoll + considerate + B
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Benevolence and malevolence, generosity and meanness Rücksichtnahme + consideration + B
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Good/poor judgment rücksichtslos + inconsiderate, thoughtless, reckless + B
+ + 103 Clothes, accessories and grooming Garment details and style Seitenschlitz + side slit + B
+ + 103 Clothes, accessories and grooming Garment details and style Seitentasche + side pocket + B
+ + 103 Clothes, accessories and grooming Garment details and style Schrittlänge + inside leg measurement + C
+ + 103 Perception Sight etw ins Auge fassen + to consider sth + B
+ + 103 Colour and light Expressions alles grau in grau sehen + to always see the gloomy side of things + C
+ + 103 Shapes and patterns Shapes and lines Seite + side + A
+ + 103 Shapes and patterns Shapes and lines quer + sideways, cross-wise, diagonally + B
+ + 103 Shapes and patterns Shapes and lines Rand + edge, side, rim, brim, margin + B
+ + 103 Size and quantity Increase and decrease zurückgehen + to disappear, go down, subside, decrease + A
+ + 103 Size and quantity Increase and decrease sich senken + to fall, come down, subside, sink, fall + A
+ + 103 Size and quantity General Fläche + area, surface, side, face + B
+ + 103 Size and quantity Capacity, volume and quantity beträchtlich + considerable + C
+ + 103 Size and quantity Capacity, volume and quantity erheblich + considerable + C
+ + 103 Size and quantity Capacity, volume and quantity ansehnlich + considerable + C
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Theatre beiseite (sprechend) + aside + C
+ + 103 Media and popular culture Print media an der Quelle sitzen + to have access to inside information + C
+ + 103 Media and popular culture Audiovisual media Übertragungswagen (Ü-Wagen) + outside broadcast vehicle + C
+ + 103 Sport Training and competition im Abseits + offside + C
+ + 103 Sport Training and competition Seitenschwimmen + sidestroke + C
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Tourism Seebad + seaside/coastal resort + B
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Entertainment and dining Beilage + side dish + C
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Road transport Standlicht + side light + C
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Road transport Innen- + inside/outside lane + C
+ + 103 Education Further and higher education Studentenheim + hall of residence + A
+ + 103 Finance The market Insiderhandel + insider trading + C
+ + 103 Politics and international relations Government Präsident(in) + president + A
+ + 103 Politics and international relations Government Ministerpräsident(in) + prime minister,Minister President + A
+ + 103 Politics and international relations Immigration and asylum Aufenthaltsgenehmigung + residence permit + C

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
A 認為 + * * ren4wei2 think/ consider meinen +
A + * * nei4 inside/ inner/ within in, innen, innerhalb +
A 方面 + * * fang1mian4 respect/ aspect/ field/ side Aspekt,Hinsicht +
A + * * bian1 side 1. Seite 2. (Seiten-) Rand, Kante 3. Grenze 4. Schranke 5. an, nahe bei, neben, von +
A + * * zuo3 the left/ the left side 1. linke Seite, links 2. seltsam, sonderbar, unorthodox, ketzerisch +
A 農村 + * * nong2cun1 rural area/ countryside Dorf,auf dem Lande +
A + * * zhu4 live/ reside/ stay/ stop/ cease 1. wohnen, leben 2. stoppen, aufhören +
A + * * wai4 outer/ outside/ external/ foreign 1. außen, äußerlich, außerhalb, Außen- 2. andere 3. ausländisch, fremd 4. Familienangehörige der weiblichen Linie 5. nicht in enger Beziehung zu einem stehend 6. außer, außerdem, abgesehen von +
A 外邊 + * * wai4bian out/ outside/ exterior außen +
A 旁邊 + * * pang2bian1 side Seite, lateral +
A + * * li3 in/ inside 1. Futter, Innenseite 2. Nachbarschaft 3. Heimat, Dorf 4. +
A 裡邊 + * * li3bian inside/ in/ within/ interior innen, Innenseite +
A 除了…以外 + * * chu2le_ yi3wai4 except/ besides mit Ausnahme von,außer,außerdem +
A 以為 + * * yi3wei2 think/ consider/ believe meinen,denken,glauben +
A 研究 + * * yan2jiu1 study/ research/ consider/ discuss forschen +
A 照顧 + * * zhao4gu4 look after/ give consideration to 1. berücksichtigen, etw in Betracht ziehen 2. sich um jn kümmern, betreuen, Fürsorge +
A + * * diu1 lose/ throw/ put aside 1. verlieren 2.zuwerfen, wegwerfen 3.beiseitelegen, liegenlassen +
A 北邊 + * * bei3bian1 north/ north side Norden +
B 此外 + * * ci3wai4 besides/ moreover zusätzlich, außerdem +
B 內部 + * * nei4bu4 internal/ inside innen, innerlich,intern +
B 總統 + * * zong3tong3 president (of a republic) Präsident (eines Staates) +
B 周到 + * * zhou1dao4 thoughtful/ considerate gedankenvoll, durchdacht, umsichtig +
B 鄉下 + * * xiang1xia village/ country side ländlich, Gegend, Land +
B 一邊 + * * yi4bian1 one side eine Seite +
B 另外 + * * ling4wai4 moreover/ besides außerdem, zusätzlich +
B + * * mian4 side/ surface Zählwort für Flaggen +
B 左邊 + * * zuo3bian the left side/ the left linke Seite +
B + * * mian4 side/ surface Zählwort für Flaggen +
B 對方 + * * dui4fang1 the other side Gegenseite +
B 雙方 + * * shuang1fang1 both sides/ the two parties beide Seiten, bilateral +
B 表面 + * * biao3mian4 surface/ outside/ face/ appearance Oberfläche +
B 考慮 + * * kao3lv4 think over/ consider Betrachtung, überdenken, betrachten +
B 右邊 + * * you4bian the right side/ the right rechte Seite, rechts +
B 外面 + * * wai4mian outside draußen, außerhalb +
B + * * pang2 near/ beside 1. Seite, an der Seite, dicht an 2. andere, weitere 3. auf der linken bzw rechten Seite eines chin. Radikals +
B 裡面 + * * li3mian4 inside/ interior in,innen, Innenseite +
B 並且 + * * bing4qie3 and/ besides/ moreover und, außerdem,übrigens +
B 以外 + * * yi3wai4 beyond/ outside außerhalb, außen, außer +
B + * * kou4 upside down/ buckle/ button 1. zuknöpfen, zuschnallen jn/etw in Gewahrsam halten, jn verhaften 3. abziehen 4. Rabatt, Preisnachlaß 5. (Ball) schmettern +
B + * * pian1 inclined to one side 1. sich nach einer Seite neigen, geneigt 2. absichtlich 3.parteiisch 4.unbedingt5.wider Erwarten +
B 這邊 + * * zhe4bian1 here/ this side hier, diese Seite +
B 身邊 + * * shen1bian1 with one/ at one's side an seiner Seite +
B 片面 + * * pian4mian4 unilateral/ one-sided einseitig +
C 衷心 + * * zhong1xin1 inside-heart/ wholehearted/ heartfelt/ hearty/ cordial von ganzem Herzen, herzlich, aufrichtig +
C 兩旁 + * * liang3pang2 both sides/ either side beide Seiten, zu beiden Seiten +
C + * * fang1 square/ direction/ side/ party/ place 1.Viereck,Quadrat, viereckig, quadratisch 2. Himmelsrichtung, Orientierung 3. Seite 4. Methode, Weg 5. Rezept 6. eben, gerade,erst +
C 況且 + * * kuang4qie3 in addition/ moreover/ besides überdies, außerdem,noch dazu +
C + * * ba1 1 hold on to, cling to 2.dig up, rake, pull down 3. push aside 4. strip off, take off 1 halten, festhalten, sich an jn/etw hängen 2. aufwühlen, aufreißen, herausscharren 3.voneinander trennen, etw beiseite schieben 4. wegreißen, entkleiden, fortnehmen siehe: pa2 +
C 再說 + * * zai4shuo1 more-say/ what's more/ besides/ talk about sth. later (zuerst etwas tun) und dann weitersehen, und außerdem, darüber hinaus +
C 主持 + * * zhu3chi2 manage-control/ direct/ preside over/ manage/ uphold leiten, verwalten,befürworten, eintreten +
C 鄉村 + * * xiang1cun1 countryside-hamlet/ rural area/ countryside/ village Dorf, dörflich, ländliches Gebiet, Land +
C 正面 + * * zheng4mian4 face-side/ facade/ the front/ the right side/ positive frontal, direkt, positiv +
C 住宅 + * * zhu4zhai2 living-house/ residence/ residential building/ dwelling Wohnung, Behausung +
C 一下 + * * yi1xia4 one-side … one-side …/ at the same time einmal +
C 一向 + * * yi1xiang4 one-side/ aside/ on one side/ by jedes Mal, sonst +
C …之內 + * * zhi1nei4 (sth.)'s-interior/ inside of/ interior of/ within innerhalb von +
C …之外 + * * zhi1wai4 (sth.)'s-exterior/ outside of/ exterior of/ beyond außerhalb von, über +
C + * * ce4 side/ turn sideways/ incline to one side 1. Seite, seitlich, seitwärts, an der Seite, auf der Seite 2. sich seitlich neigen +
C 外部 + * * wai4bu4 external-part/ outside/ exterior/ surface außen,äußerlich,extern, +
C 外界 + * * wai4jie4 external-world/ outside Außenwelt +
C 思考 + * * si1kao3 think over/ ponder over/ reflect upon/ consider überdenken, reflektieren +
C 外頭 + * * wai4tou outside-place/ outdoor space/ outside draußen, außen +
C 封鎖 + * * feng1suo3 blockade/ seal off/ cut off from the outside world Blockade, absperren, versperren +
C + * * pan4 side/ border of a river; lake; road; field; etc. Feldrand,Rain,an der Seite, dicht an +
C 四面八方 + * * si4 mian4 ba1 fang1 four sides and eight directions/ in every direction alle Himmelsrichtungen,nah und fern +
C 裡頭 + * * li3tou inside/ interior/ within innen, darin, drinnen +
C 四周 + * * si4zhou1 surround in four directions/ on all sides/ all around in vier Richtungen umzingeln, auf allen Seiten, vollständig herum +
C + * * chu2 besides/ in addition to/ except 1. loswerden, entfernen, ausmerzen, beseitigen 2.ausschließen, ausnehmen, ausgenommen 3. abgesehen davon, neben 4. dividieren, teilen +
C + * * ji4 measuring device/ idea/ plan/ consider/ count 1.rechnen, zählen, kalkulieren 2. Messer, Zähler 3. Plan, List, Intrige +
C 居民 + * * ju1min2 resident/ inhabitant Bewohner, Einwohner +
C 不顧 + * * bu2gu4 have no consideration for/ have no regard for ohne Rücksicht, ungeachtet +
C 設想 + * * she4xiang3 imagine/ have consideration for/ idea/ tentative plan sich etwa vorstellen,Idee +
C 居住 + * * ju1zhu4 live/ reside/ dwell leben, wohnen, +
C + * * pian1 inclined to one side/ off-center/ off-target/ off-standard 1. sich nach einer Seite neigen, geneigt 2. absichtlich +
D 沉澱 + * * chen2dian4 subside sich ablagern, Sediment +
D 臺階 + * * tai2jie1 step/ sidestep Treppe, Möglichkeit zur Befreiung aus einer unangenehmen Situation +
D 內幕 + * * nei4mu4 inside story/ low-down etwas hinter dem Vorhang +
D 審議 + * * shen3yi4 consider/ discuss etwas überprüfen und diskutieren +
D 會員 + * * hui4yuan2 member/ insider Mitglied +
D 顧全大局 + * * gu4quan2 da4ju2 take the whole account into consideration alle Umstände berücksichtigen +
D 琢磨 + * * zuo2mo consider/ ponder grübeln, über etw. nachdenken, überlegen +
D 對岸 + * * dui4'an4 the other side of the river andere Seite des Flußes +
D 住所 + * * zhu4suo3 habitation/ residence Wohnhaus, Wohnsitz +
D 側面 + * * ce4mian4 side/ flank Seite, Seitenanicht, Flanke +
D 體貼 + * * ti3tie1 show consideration for sich um etwas kümmern +
D 山腰 + * * shan1yao1 mountainside halbe Höhe eines Berges +
D 外力 + * * wai4li4 outside force Hilfe von Außen , äußere Kräfte, von außen wirkende Kraft +
D 可觀 + * * ke3guan1 considerable beträchtlich, ansehnlich +
D 四方 + * * si4fang1 all sides/ all directions die vier Himmelsrichtungen, Viereck +
D 並排 + * * bing4pai2 side by side Seite an Seite, nebeneinander +
D 除此之外 + * * chu2ci3zhi1wai4 besides, except mit Ausnahme von,außer, außerdem +
D + * * yu4 reside 1. wohnen, seinen Wohnsitz haben 2. Wohnsitz, Wohnort 3. einbegreifen, mitenthalten +
D 酌情 + * * zhuo2 qing2 take the circumstance into consideration den Umständen entsprechend +
D 著想 + * * zhuo2xiang3 consider Rücksicht nehmen +
D 目中無人 + * * mu4 zhong1 wu2 ren2 consider everyone beneath one's notice die Leute wie Luft behandeln, nichts gelten lassen, hochnäsig, überheblich +
D 戶口 + * * hu4kou3 registered permanent residence eingetragener ständiger Wohnsitz +
D 微不足道 + * * wei1 bu4 zu2 dao4 not worth mentioning/ inconsiderable nicht nennenswert, ganz unbedeutend +
D 下鄉 + * * xia4 xiang1 go to the countryside aufs Land gehen +
D 副業 + * * fu4ye4 sideline/ sideline Seitenlinie, Nebenbeschäftigung +
D 副作用 + * * fu4zuo4yong4 side effect Nebeneffekt +
D + * * ju1 reside/ live 1. leben, wohnen, 2. (an einem bestimmten Platz) stehen, (einen bestimmten Platz) einnehmen 3. bekleiden, innehaben 4. horten, anhäufen, speichern +
D + * * pie1 neglect/ cast aside beiseite legen, abschöpfen +
Oxford 32000EngGloss

Mcc SentencesGbEngDeuVie
75 + It's snowing outside. Es schneit draußen.
119 外面 下雨 + It's raining outside. Es regnet draußen.
158 海边 风景 + The scenery by the seaside is really beautiful. Die Landschaft am Strand ist sehr schön.
185 道路 两旁 很多 + There are many trees on both sides of the road. Auf den beiden Seiten der Straße sind viele Bäume.
263 很多 + There are many trees alongside the road. Am Straßenrand sind viele Bäume.
277 天黑 + It's already dark outside. Der Himmel ist schwarz.
394 野外 空气 + The air in the countryside is really good. Auf dem Land ist die Luft wirklich gut.
407 + It's warm inside the house. Es ist warm im Haus.
538 大桥 连接 两岸 交通 + This bridge links traffic from both sides. Diese Brücke schließt den Verkehr beider Ufer an.
632 + There's a small ship by the side of the lake. Am Seeufer ist ein ein kleines Schiff.
661 蒸汽 + Steam is rising from inside the pan. Im Wok (Kochtopf, Pfanne) steigt Dampf auf.
739 双方 业务 开展 顺利 + Business for both sides is going well. Die Geschäfte entwickeln sich gut für beide Seiten.
774 比赛 双方 竞争 激烈 + Both sides competed fiercely in the game. In dem Wettbewerb kämpfen beide Seiten sehr heftig.
796 室外 温度 + The outside temperature is very high. Die Aussentemperatur ist sehr hoch.
875 派发 资料 + She is on the sidewalk distributing materials. Sie ist am Straßenrand und verteilt Info-Material.
879 总统 美国 政府 首脑 + The president is the head of the U.S. government. Der Präsident ist das Oberhaupt der amerikanischen Regierung.
976 乡下 空气 + The air in the countryside is very fresh. Die Luft auf dem Land ist gut.
1050 餐厅 环境 不错 + The restaurant is quite nice inside. Das Restaurant sieht von innen ganz gut aus.
1322 双方 会议厅 签约 + Both sides are signing an agreement in the meeting hall. Die beiden Parteien unterzeichnen den Vertrag im Sitzungssaal.
1452 + It's almost light outside. Es ist fast schon hell.
1611 瓶子 毒药 + Inside the bottle is poison.
1655 双方 谋求 合作 + Both sides are striving to cooperate.
1704 室外 寒冷 + It is very cold outside.
1803 很多 小贩 + There are many peddlers selling vegetables by the riverside.
1919 + She's sitting beside the window.
1924 大雪 纷纷 + It's snowing heavily outside.
2062 山腰 田地 + There is a large stretch of farmland on the hillside.
2156 孕妇 户外 走走 + Pregnant women should often take walks outside .
2577 称为 贤人 + He's considered to be a man of great virtue.
2709 猜猜 里面 什么 + Guess what's inside.
2718 报刊亭 + There's a newspaper stand by the side of the street.
2781 这里 新建 住宅区 + This is a newly-built residential complex.
2896 竖立 电线杆 + A power line pole is standing by the roadside.
2906 药物 胶囊 + The medicine is inside the capsules.
2951 美国 人民 悼念 林肯 总统 + The American people mourned President Lincoln.
3024 警察 认为 嫌疑 + The police consider him suspicious.
3046 双方 防御 能力 + Both sides possess very strong defensive capability.
3168 总统 官邸 + This is the president's official residence.
3212 他们 野外 紮营 + They're camping outside.
3254 双方 开始 正式 会晤 + Both sides begin to meet officially.
3306 希望 双方 诚挚 合作 + I hope both sides will cooperate sincerely.
3310 法官 案件 酌情 判决 + The judge considers the circumstances of the case before rendering a decision.
3394 忌讳 别人 + He resents (lit., considers it taboo) others saying he's fat.
3468 栅栏 + The sheep is kept inside the fence.
3717 农村 白事 也是 这么 热闹 + In the countryside, funeral arrangements are often taken very seriously.
3730 母亲 反复 丁宁 出门 一定 注意 安全 + Mother kept on telling me to be careful when outside.
3743 外边 那么 肯定 着凉 受病 + He has been standing for so long outside, he must have caught a cold.
3777 长江 人民 为了 三峡大坝 修建 作出 巨大 牺牲 + People on both sides of Changjiang River have sacrificed a lot for the building of the Three Gorges. Die Menschen an beiden Ufern des Yangtze haben für den Bau des Drei Schluchten Damms ungeheure Opfer auf sich genommen.
Lesson 010. Meeting New People. Business Cards in China.
li3bian + inside
Lesson 012. Home Sweet Home.
zai4li3mian4 + inside
Lesson 019. Traveling in China. Pt 1.
wai4mian + outside
Lesson 026. Sing and Learn. Sweety Sweet.
zai4li3 + inside
Lesson 028. Finding and Renting an Apartment.
zhu4zhai2 + residence / dwelling
Lesson 030. Quick Review. Directions and Location.
pang2bian1 + side / at side
Lesson 030. Quick Review. Directions and Location.
zai4 pang2bian1 + next to / on the side
Lesson 030. Quick Review. Directions and Location.
bei3bian1 + north side
Lesson 030. Quick Review. Directions and Location.
nan2bian + south side
Lesson 030. Quick Review. Directions and Location.
xibian + west side
Lesson 030. Quick Review. Directions and Location.
dong1bian + east side
Lesson 032. Household Duties.
zai4...li3mian4 + inside
Lesson 032. Household Duties.
zai4 xi3yi1ji li3mian4 + inside the washing machine
Lesson 038. Investment in China.
bing4qie3 + moreover / besides / and
Lesson 038. Investment in China.
ren4wei2 + to consider / to think / to believe
Lesson 041. Open a Bank Account in Chinese.
ling4wai4 + moreover / in addition / besides
Lesson 042. Teaching Mandarin.
Wo3 yao4 xia4ke4 le. Ni3 ke3yi3 zai4 wai4mian deng3 wo3 yi1xia4 ma? + I am going to finish my class. Can you wait for me outside?
Lesson 046. Baby Talk in Mandarin.
Wo3men zhi1hou4 chi1fan4fan4, jiu4 qu4 wai4mian san4bu4, hao3 ma? + After we finished eating, let's go outside for a walk, ok?
Lesson 046. Baby Talk in Mandarin.
Wai4mian leng3, qing3 ba3 yi1fu chuan1shang. + It's cold outside, please put on your clothes.
Lesson 048. Merry Christmas. Happy New Year.
Yi1ban1 lai2 shuo1 hen3 duo1ren2 ba3 Sheng4dan4 li3wu4 fang4 zai4 yi1 ge4 da4 de hong2se4 de wa4zi li3mian4. + Generally speaking many people put the Christmas gifts inside a big, red sock.
Lesson 052. Chinese Antiques.
kao3lü4 + to think over / to consider
Lesson 054. Chinese New Year.
chu1men2 + to go outside
10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng

il est considérablement plus jeune que moi + he’s considerably younger than I am

il s’arrête à côté du fauteuil + he stops beside the armchair

les enfants jouent dehors + the children are playing outside

je te retrouve dehors + I’ll find you outside

la présidence considère cela comme une priorité majeure + the presidency considers that a major priority

j’ai rencontré le président des Etats-Unis + I met the president of the U.S.

le président devrait éviter des actions irréfléchies + the president should avoid rash actions

son mandat présidentiel est prévu pour s’achever en 2007 + his presidential mandate is due to expire in 2007

je n’entends d’ailleurs pas le tenir secret + besides, I don’t intend to keep it a secret

j’estime que cela est inadmissible + I consider this to be inexcusable

les gens allaient dormir à la campagne + people were going into the countryside to sleep

je suis favorable aux interventions extérieures + I’m in favor of outside intervention

l’élection présidentielle en Russie est prévue l’été prochain + the Russian presidential elections are slated for next summer

ils s’installèrent hors de la ville + they moved in outside the city

elle tenait de notre père une disposition mélancolique + she got a melancholy disposition from our father’s side

voyant un banc au bord du trottoir je m’y assis + seeing a bench alongside the sidewalk I sat down

dehors il fait froid + it’s cold outside

dehors il fait froid + it’s cold outside

la pétition est signée par plusieurs centaines de résidents + the petition was signed by hundreds of residents

nous avons réalisé des progrès considérables + we achieved considerable progess

je me porte volontaire pour sortir + I hereby volunteer to go outside

vous devez comprendre que la présidence a une mission + you must understand that the presidency has a mission

le vice-président sortant a passé la nuit dans sa résidence + the outgoing vice-president spent the night in his residence

dans le bocal, mes larmes préservent le cœur de mon fils + inside the jar, my tears preserved my son’s heart

il a ensuite rendu hommage au président + then he paid homage to the president

c’est lui qui préside le congrès + he’s who presides over the conference

j’aimerais que vous preniez en considération ma suggestion + I would like you take my suggestion under consideration

j’aurais aimé qu’il soit des nôtres + I would have preferred him to be on our side

les jours de pluie, nous restions à la maison + on rainy days we stayed inside the house

l’administration présidentielle sort sa batterie de combat + the president’s administration brought out its big guns

il alla s’enfermer dans sa cabine sans dire un mot + without a word he went to shut himself inside his cubicle

il présidait ses repas + he presided over her meals

le président condamne cet attentat terroriste + the president condemned that terrorist attack

ils ont trouvé le camion stationné à l’extérieur + they found the truck parked outside

ma bibliothèque est mon paysage mental + my library is my mental countryside

il se mit à rouler lentement le long du trottoir + he started rolling slowly along the sidewalk

la coordination est considérée comme un problème de gestion + coordination is considered a management problem

nous voudrions féliciter la présidence belge pour l’initiative + we would like to congratu- late the Belgian presidency for the initiative

la célébrité de tout président est temporaire + the fame of every president is fleeting

nous proposons de réduire considérablement les impôts + we propose to reduce taxes considerably

bienvenue dans ma résidence d’été + welcome to my summer residence

le président a signé un décret + the president signed a decree

ma candidature ne pouvait pas être considérée + my candidacy couldn’t be considered

le portefeuille des fonds d’épargne devrait fortement progresser + the savings funds portfolio should strengthen considerably

quel pneu est crevé? c’est pas de ton côté + which tire is flat. it’s not on your side

maintenant rentre là-dedans et fais-moi du thé + now go back inside and make me some tea

j’écrirai dorénavant sur les deux côtés de la page + from now on I will write on both sides of the page

elles marchaient de côté avec des pattes de crabe + they walked sideways crab-style

j’ai toujours haï la campagne + I always hated the countryside

il y a le revers de la médaille + there is the other side of the coin

voilà succinctement résumé un versant de sa nature + there, briefly put, is one side of his nature

le président syrien avait confirmé cet entretien + the Syrian president confirmed this interview

le trottoir était couvert d’une boue glacée + the sidewalk was covered with frozen mud

mets-moi sur le trottoir, je me débrouillerai + put me on the sidewalk, I’ll manage

j’ai rencontré presque tous les résidents + I met almost all the residents
04213626-n side
05551318-n side
05852553-n side
08102282-n side
08408709-n side
08649167-n side
08649345-n side
Wordnet ChineseGb
Wordnet GermanGer
Wordnet EnglishEng
103 side +
103 side +
103 side +
103 side +
103 side +
103 side +
103 side +
103 side +
103 side +
103 side +
103 side +
103 side +
103 side +
103 side +
Wordnet FrenchFra
Wordnet SpanishSpa
Wordnet ItalianIta
Wordnet ThaiThai
Wordnet FinnishFin
Wordnet VietnameseVie
Wiktionary VietnameseVie
bên + + side