VNEN người bệnh * patient * 103 VNEN trì chí * patient * 103

Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Goethebuch VieEngDeu
Bạn hãy kiên nhẫn! Be patient! Haben Sie Geduld!
Anh ấy là người kiên nhẫn nhất mà tôi từng gặp. + He's the most patient person I've ever met.

Cô ấy rất kiên nhẫn với chúng tôi. + She is very patient with us.

kiên nhẫn + patient

Tôi là một người kiên nhẫn. + I am a patient person.

Đó là một người đàn ông kiên nhẫn. + That is a patient man.

Các nhà khoa học rất kiên nhẫn. + (The) scientists are very patient.

Kiên nhẫn là một lợi thế. + Patience is an advantage (being patient ...)

Cô ấy vẽ một cách kiên nhẫn. + She draws patiently.

Chúng tôi kiên nhẫn đợi những người phụ nữ vì họ rất chậm. + We wait for the women patiently because they are very slow.

Khán giả của chúng tôi rất kiên nhẫn. + Our audiences are very patient.

Anh ấy là một bệnh nhân dũng cảm. + He is a brave patient

Bác sĩ không cho phép bệnh nhân ăn ớt. + Doctors do not allow patients to eat chili.

bệnh nhân + patient

Những khó khăn sẽ được giải quyết nếu tôi trở nên kiên nhẫn hơn. + The difficulties will be solved if I become more patient.

kiên nhẫn + patient
SNOT Health and body care • medical services patient +
Oxford 3000VieEng
bịnh nhân patient
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
2-2. Krankheit Exercise 2-2-2 Kranke sick person, patient   (Adj. Dekl.)
2-2. Krankheit Exercise 2-2-2 Patient patient   (n-Dekl.)
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Exercise 10-8 Der Patient atmet gleichmäßig.  + gleichmäßig The patient breathes evenly.  Bệnh nhân thở đều.
Exercise 21-8 Der Kranke befindet sich in einem kritischen Zustand.  + kritisch The patient is in a critical state.  Bệnh nhân đang trong tình trạng nguy kịch.
Exercise 22-2 Der Arzt misst dem Patienten den Blutdruck.  + messen* The doctor measures the patient's blood pressure.  Bác sĩ đo huyết áp của bệnh nhân.
Exercise 27-8 Der Fahrer hupte ungeduldig. + hupen The driver honked impatiently. Người lái xe hét lên một cách thiếu kiên nhẫn.
Exercise 31-3 Bitte haben Sie etwas Geduld.  + Geduld Please be patient.  Làm ơn hãy kiên nhẫn.
Exercise 41-4 Ich bin Patient bei Dr. Hausner. Kann ich einen Termin haben?  + Patient I'm a patient with Dr. Hausner. Can I have an appointment?  Tôi là một bệnh nhân với bác sĩ Hausner. Tôi có thể hẹn không?
Exercise 41-4 Im Wartezimmer waren acht Patienten. + Patient There were eight patients in the waiting room. Có tám bệnh nhân trong phòng chờ đợi.
Exercise 41-5 Der Patient atmet schwer. + atmen Patient's breathing heavy. Hơi thở bệnh nhân nặng.
Exercise 45-2 Die Krankenschwester versorgt den Patienten.  + versorgen  The nurse takes care of the patient.  Y tá chăm sóc bệnh nhân.
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng

Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode
patient Medical Care 6
patient Hospital 18
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical treatment Patient(in) + patient + A

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
A 看病 + * * kan4 bing4 see a doctor/ see a patient einen Kranken aufsuchen (Arzt) +
A + * * ji2 rapid/ impatient/ irascible/ urgent 1. es eilig haben, auf etw brennen, ungeduldig, dringend, dringlich bange machen, jn in Sorgen versetzen 3. ärgerlich, böse, gereizt 4. geschwind, hastig, ungestüm, rapid, hitzig 5. dringend, dringlich 6. eilends bestrebt, zu helfen +
B 病人 + * * bing4ren2 patient Patient +
B 耐心 + * * nai4xin1 patient/ patience Geduld, geduldig +
C 門診 + * * men2zhen3 outpatient service ambulante Behandlung +
C 病情 + * * bing4qing2 state of an illness/ patient's condition Befinden, Zustand eines Patienten +
C 焦急 + * * jiao1ji2 anxious/ worried/ agitated/ impatient beunruhigt, besorgt, nervös +
C 急躁 + * * ji2zao4 impatient/ impetuous/ irritable/ irascible jähzornig, ungeduldig +
C 耐煩 + * * nai4fan2 patient/ composed geduldig, duldsam +
D 患者 + * * huan4zhe3 patient Patient, Kranker +
D 病號 + * * bing4hao4 patient Erkrankte +
D 急切 + * * ji2qie4 impatient eager/ imperative dringlich, ungeduldig, in großer Eile +
Oxford 32000EngGloss

Mcc SentencesGbEngDeuVie
120 病人 今天 + The patient is much better today. Dem Kranken geht es heute viel besser.
1177 病人 苏醒 + The patient has regained consciousness. Der Patient hat sein Bewusstsein zurückerlangt.
1183 耐心 等待 + He's waiting patiently. Er wartet geduldig.
1622 病人 意识 没有 清醒 + The patient hasn't regained consciousness yet.
1855 孩子们 耐心 + She's patient with the children.
2477 医生 病人 前走 + The doctor is helping the patient to walk.
2633 医生 病情 诊断 + The doctor is diagnosing a patient's illness.
2912 医生 叮嘱 病人 按时 + The doctor urged/warned the patient repeatedly to take the medicine at the times indicated.
3501 医生 通过 把脉 揆度 病情 + By taking a pulse, a doctor can gauge a patient's condition.
Lesson 042. Teaching Mandarin.
you3 nai4xin1 + to have patience / to be patient
Lesson 042. Teaching Mandarin.
Ta1 hen3 you3 nai4xin1. + He is very patient.
Lesson 042. Teaching Mandarin.
Jiao4 xiao3hai2 xu1yao4 you3 nai4xin1. + To teach little children one needs to be patient.
Lesson 045. Visiting a Hospital in China.
men2zhen3 + outpatient department
Lesson 045. Visiting a Hospital in China.
pu3tong2 men2zhen3 + ordinary outpatient department
Lesson 045. Visiting a Hospital in China.
wai4bin1 men2zhen3 + foreign guest outpatient department
Lesson 045. Visiting a Hospital in China.
te4xu1 men2zhen3 + special needs outpatient department
Lesson 045. Visiting a Hospital in China.
Qing3wen4 wai4bin1 men2zhen3 zai4 na3li? + Excuse me, where is the foreign guest outpatient department?
10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng

je patiente depuis dix minutes + I have been patiently waiting for ten minutes

mais n’anticipons pas, sinon nous n’ar- riverons jamais + let’s not get impatient or we’ll never arrive there

la clinique a beaucoup de patients, mais je peux vous aider + the clinic has many patients, but I can help you

il est méthodique, rigoureux et, pire que tout, patient + he is methodical, rigorous, and worst of all patient

j’attendis la rentrée avec impatience + I awaited the reopening of school impatiently

il peut identifier une mutation chez les patients affectés + he can identify a mutation in the patients who were affected

nous vous attendons avec impatience + we’re waiting impatiently for you
10405694-n patient
Wordnet ChineseGb
Wordnet GermanGer
Wordnet EnglishEng
103 patient +
103 patient +
103 patient +
Wordnet FrenchFra
Wordnet SpanishSpa
Wordnet ItalianIta
Wordnet ThaiThai
Wordnet FinnishFin
Wordnet VietnameseVie
Wiktionary VietnameseVie
patient kiên nhẫn + +
bệnh nhân + + patient kiên nhẫn + + patient