Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Goethebuch VieEngDeu
Mùa thu và mùa đông. autumn / fall (am.) and winter. der Herbst und der Winter.
Cẩn thận! Khéo ngã! + Be careful! Don't fall!
Tiếng ồn giúp tôi không ngủ gật. + The noise keeps me from falling asleep.
Vỉa hè băng dày nên chúng tôi phải đi cẩn thận. Chúng tôi sợ bị ngã. + The sidewalk was icy, so we walked very carefully. We were afraid of falling.
Tôi đã thấy anh ấy ngã khỏi xe đạp. + I saw him fall off his bike.
Ngôi nhà kia trông như sắp đổ. > Ngôi nhà kia trông như là sắp đổ. + That house looks like it's going to fall down. — That house looks as if it's going to fall down.
Người ta từng mang máy nhắn tin nhưng giờ họ đã hoàn toàn không dùng nó nữa. + People used to carry pagers around, but they've completely fallen out of use.

Tôi ngã. + I fall.

Bạn ngã. + You fall.

+ rainfall (precipitation)

Tôi muốn biết lượng mưa ở đây. + I want to know the rainfall here.

Anh thực sự đã yêu em rồi + I've totally fallen for you

Đoàn kết là sống, chia rẽ là chết + United we stand, divided we fall
GNOT Spatial • motion to fall +
SNOT Health and body care • ailments– accidents to fall ill +
SNOT Health and body care • ailments– accidents to fall +
Oxford 3000VieEng
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
1-2. Familie Exercise 1-2-6 sich verlieben to fall in love   (verliebt, verliebte, hat verliebt)
2-1. Körper Exercise 2-1-8 einschlafen 1. to fall asleep, 2. to cool off   (schläft ein, schlief ein, ist eingeschlafen)
2-1. Körper Exercise 2-1-11 auffallen to stand out, notice   (fällt auf, fiel auf, ist aufgefallen)
2-3. Unfall Exercise 2-3-1 Fall 1. case, 2. fall
2-3. Unfall Exercise 2-3-6 fallen 1. to fall, 2. to sink, 3. to fail, 4. to be killed in a war   (fällt, fiel, ist gefallen)
2-3. Unfall Exercise 2-3-6 stürzen  to fall   (stürzt, stürzte, ist gestürzt)
Exercise 9-1-9 gefallen to please   (gefällt, gefiel, hat gefallen)
12-1. Ausbildung Exercise 12-1-15 ausfallen to drop out, be cancelled   (fällt aus, fiel aus, ist ausgefallen)
17-2. Meinungen Exercise 17-2-6 einfallen 1. to occur to someone, to remember, 2. to collapse   (fällt ein, fiel ein, ist eingefallen)
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Exercise 2-6 Neujahr fällt diesmal auf einen Montag.  + Montag New Year's Day falls on a Monday this time.  Ngày đầu năm mới rơi vào thứ hai này.
Exercise 5-6 Wie vom Himmel gefallen stand er plötzlich vor mir.  + Himmel Like falling from the sky he suddenly stood before me.  Giống như rơi xuống từ bầu trời, anh ấy đột nhiên đứng trước mặt tôi.
Exercise 5-8 Neujahr fällt diesmal auf einen Montag.  + Neujahr  New Year's Day falls on a Monday this time.  Ngày đầu năm mới rơi vào thứ hai này.
Exercise 6-3 Im Herbst kommt meine Tochter in die siebte Klasse.  + Klasse In the fall, my daughter's going to seventh grade.  Vào mùa thu, con gái tôi lên lớp bảy.
Exercise 22-9 Gestern konnte ich lange nicht einschlafen.  + einschlafen* Yesterday I couldn't fall asleep for a long time.  Hôm qua tôi không ngủ được trong một thời gian dài.
Exercise 22-9 Er war über dem Buch eingeschlafen.  + einschlafen* He had fallen asleep over the book.  Anh đã ngủ quên trong cuốn sách.
Exercise 22-9 Das Feuer schläft ein.  + einschlafen* The fire is falling asleep.  Ngọn lửa đang rơi vào giấc ngủ.
Exercise 22-9 Der Wind schläft ein.  + einschlafen* The wind is falling asleep.  Gió đang ngủ.
Exercise 26-5 Die Haare fallen ihr aus.  + ausfallen* Her hair is falling out.  Tóc cô ấy rơi ra.
Exercise 33-7 Die Arbeitslosigkeit hat abgenommen.  + abnehmen* Unemployment has fallen.  Thất nghiệp đã giảm.
Exercise 35-9 Er hat von dem Sturz einen blauen Fleck. + Fleck He's got a bruise from the fall. Anh ấy bị bầm tím từ khi mùa thu.
Exercise 37-5 Die Arbeitslosigkeit ist gesunken. + Arbeitslosigkeit Unemployment has fallen. Thất nghiệp đã giảm.
Exercise 39-2 Der Preis ist um 3 % gesunken.  + sinken*  The price has fallen by 3%.  Giá đã giảm 3%.
Exercise 43-1 Die nächste Wahl ist im Herbst.  + Wahl The next election is in the fall.  Cuộc bầu cử tiếp theo là vào mùa thu.
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng

Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode
fall Medical Emergencies O
+ + 103 The physical world Water Wasserfall + waterfall + A
+ + 103 Weather General sinken + to fall + A
+ + 103 Weather Snow and ice Schneefall + snowfall + A
+ + 103 Weather Rain Regenfall + fall of rain + B
+ + 103 Weather Rain regenreich + with high rainfall + B
+ + 103 Weather Rain Niederschlag + rainfall + C
+ + 103 Weather Snow and ice es graupelt + soft hail is falling + C
+ + 103 Weather Snow and ice rieseln + to fall gently/lightly + C
+ + 103 The human body and health Sexual organs Eileiter + fallopian tube + C
+ + 103 Physical appearance Hair seine Haare fallen (ihm) aus + his hair is falling out + A
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement upwards and downwards fallen + to fall + A
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement upwards and downwards umfallen + to fall over/down + A
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement upwards and downwards hinfallen + to fall down + A
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement upwards and downwards ausrutschen + to slip (and fall) + B
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement upwards and downwards auf die Nase fallen (coll.) + to fall flat on one's face + B
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs sich in die Arme fallen + to fall into each other's arms + B
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement upwards and downwards stürzen + to fall, plunge, plummet + C
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement upwards and downwards Sturz + fall + C
+ + 103 Size and quantity Increase and decrease Rückgang + drop, fall, decline, decrease + A
+ + 103 Size and quantity Increase and decrease sich senken + to fall, come down, subside, sink, fall + A
+ + 103 Literature and literary criticism Structure fallende Handlung + descending, falling action + C
+ + 103 Speaking Agreeing and disagreeing sich mit jmdm zerstreiten + to fall out with sb + C
+ + 103 Family, birth, death and marriage Marriage and divorce sich in jmdn verlieben + to fall in love with sb + B
+ + 103 Religion Beliefs and doctrines Unfehlbarkeit + infallibility + C
+ + 103 Religion Beliefs and doctrines unfehlbar + infallible + C
+ + 103 Agriculture Crops brachliegen + to lie fallow + C
+ + 103 Finance The market fallender Markt + falling market + A
+ + 103 Finance The market sinken + to fall, drop [price] + A
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace History Sturz + fall, overthrow + B
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace History verfallen + to fall into decline [empire] + B
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Military (in Reih und Glied) antreten + to fall in + C
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Military ins Glied treten + to fall in [one soldier] + C
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Military wegtreten + to fall out + C
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Peace Fall-out + fallout + C

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
A + * * dao3 fall/ collapse/ resell/ exchange/ rearrange hinfallen, zusammenbrechen +
A + * * huang2 yellow/ sallow/ fall through 1. gelb, blond 2. abgekürzte Bezeichnung für den Huanghe-Fluß +
A + * * qiu1 autumn/ fall 1. Herbst 2. Erntezeit 3. Jahr +
A 秋天 + * * qiu1tian1 autumn/ fall Herbst +
A + * * diao4 fall/ drop/ lose/ reduce/ turn 1.fallenlassen, herunterfallen, abfallen 2. zurückbleiben 3. verlieren, verschwinden 4. wenden, umkehren 5. abwischen +
B + * * shuai1 fall/ tumble 1. auf den Boden fallen, stürzen 2. brechen, zerbrechen, kaputt machen 3. werfen, hinwerfen +
B 傍晚 + * * bang4wan3 toward evening/ at nightfall gegen Abend, Dämmerung +
B + * * jiang4 fall/ drop/ lower/ land fallen, sinken +
B + * * luo4 1. fall, drop 2. go down, set 3. fall onto, rest with 4. lay behind, fall behind 5. lower 6.leave behind, stay behind 7. get, have, receive 1. fallen 2. sinken 3. herunterlassen 4. verfallen, untergehen 5. zurückbleiben 6. zurücklassen, hinterlassen 7. erhalten, bekommen 8. Niederlassung, Unterkunft 9. Ansiedlung siehe la4 +
B 落後 + * * luo4hou4 backward/ fall behind rückständig, zurückfallen +
B + * * die1 fall down 1. fallen, hinfallen, umfallen, stürzen 2. (im Preis) fallen, sinken +
C + * * ta1 fall down/ collapse/ crumple/ sink/ slump/ calm down 1. einstürzen, zuammenbrechen, zusammenfallen 2. einsinken, einfallen 3. sich beruhigen, ruhig werden +
C + * * zhong4 hit/ be affected/ get hit/ suffer/ fall into treffen, betroffen sein, getroffen sein siehe zhong1 +
C + * * tan1 spread out/ unfold/ lay out/ share/ (of sth. bad) befall z.B: Imbißstand +
C + * * tan1 spread out/ unfold/ lay out/ share/ (of sth. bad) befall z.B: Imbißstand +
C + * * xian4 get stuck/ get bogged down/ sink/ cave in/ frame/ fall 1. Fallgrube, Falle 2. sinken, versinken, hineingeraten, steckenbleiben 3. einfallen, sinken 4. Schaden zufügen, zu Fall bringen 5. besetzt werden, eingenommen werden 6. Defekt, Fehler +
C 生病 + * * sheng1 bing4 get sick/ fall ill/ contract a disease krank werden, erkranken +
C 得病 + * * de2 bing4 get sick/ fall ill/ contract a disease krank werden +
C 破產 + * * po4 chan3 go bankrupt/ go broke/ come to nothing/ fall through Bankrott machen,ruiniert sein,scheitern +
C 閉幕 + * * bi4mu4 the curtain falls, close schließen , der Vorhang fällt +
C 退步 + 退* * tui4bu4 back-steps/ regress/ fall behind/ retrogression einen Schritt zurück machen +
C 秋季 + * * qiu1ji4 autumn season/ autumn/ fall/ season of autumn Herbst +
C 後退 + 退* * hou4tui4 back up/ draw back/ fall back/ retreat sich zurückziehen +
C 腳步 + * * jiao3bu4 footstep/ footfall/ step/ pace/ way of walking 1. Schritt 2. Gang +
C 下降 + * * xia4jiang4 lower-descend/ decline/ get down/ drop/ fall niedergehen, sinken, untergehen +
C + * * kua3 collapse/ fall/ break down zusammenbrechen, einstürzen +
D 倒退 + 退* * dao4tui4 fall back zurückfallen Rückfall +
D + * * la4 1. leave out, be missing 2. forget to bring 3. lag (or fall, drop) behind 1.auslassen, übersehen,überschlagen 2.vergessen,liegenlassen 3. zurückbleiben,aus der Reihe fallen siehe luo4 +
D 好壞 + * * hao3huai4 stand or fall 1. gut, schön, nett 2. gesund, genesen 3. befreundet, freundlich +
D 來臨 + * * lai2lin2 come/ fall ankommen, herannahen +
D 破碎 + * * po4sui4 fall to pieces zerbrochen, zerfetzt, zerschmettern, zerstückeln +
D 瀑布 + * * pu4bu4 waterfall Wasserfall +
D 謬論 + * * miu4lun4 fallacy/ paralogism Unsinn, absurde Behauptung +
D 降臨 + * * jiang4lin2 become of/ befall/ arrive ankommen, hereinbrechen,herniedersteigen +
D 跟頭 + * * gen1tou fall hinfallen,zu Boden Fallen, Salto +
D 落地 + * * luo4di4 fall to the ground zu Boden fallen, zusammenfallen +
D 供不應求 + * * gong1 bu4 ying4 qiu2 supply falls short of demand das Angebot ist kleiner als die Nachfrage +
Oxford 32000EngGloss

Mcc SentencesGbEngDeuVie
347 睡着 + She's fallen asleep. Sie ist eingeschlafen.
886 地上 很多 落叶 + There are many fallen leaves on the ground. Auf dem Boden liegt viel Laub.
1277 睡着 + He's fallen asleep. Er schläft.
1278 树叶 地上 + The tree leaves have fallen to the ground. Die (Baum-)Blätter sind auf den Boden gefallen.
1291 这里 落叶 + The ground is completely covered by fallen leaves. Der Boden ist komplett von Laub bedeckt.
1393 秋季 来临 + Fall has arrived. Der Herbst steht vor der Tür.
1721 瀑布 壮观 + The waterfall is spectacular.
2175 下雨 水滴 落到 车窗 + It's raining and the raindrops are falling on the car windows.
3426 尼亚加 拉大 瀑布 + I've been to Niagara Falls.
3432 毒品 沉沦 + Drugs brought about his downfall.
3540 回忆 不会 随着 时间 湮灭 + Memories do not fall into oblivion with the passage of time.
3546 彗星 陨落 瞬间 + The moment when a comet falls is beautiful.
3588 尽管 领导 今天 来可 我们 还是 不 能 懈怠。 我们 还是 懈怠 + Despite the fact that our leader does not come today, nevertheless we can't fall asleep.
Lesson 009. Weather and Seasons in Chinese.
qiu1tian1 + fall / autumn
10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng

nous devons produire quelque chose sur les terres en jachère + we must produce something with the fallow lands

tu attendras dans les bois que la nuit tombe + you will wait in the woods until nightfall

ceux qui tombent de cette hauteur sont morts + whoever falls from this height dies

quelques mois après la chute du mur de Berlin, en avril 1990 + a few months after the fall of the Berlin wall, in April 1990

je saute la barrière, je tombe + I jump over the barrier and fall down

prends la barre! comme ça, tu tomberas pas + hold onto the bar! that way you won’t fall

c’est un piège dans lequel je ne veux pas tomber + it’s a trap I don’t want to fall into

la production de charbon est en train de chuter + coal production is falling off

il essaie de se lever, retombe + he tried to stand up, falls down again

ils sont régulièrement la proie des nom- breuses prostituées + they regularly fall prey to numerous prostitutes

il entendit la clef tomber sur le plancher + he heard the key fall onto the floor

je ne voulais surtout pas m’endormir au volant + I certainly didn’t want to fall asleep at the wheel

la température descend au-dessous de -40 + the temperature is falling below –40

les particules radioactives tombent avec les gouttes de pluie + radioactive particles fall with raindrops

la tempête m’a fait chuter + the storm made me fall

ce rôle leur incombe maintenant + this role falls to them now

la rébellion va éclater, des gouvernments vont tomber! + rebellion will break out, governments will fall!

j’avais prédit une multiplication de travail pour l’automne + I predicted an increase in workload for the fall
00756919-n fall
07370270-n fall
07478531-n Fall
Wordnet ChineseGb
Wordnet GermanGer
Wordnet EnglishEng
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103 Fall +
103 fall +
103 fall +
103 fall +
Wordnet FrenchFra
Wordnet SpanishSpa
Wordnet ItalianIta
Wordnet ThaiThai
Wordnet FinnishFin
Wordnet VietnameseVie
Wiktionary VietnameseVie
fall xuống + +
fall ngã, té, rớt, rơi + +
ngã + + fall