VNEN đất nước * country * 103

Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
das Land country Quốc gia
Ich wohne auf dem Land. I live in the country. Tôi sống ở trong nước.
Goethebuch VieEngDeu
Ở nước này có nhiều người thất nghiệp quá. There are too many unemployed people in this country. In diesem Land gibt es zu viele Arbeitslose.
Brazil là một đất nước rất lớn. + Brazil is a very big country.
Họ từng sống ở nông thôn. + They used to live in the country.
Mexico đã trở thành một nước độc lập từ năm một nghìn tám trăm hai mươi. + Mexico has been an independent country since eighteen twenty-one (1821).
Tôi nghĩ mọi người nên đi một nước khác. + I think everybody should travel to another country.
Có bao giờ cậu xe xét việc sẽ hát sống ở một nước khác chưa? - Chắc chắn có rồi nhưng tôi không biết sẽ tốn kém bao nhiêu. + Have you ever considered going to live in another country? — Sure, but I don't know how much it would cost.
Tamara thích sống ở nông thôn hơn ở thành phố. + Tamara prefers to live in the country rather than in the city.
Mau sẽ có mưa một số nơi nhưng phần lớn cả nước sẽ khô ráo. + Tomorrow there'll be rain in some places, but most of the country will be dry.
Thuỵ Điển là một nước ở Bắc Âu. + Sweden is a country in northern Europe.
Kenya là một nước ở Đông Phi. + Kenya is a country in East Africa.
Chúng tôi biết nhiều người sống ở ngoại ô. + We know a lot of people who live in the country.
Quyết định quan trọng nhất cậu từng phải đưa ra là gì? - Đó là: chuyển sang một nước khác. + What's the most important decision you've ever had to make? — It was moving to another country.
Phong tục nước họ giống với chúng tôi. + The customs in their country are similar to ours.

Quốc gia + Country / Nation

Một quốc gia độc lập + An independent country

Sự thân thiện của quốc gia này làm tôi hạnh phúc. + The friendliness of this country makes me happy.

năm sau, họ sẽ tìm một quốc gia mới. + Next year they will find a new country.

Nước nào ở giữa Tây Ban Nha và Pháp? + Which country is between Spain and France?

Uỷ ban đang thảo luận về dân số của quốc gia + The committee is having a discussion about the population of the country.

Khi nào những kẻ ác sẽ đến nước của chúng tôi? + When will the villains come to our country?

Nước nào không có hiến pháp? + Which country does not have a constitution?

Mọi công dân có quyền và nghĩa vụ với quốc gia. + Every citizen has rights and duties to his country.

Pháp là một nước tư bản. + France is a capitalist country.

Đất nước này không phải là một thuộc địa. + This country is not a colony

Đất + CF (country)

Khi quốc gia của họ được thống nhất, triệu người đã cười và triệungười khác đã khóc. + When their country was unified, millions of people smiled and millions of

Một đất nước gan góc + an undaunted country

Hiện tại đang là mùa gì ở nước bạn? + What is the season in your country now?
SNOT Personal identification • address country nước +
SNOT House and home, environment • region part of the country +
SNOT • region countryside quê +
SNOT Travel • holidays to a foreign country +
Oxford 3000VieEng
đất nước country
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
1-1. Person Exercise 1-1-3 Herkunftsland home country, country of origin
6-2. Natur Exercise 6-2-1 Land 1. state, 2. country, 3. (piece of) land
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Exercise 1-5 Ich wohne lieber auf dem Land als in der Stadt.  + Stadt I'd rather live in the country than in the city.  Tôi muốn sống ở trong nước hơn là ở thành phố.
Exercise 3-3 Wir lebten fünf Jahre lang auf dem Land.  + Jahr We lived in the country for five years.  Chúng tôi đã sống ở nước này trong 5 năm.
Exercise 3-5 Deutschland ist ein schönes Land.  + Land Germany is a beautiful country.  Đức là một đất nước xinh đẹp.
Exercise 3-5 Möchten Sie lieber auf dem Land oder in der Stadt wohnen?  + Land Would you rather live in the country or in the city?  Bạn có muốn sống ở trong nước hay trong thành phố không?
Exercise 3-5 Sie wohnen auf dem Land. + Land They live in the country. Họ sống ở trong nước.
Exercise 6-5 Das Land ist reich an Rohstoffen.  + reich The country is rich in raw materials.  Đất nước giàu nguyên liệu.
Exercise 7-6 Es herrschen Ruhe und Ordnung im Land. + Ruhe There is peace and order in the country. Có hòa bình và trật tự trong nước.
Exercise 7-6 Welche Universität ist die berühmteste in deinem Land?  + Universität Which university is the most famous in your country?  Đại học nào nổi tiếng nhất ở nước bạn?
Exercise 15-9 Drückende Hitze herrschte im Lande.  + herrschen The heat was heavy in the country.  Nhiệt là nặng nề trong cả nước.
Exercise 16-1 Meine Eltern leben auf dem Land.  + auf My parents live in the country.  Bố mẹ tôi sống ở trong nước.
Exercise 18-3 In meiner Kindheit war ich oft auf dem Land bei meinen Großeltern.  + Kindheit In my childhood I was often in the country with my grandparents.  Trong thời thơ ấu của tôi, tôi thường ở trong nước với ông bà tôi.
Exercise 20-2 Tragen Sie bitte hier Ihr Herkunftsland ein.  + Herkunftsland Please enter your country of origin here.  Vui lòng nhập quốc gia xuất xứ của bạn ở đây.
Exercise 22-4 Wir sind quer durch das ganze Land gefahren.  + quer  We drove all over the country.  Chúng tôi lái xe trên khắp đất nước.
Exercise 25-7 Auf dem Land arbeiten die meisten Leute in der Landwirtschaft.  + Landwirtschaft Most people work in the countryside in agriculture.  Hầu hết mọi người làm việc ở vùng nông thôn.
Exercise 31-1 Man braucht viel Mut, um in einem fremden Land ganz neu anzufangen.  + Mut It takes a lot of courage to start from scratch in a foreign country.  Phải mất rất nhiều can đảm để bắt đầu từ đầu ở nước ngoài.
Exercise 31-9 Wir wollen in einem einfachen Gasthaus auf dem Land einkehren.  + Gasthaus We want to stop in a simple country inn.  Chúng tôi muốn dừng lại trong một nhà trọ giản dị ở đất nước.
Exercise 37-5 Die Wirtschaft des Landes wächst schnell.  + Wirtschaft The country's economy is growing rapidly.  Nền kinh tế của đất nước đang phát triển nhanh chóng.
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng

Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode
+ + 103 Towns and buildings Towns Landstraße + B road, country road + C
+ + 103 Gesture and movement General etw durchqueren + to cross sth [country] + B
+ + 103 Colour and light Expressions ins Grüne + into the country + A
+ + 103 Sport Sports Geländerennen + cross-country running/race + B
+ + 103 Sport Sports Langlauf + cross-country skiing + B
+ + 103 Sport Premises Loipe + cross-country ski run + C
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport General Ausland + foreign country + A
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport General aus- + to leave/enter the country + B
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport General Ausreise + leaving the country + B
+ + 103 Law Crime über die Grenze fliehen + to flee/skip the country + B
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Geography Land + country + A
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Geography Gelände + (open) country, terrain + B
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Geography Vaterland + native country + B
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Geography Heimatland + native country + B
+ + 103 Politics and international relations International relations Entwicklungsland + developing country + B
+ + 103 Politics and international relations Immigration and asylum Herkunftsland + country of origin + B
+ + 103 Politics and international relations International relations ein Land diplomatisch anerkennen + to recognize a country diplomatically + C

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
A 農村 + * * nong2cun1 rural area/ countryside Dorf,auf dem Lande +
A 外國 + * * wai4guo2 foreign country Ausland +
A + * * guo2 country/ state/ nation 1.Land, Staat, Nation 2.staatlich, national +
A 國家 + * * guo2jia1 country/ state/ nation Land,Staat +
B 鄉下 + * * xiang1xia village/ country side ländlich, Gegend, Land +
B 田野 + * * tian2ye3 field/ open country Felder, offene Landschaft +
C 鄉村 + * * xiang1cun1 countryside-hamlet/ rural area/ countryside/ village Dorf, dörflich, ländliches Gebiet, Land +
D 僑胞 + * * qiao2bao1 countryman residing abroad im Ausland lebende Landsleute +
D 鄰國 + * * lin2guo2 neighboring country Nachbarland +
D 野外 + * * ye3wai4 open country offenes Land, Feld, im Freien +
D 入境 + * * ru4 jing4 enter a country in ein Land einreisen +
D 山河 + * * shan1he2 the land of country Berge und Flüsse - Territorium eines Landes +
D 出境 + * * chu1 jing4 leave the country das Land verlassen, international +
D 發奮圖強 + * * fa1fen4 tu2 qiang2 work with a will to make the country strong mit festen Willen das Land zu erstarken +
D 國產 + * * guo2chan3 made in one's own country im eigenen Land hergestellt +
D 國情 + * * guo2qing2 the situation of a country Lage der Nation +
D 賣國 + * * mai4 guo2 betray one's country sein Land verraten +
D 下鄉 + * * xia4 xiang1 go to the countryside aufs Land gehen +
Oxford 32000EngGloss

Mcc SentencesGbEngDeuVie
262 这里 国家 边境 + This is the country's border. Dies ist die Landesgrenze.
394 野外 空气 + The air in the countryside is really good. Auf dem Land ist die Luft wirklich gut.
410 军队 国家 服务 + An army serves its country. Eine Armee dient seinem Land.
742 士兵 保卫 国家 + The soldiers are defending their country. Die Soldaten verteidigen ihr Land.
848 集市 热闹 + The country market is very lively. Der Markt ist sehr betriebsam.
976 乡下 空气 + The air in the countryside is very fresh. Die Luft auf dem Land ist gut.
1095 国家 货币 + Which country's currency is this? Welche Landeswährung ist dies?
1272 回国 探亲 访友 + I am returning to my country to visit relatives and friends. Ich will in mein Heimatland fahren, um Verwandte und Freunde zu besuchen.
1337 驱逐 出境 + She's been deported from the country. Sie wird aus dem Land ausgewiesen.
1575 准备 回国 探望 亲友 + I'm going back to my home country to visit relatives and friends.
1607 他们 野外 露营 + They went camping in the open country.
1623 + He is the king of a country.
1902 军人 国家 忠心 + The soldiers are loyal to their country.
2113 我们 同胞 + We're fellow countrymen.
2224 军人 为国 牺牲 + The soldiers died for their country.
2342 国家 越来越 繁荣 昌盛 + The country is growing more and more prosperous.
3201 贪官 祸国殃民 + Corrupt officials bring disaster to the country and the people.
3541 中国 泱泱大国 + China is a great and impressive country.
3650 每个 国家 自己 独立 海关 + Each country has its own independent Customs.
3717 农村 白事 也是 这么 热闹 + In the countryside, funeral arrangements are often taken very seriously.
Lesson 004. Introducing People. Nationalities and Occupations.
guo2 + country / nation
Lesson 004. Introducing People. Nationalities and Occupations.
na3 guo2 + which country
Lesson 004. Introducing People. Nationalities and Occupations.
Ni3 shi4 na3guo2 ren2? + Which country are you from?
Lesson 009. Weather and Seasons in Chinese.
guo2jia1 + country
Lesson 009. Weather and Seasons in Chinese.
Ni3 shi4 na3ge4 guo2jia1 de ren2? + Which country you are from?
10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng

ils vivent dans ce beau pays + they live in this beautiful country

l’homme est plus important que l’État + man is more important than country

les gens allaient dormir à la campagne + people were going into the countryside to sleep

il y a des dizaines de milliers de jeunes dans ce pays + there are tens of thousands of youth in this country

elle était une musicienne célèbre dans notre pays + she was a famous musician in our country

ne songez pas à quitter le pays + don’t even dream of leaving the country

ces différences enrichissent notre pays + these differences enrich our country

ma bibliothèque est mon paysage mental + my library is my mental countryside

on entretient un lien quasi mystique avec son pays natal + we maintain an almost mystical connection with our native country

notre pays était complètement effondré + our country had suffered a complete meltdown

la Russie n’est un pays ni asiatique ni européen + Russia is neither an Asian country nor a European one

ce conflit mine le quatrième pays le plus peuplé du monde + this conflict is eroding the fourth most populous country in the world

tous ces services dépendent au bien-être économique de notre pays + all of these services depend on the economic well-being of our country

une dictature militaire n’est pas souhaitable dans ce pays + a military dictatorship isn’t desirable in this country

j’ai toujours haï la campagne + I always hated the countryside

la violence qui sévit dans ce pays nous inquiète aussi beaucoup + the violence that is tearing this country apart also troubles us greatly

on a un pays très diversifié + we have a very diversified country

la richesse du pays a fait un bond + the wealth of the country rebounded

ce sont des pertes écrasantes pour n’importe quel pays + those would be crushing losses for any country

je contemple l’énorme exode des campag- nards + I’m pondering the enormous exodus of country-dwellers
Wordnet ChineseGb
Wordnet GermanGer
Wordnet EnglishEng
103 country +
103 country +
103 country +
103 country +
103 country +
Wordnet FrenchFra
Wordnet SpanishSpa
Wordnet ItalianIta
Wordnet ThaiThai
Wordnet FinnishFin
Wordnet VietnameseVie
Wiktionary VietnameseVie
country quốc gia (國家), tổ quốc, quê hương, nước, quốc + +
country đất nước + +
country tỉnn, miền quê, nông thôn + +