VNEN đám mây * cloud * 103

Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Goethebuch VieEngDeu
Mây màu xám. The cloud is grey / gray (am.). Die Wolke ist grau.
Mây màu gì? Màu xám. What colour / color (am.) is the cloud? Grey / Gray (am.). Welche Farbe hat die Wolke? Grau.
Thời tiết hôm nay không đẹp. Trời nhiều mây. + The weather isn't so nice today. It's cloudy.

mây + cloud

Trong cái rủi còn có cái may. + Every cloud has a silver lining!

Tôi hanh phúc như đang trên mây. + I am on cloud nine
Oxford 3000VieEng
điện toán đám mây cloud
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
6-3. Klima, Wetter Exercise 6-3-2 Wolke cloud
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Exercise 5-6 Der Himmel ist bedeckt.  + Himmel The sky is cloudy.  Trời nhiều mây.
Exercise 5-8 Es sind viele Wolken am Himmel.  + Wolke There are many clouds in the sky.  Có rất nhiều đám mây trên bầu trời.
Exercise 5-8 Der Himmel überzog sich plötzlich mit dunklen Wolken.  + Wolke The sky suddenly covered with dark clouds.  Bầu trời bỗng chốc phủ mây đen.
Exercise 5-8 Der Himmel war mit Wolken bedeckt.  + Wolke The sky was covered with clouds.  Bầu trời bao phủ bởi những đám mây.
Exercise 13-3 Es war bewölkt, deshalb nahm ich meinen Regenschirm mit.  + deshalb It was cloudy, so I took my umbrella with me.  Trời rất đục, vì vậy tôi mang ô của tôi cùng tôi.
Exercise 36-3 Nicht eine einzige Wolke war am Himmel.  + einzig Not a single cloud was in the sky.  Không một đám mây duy nhất ở trên trời.
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng

Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode
+ + 103 Weather Clouds Wolke + cloud + A
+ + 103 Weather Clouds wolkig + cloudy + A
+ + 103 Weather Clouds halbbedeckt + partly cloudy + A
+ + 103 Weather Clouds Wolkendecke + cloud cover + A
+ + 103 Weather Clouds sich bewölken + to cloud over, become overcast + B
+ + 103 Weather Clouds bewölkt + cloudy + B
+ + 103 Weather Clouds der Himmel ist leicht bewölkt + there is only light cloud cover + B
+ + 103 Weather Clouds Gewitterwolke + storm cloud, thundercloud + B
+ + 103 Weather Clouds Bewölkung + cloud (cover) + C
+ + 103 Weather Clouds Bewölkungsauflockerung + breaking up of the cloud cover + C
+ + 103 Weather Clouds Bewölkungszunahme + increase in the cloud cover + C
+ + 103 Weather Clouds Wolkenfetzen + wisp of cloud + C
+ + 103 Weather Rain Wolkenbruch + cloudburst + C
+ + 103 Weather Rain Platzregen + downpour, cloudburst + C

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
A + * * yun2 cloud 1. < lit > sagen 2. Wolke +
A + * * yin1 cloudy/ overcast/ sinister 1. Yin, weibliches Prinzip, 2.Mond 3. Schatten 4. Rückseite 5. bewölkt 6. versteckt, geheim 7. negativ 8 . (weibliche) Genitalien +
B + * * duo3 measure word for flower or cloud Zählwort für Blumen oder Wolken +
C 陰天 + * * yin1tian1 cloudy-day/ overcast day/ gloomy day bedeckter Himmel, bewölkt +
D 雲彩 + * * yun2cai cloud Wolke +
D 烏雲 + * * wu1yun2 dark clouds dunkle Wolken +
D + * * xia2 rosy clouds von der Sonne gefärbte Wolken, Morgenrot oder Abendrot +
Oxford 32000EngGloss

Mcc SentencesGbEngDeuVie
899 太阳 消失 云层 后面 + The sun is disappearing behind the clouds. Die Sonne verschwand hinter den Wolken.
997 天边 白云 + There is a patch of white clouds on the horizon. Am Horizont ist ein Bereich mit weißen Wolken.
1123 根据 天气 预报 显示 今天 晴间多云 + According to the weather forecast, it will be partially cloudy today. Nach Darstellung des Wetterberichts wird es heute wechselnd bewölkt.
1286 天边 布满 朝霞 + The horizon is full of glowing clouds. Der Horizont erstrahlt im Morgenrot.
1713 天气 阴沉 + The weather is cloudy.
2169 白云 衬托 天空 + The white clouds make the sky look much bluer.
2344 天空 布满 乌云 + The sky is covered by dark clouds.
3345 摩天 大厦 高耸入云 + The skyscrapers reach to the clouds.
10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng

quelques petits nuages se roulaient en boule dans le ciel + a few small clouds somersaulted through the sky

le ciel était partiellement dégagé + the skies were partly cloudy

le soleil avait dissipé les nuages + the sun dispersed the clouds

j’étais équipée pour flotter par-dessus les nuages + I was outfitted to float above the clouds

un grand nuage noir emmitoufle la crête des montagnes + a large black cloud hugged the crest of the mountains
09247410-n cloud
11439690-n cloud
13960357-n cloud
13982999-n cloud
14525108-n cloud
Wordnet ChineseGb
Wordnet GermanGer
Wordnet EnglishEng
103 cloud +
103 cloud +
103 cloud +
103 cloud +
103 cloud +
103 cloud +
103 cloud +
103 cloud +
103 cloud +
103 cloud +
103 cloud +
103 cloud +
103 cloud +
103 cloud +
Wordnet FrenchFra
Wordnet SpanishSpa
Wordnet ItalianIta
Wordnet ThaiThai
Wordnet FinnishFin
Wordnet VietnameseVie
Wiktionary VietnameseVie
cloud mây + +
mây + + cloud