VNEN kim găm * pin * 103 VNEN đinh cúc * pin * 103

Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
rosa pink hồng
Der Wasserhahn tropft. The faucet is dripping. Vòi nước đang nhỏ giọt.
die Geheimzahl PIN GHIM
Ich gehe gern shoppen. I like going shopping. Tôi thích mua sắm.
der Spinat spinach
Goethebuch VieEngDeu
Tôi có một quả / trái chuối và một quả / trái dứa. I have a banana and a pineapple. Ich habe eine Banane und eine Ananas.
Tôi phải đi mua hàng. I have to go shopping. Ich muss Einkäufe machen.
Tôi muốn mua nhiều. I want to do a lot of shopping. Ich will viel einkaufen.
Tôi nghĩ rằng anh ấy đang ngủ. I think he is sleeping now. Ich glaube, dass er jetzt schläft.
Tôi đã đi mua sắm xong rồi. > Tôi đã đi mua sắm. + I did the shopping.'> I've done the shopping.
Cửa hiệu mua sắm được xây cách giá hai mươi năm. + The shopping mall was built about twenty (20) years ago.
Có nhiều ngôn ngữ được nói ở Philippines. + Many different languages are spoken in the Philippines.
Tôi chưa mua sắm xong. Tôi sẽ mua sắm sau. + I haven't done the shopping yet. I'll do it later.
Anh ấy có thể sẽ đi mua sắm nhưng anh ấy cũng không chắc. + He might go shopping, but he's not sure.
Tôi sẽ đi mua sắm khi nào tôi dọn xong căn hộ. + I'll do the shopping when I've finished cleaning the apartment.
Chúng tôi đã chạy mười km không nghỉ. + We ran ten (10) kilometers without stopping.
Tôi quên không cảm ơn họ vì đã giúp tôi. + I forgot to thank them for helping me.
Bao lâu cậu đi bơi một lần? + When was the last time you went shopping?
Hỏi ý Anna xem. Tôi sẽ thích thú khi biết được cô ấy nghĩ gì. + Ask Anna for her opinion. I'd be interested to know what she thinks.
Philippines là một quần đảo gần Đài Loan. + The Philippines is a group of islands near Taiwan.
Ngày và tôi có ý khác nhau. Tôi không đồng ý kẹp tóc-hair clip nhiều ý định của anh ấy. + Deepak and I have very different ideas. I don't agree with many of his opinions.
Cửa hàng không đông như mọi khi. > Cửa hàng đông không bằng mọi khi. + The shopping mall wasn't as crowded as usual. — The shopping mall was less crowded than usual.
Trời mưa suốt ba ngày không nghỉ. + It rained for three (3) days without stopping.
Theo ý định của tôi, bộ phim không hay đến thế. + in my opinion, the movie wasn't that great.
Theo ý người mẹ tôi, thức ăn ở nhà hàng này là tuyệt nhất. + in my mother's opinion, the food at this restaurant is the best.
Nếu cậu không tìm được duy nhất khách sạn để ngủ buổi đêm, kết quả là cậu sẽ ngủ trên đường. + If you can't find a hotel for the night, you'll end up sleeping on the street.

Cô ấy mặc một cái váy màu hồng. + She wears a pink skirt.

Người phụ nữ mua cái áo tím. + The woman buys a pink shirt.

Hiện tại đứa trẻ đang ngủ. + The child is sleeping now.

Đây là màu hồng đậm ư? + Is this dark pink?

Cô ấy có một con ngựa màu hồng ư?Thật không + She has a pink horse? Really?

Con mèo khẳng định nó ghét con cá màu hồng. + The cat affirms it hates the pink fish.

Họ đang giữ con trai của tôi. + They are keeping my son.

Tôi thích đi đến trung tâm thương mại. + I like to go to the shopping mall.

trung tâm thương mại + shopping mall

Hạnh phúc là một nơi giữa quá ít và quá nhiều. + Happiness is a place between too little and too much.

Con mèo của tôi đang ngủ. Điều đó làm tôi cười. + M y cat is sleeping. That makes me smile.

Họ toả sáng trong khi tôi đang ngủ. + They shine, while I am sleeping.

Ý kiến của bạn là gì? + What is your opinion?

Ý kiến + opinion

Mái tóc của diễn viên này màu hồng. + The actor's hair is pink.

Giáo viên của tôi đang ngủ trong phòng thí nghiệm. + My teacher is sleeping in the laboratory.

Tôi sẽ không bao giờ nhắc đến ý kiến của bạn. + I will never mention your opinion.

Trước khi ngủ, tôi thích đọc một truyền thuyết cổ. + Before sleeping, I like to read an ancient legend.

Những học sinh đang phát triển các kỹ năng xã hội. + The students are developing social skills.

Tôi yêu sự cứng đầu của cô ấy. + I love her opinionatedness.

sự cứng đầu + opinionatedness

Xin lỗi vì để bạn phải chờ đợi. + Sorry for keeping you waiting.

Vào lúc bức thiết + At a pinch

Tôi thích đi mua sắm khi rảnh rỗi. + I like shopping when I'm free.

Cây thông + Pine

Chúc bạn Giáng Sinh vui vẻ và mong rằng mùa lễ này sẽ mang niềm vui và hanh phúc đến cuộc sống của bạn + Wish you a Merry Christmas and may this festival bring you joy and happiness in your life!

Tôi quên mất mã PIN của thẻ. + I've forgotten the PIN number for my card.

Dứa / Thơm + Pineapple

Tôi tin rằng ... + In my opinion
GNOT Spatial • volume pint +
GNOT Qualitative • colour pink +
GNOT Qualitative • rightness/wrongness NP + should (not) + VPinf nên +
GNOT Qualitative • rightness/wrongness NP + ought (not) to + VPinf +
GNOT Qualitative • reflection, intuition opinion +
according to my opinion theo như ý tôi  +
SNOT Daily life • at home to go shopping +
SNOT Shopping • shopping facilities to go shopping +
SNOT Food and drink • types of food and drink spinach rau chân vịt +
SNOT • types of food and drink water spinach rau muống +
SNOT • types of food and drink pineapple dứa +
Oxford 3000VieEng
ghim pin
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
7-2. Reise Exercise 7-2-3 Camping camping
Exercise 9-1-2 Einkauf shopping
Exercise 9-1-11 einkaufen to go shopping, to purchase   (kauft ein, kaufte ein, hat eingekauft)
17-2. Meinungen Exercise 17-2-1 Meinung opinion
17-2. Meinungen Exercise 17-2-1 Ansicht 1. view, 2. opinion
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Exercise 2-1 Sie sprach ihre Meinung nicht aus.  + aussprechen* She didn't give her opinion.  Cô ấy đã không đưa ra ý kiến ​​của mình.
Exercise 2-2 Sie versucht beim Einkaufen immer zu handeln.  + handeln She always tries to act when she's shopping.  Cô ấy luôn cố gắng hành động khi cô ấy đi mua sắm.
Exercise 2-2 Am Freitag Vormittag möchte ich mit dir einkaufen gehen.  + Freitag On Friday morning, I want to go shopping with you.  Sáng thứ sáu, tôi muốn đi mua sắm với bạn.
Exercise 2-2 Ich mache meine Einkäufe jeweils am Montag.  + jeweils I do my shopping every Monday.  Tôi đi mua sắm mỗi thứ Hai.
Exercise 2-4 Hier gibt es zu viele Autos. Das ist meine persönliche Meinung.  + persönlich There are too many cars here. That's my personal opinion.  Có quá nhiều xe ô tô ở đây. Đó là ý kiến ​​cá nhân của tôi.
Exercise 2-5 Sie tippt mit zwei Fingern.  + Finger She's typing with two fingers.  Cô ấy đang gõ với hai ngón tay.
Exercise 2-9 Ich komme später. Ich muss erst noch einkaufen.  + noch  I'll come later. I have to go shopping.  Tôi sẽ đến sau. Tôi phải đi mua sắm.
Exercise 3-8 Wir sind sehr verschiedener Meinung.  + verschieden We have very different opinions.  Chúng tôi có ý kiến ​​rất khác nhau.
Exercise 4-9 Ich habe ihm dazu deutlich meine Meinung gesagt.  + deutlich I gave him my clear opinion on this.  Tôi đã đưa cho ông ý kiến ​​rõ ràng của tôi về điều này.
Exercise 5-4 Ich hoffe auf Besserung.  + hoffen I'm hoping for improvement.  Tôi đang hy vọng cải tiến.
Exercise 6-5 Er hilft ihr beim Lernen.  + helfen* He's helping her study.  Anh ấy đang giúp cô học tập.
Exercise 6-5 Sie hilft ihm aufräumen.  + helfen* She's helping him clean up.  Cô ấy đang giúp anh ta dọn dẹp.
Exercise 6-7 Du kannst nicht einkaufen gehen? Ich kann es für dich machen.  + für You can't go shopping? I can do it for you.  Bạn không thể đi mua sắm được? Tôi có thể làm điều đó cho bạn.
Exercise 6-9 Die Zeitung spiegelt die öffentliche Meinung wider.  + öffentlich The newspaper reflects public opinion.  Báo chí phản ánh dư luận.
Exercise 7-8 Wir gehen einmal pro Woche einkaufen.  + einkaufen We go shopping once a week.  Chúng tôi đi mua sắm một lần một tuần.
Exercise 7-8 Ich muss noch ein paar Sachen fürs Wochenende einkaufen.  + einkaufen I've got some weekend shopping to do.  Tôi đã có một số mua sắm cuối tuần để làm.
Exercise 7-8 Ich gehe heute ein paar Lebensmittel einkaufen.  + einkaufen I'm going to go shopping for some groceries today.  Tôi sẽ đi mua sắm cho một số cửa hàng tạp hóa ngày hôm nay.
Exercise 7-9 Du kannst auch nachher noch die Wohnung aufräumen, lass uns erstmal einkaufen!  + nachher You can also clean up the apartment later on, let's go shopping!  Bạn cũng có thể dọn dẹp căn hộ sau này, chúng ta hãy đi mua sắm!
Exercise 8-9 Am Freitag Vormittag möchte ich mit dir einkaufen gehen.  + Vormittag On Friday morning, I want to go shopping with you.  Sáng thứ sáu, tôi muốn đi mua sắm với bạn.
Exercise 11-4 Sie sind ausgegangen, um Einkäufe zu machen.  + ausgehen* They went out to do some shopping.  Họ đi ra ngoài để mua sắm.
Exercise 11-4 Wollen wir einkaufen gehen und danach zusammen kochen? – Ja, das klingt gut.  + klingen* Shall we go shopping and cook together after? Yeah, that sounds good.  Chúng ta có nên đi mua sắm và cùng nhau nấu ăn không? Vâng, có vẻ tốt.
Exercise 12-3 Zuerst gehen wir einkaufen, danach grillen wir auf unserem Balkon.  + danach First we go shopping, then we barbecue on our balcony.  Đầu tiên chúng tôi đi mua sắm, sau đó chúng tôi thịt nướng trên ban công của chúng tôi.
Exercise 12-8 Ich habe ein Recht auf meine eigene Meinung.  + Recht I have a right to my own opinion.  Tôi có quyền ý kiến ​​của riêng tôi.
Exercise 14-6 Ich bleibe bei meiner Meinung.  + bleiben* I stand by my opinion.  Tôi đứng bởi ý kiến ​​của tôi.
Exercise 17-6 Ich lege keinen großen Wert auf seine Meinung. + legen I don't value his opinion very much. Tôi không đánh giá cao quan điểm của anh ấy.
Exercise 18-2 Über meine politische Meinung möchte ich nicht sprechen.  + politisch I do not want to talk about my political opinion.  Tôi không muốn nói về quan điểm chính trị của tôi.
Exercise 18-3 Glück spielt eine wichtige Rolle im Leben.  + Rolle Happiness plays an important role in life.  Hạnh phúc đóng một vai trò quan trọng trong cuộc sống.
Exercise 20-7 Ich muss noch meine Einkäufe erledigen.  + erledigen I've got some shopping to do.  Tôi đã có một số mua sắm để làm.
Exercise 21-1 Damit ist mir nicht gedient.  + dienen That's not helping me.  Đó không phải là giúp tôi.
Exercise 21-1 Genügt dir eine Stunde für den Einkauf?  + genügen An hour's enough for shopping?  Một giờ là đủ để mua sắm?
Exercise 22-5 Wir machen Camping-Urlaub und nehmen ein Zelt mit.  + Zelt We take a camping holiday and take a tent with us.  Chúng tôi có một kỳ nghỉ cắm trại và có một lều với chúng tôi.
Exercise 23-1 Wir machen gern Camping-Urlaub, weil das nicht so teuer ist.  + Camping We like to take camping holidays because it's not so expensive.  Chúng tôi thích đi cắm trại bởi vì nó không quá đắt.
Exercise 23-1 In diesem Sommer fahren wir zum Camping nach Italien.  + Camping This summer we are going to the camping site in Italy.  Mùa hè này chúng tôi sẽ đến khu cắm trại ở Ý.
Exercise 24-3 Achten Sie beim Einkauf auf Sonderangebote.  + Einkauf Look out for special offers when shopping.  Hãy để ý những ưu đãi đặc biệt khi mua sắm.
Exercise 24-3 Kannst du heute den Einkauf erledigen? + Einkauf Can you do the shopping today? Bạn có thể mua sắm hôm nay không?
Exercise 24-5 Was brauchen wir für die Party? – Mach doch eine Einkaufsliste.  + Liste What do we need for the party? Why don't you make a shopping list?  Chúng ta cần gì cho bữa tiệc? Tại sao bạn không làm một danh sách mua sắm?
Exercise 25-1 Ich eile dir zu Hilfe.  + eilen I'm helping you out.  Tôi đang giúp bạn ra ngoài.
Exercise 25-7 Entschuldigung, hält dieser Zug auch in Darmstadt?  + halten* Excuse me, is this train also stopping in Darmstadt?  Xin lỗi, là chuyến đi này cũng dừng lại ở Darmstadt?
Exercise 26-7 Meiner Meinung nach gibt es hier zu viele Autos.  + Meinung In my opinion, there are too many cars here.  Theo tôi, có quá nhiều xe ô tô ở đây.
Exercise 27-2 Er entwickelt ein neues Verfahren.  + Verfahren He is developing a new procedure.  Ông đang phát triển một thủ tục mới.
Exercise 30-7 Unser Sohn entwickelt sich gut in der Schule.  + entwickeln Our son is developing well in school.  Con trai chúng tôi đang phát triển tốt ở trường.
Exercise 31-9 Medien beeinflussen die Meinungsbildung.  + beeinflussen Media influence opinion-forming.  Media ảnh hưởng đến việc hình thành ý kiến.
Exercise 32-8 Die Meinungen über diese Sache gehen auseinander.  + auseinander  Opinions differ on this matter.  Ý kiến ​​khác nhau về vấn đề này.
Exercise 32-9 Im Supermarkt einkaufen ist sehr bequem.  + bequem Shopping in the supermarket is very convenient.  Mua sắm trong siêu thị rất thuận tiện.
Exercise 34-9 Der Zug hält nicht an diesem Bahnhof.  + Bahnhof The train is not stopping at this station.  Tàu không dừng ở ga này.
Exercise 36-5 Entgegen seiner Meinung hat die Sache ausgezeichnet geklappt.  + entgegen Contrary to his opinion, the matter worked out very well.  Trái với quan điểm của ông, vấn đề đã thành công rất tốt.
Exercise 37-7 Die Tabletten sind zu schwach. Sie helfen nicht.  + schwach The pills are too weak. You're not helping.  Thuốc quá yếu. Bạn không giúp gì.
Exercise 40-3 Man sollte miteinander reden, statt die Probleme unter den Teppich zu kehren.  + Teppich We should talk to each other instead of sweeping the problems under the carpet.  Chúng ta nên nói chuyện với nhau thay vì quét các vấn đề dưới thảm.
Exercise 40-9 Es war sehr mutig von dir, deine Meinung laut zu sagen.  + mutig It was very brave of you to say your opinion out loud.  Nó rất dũng cảm của bạn để nói lên ý kiến ​​của bạn.
Exercise 41-6 Liebe Zuhörer. Ihre Meinung interessiert uns. Bitte rufen Sie an.  + Zuhörer Dear listeners. We are interested in your opinion. Please give us a call.  Kính thính giả. Chúng tôi quan tâm đến ý kiến ​​của bạn. Vui lòng gọi cho chúng tôi.
Exercise 44-6 Ich hätte gern drei Bögen Geschenkpapier.  + Bogen I'd like three sheets of wrapping paper.  Tôi muốn ba tờ giấy gói.
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng

Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode
pin Shoes and Accessories 38
+ + 103 Towns and buildings Towns Einkaufsviertel + shopping district + B
+ + 103 Household Kitchenware Hackbrett + chopping board + A
+ + 103 Household Domestic appliances Wäscheschleuder + spin dryer + B
+ + 103 Household Tools Kneifzange + pincers + B
+ + 103 Gardens Plants Nelke + pink, carnation + A
+ + 103 Gardens Plants (Edel)lupine + lupin + C
+ + 103 The physical world Woodlands and plain Kiefer + pine + A
+ + 103 The physical world Woodlands and plains Trauerweide + weeping willow + C
+ + 103 The animal world Mammals Stachelschwein + porcupine + B
+ + 103 The animal world Mammals Stachel + spine + B
+ + 103 The animal world Animal behaviour ein Netz spinnen + to spin a web + B
+ + 103 The human body and health Skeleton Wirbelsäule + spinal column + B
+ + 103 The human body and health Symptoms, ailments and illnesses Keuchhusten + whooping cough + C
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical treatment Schlaftablette + sleeping pill + A
+ + 103 Physical appearance Posture in gekrümmter Haltung + stooping + A
+ + 103 Physical appearance Posture hängende Schultern + drooping/sloping/round shoulders + A
+ + 103 Physical appearance Face eine fliehende Stirn + a sloping forehead + C
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs jmdn kneifen + to pinch sb + B
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs jmdn zwicken (S; AU) + to pinch sb + C
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Willpower willenlos + weak-willed, spineless + A
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Good/bad humour Glück + happiness, luck + A
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Good/bad humour Unzufriedenheit + dissatisfaction, unhappiness + A
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Good/bad humour Freude + happiness, joy, pleasure + A
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Virtue and vice, strictness and laxity kein Rückgrat haben + to be spineless + B
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Benevolence and malevolence, generosity and meanness habgierig + grasping, rapacious + B
+ + 103 Clothes, accessories and grooming Care and cleaning etw schleudern + to spin sth + A
+ + 103 Clothes, accessories and grooming Jewelry and accessories Anstecknadel + pin + B
+ + 103 Clothes, accessories and grooming Jewelry and accessories Krawattennadel + tiepin + B
+ + 103 Clothes, accessories and grooming Garment details and style Paspel + piping + C
+ + 103 Clothes, accessories and grooming Care and cleaning Stecknadel + pin + C
+ + 103 Clothes, accessories and grooming Care and cleaning Sicherheitsnadel + safety pin + C
+ + 103 Food and drink Vegetables Spinat + spinach + A
+ + 103 Food and drink Dairy Schlagsahne + whipping cream; whipped cream + B
+ + 103 Food and drink Fruit Ananas + pineapple + C
+ + 103 Perception Touch ein kribbeliges Gefühl in der Hand + pins and needles in one's hand + C
+ + 103 Colour and light Colours rosa + pink + A
+ + 103 Colour and light Colours rosafarben + pink + A
+ + 103 Colour and light Colours pink + shocking pink + A
+ + 103 Colour and light Colours erdbeerfarben + strawberry pink + B
+ + 103 Colour and light Colours himbeerrot + raspberry pink + B
+ + 103 Colour and light Colours lachsfarben + salmon pink + B
+ + 103 Colour and light Colours pastellrosa + pastel pink + B
+ + 103 Colour and light Verbs erröten + to turn red, turn pink, blush + B
+ + 103 Colour and light Colours frais(e) + strawberry pink + C
+ + 103 Colour and light Expressions weiße Mäuse sehen + to see pink elephants + C
+ + 103 Materials and textures Building materials Splitt + stone chippings, aggregate + C
+ + 103 Shapes and patterns Patterns Nadelstreifen + pinstripe + B
+ + 103 Shapes and patterns Shapes and lines Gestaltung + shaping, forming; configuration + C
+ + 103 Size and quantity Weights and measures Pint + pint + C
+ + 103 Containers Baskets Einkaufskorb + shopping basket + A
+ + 103 Containers Bags Einkaufstasche + shopping bag + A
+ + 103 Containers Bags Schlafsack + sleeping bag + A
+ + 103 Containers Barrels, buckets, tanks and tubs Entwicklerschale + developing tank + C
+ + 103 Speaking Agreeing and disagreeing einer Meinung sein + to share the same opinion + A
+ + 103 Speaking Agreeing and disagreeing der gleichen Meinung sein + to be of the same opinion + A
+ + 103 Speaking Agreeing and disagreeing ein Streit der Meinungen + a clash of opinions + B
+ + 103 Speaking Agreeing and disagreeing Meinungsverschiedenheit + disagreement, difference of opinion + B
+ + 103 Speaking Asserting and denying seine Meinung aüßern + to express one's opinion + B
+ + 103 Speaking Asserting and denying zu etw Stellung nehmen + to express one's opinion on sth + B
+ + 103 Speaking Asserting and denying Stellungnahme + opinion + B
+ + 103 Leisure Hobbies Stecknadel + pin + B
+ + 103 Leisure Hobbies etw spinnen + to spin sth + B
+ + 103 Leisure Games Flipper + pinball machine + B
+ + 103 Sport Sports Springen + jumping, vaulting, diving + A
+ + 103 Sport Sports Abfahrtlaufen + (alpine) skiing + B
+ + 103 Sport Sports Bungeejumping + bungee jumping + C
+ + 103 Sport Sports Springreiten + show jumping + C
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Accommodation and facilities Schlafsack + sleeping bag + A
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Rail transport Schlafwagen + sleeping car + A
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Rail transport Liegewagen + sleeping car + A
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Rail transport Personenzug + slow/stopping train; passenger train + C
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Rail transport Bummelzug + slow/stopping train + C
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Shipping Fahrrinne + shipping channel + C
+ + 103 Agriculture Types of farming and farmers Bienenzucht + beekeeping + B
+ + 103 Agriculture Types of farming and farmers Senn + Alpine dairyman + C
+ + 103 Agriculture Types of farming and farmers Senner, Sennerin + Alpine dairywoman + C
+ + 103 Agriculture Types of farming and farmers Sennerei + Alpine dairy + C
+ + 103 Agriculture Types of farming and farmers Imkerei + beekeeping + C
+ + 103 Industry General Verpackung + packaging, wrapping + A
+ + 103 Industry Premises and production etw spinnen + to spin sth + A
+ + 103 Industry Personnel Spinner(in) + spinner + B
+ + 103 Industry Premises and production Versandabteilung + shipping department + C
+ + 103 Industry Premises and production Expedition + shipping department + C
+ + 103 Business and commerce Prices and profit Buchhaltung + book-keeping + B
+ + 103 Business and commerce Marketing and sales frachtfrei + carriage paid, shipping included, shipping paid + C
+ + 103 Business and commerce Marketing and sales Frachtgebühr + carriage, shipping charge + C
+ + 103 The office and computing Office equipment and materials Schreibmaschinenpapier + typing paper + A
+ + 103 The office and computing Office equipment and materials Schreibpapier + (typing) paper, writing paper + A
+ + 103 The office and computing Computing and typing Tippfehler + typing mistake, typo + A
+ + 103 Law Crime Zuhälterei + pimping, procuring + C
+ + 103 Law Crime Spanner + peeping Tom + C
+ + 103 Finance Banking and investment Geheimzahl + PIN, personal identification number + A
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Geographical names and peoples Philippinen + Philippines + A
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Geographical names and peoples Filipino + Filipino; Filipina + A
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Military Friedenstruppen + peace-keeping forces + A
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace History Höhepunkt + peak, pinnacle, apex + B
+ + 103 Politics and international relations Elections Meinungsumfrage + opinion poll + B
+ + 103 Politics and international relations International relations Entwicklungsland + developing country + B

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
A 幸福 + * * xing4fu2 happy/ happiness glücklich +
A 意見 + * * yi4jian4 opinion/ view/ objection Meinung +
B 紡織 + * * fang3zhi1 spinning and weaving/ textile spinnen und weben +
B 想法 + * * xiang3fa idea/ opinion Idee, Denkweise, +
B 採購 + * * cai3gou4 purchase/ go shopping einkaufen, Warenbeschaffung +
C + * * fang3 spin/ make thread by drawing out and twisting 1.spinnen 2. dünnes Seidengewebe +
C 高峰 + * * gao1feng1 peak/ pinnacle/ acme/ apex/ zenith Gipfel,Bergspitze, Höhe,Spitze, Höhepunkt +
C 旋轉 + * * xuan2zhuan3 revolve-turn/ gyrate/ rotate/ spin/ revolve/ turn/ whirl kreisen,Kreise ziehen,kreiseln +
C 提包 + * * ti2bao1 carrying-bag/ handbag/ shopping bag/ valise Handtasche, Tasche,Sack +
C 見解 + * * jian4jie3 view/ opinion/ understanding/ idea/ perspective Meinung, Auffassung +
C 管子 + * * guan3zi1 pipeline/ piping/ conduit/ tubing Rohr, Leitung, Strohhalm +
C 轉動 + * * zhuan4dong4 revolve-moving/ turn/ revolve/ rotate/ spin/ gyrate drehen, wenden +
C + * * bie2 stick in/ fasten with a pin or clip/ leave/ part 1. verlassen, weggehen, sich trennen, scheiden 2.anderer 3. Unterschied, Unterscheidung 4 unterscheiden 5. mit einer Klammer anheften < siehe bie2 > +
C + * * fen4 excrement/ feces/ shit/ droppings/ dung Kot, Exkrement, Ausscheidung, Dung, Mist +
C 詢問 + * * xun2wen4 ask-question/ ask about/ inquire about/ solicit opinions nach etwas fragen, sich nach etwas erkundigen, ansprechen +
C 轉動 + * * zhuan4dong4 revolve-moving/ turn/ revolve/ rotate/ spin/ gyrate drehen, etwas in Bewegung setzen +
C + * * lun4 discuss/ explain/ mention/ decide on/ theory/ opinion 1. Meinung, Auffassung 2. Abhandlung, wissenschaftlicher Beitrag 3. Theorie 4.analysieren, besprechen 5. erwähnen, behandeln 6. bewerten, urteilen, beurteilen +
C 松樹 + * * song1shu4 pine-tree/ pine tree/ pine Kiefer +
C 菠菜 + * * bo1cai4 spinach Spinat +
C 佩服 + * * pei4fu2 admire/ have a high opinion of bewundern, hochachten +
C 黨派 + * * dang3pai4 party groupings/ factions/ cliques/ clans/ Partisan, politische Partei +
D 竊聽 + * * qie4ting1 wire tapping abhorchen, abhören, Lauschangriff +
D 航運 + * * hang2yun4 shipping Schifftransport +
D + * * xuan2 spin/ circle 1. kreisen, drehen 2. zurückkehren 3.Kreis, Spirale +
D 民意 + * * min2yi4 public opinion öffentliche Meinung +
D 精打細算 + * * jing1 da3 xi4 suan4 pinch pennies sorfältige Haushaltsführung +
D 輿論 + * * yu2lun4 consensus public opinion öffentliche Meinung, Öffentlichkeit +
D 鉗子 + * * qian2zi pincers/ pliers Zange +
D 飲水思源 + * * yin3 shui3 si1 yuan2 never forget where one's happiness comes from niemals seinen Ursprung vergessen +
Oxford 32000EngGloss

Mcc SentencesGbEngDeuVie
597 + She's sleeping soundly. Sie schläft tief und fest.
762 购物车 装满 礼品 + The shopping cart is full of gifts. Der Einkaufswagen ist mit Geschenken voll gefüllt.
800 售货员 输入 密码 + The salesperson asked me to enter my pin number. Der Verkaufsangestellte bittet mich, die Geheimnummer einzugeben.
903 购物 女人 满足 + Shopping can satisfy a woman./Shopping makes the women satisfied Einkaufen macht Frauen glücklich (=zufrieden).
1085 坚持 自己 观点 + She sticks to her own opinion. Sie beharrt auf ihren Standpunkt.
1450 宝宝 睡觉 + The baby is sleeping. Das Baby schläft.
1517 朋友 商场 购物 + My friends and I are going shopping at the shopping plaza. Meine Freunde und ich gehen auf den Markt einkaufen.
1542 + He's sleeping soundly.
1607 他们 野外 露营 + They went camping in the open country.
1637 妈妈 洗头 + Mother is helping me wash my hair.
1720 中国 经济 发展 迅速 + China's economy is developing rapidly.
1753 妈妈 培养 孩子 音乐 兴趣 + The mother is developing her child's interest in music.
1754 女儿 裙子 粉色 + My daughter's skirt is pink.
1823 今天 逛街 购物 + I went strolling down the street and did some shopping today.
1931 纺纱机 纺线 + The spinning machine is making thread.
2139 妈妈 东西 + I'm helping my mom carry things.
2185 眼泪 + She's wiping her tears.
2225 夹子 + There's a pin/barrette in her hair.
2239 + She's sleeping soundly.
2349 收割机 小麦 + The harvester is reaping the wheat in the field.
2369 敲打 键盘 + He's typing on the keyboard.
2477 医生 病人 前走 + The doctor is helping the patient to walk.
2584 他们 意见 分歧 + They have a difference of opinion.
2862 松树 + There is a pine forest by the lake.
2892 小鸟 树枝 鸣叫 + The little bird is chirping on the branch.
2933 乒乓球 + He's playing ping pong.
3068 民众 容易 舆论 影响 + People are easily influenced by public opinion.
3143 渗出来 + Water is seeping out.
3147 桌上 乒乓球 + There's a ping pong ball on the desk.
3153 辅导 孩子们 学习 + She is helping the kids with their studies.
3212 他们 野外 紮营 + They're camping outside.
3246 案板 面包 + There are some crumbs of bread on the chopping board.
3292 常春藤 属于 蔓生 植物 + The ivy belong to the rambler. ((Ivy is a kind of creeping plant.))
3420 木桩 劈柴 + He's chopping firewood on the tree stump.
3525 蟋蟀 叫声 响亮 + The crickets' chirping is loud and clear.
3570 地上 拉屎 + The dog is pooping on the ground.
3705 当众 饱嗝儿 礼貌 + Hiccupping in front of the public is impolite.
3737 这只 猴子 树间 上蹿下跳 异常 活跃 + The monkey is jumping up and down in the trees and is extremely enthusiastic.
3752 波罗蜜 果实 重量 大于 10 公斤 + A pineapple can weigh up to 10 kilograms.
3756 口味 羊肉 莫若 烤鸭 + In my opinion, I prefer to eat roast duck rather than mutton. Meiner Meinung nach schmeckt geröstete Ente besser als Hammelfleisch.
Lesson 011. Buying and Bargaining in Chinese.
shang1chang3 + shopping mall / shopping center
Lesson 034. Doing Business in China.
huo4gui4 + container / shipping container
Lesson 034. Doing Business in China.
ji1zhuang1xiang1 + container / shipping container
Lesson 037. Holidays and Vacations.
kuai4le4 + happy / happiness
Lesson 047. Marriage and Wedding.
xing4fu2 + happiness
10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng

il garde la majeure partie de cet argent + he’s keeping most of that money

je lui donne juste un coup de main. je le lui dois + I’m just giving him a helping hand. I owe it to him

tout le monde a besoin d’une deuxième opinion + everybody needs a second opinion

je veux ce que l’avenir me réserve + I want what the future is keeping from me

je possède les coupures de presse vous concernant + I have the press clippings about you

l’énergie est le pivot de notre économie + energy is the lynchpin of our society

notre opinion et notre politique doivent être crédibles + our opinion and our politics must be believable

quel est votre regard sur les récents déboires? + what is your opinion of the recent disappointments?

je viens faire des courses, alors je me suis arrêtée ici + I came shopping, and then I stopped here

nous dormions sur le sol en béton + we were sleeping on the cement-covered ground

aujourd’hui, ce bonheur n’est plus que souvenir + today this happiness is merely a memory

j’aimerais connaître son opinion là-dessus + I would like to know her opinion on the topic

j’espérais épargner cette infortune à mon fils + I was hoping to spare my son this misfortune

j’ai regardé le ciel tout rose derrière les arbres noirs + I watched the pink sky with black trees in the foreground

je regardai ses lèvres pleines et roses + I looked at her full, pink lips

elle a reçu l’approbation unanime de l’opinion publique + she received unanimous approval from public opinion

selon moi, son optimisme ne se justifie pas + in my opinion, his optimism isn’t justified

vous avez été harcelé et emprisonné pour vos opinions + you have been harrassed and imprisoned for your opinions

je me surprenais à pleurer sans cause apparente + I surprised myself by weeping without any apparent cause

elle dort dans une cabine + she’s sleeping in a cabin

le pinot demande une vigilance constante + pinot demands constant vigilance

je fis dissoudre dans le lait une poudre somnifère + I dissolved some sleeping powder in the milk

les emplacements de camping sont séparés + the camping sites are separated

ils inventent les regroupements de populations + they create population regroupings

les négociateurs restent pratiquement muets + the negotiators are practically keeping mum

comble du malheur, COOL-FM a changé d’orientation + depths of unhappiness: COOL-FM has changed its orientation
03940256-n pin
03940713-n pin
Wordnet ChineseGb
Wordnet GermanGer
Wordnet EnglishEng
103 pin +
103 pin +
103 pin +
103 pin +
103 pin +
103 pin +
103 pin +
103 pin +
103 pin +
103 pin +
103 pin +
103 pin +
103 PIN +
103 pin +
103 pin +
Wordnet FrenchFra
Wordnet SpanishSpa
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Wordnet ThaiThai
Wordnet FinnishFin
Wordnet VietnameseVie
Wiktionary VietnameseVie
pin ghim, đinh ghim + +