6 chui2 hammer/ to hammer into shape/ weight (e.g. of a steelyard or balance)
6 cheng4 steelyard/ Roman balance/ CL:臺|台[tai2]

11000 Common Composites

22000 Common Composites

39000 Common Composites

74000 Common Composites

2000VIET sân sau backyard
2000VIET sân yard

Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Goethebuch GbThaiVieEngDeuSpaPorItalFraNie
090 1759
They were allowed to play in the yard for a long time.
Glossika 9 GbThaiVieEngDeuItalFraSpaNiePin
B06 11 1261
把 剩下的 面包 放在 庭院 那 , 小鸟 会 来吃 。 + ปล่อยให้ขนมปังเก่าอยู่ในลาน นกจะกินมัน + Để miếng bánh mì cũ trên đường. Lũ chứa chim sẽ ăn nó. + Leave the old bread in the yard. The birds will eat it. + Lassen Sie das alte Brot im Hof. Die Vögel werden es fressen. + Lasciare il pane vecchio nel cortile. Gli uccelli lo mangiano. + Laisse le vieux pain dans la cour. Les oiseaux le mangeront. + Deja el pan viejo en el patio. Los pájaros se lo comerán. + Laat het oude brood in de tuin achter. De vogels zullen het eten. + (bǎ shèngxiàde· miànbāo fàngzài tíngyuàn nà, xiáoniǎo huì lái chī.)
B14 4 1654
院子里 有棵 大树 。 + มีต้นไม้ขนาดใหญ่ในบ้าน + Có một cái cây lớn ở trong nhà. + There's a big tree in the yard. + Da ist ein großer Baum im Hof. + C' è un grande albero nel cortile. + Il y a un grand arbre dans la cour. + Hay un árbol grande en el patio. + Er is een grote boom in de tuin. + (yuànzi·li· yǒukē dàshù.)
B14 9 1659
院子里 有 好几棵 大树 。 + มีต้นไม้ขนาดใหญ่อยู่ในบ้าน + Có vài cái cây lớn trong người. + There are some big trees in the yard. + Es gibt einige große Bäume im Hof. + Ci sono alcuni grandi alberi nel cortile. + Il y a de grands arbres dans la cour. + Hay algunos árboles grandes en el patio. + Er staan enkele grote bomen in de tuin. + (yuànzi·li· yóu háojǐkē dàshù.)
Ngôi nhà đẹp đấy nhưng không có đường rộng. + It's a nice house but it doesn't have a big yard.
Gerhard có làm việc gì đó ngoài sân nhưng anh ấy không làm việc gì trong nhà cả. + Gerhard did some work in the yard, but she didn"t do any work in the house.
Để miếng bánh mì cũ trên đường. Lũ chứa chim sẽ ăn nó. + Leave the old bread in the yard. The birds will eat it.
Có một cái cây lớn ở trong nhà. + There's a big tree in the yard.
Có vài cái cây lớn trong người. + There are some big trees in the yard.

sân + yard

Tiếp tục đi tiếp thêm (100 thước) nữa + Keep going for another (hundred yards)

Được voi đòi tiên + To give him an inch, he will take a yard
GNOT Spatial • length yard +
Oxford 3000VieEng
sân yard
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
6-1. Umwelt Exercise 6-1-7 Hof + 1. yard, 2. farm, 3. court +
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Exercise 4-5 Die Kinder spielen im Hof.  + spielen The children play in the yard.  Trẻ em chơi trong sân. +
Exercise 8-4 Die Kinder spielen am liebsten im Hof.  + Hof The children prefer to play in the yard.  Các em thích chơi trong sân. +
Exercise 8-4 Mein Haus hat einen kleinen Hof.  + Hof My house has a small courtyard.  Nhà tôi có sân nhỏ. +
Exercise 25-6 Die Fenster liegen zum Hof hin. + hin The windows face the courtyard. Các cửa sổ nhìn ra sân. +
Exercise 39-4 Sie rollte den Ball über den Hof.  + rollen She rolled the ball over the yard.  Cô ấy cuộn quả bóng qua sân. +
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng

Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode
+ + + + 103 Towns and buildings Hof + backyard, courtyard + Domestic buildings A
+ + + + 103 Gardens Garten + garden, yard + Garden parts and features A
+ + + + 103 Size and quantity Yard + yard + Weights and measures C
+ + + + 103 Agriculture Hof + farmyard + Farm buildings A
+ + + + 103 Industry (Schiffs)werft + shipyard + Premises and production C
+ + + + 103 Public services, social and environmental issues Schrottplatz + scrapyard + Environment C

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
B + * * yuan4 courtyard/ yard 1. Hof, umzäuntes Grundstück 2.Bezeichnung für bestimmte Regierungsinstitutionen und Anstalten des öffentlichen Lebens +
B 院子 + * * yuan4zi courtyard/ yard Hof,Garten +
Oxford 32000GlossEngDeu
across + The yard measures about 50 feet across. Der Hof misst ungefähr 50 Fuß breit.
around + a yard with a fence all around ein Hof mit einem Zaun ringsum
around + The house is built around a central courtyard. Das Haus ist um einen zentralen Innenhof gebaut.
build + build sb sth: David built us a shed in the back yard. jdm. etw. bauen: David baute uns einen Schuppen im Hinterhof.
chicken + They keep chickens in the back yard. Sie halten Hühner im Hinterhof.
hurry + He picked up his bags and hurried across the courtyard. Er nahm seine Taschen und eilte über den Hof.
inner + an inner courtyard ein Innenhof
kick + kick sb/sth + adv./prep./adj.: The boys were kicking a ball around in the yard. jdn. /etw.[Akk] treten + adv. /prep. /adj.Die Jungs haben einen Ball im Hof herumgeschlagen.
knock + The boys were knocking (= kicking) a ball around in the back yard. Die Jungs schlugen (= kickten) im Hinterhof einen Ball herum.
lead + Which door leads to the yard? Welche Tür führt zum Hof?
match + He took all her letters into the yard and put a match to them. Er nahm alle ihre Briefe mit in den Hof und stellte ein Streichholz auf sie.
the whole nine yards + When Dan cooks dinner he always goes the whole nine yards, with three courses and a choice of dessert. Wenn Dan das Abendessen kocht, geht er immer die ganzen neun Meter, mit drei Gängen und einer Auswahl an Dessert.
pig + Pigs were grunting and squealing in the yard. Schweine grunzten und quiekten im Hof.
roll + roll sth + adv./prep.: Delivery men were rolling barrels across the yard. etw. + Adv. /Vorbereitung rollenLiefermänner rollten Fässer über den Hof.
separate + separate sb/sth from/and sb: A high wall separated our back yard from the playing field. jdn. /etw. von jdm. /etw. von/und jdm. trennen: Eine hohe Mauer trennte unseren Hinterhof vom Spielfeld.
value + value sb/sth (for sth): The area is valued for its vineyards. jdn. /etw.[Akk] für etw.[Akk] bewerten: Die Fläche wird für ihre Weinberge bewertet.
watch + watch sb/sth doing sth: She watched the kids playing in the yard. jdm. /etw. jd. zusehen, wie sie etw. tut: Sie sah die Kinder im Hof spielen.
yard + the prison yard der Gefängnishof
yard + The children were playing in the yard at the front of the school. Die Kinder spielten im Hof vor der Schule.
yard + a boat yard eine Werft

Mcc SentencesGbEng
524 院子 很多 + There are a lot of flowers in the yard. ((There are many flowers in the yard.))
1063 庭院 漂亮 + His yard is very beautiful.
1187 院子 + I've planted a tree in my yard.
2698 他们 院子 挖土 + They're digging in the yard.
3571 院子 铲子 + There is a shovel in the yard.

院子里种了很多花。 Yuànzi lǐ zhǒng le hěn duō huā. There are a lot of flowers in the yard. ((There are many flowers in the yard.)) Im Hof sind viele Blumen. (Es sind viele Blumen im Hof.)
他家的庭院很漂亮。 Tā jiā de tíngyuàn hěn piàoliang. His yard is very beautiful. Sein Garten ist sehr schön.
我在院子里种了一棵树。 Wǒ zài yuànzi lǐ zhòng le yī kē shù. I've planted a tree in my yard. Ich habe einen Baum in meinem Garten gepflanzt.
他们在院子里挖土。 Tāmen zài yuànzi lǐ wā tǔ. They're digging in the yard. Sie graben im Hof.
院子里有一把铲子。 Yuànzi lǐ yǒu yī bǎ chǎnzi. There is a shovel in the yard. Im Hof ist eine Schaufel.
10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng

ils m’attendaient dans la cour de la Sorbonne + they waited for me in the courtyard of the Sorbonne

les chantiers navals fonctionnaient à plein rendement + the naval shipyards were operating at full capacity
04610503-n yard
04610676-n yard
08684294-n yard
08684676-n yard
Wordnet ChineseGb
Wordnet GermanGer
Wordnet EnglishEng
+ + + + 103 yard +
+ + + + 103 yard +
+ + + + 103 yard +
+ + + + 103 yard +
+ + + + 103 yard +
+ + + + 103 yard +
+ + + + 103 yard +
+ + + + 103 yard +
+ + + + 103 yard +
Wordnet FrenchFra
Wordnet SpanishSpa
Wordnet ItalianIta
Wordnet ThaiThai
Wordnet FinnishFin
Wordnet VietnameseVie
Wiktionary VietnameseVie
yard sân + +
sân + + yard