VNEN người làm ăn * worker * 103 VNEN ong quân * worker * 103 VNEN ong thợ * worker * 103

3 阿姨 a1 yi2 maternal aunt/ step-mother/ childcare worker/ nursemaid/ woman of similar age to one's parents (term of address used by child)/ CL:個|个[ge4]
3 同事 tong2 shi4 colleague/ co-worker/ CL:個|个[ge4];位[wei4]
4 师傅 shi1 fu5 master/ qualified worker/ respectful form of address for older men/ CL:個|个[ge4];位[wei4];名[ming2]
5 工人 gong1 ren2 worker/ CL:個|个[ge4];名[ming2]

11000 Common Composites

22000 Common Composites

39000 Common Composites

74000 Common Composites

2000VIET nhân viên văn phòng office worker
2000VIET công nhân nhà máy factory worker
2000VIET công nhân công ty company worker
2000VIET công nhân xây dựng construction worker
2000VIET đồng nghiệp coworker

Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Ich bin Bauarbeiter. I'm a construction worker. Tôi là một công nhân xây dựng.
Goethebuch GbThaiVieEngDeuSpaPorItalFraNie
Glossika 9 GbThaiVieEngDeuItalFraSpaNiePin
B09 21 1421
工人 用 这台 机器 的时候 必须要戴 护目镜 。 + คนงานต้องสวมแว่นตานิรภัยที่เครื่องนี้ + Công nhân phải đeo kính bảo hộ với cái máy này. + Workers must wear safety glasses at this machine. + Die Arbeiter müssen an dieser Maschine eine Schutzbrille tragen. + I lavoratori devono indossare occhiali di sicurezza in questa macchina. + Les travailleurs doivent porter des lunettes de sécurité. + Los trabajadores deben usar gafas de seguridad en esta máquina. + Werknemers moeten bij deze machine een veiligheidsbril dragen. + (gōngrén yòng zhètái jīqì de·shíhou· bìxūyàodài hùmùjìng.)
C16 5 2755
今天 没有 火车 运行 , 因为 所有的 铁路 工人 都 罢工了 。 + ไม่มีรถไฟบริการในวันนี้เพราะทุกคนรถไฟกำลังนัดหยุดงาน + Không có dịch vụ xe lửa vì tất cả công nhân đường sắt đang đình công. + There's no train service today because all the railroad workers are on strike. + Es gibt heute keinen Zugverkehr, weil alle Eisenbahner streiken. + Oggi non c' è servizio ferroviario perché tutti i lavoratori ferroviari sono in sciopero. + Il n' y a pas de service ferroviaire aujourd'hui parce que tous les travailleurs du chemin de fer sont en grève. + No hay servicio de trenes hoy porque todos los trabajadores del ferrocarril están en huelga. + Er is geen treindienst vandaag de dag, omdat alle spoorwegarbeiders in staking zijn. + (jīntiān méiyóu huǒchē yùnxíng, yīnwèi suóyǒude· tiělù gōngrén dōu bàgōngle·.)
Công nhân phải đeo kính bảo hộ với cái máy này. + Workers must wear safety glasses at this machine.
Không có dịch vụ xe lửa vì tất cả công nhân đường sắt đang đình công. + There's no train service today because all the railroad workers are on strike.

Các công nhân làm việc ở đâu? + Where do the workers work?

Tôi đã phản bội các đồng nghiệp và thư ký của mình. + I betrayed my co-workers and secretary.

Ai là đồng nghiệp của bạn? + Who is your co-worker?

Người thư ký đã nhận được quà từ các đồng nghiệp vào thứ tư. + The secretary received the gift from the co-workers on Wednesday.

Chú của tôi thường xuyên gặp các đồng nghiệp ở thư viện. + My uncle usually meets the co-workers in the library.

đồng nghiệp + co-worker

Những công nhân quyết định đình công. + The workers decide to go on strike.

nhân viên tận tụy + I am a dedicated worker.

+ I am a perfectionist and I may be too hard on myself or my co-workers sometimes.

Công nhân xây dựng + Construction worker

Công nhân + Worker
SNOT Personal identification • occupation worker/employee nhân viên +
Oxford 3000VieEng
công nhân worker
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
13-1. Arbeit, Beruf Exercise 13-1-2 Arbeiter + worker, employee, labourer +
13-1. Arbeit, Beruf Exercise 13-1-3 Handwerker + workman, worker +
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Exercise 2-3 Arbeiter verdienen heute oft mehr als Angestellte.  + heute Workers today often earn more than employees.  Công nhân ngày nay thường kiếm được nhiều hơn nhân viên. +
Exercise 12-4 Stefan ist Arbeiter bei Siemens.  + Arbeiter Stefan is a worker at Siemens.  Stefan là một nhân viên của Siemens. +
Exercise 12-4 Die Arbeiter fordern mehr Lohn.  + Arbeiter The workers demand more pay.  Các công nhân đòi hỏi phải trả nhiều hơn. +
Exercise 12-7 Die soziale Sicherheit der Arbeitnehmer ist eines der Hauptziele der Gewerkschaften.  + sozial The social security of workers is one of the main objectives of trade unions.  An sinh xã hội của người lao động là một trong những mục tiêu chính của công đoàn. +
Exercise 32-6 Die Firma stellt vorläufig keine neuen Arbeitskräfte ein.  + einstellen The company is not hiring any new workers for the time being.  Công ty hiện không thuê bất kỳ nhân viên mới nào trong thời gian này. +
Exercise 35-4 Die Arbeiter streikten wochenlang.  + streiken The workers were on strike for weeks.  Các công nhân đã đình công trong nhiều tuần. +
Exercise 37-6 Die Arbeiter traten in den Streik. + Streik The workers went on strike. Các công nhân đã đình công. +
Exercise 44-6 Sie beschäftigen Zeitarbeiter.  + beschäftigen They employ temporary workers.  Họ sử dụng lao động tạm thời. +
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng

Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode
+ + + + 103 Agriculture Landarbeiter(in) + agricultural worker + Types of farming and farmers A
+ + + + 103 Industry Arbeiter(in) + worker, labourer, blue-collar worker + Personnel A
+ + + + 103 Industry Hilfsarbeiter(in) + unskilled worker + Personnel A
+ + + + 103 Industry Facharbeiter(in) + skilled worker + Personnel A
+ + + + 103 Industry Schwerarbeiter(in) + manual worker + Personnel A
+ + + + 103 Industry Büroangestellte(r) + office worker, white-collar worker + Personnel A
+ + + + 103 Industry Aushilfskraft + temporary worker + Personnel B
+ + + + 103 Industry Metallarbeiter(in) + metal worker + Personnel B
+ + + + 103 Industry Schlosser(in) + fitter, metal worker + Personnel B
+ + + + 103 Business and commerce Mitarbeiter(in) + employee, worker + Ownership, management and personnel A
+ + + + 103 Business and commerce Mitbestimmung + worker participation + Ownership, management and personnel C
+ + + + 103 Employment Schichtarbeiter(in) + shift worker + Salary and conditions A
+ + + + 103 Employment Gastarbeiter(in) + guest worker + Jobs, trades and professions A
+ + + + 103 Employment Wanderarbeiter(in) + migrant worker + Jobs, trades and professions A
+ + + + 103 Employment Sozialarbeiter(in) + social worker + Jobs, trades and professions A
+ + + + 103 Employment Handwerker(in) + craftsman/woman; (skilled) manual worker + Jobs, trades and professions A
+ + + + 103 Employment Bahnarbeiter(in) + railway worker + Jobs, trades and professions B
+ + + + 103 The office and computing Büroangestellte(r) + office worker + Personnel A
+ + + + 103 The office and computing Schreibkraft + clerical worker, copy typist + Personnel B
+ + + + 103 The office and computing Bürokraft + clerical worker + Personnel B
+ + + + 103 Politics and international relations Gastarbeiter(in) + immigrant/foreign worker + Immigration and asylum A
+ + + + 103 Politics and international relations Wahlwerber(in) + campaign worker + Elections B
+ + + + 103 Politics and international relations Entwicklungs-helfer(in) + VSO worker, Peace Corps worker (USA) + International relations B
+ + + + 103 Public services, social and environmental issues Sozialarbeiter(in) + social worker + Social services A

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
A 師傅 + * * shi1fu master worker/ master/ teacher Meister (häufige Anrede) +
A 工人 + * * gong1ren2 worker/ workman Arbeiter +
B 職工 + * * zhi2gong1 staff/ worker/ employee Personal +
C 職員 + * * zhi2yuan2 job-person/ office worker/ staff member/ staffer/ clerk Angestellter +
C 個體戶 + * * ge4ti3hu4 self-employed worker kleiner Privatbetrieb +
Oxford 32000GlossEngDeu
accept + Nothing will change as long as the workers continue to accept these appalling conditions. Solange die Arbeitnehmer diese entsetzlichen Bedingungen akzeptieren, wird sich nichts ändern.
all + All five men are hard workers. Alle fünf Männer arbeiten hart.
believe + The man claimed to be a social worker and the old woman believed him. Der Mann behauptete, ein Sozialarbeiter zu sein und die alte Frau glaubte ihm.
careless + a careless worker/driver ein fahrlässiger Arbeiter/Fahrer
cheap + immigrant workers, used as a source of cheap labour (= workers who are paid very little, especially unfairly) zugewanderte Arbeitskräfte, die als Quelle billiger Arbeitskräfte genutzt werden (= Arbeitskräfte, die sehr wenig, vor allem ungerec
client + Social workers must always consider the best interests of their clients. Sozialarbeiter müssen immer die Interessen ihrer Kunden im Auge behalten.
community + health workers based in the community (= working with people in a local area) Gesundheitshelfer in der Gemeinde (= Arbeit mit Menschen in der Umgebung)
consider + These workers are considered (as) a high-risk group. Diese Arbeitnehmer gelten (als) eine Gruppe mit hohem Risiko.
contract + a contract worker (= one employed on a contract for a fixed period of time) ein Leiharbeiter (= ein befristet Beschäftigter)
council + council workers/services Sozialarbeiter/Dienstleistungen
danger + How many factory workers are in danger of losing their jobs? Wie viele Arbeiter in der Fabrik laufen Gefahr, ihren Arbeitsplatz zu verlieren?
dust + The workers wear masks to avoid inhaling the dust. Die Arbeiter tragen Masken, um das Einatmen des Staubes zu vermeiden.
effort + effort (to do sth): The company has laid off 150 workers in an effort to save money. Bemühung (etw.): Das Unternehmen hat 150 Mitarbeiter entlassen, um Geld zu sparen.
factory + factory workers Fabrikarbeiter
farm + a farm worker/labourer ein Landarbeiter/Arbeiter
fellow + fellow members/citizens/workers Kollegen/Bürger/Arbeitnehmer
fight + Workers are fighting the decision to close the factory. Die Arbeiter kämpfen gegen die Entscheidung, die Fabrik zu schließen.
fight + fight (to do sth): Workers won their fight to stop compulsory redundancies. Kampf (um etw. zu tun): Arbeiter gewannen ihren Kampf um die Beendigung von Zwangsentlassungen.
hard + She's a very hard worker. Sie arbeitet sehr hart.
labour + good labour relations (= the relationship between workers and employers) gute Arbeitsbeziehungen (= das Verhältnis zwischen Arbeitnehmern und Arbeitgebern)
labour + The workers voted to withdraw their labour (= to stop work as a means of protest). Die Arbeiter stimmten für den Entzug ihrer Arbeit (= Arbeitsstopp als Protest).
not least + The documentary caused a lot of bad feeling, not least among the workers whose lives it described. Der Dokumentarfilm löste nicht zuletzt bei den Arbeitern, deren Leben er beschrieb, ein großes Missgeschick aus.
little + She's a good little worker. Sie ist eine gute kleine Arbeiterin.
office + office workers Büromitarbeiter
organized + an organized body of workers eine organisierte Gruppe von Arbeitern
precise + a skilled and precise worker ein erfahrener und präziser Arbeiter
protect + protect sb/sth/yourself (against/from sth): Troops have been sent to protect aid workers against attack. jdn. /etw.[Akk] vor etw.[Dat] schützen: Truppen wurden entsandt, um die Helfer vor Angriffen zu schützen.
railway + a railway station/worker/company ein Bahnhof/Arbeitnehmer/Firma
relief + a relief agency/organization/worker ein Hilfswerk/Organisation/Arbeitnehmer
rescue + rescue workers/boats/helicopters Rettungskräfte/Boote/Hubschrauber
route + There are a number of routes to qualifying as a social worker. Es gibt verschiedene Wege, sich als Sozialarbeiterin zu qualifizieren.
sack + Four hundred workers face the sack. Vierhundert Arbeiter stehen vor dem Sack.
shift + shift (from...) (to/towards/toward...): The balance of power shifted away from workers towards employers. Verschiebung (von...) (nach/nach/nach/nach/nach/nach...): Das Machtgleichgewicht verlagerte sich von den Arbeitnehmern weg vom Arbei
shift + shift workers/work Schichtarbeit
sick + Britain's workers went sick (= did not go to work because they were ill) for a record number of days last year. Britische Arbeiter wurden krank (= gingen nicht zur Arbeit, weil sie krank waren) für eine Rekordzahl von Tagen im vergangenen Jahr.
steel + steel workers Stahlarbeiter
strike + Striking workers picketed the factory. Streikende Arbeiter haben die Fabrik bewacht.
talk + talk (between A and B) (on/over sth): Talks between management and workers broke down over the issue of holiday pay. talk (zwischen A und B) (über etw.): Gespräche zwischen Management und Arbeitnehmern sind zum Thema Urlaubsgeld gescheitert.
tomorrow + Tomorrow's workers will have to be more adaptable. Die Arbeiter von morgen müssen anpassungsfähiger sein.
withdraw + withdraw sth: Workers have threatened to withdraw their labour (= go on strike). etw.[Akk] zurückziehen: Die Arbeitnehmer haben gedroht, ihre Arbeit niederzulegen (= Streik anzutreten).
worker + farm/factory/office workers Landwirtschafts-/Fabrik-/Büroangestellte
worker + rescue/aid/research workers Rettungs-/Hilfs-/Forschungspersonal
worker + temporary/part-time/casual workers Leiharbeitnehmer/Teilzeitarbeitskräfte/Zeitarbeitskräfte
worker + manual/skilled/unskilled workers Handwerker/Facharbeiter/Unqualifizierte
worker + Conflict between employers and workers intensified and the number of strikes rose. Der Konflikt zwischen Arbeitgebern und Arbeitnehmern verschärfte sich, und die Zahl der Streiks nahm zu.
worker + talks between workers and management Gespräche zwischen Arbeitnehmern und Management
worker + a hard/fast/quick/slow worker ein harter/schneller/schneller/langsamer Arbeiter

Mcc SentencesGbEng
406 工人 社会 服务 + Workers serve society.
1000 建筑 工人 正在 修路 + The construction workers are building a road.
2012 工厂 工人 罢工 + The workers in the factory are on strike.
2281 甘愿 义工 + He's willing to be a volunteer worker.
2298 同事 先生 + He's our new coworker, Mr. Zheng.
2751 工人 水渠 + The workers are digging a ditch.
3480 煽动 工人 罢工 + He incited the workers to go on strike.
3674 工人 正在 聚精会神 刻花 + This old worker focuses all his energies( attentively) on carving designs.

工人为社会服务。 Gōngrén wéi shèhuì fúwù. Workers serve society. Arbeiter dienen der Gesellschaft.
建筑工人正在修路。 Jiànzhù gōngrén zhèngzài xiūlù. The construction workers are building a road. Die Bauarbeiter bauen eine Straße.
工厂里的工人罢工了。 Gōngchǎng lǐ de gōngrén bàgōng le. The workers in the factory are on strike. Die Arbeiter in der Fabrik streiken.
他甘愿做义工。 Tā gānyuàn zuò yì gōng. He's willing to be a volunteer worker. Er ist bereit, sich freiwillig zu melden.
他是新同事郑先生。 Tā shì xīn tóngshì zhèng xiānsheng. He's our new coworker, Mr. Zheng. Er ist unser neuer Mitarbeiter, Mr. Zheng.
工人在挖水渠。 Gōngrén zài wā shuǐqú. The workers are digging a ditch. Die Arbeiter graben einen Graben.
他煽动工人罢工。 Tā shāndòng gōngrén bàgōng. He incited the workers to go on strike. Er rief die Arbeiter zum Streik auf.
Lesson 027. Working in China. Office Vocabulary.
tong2shi4 + colleague /co-worker
10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng

beaucoup de travailleurs gagnent le salaire minimum + many workers earn minimum wage

il y avait huit travailleurs pour un retraité + there were eight workers per retired person

il ne démontre aucun signe de compassion envers ces travailleurs + he shows no sign of compassion towards these workers

le travailleur désire une élévation de salaire monétaire + the worker wants an increase in monetary salary

l’Allemand a toujours été bon ouvrier + the German has always been a hard worker

la méfiance entre salariés et employeurs s’accentue + the mistrust between salaried workers and employers is growing

on est en train de pénaliser nos travailleurs + we’re punishing our workers
02207449-n worker
09632518-n worker
Wordnet ChineseGb
Wordnet GermanGer
Wordnet EnglishEng
+ + + + 103 worker +
+ + + + 103 worker +
+ + + + 103 worker +
+ + + + 103 worker +
Wordnet FrenchFra
Wordnet SpanishSpa
Wordnet ItalianIta
Wordnet ThaiThai
Wordnet FinnishFin
Wordnet VietnameseVie
Wiktionary VietnameseVie
worker công nhân + +
công nhân + + worker