VNEN im như tờ * very quiet * 103 VNEN im phắc * very quiet * 103


11000 Common Composites

22000 Common Composites

39000 Common Composites

74000 Common Composites

Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Goethebuch GbThaiVieEngDeuSpaPorItalFraNie
Glossika 9 GbThaiVieEngDeuItalFraSpaNiePin
B09 4 1404
你 说话 太小声 , 我 听不见 。 + คุณกำลังพูดอย่างเงียบ ๆ ฉันไม่ได้ยินคุณ + Cậu nói nhỏ lắm. Tôi không nghe thấy cậu nói gì. + You're speaking very quietly. I can't hear you. + Du sprichst sehr leise. Ich kann dich nicht hören. + Parlate molto tranquillamente. Non ti sento. + Vous parlez très doucement. Je ne t'entends pas. + Estás hablando muy bajo. No puedo oírte. + Je spreekt heel rustig. Ik kan je niet horen. + (nǐ shuōhuà tàixiǎoshēng, wǒ tīngbújiàn.)
B14 12 1662
这间 餐厅 非常 安静 , 里面 人 不多 。 + ร้านนี้เงียบมาก มีคนไม่มากที่นี่ + Nhà hàng này rất yên tĩnh. Không có nhiều người ở đây. + This restaurant is very quiet. There aren't many people here. + Dieses Restaurant ist sehr ruhig. Es sind nicht viele Leute hier. + Questo ristorante è molto tranquillo. Non ci sono molte persone qui. + Ce restaurant est très calme. Il n' y a pas beaucoup de monde ici. + Este restaurante es muy tranquilo. No hay mucha gente aquí. + Dit restaurant is zeer rustig gelegen. Er zijn hier niet veel mensen. + (zhèjiān cāntīng fēicháng ānjìng, lǐmiàn rén bùduō.)
B14 24 1674
这条 路 一般 很安静 , 车 不多 。 + ถนนมักเงียบมาก มีการจราจรไม่มากนัก + Con đường này thường rất yên tĩnh. Không có nhiều xe cộ. + The road is usually very quiet. There isn't much traffic. + Die Straße ist meist sehr ruhig. Es ist nicht viel Verkehr. + La strada è di solito molto tranquilla. Non c' è molto traffico. + La route est généralement très calme. Il n' y a pas beaucoup de circulation. + El camino suele ser muy tranquilo. No hay mucho tráfico. + De weg is meestal erg rustig. Er is niet veel verkeer. + (zhètiáo lù yìbān hěn'ānjìng, chē bùduō.)
Cô ấy là một người rất trầm lặng. Cô ấy không nói chuyện nhiều lắm. + She's a very quiet person. She doesn't talk very much.
Cậu nói nhỏ lắm. Tôi không nghe thấy cậu nói gì. + You're speaking very quietly. I can't hear you.
Nhà hàng này rất yên tĩnh. Không có nhiều người ở đây. + This restaurant is very quiet. There aren't many people here.
Con đường này thường rất yên tĩnh. Không có nhiều xe cộ. + The road is usually very quiet. There isn't much traffic.
Oxford 3000VieEng
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Exercise 8-6 Nachts ist es hier in der Straße sehr ruhig.  + ruhig It's very quiet here in the street at night.  Nó rất yên tĩnh ở đây trên đường phố vào ban đêm. +
Exercise 21-6 Außerhalb der Saison ist es hier sehr ruhig.  + außerhalb Out of season it is very quiet here.  Vào mùa giải, rất yên tĩnh ở đây. +
Exercise 31-3 Er ist ein sehr stiller Mensch.  + still He's a very quiet man.  Anh ta là một người đàn ông rất yên tĩnh. +
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng

Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
D 靜悄悄 + * * jing4qiao1qiao1 very quiet (leise, still, heimlich) in qiao1qiao1 leise, heimlich, geräuschlos, unbemerkt +
Oxford 32000GlossEngDeu
quiet + He went very quiet (= did not say much) so I knew he was upset. Er ging sehr still (= sagte nicht viel), also wusste ich, dass er sauer war.
think + think sth: You're very quiet. What are you thinking? etw.[Akk] als sehr leise empfinden Woran denkst du denn?
up to sth + Up to now he's been very quiet. Bis jetzt war er sehr still.

Mcc SentencesGbEng
173 街道 安静 + This is a very quiet street.
562 夜晚 公园 安静 + The park is very quiet at night.
1285 周围 环境 宁静 + The surroundings are very quiet.
1652 小镇 安静 + This small town is very quiet.
1853 这里 黎明 静悄悄 + The dawn here is very quiet.
2582 巷子 安静 + This lane is very quiet.
3123 总是 沉默 寡言 + He's always very quiet and uncommunicative.
3209 这里 环境 幽静 + The environment is very quiet here.

这条街道很安静。 Zhè tiáo jiēdào hěn ānjìng. This is a very quiet street. Das ist eine sehr ruhige Straße.
夜晚公园里很安静。 Yèwǎn gōngyuán lǐ hěn ānjìng. The park is very quiet at night. Der Park ist nachts sehr ruhig.
周围的环境很宁静。 Zhōuwéi de huánjìng hěn níngjìng. The surroundings are very quiet. Die Umgebung ist sehr ruhig.
这个小镇很安静。 zhège xiǎo zhèn hěn ānjìng. This small town is very quiet. Diese kleine Stadt ist sehr ruhig.
这里的黎明静悄悄。 Zhèlǐ de límíng jìngqiāoqiāo. The dawn here is very quiet. Die Morgendämmerung hier ist sehr ruhig.
这条巷子很安静。 Zhè tiáo xiàngzi hěn ānjìng. This lane is very quiet. Diese Spur ist sehr ruhig.
他总是沉默寡言。 Tā zǒngshì chénmò-guǎyán. He's always very quiet and uncommunicative. Er ist immer sehr still und unkommunikativ.
这里的环境很幽静。 Zhèlǐ de huánjìng hěn yōujìng. The environment is very quiet here. Die Umgebung ist hier sehr ruhig.
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