VNEN nói năng * to speak * 103

1 说话 shuo1 hua4 to speak/ to say/ to talk/ to gossip/ to tell stories/ talk/ word
3 jiang3 to speak/ to explain/ to negotiate/ to emphasise/ to be particular about/ as far as sth is concerned/ speech/ lecture
5 出口 chu1 kou3 an exit/ CL:個|个[ge4]/ to speak/ to export/ (of a ship) to leave port
6 chan2 slander/ defame/ misrepresent/ to speak maliciously
6 辩护 bian4 hu4 to speak in defense of/ to argue in favor of/ to defend/ to plead

11000 Common Composites

22000 Common Composites

39000 Common Composites

74000 Common Composites

Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Goethebuch GbThaiVieEngDeuSpaPorItalFraNie
006 0080
We want to speak with people.
Glossika 9 GbThaiVieEngDeuItalFraSpaNiePin
B09 10 1410
我 昨天 想 跟 夏奇拉 说话 , 但 我 找不着她 。 + ฉันอยากจะพูดกับชาคิราเมื่อวานนี้ แต่ฉันไม่สามารถหาเธอได้ + + I wanted to speak to Shakira yesterday, but I couldn't find her. + Ich wollte gestern mit Shakira sprechen, aber ich konnte sie nicht finden. + Volevo parlare con Shakira ieri, ma non l' ho trovata. + Je voulais parler à Shakira hier, mais je ne l'ai pas trouvée. + Quería hablar con Shakira ayer, pero no pude encontrarla. + Ik wilde gisteren met Shakira spreken, maar ik kon haar niet vinden. + ( wǒ zuótiān xiǎng gēn xiàqílā shuōhuà, dàn wǒ zhǎobùzháo tā.)
B11 14 1514
哈桑 懂的 英文 不多 , 跟 他 说话 必须 得慢点儿 说 。 + ฮัสซันไม่เข้าใจภาษาอังกฤษมากนัก คุณต้องพูดช้าๆกับเขา + Hassan không hiểu nhiều tiếng Anh. Cậu phải nói thật chậm với anh ấy. + Hassan doesn't understand much English. You have to speak very slowly to him. + Hassan versteht nicht viel Englisch. Du musst sehr langsam mit ihm sprechen. + Hassan non capisce molto inglese. Devi parlargli molto lentamente. + Hassan ne comprend pas beaucoup l'anglais. Vous devez lui parler très lentement. + Hassan no entiende mucho inglés. Tienes que hablarle muy despacio. + Hassan begrijpt niet veel Engels. Je moet hem heel langzaam toespreken. + (hāsāng dǒngde· yīngwén bùduō, gēn tā shuōhuà bìxū děi màndiǎnr shuō.)
B19 19 1919
你 想要 跟 谁 说话 ? + คุณต้องการพูดคุยกับใคร + Cậu muốn nói với ai? + Who do you want to speak to? + Mit wem möchten Sie sprechen? + A chi volete parlare? + A qui voulez-vous parler? + ¿Con quién quieres hablar? + Met wie wilt u spreken? + ( ní xiǎngyào gēn shuí shuōhuà?)
B19 21 1921
你 想要 跟 谁 说话 ? + คุณต้องการพูดอะไร + Cậu muốn được nói với ai? + To whom do you wish to speak? + Mit wem möchten Sie sprechen? + A chi desidera parlare? + A qui souhaitez-vous parler? + ¿Con quién desea hablar? + Tot wie wilt u het woord voeren? + ( ní xiǎngyào gēn shuí shuōhuà?)
C05 13 2213
不会 说 当地的 语言 就 意味着 我 沟通 会遇到 障碍 。 + การพูดภาษาท้องถิ่นไม่ได้หมายความว่าฉันมีปัญหาในการสื่อสาร + Không nói được tiếng địa phương khiến tôi khó giao tiếp. + Not being able to speak the local language meant that I had trouble communicating. + Da ich nicht in der Lage war, die Landessprache zu sprechen, hatte ich Schwierigkeiten, mich zu verständigen. + Non essendo in grado di parlare la lingua locale, ho avuto difficoltà a comunicare. + Ne pouvant pas parler la langue locale, j'avais du mal à communiquer. + No poder hablar el idioma local significaba que tenía problemas para comunicarme. + Doordat ik de lokale taal niet kon spreken, had ik moeite met communiceren. + (búhuì shuō dāngdìde· yǔyán jiù yìwèizhe· wǒ gōutōng huìyùdào zhàngài.)
+ I wanted to speak to Shakira yesterday, but I couldn't find her.
Hassan không hiểu nhiều tiếng Anh. Cậu phải nói thật chậm với anh ấy. + Hassan doesn't understand much English. You have to speak very slowly to him.
Cậu muốn nói với ai? + Who do you want to speak to?
Cậu muốn được nói với ai? + To whom do you wish to speak?
Không nói được tiếng địa phương khiến tôi khó giao tiếp. + Not being able to speak the local language meant that I had trouble communicating.
GNOT Qualitative • expression to speak +
SNOT Language • ability, understanding, expression to speak nói +
Oxford 3000VieEng
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
3-2. Sprache, Schrift Exercise 3-2-4 sprechen + to speak   (spricht, sprach, hat gesprochen) +
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Exercise 34-7 Ich werde das nicht bezahlen. Ich möchte zuerst mit meinem Anwaltsprechen.  + Anwalt I'm not paying for this. I'd like to speak to my lawyer first.  Tôi không phải trả tiền cho điều này. Tôi muốn nói chuyện với luật sư trước. +
Exercise 36-4 Heftiges Herzklopfen behinderte mich zu sprechen.  + behindern Fierce palpitations interfered with my ability to speak.  Kẹt cứng dữ dội đã can thiệp vào khả năng nói của tôi. +
Exercise 38-3 Ich möchte gern mit dem Direktor sprechen.  + Direktor I'd like to speak to the director.  Tôi muốn nói chuyện với đạo diễn. +
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng

Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode
+ + + + 103 Speaking sprechen + to speak, talk + Conversing A
+ + + + 103 Speaking reden + to speak, talk + Conversing A
+ + + + 103 Speaking (mit jmdm) telefonieren + to speak on the telephone (with sb) + Conversing A
+ + + + 103 Speaking Schlechtes über jmdn sagen + to speak ill of sb + Gossiping and teasing A
+ + + + 103 Speaking über jmdn/von jmdm schlecht sprechen + to speak ill of sb + Gossiping and teasing A
+ + + + 103 Speaking sich gegen etw aussprechen + to speak out against sth + Agreeing and disagreeing B
+ + + + 103 Speaking seine Stimme gegen etw erheben + to speak out against sth + Agreeing and disagreeing B
+ + + + 103 Speaking mit näselndem Tonfall sprechen + to speak with a twang + Miscellaneous C
+ + + + 103 Speaking radebrechen + to speak pidgin + Miscellaneous C
+ + + + 103 Post and telecommunications mit jmdm telefonieren + to speak with sb on the phone + Telephone A

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
Oxford 32000GlossEngDeu
consideration + After a few moments' consideration, he began to speak. Nach einigen Augenblicken der Überlegung begann er zu sprechen.
conversation + I tried to make conversation (= to speak in order to appear polite). Ich versuchte mich zu unterhalten (= zu sprechen, um höflich zu erscheinen).
cracked + She passed her tongue over her cracked lips and tried to speak. Sie ging mit der Zunge über ihre Lippen und versuchte zu sprechen.
debate + The minister opened the debate (= was the first to speak). Der Minister eroeffnete die Debatte (= war der erste Redner).
finger + He was about to speak but she raised a finger to her lips. Er wollte gerade sprechen, aber sie hob einen Finger zu ihren Lippen.
freely + For the first time he was able to speak freely without the fear of reprisals against his family. Zum ersten Mal konnte er frei sprechen, ohne Angst vor Vergeltungsmaßnahmen gegen seine Familie.
language + It takes a long time to learn to speak a language well. Es dauert lange, eine Sprache gut zu lernen.
myself + I found myself unable to speak. Ich konnte nicht sprechen.
no one + We were told to speak to no one. Uns wurde gesagt, wir sollen mit niemandem sprechen.
quietly + to speak/move quietly leise sprechen/umziehen
rude + rude (to do sth): It's rude to speak when you're eating. unhöflich (etw. zu tun): Es ist unhöflich, beim Essen zu sprechen.
second + I agreed to speak second. Ich stimmte zu, als Zweiter zu sprechen.
speak + to speak in public öffentlich sprechen
speak + to speak on the radio im Radio zu sprechen
speak + to speak at a conference auf einer Konferenz zu sprechen
speak + Professor Wilson was invited to speak about the results of his research. Professor Wilson wurde eingeladen, über die Ergebnisse seiner Forschung zu sprechen.
speak + to speak several languages mehrere Sprachen sprechen
speak + to speak a little Urdu um ein wenig Urdu zu sprechen.
speak + The President refused to speak to the waiting journalists. Der Präsident weigerte sich, mit den wartenden Journalisten zu sprechen.
speak + 'Do you know him?' 'Not to speak to.' (= only by sight) Kennst du ihn? "Nicht mit ihm zu sprechen." (= nur bei Sichtweite)
speak out (against sth) + He was the only one to speak out against the decision. Er war der Einzige, der sich gegen die Entscheidung ausgesprochen hat.
speak out (against sth) + I will continue to speak out on matters of public concern. Ich werde mich weiterhin zu Fragen äußern, die die Öffentlichkeit betreffen.
stranger + We've told our daughter not to speak to strangers. Wir haben unserer Tochter gesagt, sie soll nicht mit Fremden sprechen.
talk + Ann and Joe aren't talking to each other right now (= they refuse to speak to each other because they have argued). Ann und Joe unterhalten sich gerade nicht miteinander (= sie weigern sich, miteinander zu reden, weil sie sich gestritten haben).
voice + to speak in a deep/soft/loud/quiet, etc. voice in einer tiefen/weichen/lautstarken/leisen/leisen Stimme zu sprechen, etc.
voice + to raise/lower your voice (= to speak louder/more quietly) deine Stimme zu heben/erniedrigen (= lauter/leiser sprechen)
wait + The President agreed to speak to the waiting journalists. Der Präsident erklärte sich bereit, mit den wartenden Journalisten zu sprechen.
way + That's no way to speak to your mother! So sprichst du nicht mit deiner Mutter!
wish + I wish to speak to the manager. Ich möchte mit dem Manager sprechen.

Mcc SentencesGbEng

Lesson 004. Introducing People. Nationalities and Occupations.
shuo1 + to speak / to say
Lesson 007. Lessons Review!
man4man4 shuo1 + to speak slowly
Lesson 035. How to Bargain in Mandarin Chinese.
jiang3 + to say / to talk / to speak
10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng

permettez-moi de vous parler dans votre langue + allow me to speak to you in your language

il faut leur parler en français + you need to speak to them in French

on peut me forcer à venir, pas à parler + I can be forced to come, not to speak

il faut parler, tendre la main, dialoguer + you have to speak, reach out, dialogue

je veux parler avec ton patron + I want to speak with your boss
Wordnet ChineseGb
Wordnet GermanGer
Wordnet EnglishEng
Wordnet FrenchFra
Wordnet SpanishSpa
Wordnet ItalianIta
Wordnet ThaiThai
Wordnet FinnishFin
Wordnet VietnameseVie
Wiktionary VietnameseVie