VNEN bóc vỏ * to open * 103 VNEN mở nắp * to open * 103

1 kai1 to open/ to start/ to turn on/ to boil/ to write out (a medical prescription)/ to operate (vehicle)/ abbr. for 開爾文|开尔文 degrees Kelvin
2 zhang1 to open up/ to spread/ sheet of paper/ classifier for flat objects; sheet/ classifier for votes
5 zheng1 to open (eye)
5 开放 kai1 fang4 to lift (a ban or restriction)/ to open to the outside world (politics)/ to open for public use/ to come into bloom (of flowers)
5 chai1 to tear open/ to tear down/ to tear apart/ to open
5 pi1 to drape over one's shoulders/ to open/ to unroll/ to split open/ to spread out
6 deng4 to open (one's eyes) wide/ to stare at/ to glare at
6 开阔 kai1 kuo4 wide/ open (spaces)/ to open up
6 开朗 kai1 lang3 spacious and well-lit/ open and clear/ to open out (onto a wider vista)/ optimistic/ cheerful/ carefree/ easy-going/ open-minded
6 开辟 kai1 pi4 to open up/ to set up/ to start/ to build
6 开拓 kai1 tuo4 to break new ground (for agriculture)/ to open up (a new seam)/ to develop (border regions)/ fig. to open up (new horizons)
6 开展 kai1 zhan3 (begin to) develop/ unfold/ to start/ to launch/ to open/ to carry out
6 敞开 chang3 kai1 wide open/ to open up

11000 Common Composites

22000 Common Composites

39000 Common Composites

74000 Common Composites

Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Ich möchte ein Konto eröffnen. I would like to open a bank account. Tôi muốn mở một tài khoản ngân hàng.
Goethebuch GbThaiVieEngDeuSpaPorItalFraNie
062 1183
I would like to open an account.
Glossika 9 GbThaiVieEngDeuItalFraSpaNiePin
B19 15 1915
海关 用 很怀疑的 眼神 看着 我 , 让 我 把行李 打开 。 + เจ้าหน้าที่ศุลกากรมองฉันอย่างน่าสงสัยและขอให้ฉันเปิดกระเป๋าของฉัน + Nhân viên bán hàng nhìn tôi nghi ngờ và bảo tôi mở túi của tôi ra. + The customs officer looked at me suspiciously and asked me to open my bag. + Der Zollbeamte sah mich misstrauisch an und bat mich, meine Tasche zu öffnen. + Il funzionario delle dogane mi guardò con sospetto e mi chiese di aprire la borsa. + L'agent des douanes me regarda avec méfiance et me demanda d'ouvrir mon sac. + El agente de aduanas me miró sospechosamente y me pidió que abriera mi maleta. + De douanebeambte keek mij verdacht aan en vroeg me mijn tas te openen. + (hǎiguān yòng hěnhuáiyíde· yǎnshén kànzhe· wǒ, ràng wó bǎ xínglí dǎkāi.)
C03 36 2136
我 需要个 什么 东西 来开 这个 瓶子 。 + ฉันต้องการบางอย่างเพื่อเปิดขวดนี้ด้วย + Tôi cần một thứ để mở cái chai này. + I need something to open this bottle with. + Ich brauche etwas, mit dem ich die Flasche öffnen kann. + Ho bisogno di qualcosa per aprire questa bottiglia con. + J'ai besoin de quelque chose pour ouvrir cette bouteille. + Necesito algo con lo que abrir esta botella. + Ik heb iets nodig om deze fles te openen met. + (wǒ xūyàoge· shéme dōngxī láikāi zhège· píngzi·.)
C06 5 2255
我 要开 窗 通通风 。 + ฉันจะเปิดหน้าต่างเพื่อรับอากาศบริสุทธิ์ + Tôi định mở cửa sổ để có không khí. + I'm going to open a window to get some fresh air. + Ich werde ein Fenster öffnen, um frische Luft zu schnappen. + Aprirò una finestra per avere un po' d' aria fresca. + Je vais ouvrir une fenêtre pour prendre l'air. + Voy a abrir una ventana para tomar un poco de aire fresco. + Ik ga een venster openen om frisse lucht te krijgen. + (wǒ yàokāi chuāng tōngtōngfēng.)
Nhân viên bán hàng nhìn tôi nghi ngờ và bảo tôi mở túi của tôi ra. + The customs officer looked at me suspiciously and asked me to open my bag.
Tôi cần một thứ để mở cái chai này. + I need something to open this bottle with.
Tôi định mở cửa sổ để có không khí. + I'm going to open a window to get some fresh air.

Tôi muốn mở tài khoản. + I'd like to open an account.
GNOT Qualitative • accessibility to open mở +
SNOT Travel • entering and leaving a country to open +
Oxford 3000VieEng
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
 5-2. Einrichtung Exercise 5-2-8 öffnen + 1. to open, 2. to open up   (öffnet, öffnete, hat geöffnet) +
 5-2. Einrichtung Exercise 5-2-9 aufmachen + to open   (macht auf, machte auf, hat aufgemacht) +
10-1. Dienstleistungen, Post, Bank Exercise 10-1-8 eröffnen + to open, to start   (eröffnet, eröffnete, hat eröffnet) +
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Exercise 3-8 Wenn du die Datei öffnen willst, musst du mit der Maus zweimal klicken.  + klicken If you want to open the file, you have to click twice with the mouse.  Nếu bạn muốn mở tập tin, bạn phải bấm hai lần với con chuột. +
Exercise 33-2 Zum Öffnen der Dose müssen Sie den Deckel drehen.  + drehen  To open the box, turn the cover.  Để mở hộp, mở nắp. +
Exercise 35-1 Was macht man mit diesem Ding? Damit kann man Dosen aufmachen.  + damit What do you do with this thing? It can be used to open cans.  Bạn làm gì với điều này? Nó có thể được sử dụng để mở lon. +
Exercise 35-6 Der neue Laden soll nächste Woche eröffnet werden.  + eröffnen The new store is due to open next week.  Cửa hàng mới sẽ được mở vào tuần tới. +
Exercise 35-6 Ich möchte ein Konto eröffnen.  + Konto I want to open an account.  Tôi muốn mở một tài khoản. +
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng

Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode
+ + + + 103 Finance ein Konto eröffnen + to open an account + Banking and investment A

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
Oxford 32000GlossEngDeu
account + to open/close an account Konto eröffnen/schließen
afraid + afraid to do sth: She was afraid to open the door. Angst, etw. zu tun: Sie hatte Angst, die Tür zu öffnen.
answer + to answer the door (= to open the door when sb knocks/rings) die Tür zu öffnen (= die Tür zu öffnen, wenn jdm. anklopft)
curtain + to draw/draw back/pull back the curtains (= to open them, so that the window is no longer covered) die Vorhänge zurückziehen/zurückziehen/zurückziehen (= öffnen, damit das Fenster nicht mehr verdeckt ist)
door + to open/shut/close/slam/lock/bolt the door zum Öffnen/Schließen/Schließen/Schließen/Schließen/Schließen/Riegeln der Tür
not exactly + He wasn't exactly pleased to see us—in fact he refused to open the door. Er war nicht gerade erfreut, uns zu sehen - er weigerte sich sogar, die Tür zu öffnen.
hour + Britain's licensing hours (= when pubs are allowed to open) used to be very restricted. Die britischen Öffnungszeiten (= wenn Pubs geöffnet werden dürfen) waren früher sehr eingeschränkt.
hurry + The kids hurried to open their presents. Die Kinder eilten, um ihre Geschenke aufzumachen.
mail + I sat down to open the mail. Ich setzte mich, um die Post zu öffnen.
need + I had no need to open the letter—I knew what it would say. Ich hatte keinen Grund, den Brief zu öffnen. Ich wusste, was er sagen würde.
open + open sth: You need just one pound to open a bank account with us. etw.[Akk] eröffnen: Sie brauchen nur ein Pfund, um bei uns ein Bankkonto zu eröffnen.
open + Who is going to open the conference? Wer eröffnet die Konferenz?
open + The flowers are starting to open. Die Blumen öffnen sich langsam.
press + (+ adv./prep.): Press here to open. (+ Adv. /Vorbereitung): Drücken Sie hier, um das Fenster zu öffnen.
push + He wants to open his own business, but needs a push in the right direction to get him started. Er will sein eigenes Geschäft eröffnen, braucht aber einen Anstoß in die richtige Richtung, um ihn anzufangen.
target + The new sports complex is on target to open in June. Der neue Sportkomplex soll im Juni eröffnet werden.
twist + Twist the knob to the left to open the door. Drehknopf nach links drehen, um die Tür zu öffnen.
window + to open/close the window zum Öffnen/Schließen des Fensters

Mcc SentencesGbEng

Lesson 019. Traveling in China. Pt 1.
kai1 + to open
Lesson 019. Traveling in China. Pt 1.
kai1men2 + to open a door / begin a day's business (of a store)
Lesson 026. Sing and Learn. Sweety Sweet.
kai1 + to blossom / to open
Lesson 038. Investment in China.
Wo3 yao4 zai4 Zhong1guo2 kai1 gong1si1. + I would like to open a company in China.
Lesson 039. Computers and Internet.
da3kai1 + to open
Lesson 041. Open a Bank Account in Chinese.
kai1 yin2hang2 zhang4hu4 + to open a bank account
Lesson 041. Open a Bank Account in Chinese.
Xiao3jie, wo3 xiang3 kai1 yin2hang2 zhang4zhu4. + Miss, I'd like to open a bank account.
10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng

le Japon envisage de s’ouvrir aux importations de riz + Japan plans to open itself to rice imports
Wordnet ChineseGb
Wordnet GermanGer
Wordnet EnglishEng
Wordnet FrenchFra
Wordnet SpanishSpa
Wordnet ItalianIta
Wordnet ThaiThai
Wordnet FinnishFin
Wordnet VietnameseVie
Wiktionary VietnameseVie
mở + + to open