VNEN * ticket * 103

2 piao4 ticket/ ballot/ bank note/ CL:張|张[zhang1]/ person held for ransom/ amateur performance of Chinese opera/ classifier for shipments and business transactions (topolect)
6 彩票 cai3 piao4 the lottery/ lottery ticket

11000 Common Composites

22000 Common Composites

39000 Common Composites

74000 Common Composites

2000VIET ticket
2000VIET vé máy bay plane ticket

Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
die Fahrkarte/das Ticket ticket
Entschuldigung, wo kann ich eine Fahrkarte kaufen? Excuse me, where can I buy a ticket? Xin lỗi, tôi có thể mua vé ở đâu?
Entschuldigung, ich brauche ein Ticket nach Berlin. Excuse me, I need a ticket to Berlin. Xin lỗi, tôi cần một vé đến Berlin.
Entschuldigung, wie viel kostet eine Fahrkarte nach München? Excuse me, how much is a ticket to Munich? Xin lỗi, vé đi Munich là bao nhiêu?
Goethebuch GbThaiVieEngDeuSpaPorItalFraNie
035 0649
I’d like a ticket to Madrid.
035 0650
I’d like a ticket to Prague.
035 0651
I’d like a ticket to Bern.
035 0658
I’d like a one-way ticket to Brussels.
035 0659
I’d like a return ticket to Copenhagen.
038 0708
How much does a ticket cost?
038 0718
Do you have a ticket?
038 0719
A ticket? – No, I don’t have one.
043 0811
Where can one buy tickets?
046 0869
Are tickets for the theatre / theater (am.) still available?
046 0870
Are tickets for the cinema / movies (am.) still available?
046 0871
Are tickets for the football / soccer am. game still available?
046 0877
Can you get me a ticket?
047 0888
How much are the admission tickets?
047 0891
Can one reserve tickets?
049 0927
Don’t forget your ticket!
068 1305
I can’t find my ticket.
068 1308
Have you found your ticket?
068 1311
Do you know where his ticket is?
Glossika 9 GbThaiVieEngDeuItalFraSpaNiePin
B04 47 1197
音乐会的 票 卖得 很快 。 + ตั๋วคอนเสิร์ตทั้งหมดถูกขายได้อย่างรวดเร็ว + Tất cả vé của buổi hòa nhạc đã được bán rất nhanh. + All the tickets for the concert were sold very quickly. + Alle Tickets für das Konzert waren sehr schnell verkauft. + Tutti i biglietti per il concerto sono stati venduti molto rapidamente. + Tous les billets pour le concert ont été vendus très rapidement. + Todas las entradas para el concierto se vendieron muy rápidamente. + Alle tickets voor het concert werden snel verkocht. + ( yīnyuèhuìde· piào màide· hěnkuài.)
B06 47 1297
我们 今天晚上 要去 剧院 , 我们 有 票 。 + เรากำลังจะไปที่โรงละครคืนนี้ เรามีตั๋วแล้ว + Tối nay chúng tôi sẽ đi xem hoà nhạc. Chúng tôi có vé rồi. + We're going to the theater tonight. We've got tickets. + Wir gehen heute Abend ins Theater. Wir haben Tickets. + Stiamo andando al teatro stasera. Abbiamo i biglietti. + On va au théâtre ce soir. On a des billets. + Vamos al teatro esta noche. Tenemos entradas. + We gaan vanavond naar het theater. We hebben tickets. + ( wǒmen· jīntiānwǎnshàng yàoqù jùyuàn, wǒmen· yǒu piào.)
B07 49 1349
买张 彩票 , 你 可能会 走运 。 + ซื้อตั๋วจับสลาก คุณอาจจะโชคดี + Mua một vé xổ số đi. Có khi cậu gặp may đấy. + Buy a lottery ticket. You might be lucky. + Kaufen Sie ein Lotterielos. Du könntest Glück haben. + Acquista un biglietto della lotteria. Potresti essere fortunato. + Achetez un billet de loterie. Vous pourriez avoir de la chance. + Compre un billete de lotería. Podrías tener suerte. + Koop een loterij ticket. Misschien hebt u geluk. + (mǎizhāng cǎipiào, ní kěnénghuì zǒuyùn.)
B12 12 1562
下个 礼拜的 音乐会 你 有 多的 一张 票 , 说不定 海伦 会去 。 + คุณมีตั๋วพิเศษสำหรับคอนเสิร์ตในสัปดาห์หน้า บางทีเฮเลนจะมา + Tôi có thừa một vé xem hoà nhạc tuần sau. Có thể Helsẽ tới. + You have an extra ticket for a concert next week. Perhaps Helen will come. + Sie haben ein Extra-Ticket für ein Konzert nächste Woche. Vielleicht wird Helen kommen. + Hai un biglietto extra per un concerto la prossima settimana. Forse Helen verrà. + Vous avez un billet supplémentaire pour un concert la semaine prochaine. Helen viendra peut-être. + Tienes una entrada extra para un concierto la próxima semana. Quizá venga Helen. + U heeft een extra ticket voor een concert volgende week. Misschien zal Helen komen. + (xiàge· lǐbàide· yīnyuèhuì ní yǒu duōde· yìzhāng piào, shuōbùdìng hǎilún huìqù.)
C03 32 2132
要买到 这场 球赛的 门票 对 你 来说 不成 问题 。 + คุณจะไม่มีปัญหาในการรับตั๋วสำหรับเกม + Cậu sẽ không gặp rắc rối gì khi lấy vé chơi trò chơi. + You won't have any trouble getting a ticket for the game. + Sie werden keine Probleme haben, ein Ticket für das Spiel zu bekommen. + Non avrete problemi a ottenere un biglietto per il gioco. + Vous n'aurez aucun problème à obtenir un billet pour le match. + No tendrá problemas para conseguir un billete para el partido. + Je zult geen moeite hebben om een ticket voor het spel te krijgen. + (yàomǎidào zhèchǎng qiúsàide· ménpiào duì nǐ láishuō bùchéng wèntí.)
C09 3 2403
票 都 卖光了 , 一张 也 不剩 。 + มีการขายตั๋วทั้งหมดแล้ว ไม่มีเหลือเลย + Tất cả vá đã được bán. Không còn sót vé nào. + All the tickets have been sold. There are none left. + Alle Karten sind verkauft. Es gibt keine mehr. + Tutti i biglietti sono stati venduti. Non c' è più nessuno. + Tous les billets ont été vendus. Il n' y en a plus. + Todas las entradas han sido vendidas. No queda ninguno. + Alle tickets zijn verkocht. Er zijn er nog geen. + (piào dōu màiguāngle·, yìzhāng yě búshèng.)
C18 25 2875
你 跟 你 男朋友 去看 电影 的时候 , 他 会付电影票 钱 吗 ? + เมื่อคุณไปดูภาพยนตร์กับแฟนหนุ่มของคุณเขาจ่ายค่าตั๋วไหม? + Khi cậu đi xem phim với bạn trai, anh ấy có trả tiền vé không? + When you went to the movies with your boyfriend, did he pay for the tickets? + Als du mit deinem Freund ins Kino gegangen bist, hat er die Tickets bezahlt? + Quando sei andato al cinema con il tuo fidanzato, ha pagato i biglietti? + Quand tu es allé au cinéma avec ton copain, il a payé les billets? + Cuando fuiste al cine con tu novio, ¿pagó las entradas? + Toen je met je vriend naar de films ging, betaalde hij dan voor de tickets? + (nǐ gēn nǐ nánpéngyǒu qùkàn diànyǐng de·shíhou·, tā huìfù diànyǐngpiào qián mā?)
Cô ấy muốn đi xem hoà nhạc nhưng cô ấy không có vé. + She wants to go to the concert, but she doesn't have a ticket.
Tôi đã mua vé qua mạng. + I bought my tickets online.
Tất cả vé của buổi hòa nhạc đã được bán rất nhanh. + All the tickets for the concert were sold very quickly.
Tối nay chúng tôi sẽ đi xem hoà nhạc. Chúng tôi có vé rồi. + We're going to the theater tonight. We've got tickets.
Mua một vé xổ số đi. Có khi cậu gặp may đấy. + Buy a lottery ticket. You might be lucky.
Tôi có thừa một vé xem hoà nhạc tuần sau. Có thể Helsẽ tới. + You have an extra ticket for a concert next week. Perhaps Helen will come.
Cậu sẽ không gặp rắc rối gì khi lấy vé chơi trò chơi. + You won't have any trouble getting a ticket for the game.
Tất cả vá đã được bán. Không còn sót vé nào. + All the tickets have been sold. There are none left.
Khi cậu đi xem phim với bạn trai, anh ấy có trả tiền vé không? + When you went to the movies with your boyfriend, did he pay for the tickets?

Vé của bạn đâu? + Where is yout ticket?

+ ticket

Bạn đã mua vé số chưa? + Have you bought a lottery ticket yet?

vé số + lottery ticket

Mua Vé + Buying a Ticket

Vé khứ hổi giá bao nhiêu tiển? + How much is a round trip ticket?

Tôi có thể xem vé va hộ chiếu củ bạn được không? + Can I see your ticket and passport, please?

Vé của bạn đây. + Here are your tickets.

Điểu này được ghi ở dòng cuối trên vé. + It is on the bottom of the ticket.

Cho tôi 2 vé + Two tickets please.

Anh đã mua vé chưa? + Have you bought the ticket?
I have bought the bus ticket already. Anh dã mua vé xe rồi. +
Have you bought your ticket yet? Anh dã mua vé xe chưa? +
I haven't bought the bus ticket yet. Tôi chưa mua vé xe. +
SNOT Free time, entertainment • cinema/theatre ticket +
SNOT Free time, entertainment • cinema/theatre ticket office phòng bán vé +
one way ticket vé một chiều +
round trip ticket vé khứ hồi +
SNOT Travel • public transport ticket +
Oxford 3000VieEng
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
7-1. Verkehr Exercise 7-1-8 Strafzettel + (parking) ticket +
7-1. Verkehr Exercise 7-1-11 Karte + 1. post card, 2. ticket, 3. menu, 4. map +
7-1. Verkehr Exercise 7-1-11 Fahrkarte + ticket +
14-3. Unterhaltung, Kultur Exercise 14-3-2 Ticket + ticket +
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Exercise 2-2 Das Ticket gilt bis einschließlich Freitag.  + Freitag The ticket is valid until Friday.  Vé có giá trị cho đến thứ sáu. +
Exercise 2-6 Die Fahrkarte gilt bis einschließlich Montag.  + Montag The ticket is valid up to and including Monday.  Vé có giá trị đến và bao gồm cả Thứ Hai. +
Exercise 2-6 Für das Konzert am Sonntag gibt es noch Karten.  + Sonntag Tickets for the concert on Sunday are still available.  Vé cho buổi hòa nhạc vào chủ nhật vẫn còn có sẵn. +
Exercise 5-9 Die Fahrkarte war vielleicht teuer!  + vielleicht The ticket was expensive!  Vé đắt tiền! +
Exercise 7-8 Das Ticket gilt bis einschließlich Freitag. + einschließlich The ticket is valid until Friday. Vé có giá trị cho đến thứ sáu. +
Exercise 8-2 Für das Konzert am Sonntag gibt es noch Karten.  + Konzert Tickets for the concert on Sunday are still available.  Vé cho buổi hòa nhạc vào chủ nhật vẫn còn có sẵn. +
Exercise 12-6 Für das Theater brauche ich noch zwei Eintrittskarten.  + Theater I need two more tickets for the theatre.  Tôi cần hai vé nữa cho nhà hát. +
Exercise 12-8 Ich habe Karten für das Konzert. Wir sitzen in der dritten Reihe.  + Reihe I have tickets for the concert. We're in the third row.  Tôi có vé cho concert. Chúng tôi đang ở hàng thứ ba. +
Exercise 13-3 Ich habe falsch geparkt. Deswegen habe ich einen Strafzettel bekommen.  + deswegen I parked the wrong car. That's why I got a ticket.  Tôi đỗ xe sai. Đó là lý do tại sao tôi có vé. +
Exercise 14-3 Sie können die Fahrkarten auch am Automaten lösen.  + lösen You can also buy the tickets at the ticket machine.  Bạn cũng có thể mua vé tại máy bán vé. +
Exercise 19-7 Die Fahrkarten gelten nur zwei Tage.  + gelten* Tickets are valid for two days only.  Vé chỉ có giá trị trong hai ngày. +
Exercise 21-7 Fahrkartenkontrolle! Bitte Ihre Fahrkarten!  + Kontrolle Ticket inspection! Tickets, please!  Kiểm tra vé! Vé, xin vui lòng! +
Exercise 22-7 Fahrkarten bekommt man am Automaten.  + Fahrkarte Tickets are available at the ticket machine.  Vé có tại quầy vé. +
Exercise 22-7 Bitte beachten Sie, dass die Fahrkarte nicht übertragbar ist.  + Fahrkarte Please note that the ticket is non-transferable.  Xin lưu ý rằng vé không được chuyển nhượng. +
Exercise 22-7 Die Fahrkarte gilt bis einschließlich Montag.  + Fahrkarte The ticket is valid up to and including Monday.  Vé có giá trị đến và bao gồm cả Thứ Hai. +
Exercise 22-9 Zwei Kinokarten, bitte. – Wo möchten Sie sitzen, vorn oder hinten?  + vorn  Two tickets, please. Where would you like to sit, front or rear?  Hai vé, vui lòng. Bạn muốn ngồi ở đâu, phía trước hay sau? +
Exercise 25-3 Diese Fahrkarte ist drei Tage lang gültig. + gültig This ticket is valid for three days. Vé này có hiệu lực trong ba ngày. +
Exercise 25-7 Hast du schon die Karten für das Konzert abgeholt?  + Karte Did you pick up the tickets for the concert yet?  Bạn đã nhận vé cho buổi hòa nhạc chưa? +
Exercise 27-2 Wir müssen die Flugtickets abholen.  + Ticket We have to pick up the plane tickets.  Chúng ta phải nhận vé máy bay. +
Exercise 27-2 Wie viel kostet das Ticket?  + Ticket How much does the ticket cost?  Chi phí vé là bao nhiêu? +
Exercise 27-2 Sie hat ihr Ticket zu Hause liegen lassen. + Ticket She left her ticket at home. Cô để lại vé ở nhà. +
Exercise 27-7 Können Sie mir sagen, was der Unterschied ist? Welche Fahrkarte ist günstiger?  + Unterschied Can you tell me what the difference is? Which ticket is cheaper?  Bạn có thể cho tôi biết sự khác biệt là gì? Vé nào rẻ hơn? +
Exercise 29-3 Ich hatte keinen Fahrschein und musste 60 Euro Strafe zahlen.  + zahlen I didn't have a ticket and had to pay a fine of 60 euros.  Tôi không có vé và phải trả một khoản tiền phạt 60 euro. +
Exercise 29-5 So ein Pech! Ich habe einmal falsch geparkt und sofort einen Strafzettel bekommen. + Strafzettel Too bad! I parked my car the wrong way and got a ticket right away. Quá tệ! Tôi đậu xe của tôi theo cách sai lầm và có một vé ngay. +
Exercise 34-7 Der Fahrkartenautomat ist auf dem Bahnsteig.  + Automat The ticket machine is on the platform.  Máy bán vé đặt trên nền. +
Exercise 35-5 Diese Fahrkarte gilt nur innerhalb der Stadt.  + innerhalb This ticket is valid only within the city.  Vé này chỉ có giá trị trong thành phố. +
Exercise 35-6 Monatskarten können Sie an Schalter 2 kaufen.  + Schalter Monthly tickets can be purchased at counter 2.  Vé hàng tháng có thể mua tại quầy 2. +
Exercise 35-6 Kannst du einen Fünfzigeuroschein wechseln?  + Schein Can you change a fifty dollar ticket?  Bạn có thể thay đổi một vé năm mươi đô la? +
Exercise 35-6 Der Schein ist leider abgelaufen.  + Schein I'm afraid the ticket has expired.  Tôi e rằng vé đã hết hạn. +
Exercise 44-7 Es gibt leider keine Karten mehr. – Schade. Da kann man nichts machen. Das ist halt so.  + halt Sorry, there are no more tickets. Too bad. There's nothing you can do about it. That's just the way it is.  Xin lỗi, không còn vé nữa. Quá tệ. Không có gì bạn có thể làm về nó. Nó là như vậy. +
Exercise 45-2 Soll ich die Eintrittskarten besorgen?  + besorgen Shall I get the tickets?  Tôi có được vé không? +
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng

Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode
ticket Public Transportation 15
+ + + + 103 Visual and performing arts Kinokarte + cinema ticket + Cinema and film A
+ + + + 103 Visual and performing arts Abonnement + season ticket; subscription [newspaper] + Theatre B
+ + + + 103 Visual and performing arts Abonnent(in) + season-ticket holder; subscriber [newspaper] + Theatre B
+ + + + 103 Visual and performing arts etw abonnieren + to have a season ticket/subscription for sth + Theatre B
+ + + + 103 Visual and performing arts Garderobenmarke + cloakroom ticket + Theatre B
+ + + + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Fahrkarte + ticket + General A
+ + + + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Schaffner(in) + ticket inspector + Rail transport A
+ + + + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Ticket + (plane) ticket + Air transport A
+ + + + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Stand-by-Ticket + stand-by ticket + Air transport A
+ + + + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Fahrkarte erster/zweiter Klasse + first/second-class ticket + General B
+ + + + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Rückfahrkarte + round-trip ticket + General B
+ + + + 103 Tourism, travel and transport einfache Fahrt + single fare, one-way ticket + General B
+ + + + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Parkscheinautomat + ticket (dispensing) machine + Road transport B
+ + + + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Strafzettel + ticket + Road transport B
+ + + + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Fahrkartenausgabe + ticket office + Rail transport B
+ + + + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Fahrkartenschalter + ticket counter + Rail transport B
+ + + + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Umsteigefahrschein + transfer ticket + General C
+ + + + 103 Law Strafzettel + ticket + Justice A

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
A + * * piao4 ticket/ ballot 1. Karte, Zettel 2. Wahlzettel, Wahlstimme 3. Banknote, Papiergeld 4.Eintrittskarte +
D + * * quan4 ticket Karte, Schein,Ticket, Zertifikat +
Oxford 32000GlossEngDeu
admit + admit sb/sth: Each ticket admits one adult. jdn. /etw.[Akk] zulassen: Jedes Ticket berechtigt einen Erwachsenen.
in advance (of sth) + It's cheaper if you book the tickets in advance. Es ist günstiger, wenn Sie die Tickets im Voraus buchen.
advise + advise doing sth: I'd advise buying your tickets well in advance if you want to travel in August. etw.[Akk] tun: Ich rate Ihnen, Ihre Tickets rechtzeitig zu kaufen, wenn Sie im August reisen möchten.
afford + None of them could afford £50 for a ticket. Keiner von ihnen konnte sich 50 Pfund für ein Ticket leisten.
ask + ask whether, what, etc...: I asked whether they could change my ticket. fragen Sie, ob, was, usw...: Ich fragte, ob sie mein Ticket ändern könnten.
available + Tickets are available free of charge from the school. Die Eintrittskarten sind kostenlos bei der Schule erhältlich.
barrier + Show your ticket at the barrier. Zeigen Sie Ihr Ticket an der Schranke.
book + a book of stamps/tickets/matches ein Buch mit Briefmarken/Tickets/Matches
book + The performance is booked up (= there are no more tickets available). Die Vorstellung ist ausgebucht (= es sind keine Karten mehr verfügbar).
cannot + I cannot believe the price of the tickets! Ich kann den Preis der Tickets nicht glauben!
certain + certain of sth/of doing sth: If you want to be certain of getting a ticket, book now. Gewissheit über etw.: Wenn Sie sicher sein wollen, dass Sie ein Ticket bekommen, buchen Sie jetzt.
chance + chance of doing sth: Is there any chance of getting tickets for tonight? Chance auf etw.: Gibt es eine Chance, Karten für heute Abend zu bekommen?
change + The ticket machine gives change. Der Fahrkartenautomat gibt Wechselgeld.
cost + Tickets cost ten dollars each. Tickets kosten zehn Dollar pro Stück.
entitle + entitle sb to do sth: This ticket does not entitle you to travel first class. jdm. das Recht einräumen, etw. zu tun: Dieses Ticket berechtigt Sie nicht zur Reise erster Klasse.
fight + I had a fight with the ticket machine, which was being temperamental. Ich hatte einen Streit mit dem Ticketautomat, was launisch war.
free + free samples/tickets/advice kostenlose Muster/Karten/Beratung
get + Did you manage to get tickets for the concert? Hast du Tickets für das Konzert besorgt?
give + She gave her ticket to the woman at the check-in desk. Sie gab ihre Fahrkarte der Frau am Check-in Schalter.
guarantee + guarantee sb sth: The ticket will guarantee you free entry. jdm. etw.[Akk] garantieren: Das Ticket garantiert Ihnen freien Eintritt.
imagine + 'Can we still buy tickets for the concert?' 'I imagine so.' Können wir noch Karten für das Konzert kaufen? Das nehme ich an.
insert + Insert coins into the slot and press for a ticket. Legen Sie Münzen in den Schlitz ein und drücken Sie für ein Ticket.
issue + issue sth: to issue passports/visas/tickets etw.[Akk] zur Ausstellung von Reisepässen/Visa/Tickets ausstellen
leave + How many tickets do you have left? Wie viele Karten hast du noch?
likely + likely (to do sth): Tickets are likely to be expensive. wahrscheinlich (um etw. zu tun): Tickets sind wahrscheinlich teuer werden.
limit + Families are limited to four free tickets each. Familien sind auf je vier Freikarten limitiert.
lose + The tickets seem to have got lost. Die Tickets scheinen verloren gegangen zu sein.
luck + You're in luck (= lucky) —there's one ticket left. Du hast Glück (= Glück) - es ist noch ein Ticket übrig.
in the name of sb/sth, in sb's/sth's name + We reserved two tickets in the name of Brown. Wir haben zwei Karten auf den Namen Brown reserviert.
oddly + Oddly enough, the most expensive tickets sold fastest. Seltsamerweise wurden die teuersten Tickets am schnellsten verkauft.
office + a ticket office eine Kasse
only + There are only a limited number of tickets available. Es gibt nur eine begrenzte Anzahl an Tickets.
pay + pay (for sth): I'll pay for the tickets. (für etw.): Ich bezahle die Tickets.
price + Children over five must pay (the) full price for the ticket. Kinder über fünf Jahre zahlen den vollen Preis für das Ticket.
purchase + Please ensure that you purchase your ticket in advance. Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie Ihr Ticket im Voraus kaufen.
remaining + Any remaining tickets for the concert will be sold on the door. Eventuell noch verbliebene Konzertkarten werden an der Abendkasse verkauft.
on sale + Tickets are on sale from the booking office. Tickets sind an der Vorverkaufskasse erhältlich.
sell out, be sold out + The tickets sold out within hours. Die Tickets waren innerhalb weniger Stunden ausverkauft.
show + show sth: You have to show your ticket as you go in. etw.[Akk] vorzeigen: Sie müssen Ihr Ticket beim Einsteigen vorzeigen.
spare + Are there any tickets going spare (= are there any available, not being used by sb else)? Gibt es noch freie Tickets (= gibt es welche, die nicht von jdm. genutzt werden)?
state + state how, what, etc...: State clearly how many tickets you require. Geben Sie an, wie, was, usw...: Geben Sie deutlich an, wie viele Tickets Sie benötigen.
suppose + I suppose all the tickets have been sold now, have they? Ich nehme an, jetzt sind alle Tickets verkauft worden, oder?
be supposed to do/be sth + You're supposed to buy a ticket, but not many people do. Man soll ein Ticket kaufen, aber nicht viele Leute tun das.
ticket + a bus/theatre/plane, etc. ticket ein Ticket für Bus/Theater/Flugzeug, etc.
ticket + free tickets to the show Freikarten für die Show
ticket + Tickets are available from the Arts Centre at £5.00. Tickets sind im Kulturzentrum erhältlich unter £5,00.
ticket + a ticket office/machine/collector eine Kasse/Maschine/Sammler/Sammelstelle
ticket + She hoped that getting this job would finally be her ticket to success. Sie hoffte, dass dieser Job endlich ihr Weg zum Erfolg sein würde.
ticket + a lottery/raffle ticket Lotterie/Verlosungsschein
ticket + There are three winning tickets. Es gibt drei Gewinnlose.

Mcc SentencesGbEng
479 门票 + I've got two tickets.
642 机票 + This is my plane ticket.
715 排队 买票 + I'm in line to buy a ticket.
791 可以 使用 自动售票机 车票 + Train tickets may be purchased using the automatic vending machine.
1055 网上 机票 + I've booked a plane ticket on the internet.
2585 买到 球赛 入场券 + I've bought two tickets for the ball game.

我有两张门票。 Wǒ yǒu liǎng zhāng ménpiào. I've got two tickets. Ich habe zwei Tickets.
这是我的机票。 Zhè shì wǒ de jīpiào. This is my plane ticket. Das ist mein Flugticket.
我在排队买票。 Wǒ zài páiduì mǎi piào. I'm in line to buy a ticket. Ich bin in der Schlange, um ein Ticket zu kaufen.
可以使用自动售票机买车票。 Kěyǐ shǐyòng zìdòng shòu piào jī mǎi chēpiào. Train tickets may be purchased using the automatic vending machine. Zugfahrkarten können am Automaten erworben werden.
我在网上订了一张机票。 Wǒ zài wǎng shàng dìng le yī zhāng jīpiào. I've booked a plane ticket on the internet. Ich habe ein Flugticket im Internet gebucht.
我买到了两张球赛的入场券。 Wǒ mǎi dào le liǎng zhāng qiúsài de rùchǎngquàn. I've bought two tickets for the ball game. Ich habe zwei Karten für das Ballspiel gekauft.
Lesson 019. Traveling in China. Pt 1.
piao4 + ticket
Lesson 019. Traveling in China. Pt 1.
huo3che1 piao4 + train ticket
Lesson 019. Traveling in China. Pt 1.
fei1ji1 piao4 + plane ticket
Lesson 019. Traveling in China. Pt 1.
di4tie3 piao4 + subway ticket
Lesson 019. Traveling in China. Pt 1.
men2piao4 + "door ticket" / ticket for a museum, theatre etc
Lesson 036. Coming to China. Visa and Tickets.
ji1piao4 + plane ticket
Lesson 036. Coming to China. Visa and Tickets.
dan1cheng2 + one way (ticket)
Lesson 036. Coming to China. Visa and Tickets.
dan1cheng2 ji1piao4 + one way plane ticket
Lesson 036. Coming to China. Visa and Tickets.
lai2hui2 ji1piao4 + round-trip plane ticket
Lesson 036. Coming to China. Visa and Tickets.
yu4ding4 lai2hui2 ji1piao4 + to book a round-trip plane ticket
Lesson 037. Holidays and Vacations.
que4ren4 ji1piao4 + to confirm plane tickets
10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng

je vous offre 50% sur votre billet prochain + I’ll offer you 50% off your next ticket

achetez vos billets à un revendeur agréé + buy your tickets from an approved reseller

j’ai pas de billet pour le match de demain + I don’t have a ticket for tomorrow’s game

selon notre enquête, les ventes nominales ont augmenté + according to our research, small-ticket item sales increased

billet et passeport, s’il vous plaît + ticket and passport, please

122.000 billets ont été vendus + 122,000 tickets were sold
06518719-n ticket
06558678-n ticket
Wordnet ChineseGb
Wordnet GermanGer
Wordnet EnglishEng
+ + + + 103 ticket +
+ + + + 103 ticket +
+ + + + 103 ticket +
+ + + + 103 ticket +
+ + + + 103 ticket +
+ + + + 103 ticket +
+ + + + 103 ticket +
Wordnet FrenchFra
Wordnet SpanishSpa
Wordnet ItalianIta
Wordnet ThaiThai
Wordnet FinnishFin
Wordnet VietnameseVie
Wiktionary VietnameseVie
ticket + +
ticket + +