VNEN rạp hát * theater * 103

5 戏剧 xi4 ju4 drama/ play/ theater
6 音响 yin1 xiang3 speakers or speaker (electronic)/ acoustics/ sound field (in a room or theater)

11000 Common Composites

22000 Common Composites

39000 Common Composites

74000 Common Composites

2000VIET nhà hát theater
2000VIET rạp chiếu phim movie theater

Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
das Kino movie theater rạp chiếu phim
Ich gehe gern ins Theater. I like going to the theater. Tôi thích đi xem kịch.
Goethebuch GbThaiVieEngDeuSpaPorItalFraNie
022 0399
Do you like to go to the theatre / theater (am.)?
046 0866
What’s playing at the theatre / theater (am.) this evening?
046 0869
Are tickets for the theatre / theater (am.) still available?
Glossika 9 GbThaiVieEngDeuItalFraSpaNiePin
B06 47 1297
我们 今天晚上 要去 剧院 , 我们 有 票 。 + เรากำลังจะไปที่โรงละครคืนนี้ เรามีตั๋วแล้ว + Tối nay chúng tôi sẽ đi xem hoà nhạc. Chúng tôi có vé rồi. + We're going to the theater tonight. We've got tickets. + Wir gehen heute Abend ins Theater. Wir haben Tickets. + Stiamo andando al teatro stasera. Abbiamo i biglietti. + On va au théâtre ce soir. On a des billets. + Vamos al teatro esta noche. Tenemos entradas. + We gaan vanavond naar het theater. We hebben tickets. + ( wǒmen· jīntiānwǎnshàng yàoqù jùyuàn, wǒmen· yǒu piào.)
B15 26 1726
我们 到 剧院 的时候 , 外面 排了 很长的 队。 + เมื่อเราไปถึงโรงละครมีสายยาวอยู่ข้างนอก + Khi chúng tôi tới nhà hát, có một người hàng dài bên ngoài. + When we got to the theater, there was a long line outside. + Als wir zum Theater kamen, stand draußen eine lange Schlange. + Quando siamo arrivati al teatro, c' era una lunga linea fuori. + Quand nous sommes arrivés au théâtre, il y avait une longue file d'attente dehors. + Cuando llegamos al teatro, había una larga fila afuera. + Toen we bij het theater aankwamen, was er een lange lijn buiten. + ( wǒmen· dào jùyuàn de·shíhou·, wàimiàn páile· hěnchángde· duì.)
C08 37 2387
这里 现在 是 超市 , 以前 是 电影院 。 + อาคารหลังนี้เป็นซูเปอร์มาร์เก็ตแล้ว เคยเป็นโรงภาพยนตร์ + Toà nhà kia bây giờ là một siêu thị. Nó từng là một rạp tạp chí lm. + That building is now a supermarket. It used to be a movie theater. + Das Gebäude ist jetzt ein Supermarkt. Es war mal ein Kino. + Questo edificio è ora un supermercato. Un tempo era un cinema. + Cet immeuble est maintenant un supermarché. C'était une salle de cinéma. + Ese edificio es ahora un supermercado. Solía ser un cine. + Dat gebouw is nu een supermarkt. Vroeger was het een bioscoop. + (zhèli· xiànzài shì chāoshì, yǐqián shì diànyǐngyuàn.)
Tối nay chúng tôi sẽ đi xem hoà nhạc. Chúng tôi có vé rồi. + We're going to the theater tonight. We've got tickets.
Khi chúng tôi tới nhà hát, có một người hàng dài bên ngoài. + When we got to the theater, there was a long line outside.
Toà nhà kia bây giờ là một siêu thị. Nó từng là một rạp tạp chí lm. + That building is now a supermarket. It used to be a movie theater.

nhà hát + theater

rạp phim + movie theater
theatre / theater kịch +
Oxford 3000VieEng
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng
Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode
theater City Streets 23

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
C 劇院 + * * ju4yuan4 theater/ playhouse/ troupe Theater, Opernhaus,Ensemble, Theatergruppe +
C 戲劇 + * * xi4ju4 opera-drama/ drama/ theater/ play/ play script Drama, Stück +
Oxford 32000GlossEngDeu
movie theater + The documentary opens tomorrow in movie theaters nationwide. Die Dokumentation eroeffnet morgen bundesweit in Kinos.
release + The movie goes on general release (= will be widely shown in cinemas/movie theaters) next week. Der Film wird in der kommenden Woche allgemein veröffentlicht (= wird in den Kinos/Theatern weithin zu sehen sein).
show + The movie is now showing at all major movie theaters. Der Film läuft jetzt in allen großen Kinos.

Mcc SentencesGbEng

10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng

j’ai eu des parents amateurs de théâtre + I have parents who love the theater

je suis sortie du cinéma en larmes + I left the movie theater in tears
Wordnet ChineseGb
Wordnet GermanGer
Wordnet EnglishEng
+ + + + 103 theater +
+ + + + 103 theater +
+ + + + 103 theater +
Wordnet FrenchFra
Wordnet SpanishSpa
Wordnet ItalianIta
Wordnet ThaiThai
Wordnet FinnishFin
Wordnet VietnameseVie
Wiktionary VietnameseVie
theater nhà hát + +
rạp phim + + theater