VNEN xe tắc xi * taxi * 103

1 出租车 chu1 zu1 che1 taxi

11000 Common Composites

22000 Common Composites

39000 Common Composites

74000 Common Composites

2000VIET tắc xi taxi

Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
die Taxifahrerin taxi driver tài xế taxi
das Taxi taxi xe tắc xi
Goethebuch GbThaiVieEngDeuSpaPorItalFraNie
026 0467
Take a taxi next time!
027 0489
I need a taxi.
040 0743
Please call a taxi.
072 1399
Do you want a taxi?
074 1440
You must wait for the taxi.
084 1638
I had to take a taxi.
088 1714
Why did you take a taxi?
089 1736
I just wanted to call a taxi.
094 1839
I’m afraid we will have to take a taxi.
097 1898
We’ll take a taxi if it rains.
Glossika 9 GbThaiVieEngDeuItalFraSpaNiePin
B05 31 1231
明天 聚会 结束后 , 你 怎么 回家 ? 坐 出租车 吗 ? + คุณจะเดินทางกลับบ้านหลังจากงานเลี้ยงวันพรุ่งนี้ได้อย่างไร? โดยรถแท็กซี่? + Cậu định về nhà bằng cách nào sau bữa tiệc ngày mai? Đi taxi à? + How are you getting home after the party tomorrow? By taxi? + Wie kommst du nach der Party morgen nach Hause? Mit dem Taxi? + Come stai tornando a casa dopo la festa di domani? In taxi? + Comment tu rentres après la fête demain? En taxi? + ¿Cómo llegarás a casa después de la fiesta de mañana? ¿En taxi? + Hoe kom je na het feest morgen thuis? Met taxi? + ( míngtiān jùhuì jiéshùhòu, ní zěnme huíjiā? zuò chūzūchē mā?)
B13 4 1604
咱们 走路 回家 , 还是 你 想 打车 ? + เราควรจะกลับบ้านหรือจะไปแท็กซี่ไหม? + Chúng ta có nên đi bộ về nhà không, hay cậu muốn đi taxi hơn? + Should we walk home, or would you rather take a taxi? + Sollen wir zu Fuß nach Hause gehen, oder möchten Sie lieber ein Taxi nehmen? + Dovremmo camminare a casa, o preferite prendere un taxi? + On rentre à pied ou tu préfères prendre un taxi? + ¿Deberíamos caminar a casa, o prefieres tomar un taxi? + Moeten we naar huis lopen, of wilt u liever een taxi nemen? + ( zánmen· zǒulù huíjiā, háishì ní xiáng dǎchē?)
B13 50 1650
咱们 要 打车 吗 ? — 不要 , 咱们 坐 公共汽车 吧 。 + เราควรนั่งรถแท็กซี่ไหม - ไม่ลองมานั่งรถเมล์ + Chúng ta có nên bắt xe taxi không? - Thôi, ta bắt xe buýt đi. + Should we take a taxi? — No, let's take a bus. + Sollen wir ein Taxi nehmen? Nein, lass uns den Bus nehmen. + Dovremmo prendere un taxi? No, prendiamo un autobus. + On prend un taxi? Non, prenons le bus. + ¿Deberíamos tomar un taxi? No, tomemos un autobús. + Moeten we een taxi nemen? Nee, laten we een bus nemen. + (zánmen· yào dǎchē mā? — búyào, zánmen· zuò gōnggòngqìchē ba·.)
B20 32 1982
那时候 很晚了 , 所以 我们 决定 打车 回家。 + ถึงเวลาแล้วเราจึงตัดสินใจที่จะขึ้นรถแท็กซี่ที่บ้าน + Lúc đó muộn rồi nên chúng tôi đã quyết định bắt taxi về nhà. + It was late, so we decided to take a taxi home. + Es war spät, also beschlossen wir, ein Taxi nach Hause zu nehmen. + Era tardi, così abbiamo deciso di prendere un taxi a casa. + Il était tard, nous avons donc décidé de prendre un taxi pour rentrer chez nous. + Era tarde, así que decidimos tomar un taxi a casa. + Het was laat, dus we besloten om een taxi mee naar huis te nemen. + ( nàshíhou· hénwǎnle·, suóyí wǒmen· juédìng dǎchē huíjiā.)
C02 18 2068
我 更 愿意坐 出租车 ,而 不是 走路 回家 。 + ฉันชอบนั่งรถแท็กซี่แทนการเดินเล่นที่บ้าน + Tôi muốn bắt taxi hơn là đi bộ về nhà. + I'd prefer to take a taxi rather than walk home. + Ich würde lieber ein Taxi nehmen, als zu Fuß nach Hause zu gehen. + Preferirei prendere un taxi piuttosto che tornare a casa. + Je préfère prendre un taxi plutôt que de rentrer à pied. + Preferiría tomar un taxi antes que caminar a casa. + Ik zou liever een taxi nemen dan naar huis te lopen. + ( wǒ gèng yuànyìzuò chūzūchē, ér búshì zǒulù huíjiā.)
C03 18 2118
我 家 离 这儿 就 几步 路 的 距离 ,所以 不值得 打 车 过去。 + ฉันอยู่ห่างจากที่นี่เพียงไม่กี่ก้าวดังนั้นจึงไม่ควรที่จะนั่งรถแท็กซี่ + Tôi sống cách giá chỉ một quãng ngắn đi bộ nên không cần phải bắt xe taxi. + I live only a short walk from here, so it's not worth taking a taxi. + Ich wohne nur einen kurzen Spaziergang von hier entfernt, also lohnt es sich nicht, ein Taxi zu nehmen. + Vivo a pochi passi da qui, quindi non vale la pena prendere un taxi. + Je ne vis qu' à quelques pas d'ici, alors ça ne vaut pas la peine de prendre un taxi. + Vivo a poca distancia de aquí, así que no vale la pena tomar un taxi. + Ik woon slechts een korte wandeling van hier vandaan, dus het is niet de moeite waard om een taxi te nemen. + ( wǒ jiā lí zhèr jiù jǐbù lù de· jùlí, suóyǐ bùzhíde· dǎ chē guòqù.)
C12 3 2553
送 我们 去 机场 的 出租车 坏了 。 + รถแท็กซี่พาเราไปที่สนามบินยากจนลง + Chiếc taxi đưa chúng tôi đến vịnh đã bị hỏng. + The taxi taking us to the airport broke down. + Das Taxi, das uns zum Flughafen brachte, hatte eine Panne. + Il taxi che ci porta all' aeroporto si è rotto. + Le taxi nous conduisant à l'aéroport est tombé en panne. + El taxi que nos llevó al aeropuerto se averió. + De taxi die ons naar de luchthaven bracht brak uit. + (sòng wǒmen· qù jīchǎng de· chūzūchē huàile·.)
C16 15 2765
我爸 有时 打车 去 上班 ,而 我 坐 公交 去上班 。 + พ่อของฉันบางครั้งไปทำงานโดยรถแท็กซี่และฉันไปทำงานโดยรถประจำทาง + Bố tôi thường đi làm bằng xe taxi còn tôi đi làm bằng xe bus. + My father sometimes goes to work by taxi, and I go to work by bus. + Mein Vater geht manchmal mit dem Taxi zur Arbeit, und ich gehe mit dem Bus zur Arbeit. + Mio padre a volte va al lavoro in taxi, e vado al lavoro in autobus. + Mon père va parfois au travail en taxi et moi, en bus. + Mi padre a veces va a trabajar en taxi, y yo voy a trabajar en autobús. + Mijn vader gaat soms per taxi naar het werk en ik ga met de bus aan het werk. + ( wǒbà yǒushí dǎchē qù shàngbān, ér wǒ zuò gōngjiāo qù shàngbān.)
Tôi làm lái xe taxi. + I'm a taxi driver.
Không, tôi đang đợi taxi. + No, I'm waiting for a taxi.
Cuối cùng cô ấy bắt taxi từ vịnh về khách sạn trung tâm. + Finally, she took a taxi from the airport to her hotel downtown.
Chúng tôi về nhà bằng taxi. + We came home by taxi.
Anh ấy từng là lái xe taxi. + He used to be a taxi driver.
Cậu định về nhà bằng cách nào sau bữa tiệc ngày mai? Đi taxi à? + How are you getting home after the party tomorrow? By taxi?
Chúng ta có nên đi bộ về nhà không, hay cậu muốn đi taxi hơn? + Should we walk home, or would you rather take a taxi?
Chúng ta có nên bắt xe taxi không? - Thôi, ta bắt xe buýt đi. + Should we take a taxi? — No, let's take a bus.
Lúc đó muộn rồi nên chúng tôi đã quyết định bắt taxi về nhà. + It was late, so we decided to take a taxi home.
Tôi muốn bắt taxi hơn là đi bộ về nhà. + I'd prefer to take a taxi rather than walk home.
Tôi sống cách giá chỉ một quãng ngắn đi bộ nên không cần phải bắt xe taxi. + I live only a short walk from here, so it's not worth taking a taxi.
Chiếc taxi đưa chúng tôi đến vịnh đã bị hỏng. + The taxi taking us to the airport broke down.
Bố tôi thường đi làm bằng xe taxi còn tôi đi làm bằng xe bus. + My father sometimes goes to work by taxi, and I go to work by bus.

Bạn có biết chỗ nào có thể bắt được taxi không? + Do you know where I can get a taxi?

Bạn có số điện thoại của hàng taxi không? + Do you have a taxi number?

Tôi muốn gọi một chiếc taxi. + I'd like a taxi, please.

Bạn có thế hỏi tài xế tãi / một ai khác + You could ask the taxi driver / someone else

Tài xế taxi + Taxi driver
SNOT Travel • public transport taxi/cab tắc xi +
SNOT Travel • public transport taxi rank/can rank +
SNOT Travel • public transport taxi driver, cab driver +
Oxford 3000VieEng
taxi taxi
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
7-1. Verkehr Exercise 7-1-4 Taxi + taxi +
13-1. Arbeit, Beruf Exercise 13-1-15 anstrengend + hard, taxing +
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Exercise 8-9 Sollen wir ein Taxi nehmen?  + nehmen* Shall we take a taxi?  Chúng ta nên đi taxi à? +
Exercise 36-7 Sie winkte einem Taxi.  + winken She waved to a taxi.  Cô vẫy tay chào taxi. +
Exercise 38-2 Jahrelang hat er als Taxifahrer gejobbt. + jobben  For years he's been working as a taxi driver. Trong nhiều năm ông đã làm việc như một lái xe taxi. +
Exercise 41-5 Soll ich ein Taxi für Sie bestellen?  + Taxi Shall I book you a taxi?  Tôi có nên đặt taxi cho bạn không? +
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng

Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode
taxi Basic Transportation
+ + + + 103 Literature and literary criticism Parataxe + parataxis + Style C
+ + + + 103 Literature and literary criticism Hypotaxe + hypotaxis + Style C
+ + + + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Taxi + taxi + Road transport A

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
A 出租汽車 + * * chu1zu1 qi4che1 taxi Taxi +
Oxford 32000GlossEngDeu
afford + She never took a taxi, even though she could afford to. Sie nahm nie ein Taxi, obwohl sie es sich leisten konnte.
call + I'll call a taxi for you. Ich rufe Ihnen ein Taxi.
call + call sb sth: I'll call you a taxi. jdm. etw. anrufen: Ich rufe ein Taxi.
cheap + a cheap taxi firm ein billiges Taxiunternehmen
drive + drive sth: He drives a taxi (= that is his job). etw.[Akk] fahren: Er fährt ein Taxi (= das ist sein Job).
driver + a bus/train/ambulance/taxi driver einen Bus/Zug-/Ambulanz-Taxi-Fahrer
force + I was forced to take a taxi because the last bus had left. Ich musste ein Taxi nehmen, weil der letzte Bus weg war.
get + We'd better call a taxi and get you home. Wir rufen besser ein Taxi und bringen dich nach Hause.
get + We're going to be late—let's get a taxi. Wir werden spät dran sein, lass uns ein Taxi nehmen.
if only + If only I had gone by taxi. Wenn ich doch nur mit dem Taxi gefahren wäre.
order + order sb sth: Shall I order you a taxi? jdm. etw. bestellen: Soll ich Ihnen ein Taxi bestellen?
order + order sth for sb: Shall I order a taxi for you? etw.[Akk] für jdn. bestellen: Soll ich Ihnen ein Taxi bestellen?
pass + I hailed a passing taxi. Ich rief ein vorbeifahrendes Taxi.
pay + pay sb (for sth): Would you mind paying the taxi driver? jdn. (für etw.) bezahlen: Würden Sie den Taxifahrer bezahlen?
sensible + I think the sensible thing would be to take a taxi home. Ich denke, es wäre vernünftig, ein Taxi nach Hause zu nehmen.
taxi + a taxi driver/ride Taxifahrer/Fahrt
taxi + We'd better take a taxi. Wir nehmen besser ein Taxi.
taxi + I came home by taxi. Ich kam mit dem Taxi nach Hause.
taxi + to order/hail/call a taxi ein Taxi bestellen/empfangen/anrufen
then + If you miss that train then you'll have to get a taxi. Wenn Sie den Zug verpassen, brauchen Sie ein Taxi.
wait + wait to do sth: The hotel had a taxi waiting to collect us. warten Sie, um etw. zu tun: Das Hotel hatte ein Taxi, das uns abholte.
watch + She stood and watched as the taxi drove off. Sie stand auf und sah zu, wie das Taxi wegfuhr.

Mcc SentencesGbEng
3745 行李 出租车 车箱 占满 + His luggage filled the entire taxi.

Lesson 017. Giving Directions in Mandarin Chinese.
chu1zu1che1 + taxi
Lesson 017. Giving Directions in Mandarin Chinese.
chu1zu1 qi4che1 + taxi
Lesson 017. Giving Directions in Mandarin Chinese.
ji4cheng2che1 + taxi (TW)
Lesson 017. Giving Directions in Mandarin Chinese.
zuo4 chu1zu1che1 + to take a taxi
Lesson 017. Giving Directions in Mandarin Chinese.
da3che1 + catch a taxi
Lesson 017. Giving Directions in Mandarin Chinese.
Wo3 xiang3 da3che1. + We want to catch a taxi.
Lesson 017. Giving Directions in Mandarin Chinese.
Wo3 xiang3 da3di1. + I want to catch a taxi. (Beijing)
10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng

ne me piquez pas mon taxi ... passez votre chemin + don’t you take my taxi ... scram

je vais rentrer en taxi + I’m going to take a taxi home
Wordnet ChineseGb
Wordnet GermanGer
Wordnet EnglishEng
+ + + + 103 taxi +
+ + + + 103 taxi +
+ + + + 103 taxi +
Wordnet FrenchFra
Wordnet SpanishSpa
Wordnet ItalianIta
Wordnet ThaiThai
Wordnet FinnishFin
Wordnet VietnameseVie
Wiktionary VietnameseVie
taxi taxi, xe tắc xi + +