VNEN túi * pocket, bag * 103


11000 Common Composites

22000 Common Composites

39000 Common Composites

74000 Common Composites

2000VIET túi pocket
2000VIET túi bag
2000VIET gấu túi koala
2000VIET gấu túi wombat

Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Möchten Sie eine Tüte? Would you like a bag? Bạn có muốn một cái túi không?
Goethebuch GbThaiVieEngDeuSpaPorItalFraNie
037 0696
Is that your bag?
045 0853
Where are the kangaroos?
056 1065
Maybe a handbag?
056 1074
And the bag is really very reasonable.
080 1552
a black bag
080 1553
a brown bag
080 1554
a white bag
081 1566
I’m buying a black bag.
081 1567
I’m buying a brown bag.
081 1568
I’m buying a white bag.
Glossika 9 GbThaiVieEngDeuItalFraSpaNiePin
A02 12 62
裤子兜 都 弄脏了 。 + กระเป๋ากางเกงเหล่านี้สกปรก + Các túi trên các quần là tất cả bẩn. + The pocket on these pants is all dirty. + Die Tasche auf dieser Hose ist ganz schmutzig. + La tasca su questi pantaloni è tutto sporco. + La poche de ce pantalon est toute sale. + El bolsillo de estos pantalones está todo sucio. + De zak op deze broek is allemaal vuil. + ( kùzi·dōu dōu nòngzāngle·.)
A02 49 99
我 需要 打包 。 + กรุณาให้ถุงใส่ของออก + Xin vui lòng cho tôi một túi ra-out. + Please give me a take-out bag. + Bitte geben Sie mir eine Tasche zum Mitnehmen. + Vi prego di darmi una borsa da asporto. + S'il vous plaît, donnez-moi un sac à emporter. + Por favor, dame una bolsa para llevar. + Geef me alstublieft een take-out tas. + ( wǒ xūyào dǎbāo.)
A03 19 119
可以 让我 看一下 那个 包包 吗 ? + ฉันขอดูถุงนั้นได้ไหม? + Tôi có thể xem cái túi đó không? + May I take a look at that bag please? + Darf ich mir die Tasche mal ansehen? + Posso dare un' occhiata a quella borsa per favore? + Puis-je jeter un oeil à ce sac s'il vous plaît? + ¿Puedo echar un vistazo a esa bolsa, por favor? + Mag ik naar die tas kijken? + ( kěyǐ ràngwǒ kànyi·xia· nàge· bāobāo mā?)
A10 31 481
我 还要 买 一个 购物袋 。 + ฉันต้องซื้อถุงช้อปปิ้ง + Tôi cần mua một cái túi mua sắm. + I need to buy a shopping bag. + Ich muss eine Einkaufstüte kaufen. + Ho bisogno di acquistare una shopping bag. + Je dois acheter un sac de shopping. + Necesito comprar una bolsa de la compra. + Ik moet een boodschappentas kopen. + ( wǒ háiyào mǎi yīge· gòuwùdài.)
A12 15 565
车上 有 呕吐袋 吗 ? + มีถุงสุขาภิบาลในรถหรือไม่? + Có một túi vệ sinh trong xe không? + Is there a sanitary bag in the car? + Gibt es im Auto einen Hygienebeutel? + C' è un sacchetto sanitario in auto? + Y a-t-il un sac sanitaire dans la voiture? + ¿Hay una bolsa sanitaria en el coche? + Is er een toilettas in de auto? + ( chēshàng yǒu ǒutùdài mā?)
B04 29 1179
我的 包儿 不见了 , 你 看见过 吗 ? + ฉันสูญเสียกระเป๋าแล้ว คุณเห็นหรือไม่? + Tôi làm mất túi rồi. Cậu có nhìn thấy nó không? + I've lost my bag. Have you seen it? + Ich habe meine Tasche verloren. Hast du es gesehen? + Ho perso la borsa. L' hai visto? + J'ai perdu mon sac. Vous l'avez vu? + He perdido mi bolso. ¿Lo has visto? + Ik heb mijn tas verloren. Heb je het gezien? + (wǒde· bāor bújiànle·, nǐ kànjiànguò mā?)
B18 48 1898
我 跟 你 说过 露易莎的 事儿 吗 ? 她的 钱包上个 礼拜 被 偷了 。 + ฉันบอกคุณเกี่ยวกับ Luisa? เธอขโมยกระเป๋าเงินของเธอเมื่อสัปดาห์ที่แล้ว + Tôi đã kể với cậu về Luisa chưa? Tuần trước cô ấy bị ăn cắp mất túi xách. + Did I tell you about Luisa? She got her purse stolen last week. + Habe ich dir von Luisa erzählt? Ihr wurde letzte Woche die Handtasche gestohlen. + Vi ho raccontato di Luisa? Ha ottenuto il suo portafoglio rubato la scorsa settimana. + Je t'ai parlé de Luisa? Elle s'est fait voler son sac la semaine dernière. + ¿Te hablé de Luisa? Le robaron el bolso la semana pasada. + Heb ik je verteld over Luisa? Ze kreeg haar portemonnee vorige week gestolen. + (wǒ gēn nǐ shuōguò lùyìshāde· shìr mā? tāde· qiánbāo shàngge· lǐbài bèi tōule·.)
B19 15 1915
海关 用 很怀疑的 眼神 看着 我 , 让 我 把行李 打开 。 + เจ้าหน้าที่ศุลกากรมองฉันอย่างน่าสงสัยและขอให้ฉันเปิดกระเป๋าของฉัน + Nhân viên bán hàng nhìn tôi nghi ngờ và bảo tôi mở túi của tôi ra. + The customs officer looked at me suspiciously and asked me to open my bag. + Der Zollbeamte sah mich misstrauisch an und bat mich, meine Tasche zu öffnen. + Il funzionario delle dogane mi guardò con sospetto e mi chiese di aprire la borsa. + L'agent des douanes me regarda avec méfiance et me demanda d'ouvrir mon sac. + El agente de aduanas me miró sospechosamente y me pidió que abriera mi maleta. + De douanebeambte keek mij verdacht aan en vroeg me mijn tas te openen. + (hǎiguān yòng hěnhuáiyíde· yǎnshén kànzhe· wǒ, ràng wó bǎ xínglí dǎkāi.)
B20 9 1959
收银员 把 你 买的 东西 放进 塑料袋 。 你 说:" 不好意思 , 你们 有 纸袋儿 吗 ? " + แคชเชียร์กำลังวางร้านขายของชำไว้ในถุงพลาสติก คุณพูดว่า "ขอโทษครับคุณไม่มีถุงกระดาษหรือ?" + Người tính tiền đang chợ đồ ăn vào túi nhựa. Bạn nói: "Xin lỗi, cậu có túi giấy không?" + The cashier is putting your groceries in a plastic bag. You say, "Excuse me, don't you have any paper bags?" + Der Kassierer legt Ihre Lebensmittel in eine Plastiktüte. Sie sagen: "Entschuldigung, haben Sie keine Papiertüten?" + La cassiera sta mettendo i vostri generi alimentari in un sacchetto di plastica. Tu dici:"Mi scusi, non hai sacchetti di carta"? + La caissière met vos courses dans un sac en plastique. Vous dites:"Excusez-moi, vous n'avez pas de sacs en papier?" + El cajero está metiendo tus compras en una bolsa de plástico. Dices:"Disculpe, ¿no tiene bolsas de papel?" + De kassier zet uw boodschappen in een plastic zak. Je zegt:"Neemt u mij niet kwalijk, heb je geen papieren zakken"? + (shōuyínyuán bá ní mǎide· dōngxī fàngjìn sùliàodài. nǐ shuō :" bùhǎoyìsi·, nǐmen· yǒu zhǐdàir mā? ")
C01 13 2013
我 来帮 你 提包儿 吧 。 + ให้ฉันนำกระเป๋าไปให้คุณ + Để tôi xách túi giúp cậu. + Let me carry your bag for you. + Lass mich deine Tasche für dich tragen. + Permettetemi di portare la borsa per voi. + Laisse-moi porter ton sac pour toi. + Déjame llevar tu maleta. + Laat me uw tas voor u dragen. + ( wǒ láibāng nǐ tíbāor ba·.)
C05 38 2238
我们 有 很多 大包小包的 行李 。 + เรามีกระเป๋าและกระเป๋าเดินทางจำนวนมาก - เรามีสัมภาระเป็นจำนวนมาก + Chúng tôi có nhiều túi và va li. > Chúng tôi có nhiều hành lí. + We had a lot of bags and suitcases. — We had a lot of baggage. + Wir hatten eine Menge Taschen und Koffer. Wir hatten eine Menge Gepäck. + Avevamo un sacco di borse e valigie. Abbiamo avuto molti bagagli. + On avait beaucoup de sacs et de valises. On avait beaucoup de bagages. + Teníamos muchas bolsas y maletas. Teníamos mucho equipaje. + We hadden veel tassen en koffers. We hadden veel bagage. + ( wǒmen· yóu hěnduō dàbāoxiǎobāode· xínglǐ.)
C13 7 2607
这个 包 比 另外 一个 稍微 重一点儿 。 + กระเป๋าใบนี้หนักเล็กน้อยกว่ากระเป๋าอื่น ๆ เล็กน้อย + Túi này năng hơn một phút so với túi kia. + This bag is slightly heavier than the other one. + Diese Tasche ist etwas schwerer als die andere. + Questa borsa è leggermente più pesante dell' altra. + Ce sac est légèrement plus lourd que l'autre. + Esta bolsa es un poco más pesada que la otra. + Deze tas is iets zwaarder dan de andere. + (zhège· bāo bǐ lìngwài yīge· shāowēi zhòngyìdiǎnr.)
C17 41 2841
但 那个 男人 把 手 伸进了 口袋 , 这时 警察开始 对 他 开枪 。 + แต่ชายคนนั้นมาถึงกระเป๋าของเขาและนั่นคือตอนที่ตำรวจกำลังเริ่มยิงเขา + Nhưng anh ta lại đưa tay vào túi và đó là lúc cảnh sát bắt đầu bắn anh ta. + But the man reached for his pockets, and that's when the police started shooting at him. + Aber der Mann griff nach seinen Taschen, und da fing die Polizei an, auf ihn zu schießen. + Ma l' uomo ha raggiunto per le sue tasche, ed è quando la polizia ha iniziato a sparare contro di lui. + Mais l'homme tendait les poches, et c'est là que la police a commencé à lui tirer dessus. + Pero el hombre buscó sus bolsillos, y ahí fue cuando la policía empezó a dispararle. + Maar de man kwam voor zijn zakken en toen begon de politie op hem te schieten. + (dàn nàge· nánrén bǎ shǒu shēnjìnle· kǒudài, zhèshí jǐngchá kāishǐ duì tā kāiqiāng.)
Cái túi này nặng. + This bag's heavy.
Mấy cái túi này nặng. + These bags are heavy.
Nó trong túi. + It's in your bag.
Túi của cậu màu gì? + What color is your bag?
Cậu có gì trong túi? + What do you have in your bag?
Tôi đã để túi của tôi ở trên bàn. + I put my bag on the table. (PAST TENSE)
Anh ấy mang theo một cái túi. + He was carrying a bag.
Anh ấy đang đi đến nhà gare để bắt tàu và anh ấy đang mang một cái túi. + He was going to the station to catch a train, and he was carrying a bag.
Tôi làm mất túi rồi. Cậu có nhìn thấy nó không? + I've lost my bag. Have you seen it?
Tôi đã kể với cậu về Luisa chưa? Tuần trước cô ấy bị ăn cắp mất túi xách. + Did I tell you about Luisa? She got her purse stolen last week.
Nhân viên bán hàng nhìn tôi nghi ngờ và bảo tôi mở túi của tôi ra. + The customs officer looked at me suspiciously and asked me to open my bag.
Người tính tiền đang chợ đồ ăn vào túi nhựa. Bạn nói: "Xin lỗi, cậu có túi giấy không?" + The cashier is putting your groceries in a plastic bag. You say, "Excuse me, don't you have any paper bags?"
Để tôi xách túi giúp cậu. + Let me carry your bag for you.
Chúng tôi có nhiều túi và va li. > Chúng tôi có nhiều hành lí. + We had a lot of bags and suitcases. — We had a lot of baggage.
Túi này năng hơn một phút so với túi kia. + This bag is slightly heavier than the other one.
Nhưng anh ta lại đưa tay vào túi và đó là lúc cảnh sát bắt đầu bắn anh ta. + But the man reached for his pockets, and that's when the police started shooting at him.

Người phụ nữ mua một cái túi. + The woman buys a bag.

Chúng tôi mua những cái túi xaxỉ. + We buy luxurious bags.

Nhìn này! Có một người ngoài hành tinh trong túi của tôi. + Look! There is an alien in my bag.

Anh ấy bị viêm màng túi vì vợ anh ấy đã lấy tất cả tiền của anh ấy. + He is broke because his wife took all his money.

háng trước, diễn viên hài đó mua một trăm con thỏ và bây giờ anh ấy bị viêm màng túi. + Last month that comedian bought one hundred rabbits and now he is broke.

Tôi đang rất buồn vì bị viêm màng túi. + I am very sad because of being broke.

bị viêm màng túi + be broke

Tôi vừa bị mất túi + My handbag's been stolen

Xin quý khách vui lòng để túi dó lên ngăn tủ phía trên đầu + Could you please put that in the overhead locker?

viêm màng túi + out of cash

nhẵn túi + flat broke

Tôi sạch túi - không còn đổng nào cả + I'm dead broke - not a nickel to my name

Tôi sạch túi rồi. Đừng có hỏi muốn tiền làm gì. + I'm out of cash - Don't ask me for money.

Xin quý khách vui lòng để túi dó lên ngăn tủ phía trên đầu + Could you please put that in the overhead locker?

Cho tôi xin một chiếc túi dựng hàng được không? + Could I have a carrier bag, please?

Cho tôi xin một chiếc túi dựng hàng nữa được không? + Could I have another carrier bag, please?

Anh có cần giúp xếp đồ vào túi không? + Do you need any help parking?
• luggage handbag túi xách +
Oxford 3000VieEng
túi bag
túi pocket
túi du lịch Reisetasche
túi quần Hosentasche
máy tính bỏ túi Taschenrechner
kẻ móc túi Taschendieb
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
3 Am Flughafen Anh ấy nhấc va-li, túi du lịch và ba lô lên xe đẩy. Er hebt seinen Koffer, seine Reisetasche und seinen Rucksack auf einen Kofferkuli.
11 In der Stadt verirrt Nhưng Tri không tìm thấy bản đồ. Nó không nằm trong túi. Aber Tri kann die Karte nicht finden, sie ist nicht in seinen Taschen.
27 Der Traum Anh ấy sờ vào túi và chiếc nhẫn vẫn còn đó. Er fühlte in seine Taschen, und der Ring war noch dort.
69 Der Autoverkauf Sự bảo hiểm: Túi không khí, Nội thất bên trong: da (bị hư hỏng nhẹ); Sicherheit: Airbag; Innenausstattung: Leder (leicht beschädigt);
78 Musiker gesucht! Anh có thể tin tưởng vào tụi em, sẽ chẳng có ai phải buồn chán đâu. Du kannst dich auf uns verlassen, es wird sich niemand langweilen.
78 Musiker gesucht! Không hoàn toàn, mới đầu thiếu đàn công bat, nhưng tụi em đã tìm được người có thể thay thế cho việc đó. Nicht ganz, zuerst ist unser Kontrabass ausgefallen, aber wir haben jemanden gefunden, der ihn vertritt.
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
Exercise 9-1-6 Sack + sack +
Exercise 9-1-6 Tüte + bag +
9-2. Kleidung Exercise 9-2-3 Tasche + 1. bag, 2. pocket +
9-2. Kleidung Exercise 9-2-3 Handtasche + handbag +
9-2. Kleidung Exercise 9-2-3 Geldbörse + 1. purse, 2. wallet +
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Exercise 4-3 Die Tasche ist ein Geschenk von meiner Nichte.  + Nichte The bag is a gift from my niece.  Túi là một món quà từ cháu gái tôi. +
Exercise 6-4 Jemand hat eine Tasche auf der Bank vergessen.  + Bank Someone left a bag in the bank.  Ai đó để lại một túi trong ngân hàng. +
Exercise 6-5 Ich helfe dir, die Taschen zu tragen.  + helfen* I'll help you carry the bags.  Tôi sẽ giúp bạn mang theo túi. +
Exercise 8-3 Die Tasche hat mehrere Fächer.  + Fach The bag has several compartments.  Túi có nhiều ngăn. +
Exercise 9-6 Ist die Tasche aus Leder?  + Leder Is the bag made of leather?  Túi có làm bằng da không? +
Exercise 11-8 Seine Tasche wurde gestern gestohlen.  + stehlen* His purse was stolen yesterday.  Túi của ông đã bị đánh cắp ngày hôm qua. +
Exercise 14-2 Wo soll ich die Müllsäcke hinstellen?  + Sack Where should I put the garbage bags?  Tôi nên đặt túi rác ở đâu? +
Exercise 14-2 Er hat die Katze im Sack gekauft. + Sack He bought the cat in the bag. Anh ấy đã mua con mèo trong túi. +
Exercise 14-2 Ich habe nicht viel Gepäck, nur eine Tasche.  + Tasche I don't have a lot of luggage, just one bag.  Tôi không có nhiều hành lý, chỉ cần một túi. +
Exercise 14-2 Meine Jacke hat keine Taschen.  + Tasche My jacket has no pockets.  Áo khoác của tôi không có túi. +
Exercise 14-2 Würden Sie bitte auf meine Taschen aufpassen?  + Tasche Would you mind watching my pockets, please?  Bạn có ý xem túi của tôi, xin vui lòng? +
Exercise 14-2 Er steckte seine Hände in die Taschen. + Tasche He put his hands in his pockets. Anh đặt tay vào túi. +
Exercise 14-3 Kannst du mal kurz auf meine Tasche aufpassen?  + aufpassen Can you watch my bag for a second?  Bạn có thể xem túi của tôi cho một thứ hai? +
Exercise 14-7 Er hat immer die Hände in den Taschen stecken.  + stecken  He always has his hands in his pockets.  Anh ấy luôn có đôi tay trong túi. +
Exercise 15-6 Sie legte den Ausweis in ihre Handtasche.  + Handtasche She put the badge in her purse.  Cô đặt huy hiệu trong túi xách của cô ấy. +
Exercise 18-7 Hast du ein Pflaster? Ich habe mich geschnitten.  + schneiden* Do you have a Band-Aid? I cut myself.  Bạn có một ban nhạc viện trợ? Tui tự cắt mình. +
Exercise 19-2 Geben Sie mir bitte eine Tüte.  + Tüte Give me a bag, please.  Xin cho tôi một cái túi. +
Exercise 20-5 Sie kaufte eine Tüte Bonbons für die Reise. + Bonbon She bought a bag of candy for the trip. Cô đã mua một túi kẹo cho chuyến đi. +
Exercise 26-9 Ich habe meinen Anzug reinigen lassen.  + lassen* I had my suit cleaned.  Tôi đã làm sạch túi. +
Exercise 27-5 Könntest du diese Taschen in den Kofferraum packen?  + Kofferraum Could you put these bags in the trunk?  Bạn có thể đặt những túi này trong thân cây? +
Exercise 27-5 Die Tasche geht nicht mehr in den Kofferraum. + Kofferraum The bag doesn't go in the trunk anymore. Các túi không đi trong thân cây nữa. +
Exercise 29-5 Sie griff in die Tasche und holte ihren Schlüssel heraus.  + greifen* She grabbed into her pocket and took out her key.  Cô túm lấy trong túi và lấy chìa khoá. +
Exercise 30-4 Wo hast du meine Tasche hingesetzt?  + hinsetzen Where did you put my bag?  Bạn đặt túi của tôi ở đâu? +
Exercise 31-1 Deine Tasche kannst du dorthin stellen.  + dorthin You can put your bag there.  Bạn có thể đặt túi của bạn ở đó. +
Exercise 36-3 Wie viel Taschengeld bekommen Ihre Kinder?  + Taschengeld How much pocket money do your children get?  Con của bạn có bao nhiêu tiền bỏ túi? +
Exercise 36-3 Das Kind bekommt 20 Euro Taschengeld.  + Taschengeld The child gets 20 Euro pocket money.  Đứa trẻ được nhận 20 Euro tiền túi. +
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng

Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
Oxford 32000GlossEngDeu
any + I need some stamps. Are there any in your bag? Ich brauche Briefmarken. Sind irgendwelche in deiner Tasche?
bag + a plastic/polythene/paper bag eine Plastik-/Polyäthylen-/Papiertüte
bag + a laundry/mail bag Wäsche/Postbeutel
bag + a black plastic rubbish/garbage bag ein schwarzer Plastikmüll/Müllbeutel
bag + a shopping bag eine Einkaufstasche
bag + a make-up bag Make-up-Tasche
bag + He's upstairs unpacking his bags. Er ist oben und packt seine Koffer aus.
bag + She opened her bag (= her handbag ) and took out her comb. Sie öffnete ihre Tasche (= Handtasche) und nahm ihren Kamm heraus.
behind + This bag was left behind after the class. Diese Tasche wurde nach dem Unterricht zurückgelassen.
bottom + I found some coins at the bottom of my bag. Ich habe ein paar Münzen am Boden meiner Tasche gefunden.
break + The bag broke under the weight of the bottles inside it. Der Beutel zerbrach unter dem Gewicht der Flaschen darin.
cloth + a cloth bag eine Stofftasche
content + He tipped the contents of the bag onto the table. Er kippte den Inhalt der Tasche auf den Tisch.
one day + One day, he walked out of the house with a small bag and never came back. Eines Tages ging er mit einer kleinen Tasche aus dem Haus und kam nie wieder zurück.
drag + The sack is too heavy to lift—you'll have to drag it. Der Sack ist zu schwer, um ihn anzuheben.
driver + The car comes equipped with a driver's airbag. Das Auto ist mit einem Fahrer-Airbag ausgestattet.
empty + empty sth out: I emptied out my pockets but could not find my keys. etw.[Akk] ausleeren: Ich habe meine Taschen geleert, konnte aber meine Schlüssel nicht finden.
empty + She emptied the contents of her bag onto the table. Sie entleerte den Inhalt ihrer Tasche auf den Tisch.
everything + Take this bag, and leave everything else to me. Nimm diese Tasche und überlass alles andere mir.
feel + He felt in his pockets for some money. Er hatte Geld in der Tasche.
fetch + fetch sb sth: Could you fetch me my bag? jdm. etw. holen: Könntest du mir meine Tasche bringen?
find + find sth for sb: Can you find my bag for me? Kannst du meine Tasche für mich finden?
find + find sb sth: Can you find me my bag? jdm. etw. suchen: Können Sie mir meine Tasche besorgen?
float + float in/on sth: A plastic bag was floating in the water. in/auf etw.[Dat] schwimmen: Ein Plastikbeutel schwamm im Wasser.
fold + fold sth (up): He folded the map up and put it in his pocket. etw.[Akk] hochklappen: Er hat die Karte hochgeklappt und in die Tasche gesteckt.
goods + The plastic bag contained all his worldly goods (= everything he owned). Der Plastikbeutel enthielt alle seine weltlichen Güter (= alles, was er besaß).
hand + Let me give you a hand with those bags (= help you to carry them). Ich helfe dir mit den Taschen (=helfen dir, sie zu tragen).
have + She had her bag stolen. Sie hat ihre Tasche gestohlen.
hurry + He picked up his bags and hurried across the courtyard. Er nahm seine Taschen und eilte über den Hof.
indicate + 'What are they doing here?' he asked, indicating her bags in the hallway. Was machen die denn hier? fragte er und zeigte ihr Gepäck im Flur an.
inside out + Turn the bag inside out and let it dry. Den Beutel von innen nach außen wenden und trocknen lassen.
inside + an inside pocket eine Innentasche
leave + leave sth/sb (+ adv./prep.): I've left my bag on the bus. etw/sb (+ adv. /prep.): Ich habe meine Tasche im Bus vergessen.
light + Carry this bag—it's the lightest. Trag diese Tasche, sie ist die leichteste.
loose + The potatoes were sold loose, not in bags. Die Kartoffeln wurden lose verkauft, nicht in Säcken.
by mistake + I took your bag instead of mine by mistake. Ich habe aus Versehen deine Tasche genommen.
nothing + There was nothing in her bag. Da war nichts in ihrer Tasche.
nothing + 'What's that in your pocket?' 'Oh, nothing.' Was ist das in deiner Tasche? "Oh, nichts."
open + The bag burst open and everything fell out. Die Tasche platzt auf und alles fällt raus.
open + She opened her bag and took out her passport. Sie öffnete ihre Tasche und nahm ihren Pass.
out + She shook the bag and some coins fell out. Sie schüttelte die Tasche und ein paar Münzen fielen heraus.
pack + He packed a bag with a few things and was off. Er packte eine Tasche mit ein paar Sachen und ging.
pack + He packed a few things into a bag. Er hat ein paar Sachen in eine Tüte gepackt.
park + Just park your bags in the hall until your room is ready. Stellen Sie Ihr Gepäck einfach in der Halle ab, bis Ihr Zimmer fertig ist.
penny + He had a few pennies in his pocket. Er hatte ein paar Pennys in der Tasche.
plastic + a plastic bag/cup/toy eine Plastiktüte/Tasse/Spielzeug
pocket + Information about safety procedures is in the pocket in front of you (= on a plane). Informationen über die Sicherheitsvorkehrungen befinden sich in der Tasche vor Ihnen (= auf einem Flugzeug).
pocket + a coat pocket eine Manteltasche
pocket + I put the note in my pocket. Ich habe die Notiz in meine Tasche gesteckt.
pocket + Turn out your pockets (= empty your pockets). Taschen ausklappen (= Taschen entleeren).
pocket + Take your hands out of your pockets! Nimm die Hände aus den Taschen!
pocket + a pocket dictionary (= one that is small enough to fit in your pocket) ein Taschenwörterbuch (= eines, das klein genug ist, um in die Tasche zu passen)
public + the public purse (= the money that the government can spend) die Staatskasse (= das Geld, das die Regierung ausgeben kann)
rubbish + a rubbish bag/bin einen Müllsack/Mülleimer
sack + two sacks of groceries zwei Säcke mit Lebensmitteln
sack + He got the sack for swearing. Er wurde gefeuert, weil er fluchte.
sack + Her work was so poor that she was given the sack. Ihre Arbeit war so arm, dass sie gefeuert wurde.
seal + The organs are kept in sealed plastic bags. Die Organe werden in versiegelten Plastiktüten aufbewahrt.
see + see sb/sth do sth: I saw you put the key in your pocket. jdm. /etw.[Dat] etw.[Akk] tun sehen: Ich habe gesehen, wie du den Schlüssel in deine Tasche gesteckt hast.
shoulder + He slung the bag over his shoulder. Er hat die Tasche über seine Schulter geschleudert.
slide + slide sth + adv./prep.: The man slid the money quickly into his pocket. etw.[Akk] schieben + Adv.Der Mann schob das Geld schnell in seine Tasche.
someone + Someone's left their bag behind. Jemand hat seine Tasche zurückgelassen.
stick + Stick your bags down there. Steck deine Taschen da runter.
stick + He stuck his hands in his pockets and strolled off. Er steckte seine Hände in die Taschen und spazierte davon.
struggle + I struggled up the hill with the heavy bags. Ich kämpfte mich mit den schweren Säcken den Hügel hinauf.
take + He took some keys out of his pocket. Er nahm ein paar Schlüssel aus der Tasche.
take + take sth (with you): I forgot to take my bag with me when I got off the bus. etw.[Akk] mitnehmen: Ich habe vergessen, meine Tasche mitzunehmen, als ich aus dem Bus stieg.
this + Is this your bag? Ist das deine Tasche?
throw + Just throw your bag down over there. Wirf deine Tasche da rüber.
tie up, tie sth up + to tie up a garbage bag einen Müllsack zusammenzubinden,
all the time, the whole time + The letter was in my pocket all the time (= while I was looking for it). Der Brief war die ganze Zeit in meiner Tasche (= während ich ihn suchte).
upstairs + I carried her bags upstairs. Ich trug ihre Taschen nach oben.
warm + This sleeping bag is very warm. Dieser Schlafsack ist sehr warm.
warn + warn (sb) about/against sb/sth: He warned us against pickpockets. warn (sb) vor jdm. /etw.[Dat] warnen: Er warnte uns vor Taschendieben.
warn + warn (sb) + speech: 'Beware of pickpockets,' she warned (him). warn (sb) + Rede:' Vorsicht vor Taschendieben', warnte sie (ihn).
watch + Could you watch my bags for me while I buy a paper? Könntest du auf meine Taschen aufpassen, während ich eine Zeitung kaufe?
watch + Watch your bag—there are thieves around. Pass auf deine Tasche auf, da sind Diebe in der Nähe.
on your/the/its way + She grabbed her camera and bag on her way out. Sie schnappte sich Kamera und Tasche auf dem Weg nach draußen.
with + The bag was stuffed with dirty clothes. Die Tasche war mit schmutziger Kleidung gefüllt.
with + Don't stand with your hands in your pockets. Stehen Sie nicht mit den Händen in den Taschen rum.
wrapping + She tore the cellophane wrapping off the box. Sie riss das Zellophan aus der Verpackung.
yes + Where did I put the keys? Oh, yes—in my pocket! Wo sind die Schlüssel? Oh, ja, in meiner Tasche!

Mcc SentencesGbEng

10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng
Wordnet ChineseGb
Wordnet GermanGer
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Wordnet ThaiThai
Wordnet FinnishFin
Wordnet VietnameseVie
túi + +
Wiktionary VietnameseVie
口袋 kǒudài Túi + + túi + + bag