VNEN bơi lội * swimming * 103


11000 Common Composites

22000 Common Composites

39000 Common Composites

74000 Common Composites

2000VIET bơi lội swimming

Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Ich schwimme gern. I like swimming. Tôi thích bơi lội.
Goethebuch GbThaiVieEngDeuSpaPorItalFraNie
046 0880
Is there an indoor swimming pool nearby?
051 0970
There is also a swimming pool with a sauna.
052 0984
Shall we go to the swimming pool?
052 0985
Do you feel like swimming?
052 0987
Do you have swimming trunks?
052 0994
Where are the swimming goggles?
Glossika 9 GbThaiVieEngDeuItalFraSpaNiePin
B15 15 1715
我们 之前 住在 一个 很不错的 酒店 。 — 真的 吗 ? 有 游泳池 吗 ? + เราพักที่โรงแรมที่ดีมาก - จริงเหรอ? มีสระว่ายน้ำหรือไม่? + Chúng tôi đã ở trong một khách sạn rất tuyệt. - Thật á? Có bể bơi trong đó không. + We stayed at a very nice hotel. — Really? Was there a swimming pool? + Wir übernachteten in einem sehr netten Hotel. Wirklich? Gab es einen Swimmingpool? + Abbiamo soggiornato in un hotel molto bello. Davvero? C' era una piscina? + Nous avons logé dans un très bel hôtel. Vraiment? Il y avait une piscine? + Nos alojamos en un hotel muy bonito. En serio? ¿Había una piscina? + We verbleven in een zeer mooi hotel. Echt waar? Was er een zwembad? + (wǒmen· zhīqián zhùzài yīge· hěnbúcuòde· jiǔdiàn. — zhēnde· mā? yǒu yóuyǒngchí mā?)
C02 19 2069
比起 打 篮球 , 我 更 喜欢 游泳 。 + ฉันชอบว่ายน้ำมากกว่าเล่นบาสเกตบอล + Tôi thích đi bơi hơn là đi chơi bóng rổ. + I'd prefer to go swimming rather than playing basketball. + Ich würde lieber schwimmen gehen, als Basketball zu spielen. + Preferirei andare a nuotare piuttosto che giocare a basket. + Je préfère nager plutôt que de jouer au basket. + Preferiría ir a nadar en vez de jugar baloncesto. + Ik zou liever zwemmen dan basketbal spelen. + ( bíqí dǎ lánqiú, wǒ gèng xǐhuan· yóuyǒng.)
C03 28 2128
你 多久 去 游 一次 泳 ? + คุณไปว่ายน้ำบ่อยแค่ไหน? + Tôi lãng phí nhiều thời gian mơ giữa ban ngày. + How often do you go swimming? + Wie oft gehen Sie schwimmen? + Quante volte si va a nuotare? + Combien de fois allez-vous nager? + ¿Con qué frecuencia vas a nadar? + Hoe vaak gaat u zwemmen? + ( nǐ duōjiǔ qù yóu yícì yǒng?)
C06 38 2288
游泳池的 水 看起来 不干净 , 所以 我们 不游了 。 + น้ำในสระว่ายน้ำไม่ได้ดูสะอาดดังนั้นเราจึงไม่ได้ไปว่ายน้ำ + Nước dưới bể bơi trông không sạch nên chúng tôi không đi bơi. + The water in the pool didn't look clean, so we didn't go swimming. + Das Wasser im Pool sah nicht sauber aus, also gingen wir nicht schwimmen. + L' acqua in piscina non sembrava pulita, quindi non siamo andati a nuotare. + L'eau de la piscine n'avait pas l'air propre, alors on n'est pas allés nager. + El agua de la piscina no parecía limpia, así que no fuimos a nadar. + Het water in het zwembad zag er niet schoon uit, dus we gingen niet zwemmen. + (yóuyǒngchíde· shuǐ kànqǐlái bùgānjìng, suóyí wǒmen· bùyóule·.)
C08 9 2359
他 爬出 泳池 , 然后 拿 毛巾 把 身体 擦干。 + เธอปีนออกจากสระว่ายน้ำและอบตัวเองด้วยผ้าเช็ดตัว + Cô ấy trèo ra khỏi bể bơi và tự lau khô bằng khăn tắm. + She climbed out of the swimming pool and dried herself off with a towel. + Sie kletterte aus dem Schwimmbad und trocknete sich mit einem Handtuch ab. + Si arrampicò fuori dalla piscina e si asciugò con un asciugamano. + Elle est sortie de la piscine et s'est essuyée avec une serviette. + Salió de la piscina y se secó con una toalla. + Ze klom uit het zwembad en droogde zich af met een handdoek. + ( tā páchū yǒngchí, ránhòu ná máojīn bǎ shēntǐ cāgān.)
Có người đang bơi dưới sông. + Somebody is swimming in the river.
Anh ấy đi bơi ở bể bơi chứ không xem vô tuyến. + He was swimming in the pool, not watching TV.
Chúng tôi đã ở trong một khách sạn rất tuyệt. - Thật á? Có bể bơi trong đó không. + We stayed at a very nice hotel. — Really? Was there a swimming pool?
Tôi thích đi bơi hơn là đi chơi bóng rổ. + I'd prefer to go swimming rather than playing basketball.
Tôi lãng phí nhiều thời gian mơ giữa ban ngày. + How often do you go swimming?
Nước dưới bể bơi trông không sạch nên chúng tôi không đi bơi. + The water in the pool didn't look clean, so we didn't go swimming.
Cô ấy trèo ra khỏi bể bơi và tự lau khô bằng khăn tắm. + She climbed out of the swimming pool and dried herself off with a towel.

Bạn có thích đi bơi không? + Do you like to go swimming?

Họ hàng của anh ấy không thích luyện tập bơi. + His relatives do not like to practice swimming.

Cô ấy thường xuyên đi bơi lúc tám giờ rưỡi. + She usually goes swimming at half past eight.

Việc học của tôi đang dang dở, tôi không thể đi bơi. + My studying is unfinished, I cannot go swimming.
Oxford 3000VieEng
bơi swimming
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
14-1. Freizeit Exercise 14-1-3 Schwimmbad + swimming pool +
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Exercise 7-8 Ich gehe regelmäßig schwimmen.  + schwimmen* I go swimming regularly.  Tôi đi bơi thường xuyên. +
Exercise 8-4 Es war ziemlich kalt. Trotzdem bin ich schwimmen gegangen.  + trotzdem It was pretty cold. Still, I went swimming.  Trời lạnh. Tuy nhiên, tôi đã đi bơi. +
Exercise 22-5 Nach dem Schwimmen trockneten wir uns mit einem Handtuch ab.  + Handtuch After swimming we dried ourselves with a towel.  Sau khi bơi, chúng tôi tự sấy khô bằng khăn. +
Exercise 26-3 In diesem See ist Schwimmen verboten.  + See Swimming is forbidden in this lake.  Bơi lội ở hồ này bị cấm. +
Exercise 26-4 Im Sommer gehe ich jeden Tag ins Schwimmbad. + Schwimmbad In summer I go to the swimming pool every day. Vào mùa hè tôi đi bơi mỗi ngày. +
Exercise 29-8 Egal, wie das Wetter ist, ich gehe schwimmen.  + egal Whatever the weather, I'm going swimming.  Bất kể thời tiết, tôi sẽ bơi. +
Exercise 31-5 Es gibt einen neuen Weltrekord im Schwimmen.  + Rekord There's a new world record in swimming.  Có một kỷ lục mới về bơi lội. +
Exercise 33-8 Der Arzt sagt, ich muss etwas für meinen Körper tun, z. B. schwimmen oder Fahrrad fahren.  + Körper The doctor says I have to do something for my body, like swimming or cycling.  Bác sĩ nói tôi phải làm gì đó cho cơ thể của tôi, như bơi lội hoặc đi xe đạp. +
Exercise 35-8 Wir waren im Schwimmbad. Mein Sohn ist immer wieder ins Wasser gesprungen.  + springen* We went to the swimming pool. My son used to jump in the water again and again.  Chúng tôi đến bể bơi. Con trai tôi thường xuyên nhảy xuống nước. +
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng

Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode
+ + + + 103 Towns and buildings Schwimmbad + swimming pool + Public buildings and gardens A
+ + + + 103 Clothes, accessories and grooming Badehose + swimming trunks + Garments A
+ + + + 103 Sport Schwimmen + swimming + Sports A
+ + + + 103 Sport Schwimmbad + swimming pool + Premises A
+ + + + 103 Sport Schwimmhalle + indoor swimming pool + Premises B
+ + + + 103 Sport Wettschwimmen + (swimming) race + Training and competition B
+ + + + 103 Sport Schwimmfest + swimming gala + Training and competition B
+ + + + 103 Sport Badeanstalt + (public) swimming pool + Premises C
+ + + + 103 Sport Freibad + outdoor swimming pool + Premises C

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
B 游泳池 + * * you2yong3chi2 swimming pool Schwimmbad, Swimming Pool +
Oxford 32000GlossEngDeu
activity + The club provides a wide variety of activities including tennis, swimming and squash. Der Club bietet eine Vielzahl von Aktivitäten wie Tennis, Schwimmen und Squash.
bar + The hotel has a restaurant, bar and swimming pool. Das Hotel verfügt über Restaurant, Bar und Swimmingpool.
difficulty + He got into difficulties while swimming and had to be rescued. Er geriet beim Schwimmen in Schwierigkeiten und musste gerettet werden.
dry off, dry sb/sth off + We went swimming and then lay in the sun to dry off. Wir gingen schwimmen und lagen dann in der Sonne, um uns auszutrocknen.
exercise + Swimming is good exercise. Schwimmen ist eine gute Übung.
hobby + Her hobbies include swimming and gardening. Zu ihren Hobbys gehören Schwimmen und Gartenarbeit.
how + How often do you go swimming? Wie oft gehen Sie schwimmen?
indoor + an indoor swimming pool ein Hallenbad
international + a former swimming international ein ehemaliger Schwimminternationalspieler
like + like doing sth: She's never liked swimming. wie etw. tun: Sie schwimmt nie gern.
ocean + People were swimming in the ocean despite the hurricane warning. Trotz der Hurrikanwarnung schwammen die Menschen im Ozean.
other + I went swimming while the others played tennis. Ich ging schwimmen, während die anderen Tennis spielten.
outdoor + an outdoor swimming pool ein Freibad
pleasure + Swimming is one of my greatest pleasures. Schwimmen ist eine meiner größten Freuden.
right + She kept right on swimming until she reached the other side. Sie schwamm weiter, bis sie die andere Seite erreichte.
see + 'Can we go swimming?' 'I don't see why not (= yes, you can).' Können wir schwimmen gehen? "Warum nicht (= ja, das kannst du)."
shallow + They were playing in the shallow end (= of the swimming pool). Sie spielten im flachen Ende (= des Schwimmbades).
similarly + The United States won most of the track and field events. Similarly, in swimming, the top three places went to Americans. Die Vereinigten Staaten gewannen die meisten Leichtathletikveranstaltungen. Ähnlich im Schwimmen gingen die ersten drei Plätze an di
in spite of sth + They went swimming in spite of all the danger signs. Sie gingen trotz aller Gefahrenzeichen schwimmen.
surface + We could see fish swimming just below the surface. Wir sahen Fische direkt unter der Oberfläche schwimmen.
swim + They spent the day swimming and sunbathing. Sie verbrachten den Tag mit Schwimmen und Sonnenbaden.
swim + I go swimming twice a week. Ich gehe zweimal die Woche schwimmen.
swim + Ducks were swimming around on the river. Auf dem Fluss schwammen Enten herum.
swimming + Swimming is a good form of exercise. Schwimmen ist eine gute Form der Bewegung.
swimming pool + an indoor/outdoor swimming pool ein Hallen- und Freibad
swimming pool + a heated swimming pool beheiztes Schwimmbad
swimming pool + an open-air swimming pool ein Freibad
swimming pool + She trained five times a week at her local swimming pool. Fünfmal pro Woche trainierte sie in ihrem örtlichen Schwimmbad.
take + take sb doing sth: I'm taking the kids swimming later. jdn. etw. tun lassen: Ich nehme die Kinder später mit zum Schwimmen.
tension + Walking and swimming are excellent for releasing tension. Wandern und Schwimmen sind hervorragend geeignet, um Spannungen abzubauen.
thing + Bring your swimming things with you. Bringen Sie Ihr Schwimmzeug mit.
which + Which is better exercise—swimming or tennis? Welches ist besser Schwimmen oder Tennis?
while + You can go swimming while I'm having lunch. Du kannst schwimmen gehen, während ich esse.

Mcc SentencesGbEng
31 游泳 + I love swimming.
70 花园 游泳池 + There's a swimming pool in the garden.
816 游泳 水平 提高 + His swimming skill has improved.
863 游泳 专长 + Swimming is her specialty.
2299 扎进 泳池 + He dove into the swimming pool.
2542 儿童 游泳池 + This is the children's swimming pool.
2835 他们 暑假 游泳 + They went swimming on their summer vacation.

我爱游泳。 Wǒ ài yóuyǒng. I love swimming. Ich liebe Schwimmen.
花园中有一个游泳池。 Huāyuán zhōng yǒu yīgè yóuyǒngchí. There's a swimming pool in the garden. Es gibt einen Swimmingpool im Garten.
他的游泳水平提高了。 Tā de yóuyǒng shuǐpíng tígāo le. His swimming skill has improved. Seine Schwimmkünste haben sich verbessert.
游泳是她的专长。 Yóuyǒng shì tā de zhuāncháng. Swimming is her specialty. Schwimmen ist ihre Spezialität.
这是儿童游泳池。 Zhè shì értóng yóuyǒngchí. This is the children's swimming pool. Das ist das Kinderschwimmbad.
他扎进泳池里去了。 Tā 【◎Fix:◎zhā;◎zā】 jìn yǒng chí lǐ qù le. He dove into the swimming pool. Er sprang ins Schwimmbad.
他们暑假去游泳。 Tāmen shǔjià qù yóuyǒng. They went swimming on their summer vacation. Sie gingen in den Sommerferien schwimmen.
Lesson 053. In the Gym.
you2yong3chi2 + swimming pool
Lesson 053. In the Gym.
Qing3wen4, ni3men de jian4shen1fang2 you3 mei2you3 you2yong3chi2? + Excuse me, does your gym has a swimming pool?
10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng

je me baignai avec Anne, elle nageait doucement + I swam with Anne; she was gently swimming
Wordnet ChineseGb
Wordnet GermanGer
Wordnet EnglishEng
+ + + + 103 swimming +
+ + + + 103 swimming +
+ + + + 103 swimming +
Wordnet FrenchFra
Wordnet SpanishSpa
Wordnet ItalianIta
Wordnet ThaiThai
Wordnet FinnishFin
Wordnet VietnameseVie
Wiktionary VietnameseVie
swimming sự bơi + +