VNEN loa điện * speaker * 103

1 qu4 to go/ to go to (a place)/ to cause to go or send (sb)/ to remove/ to get rid of/ (when used either before or after a verb) to go in order to do sth/ to be apart from in space or time/ (after a verb of motion indicates movement away from the speaker)/ (us
4 咱们 zan2 men5 we or us (including both the speaker and the person(s) spoken to)/ I or me/ you
6 喇叭 la3 ba5 horn (automobile; alarm siren; musical etc) which produces a sound/ loudspeaker/ brass wind instrument/ trumpet/ suona 鎖吶|锁呐[suo3 na4]
6 音响 yin1 xiang3 speakers or speaker (electronic)/ acoustics/ sound field (in a room or theater)

11000 Common Composites

22000 Common Composites

39000 Common Composites

74000 Common Composites

2000VIET loa speaker

Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Goethebuch GbThaiVieEngDeuSpaPorItalFraNie
Glossika 9 GbThaiVieEngDeuItalFraSpaNiePin
C14 38 2688
被 打断后 , 演讲者 继续演讲 , 好像 什么事 也没有 发生过 一样 。 + หลังจากการหยุดชะงักลำโพงพูดต่อไปราวกับว่าไม่มีอะไรเกิดขึ้น + Sau khi bị gián đoạn, diễn giả tiếp tục nói cứ như thể là chưa có chuyện gì xảy ra. + After the interruption, the speaker went on talking as if nothing had happened. + Nach der Unterbrechung sprach der Redner weiter, als wäre nichts geschehen. + Dopo l' interruzione, l' oratore ha continuato a parlare come se nulla fosse successo. + Après l'interruption, le conférencier a continué à parler comme si de rien n'était. + Después de la interrupción, el orador continuó hablando como si nada hubiera pasado. + Na de onderbreking ging de spreker verder met praten alsof er niets gebeurd was. + (bèi dǎduànhòu, yánjiǎngzhě jìxùyánjiǎng, hǎoxiàng shéme shì yěméiyǒu fāshēngguò yíyàng.)
C17 5 2805
我 对 他的 演讲 感到 印象深刻 。 他 口才 真好 。 + ผมประทับใจมากกับคำพูดของเขา เขาเป็นนักพูดที่เก่ง + + I was very impressed with his speech. He's an eloquent speaker. + Ich war sehr beeindruckt von seiner Rede. Er ist ein eloquenter Redner. + Sono rimasto molto impressionato dal suo discorso. È un altoparlante eloquente. + Son discours m' a beaucoup impressionné. C'est un orateur éloquent. + Me impresionó mucho su discurso. Es un orador elocuente. + Ik was zeer onder de indruk van zijn toespraak. Hij is een welsprekende spreker. + (wǒ duì tāde· yánjiáng gǎndào yìnxiàngshēnkè. tā kǒucái zhēn hǎo.)
Sau khi bị gián đoạn, diễn giả tiếp tục nói cứ như thể là chưa có chuyện gì xảy ra. + After the interruption, the speaker went on talking as if nothing had happened.
+ I was very impressed with his speech. He's an eloquent speaker.
Oxford 3000VieEng
loa speaker
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
11-2. Telefon, Computer Exercise 11-2-3 Lautsprecher + loudspeaker +
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Exercise 15-8 Bitte achten Sie auch auf die Lautsprecher-Ansagen am Bahnhof.  + Lautsprecher Please also pay attention to the loudspeaker announcements at the station.  Hãy chú ý đến các thông báo loa ở trạm. +
Exercise 15-8 Wir hörten die Nachrichten aus dem Lautsprecher. + Lautsprecher We heard the news from the speaker. Chúng tôi nghe tin từ người nói. +
Exercise 25-8 Er trat als Redner auf.  + auftreten* He was a speaker.  Ông là một người nói. +
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng

Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode
+ + + + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Lautsprecher + loudspeaker + General B
+ + + + 103 Tourism, travel and transport über Lautsprecher + over the loudspeakers + General B
+ + + + 103 Politics and international relations Sprecher(in) + speaker + Government A
+ + + + 103 Politics and international relations Redner(in) + speaker + Political activity A

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
C 喇叭 + * * la3ba trumpet/ horn/ suona horn/ loudspeaker/ speaker Lautsprecher, Brass Windinstrument, Trompete +
Oxford 32000GlossEngDeu
announce + + speech: 'Now boarding flight 897, destination Seattle,' the loudspeaker announced. Rede:' Jetzt einsteigender Flug 897, Zielort Seattle,' kündigte der Lautsprecher an.
concerned + They were more concerned with how the other women had dressed than with what the speaker was saying. Sie waren mehr daran interessiert, wie sich die anderen Frauen gekleidet hatten, als daran, was der Redner sagte.
here + Here the speaker paused to have a drink. Hier machte der Redner eine Pause, um etwas zu trinken.
introduction + Our speaker today needs no introduction (= is already well known). Unser Redner braucht heute keine Einführung (= ist bereits bekannt).
investigate + investigate how, what, etc...: The research investigates how foreign speakers gain fluency. untersuchen, wie, was, was, etc...: Die Untersuchung untersucht, wie Fremdsprecher fließend werden.
lead + The wire led to a speaker. Der Draht führte zu einem Lautsprecher.
original + The original intention was to record about 80 speakers, divided equally between males and females. Ursprünglich sollten etwa 80 Sprecher aufgenommen werden, die sich zu gleichen Teilen auf Männer und Frauen verteilen.
pleasure + It gives me great pleasure to introduce our guest speaker. Ich freue mich, Ihnen unseren Gastredner vorstellen zu dürfen.
preference + Let's make a list of possible speakers, in order of preference. Machen wir eine Liste möglicher Redner, in der Reihenfolge ihrer Präferenz.
speaker + He was a guest speaker at the conference. Er war Gastredner auf der Konferenz.
speaker + She was a brilliant public speaker. Sie war eine brillante Rednerin.
speaker + The Society has an interesting talk by a visiting speaker every month. Jeden Monat hält die Gesellschaft einen interessanten Vortrag eines Gastredners.
speaker + I looked around to see who the speaker was. Ich schaute mich um, um zu sehen, wer der Sprecher war.
speaker + A speaker conveys information through tone and body language. Ein Sprecher vermittelt Informationen durch Ton und Körpersprache.
speaker + Chinese speakers chinesische Sprecher
speaker + a native speaker of English Englisch als Muttersprache
speaker + a CD player and radio with two ultra-slim speakers CD-Player und Radio mit zwei ultraflachen Lautsprechern
start + The evening started badly when the speaker failed to turn up. Der Abend begann schlecht, als der Redner nicht auftauchte.
warm + The speaker was given a warm welcome/reception. Der Redner wurde herzlich empfangen.

Mcc SentencesGbEng

10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng

divers orateurs défilèrent à la tribune + various speakers filed up to the speaker’s gallery

l’orateur répliqua que c’était presque fait + the speaker responded that it was almost done

le chancelier doit rencontrer le président du parlement + the chancellor must meet the speaker of the parliament
10631309-n Speaker
Wordnet ChineseGb
Wordnet GermanGer
Wordnet EnglishEng
+ + + + 103 speaker +
+ + + + 103 speaker +
+ + + + 103 Speaker +
Wordnet FrenchFra
Wordnet SpanishSpa
Wordnet ItalianIta
Wordnet ThaiThai
Wordnet FinnishFin
Wordnet VietnameseVie
Wiktionary VietnameseVie
speaker loa + +