VNEN chề chà * slowly * 103

6 摸索 mo1 suo5 to feel about/ to grope about/ to fumble/ to do things slowly

11000 Common Composites

22000 Common Composites

39000 Common Composites

74000 Common Composites

Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Können Sie bitte langsamer sprechen? Could you please speak more slowly? Bạn có thể nói chậm hơn không?
Goethebuch GbThaiVieEngDeuSpaPorItalFraNie
040 0751
Please drive slowly.
Glossika 9 GbThaiVieEngDeuItalFraSpaNiePin
B11 14 1514
哈桑 懂的 英文 不多 , 跟 他 说话 必须 得慢点儿 说 。 + ฮัสซันไม่เข้าใจภาษาอังกฤษมากนัก คุณต้องพูดช้าๆกับเขา + Hassan không hiểu nhiều tiếng Anh. Cậu phải nói thật chậm với anh ấy. + Hassan doesn't understand much English. You have to speak very slowly to him. + Hassan versteht nicht viel Englisch. Du musst sehr langsam mit ihm sprechen. + Hassan non capisce molto inglese. Devi parlargli molto lentamente. + Hassan ne comprend pas beaucoup l'anglais. Vous devez lui parler très lentement. + Hassan no entiende mucho inglés. Tienes que hablarle muy despacio. + Hassan begrijpt niet veel Engels. Je moet hem heel langzaam toespreken. + (hāsāng dǒngde· yīngwén bùduō, gēn tā shuōhuà bìxū děi màndiǎnr shuō.)
C13 6 2606
你 可以 慢一点 说 吗 ? + คุณพูดช้ากว่านี้หน่อยได้ไหม? + Cậu nói chậm hơn một phút được không? + Could you speak a bit more slowly? + Könnten Sie etwas langsamer sprechen? + Potrebbe parlare un po' più lentamente? + Pourriez-vous parler un peu plus lentement? + ¿Podrías hablar un poco más despacio? + Kun je wat langzamer spreken? + ( ní kéyǐ mànyìdiǎn shuō mā?)
Tôi xin lỗi, tôi không hiểu. Cậu có thể nói chậm hơn không? + I'm sorry, I don't understand. Can you speak more slowly?
Hassan không hiểu nhiều tiếng Anh. Cậu phải nói thật chậm với anh ấy. + Hassan doesn't understand much English. You have to speak very slowly to him.
Cậu nói chậm hơn một phút được không? + Could you speak a bit more slowly?

Tôi đi bộ một cách chậm chạp. + I walk slowly.

Anh ấy làm mọi thứ một cách chậm chạp. + He makes everything slowly.

một cách chậm chạp + slowly

Bạn làm ơn nói chậm hơn được không? + Please speak more slowly!
GNOT Qualitative • manner how? slowly +
Oxford 3000VieEng
chậm slowly
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Exercise 1-9 Buchstabieren Sie bitte langsam und deutlich Ihren Namen!  + buchstabieren Please spell your name slowly and clearly!  Hãy đánh vần tên của bạn từ từ và rõ ràng! +
Exercise 2-4 Sprechen Sie bitte langsam. + bitte  Speak slowly, please. Nói chậm, xin vui lòng. +
Exercise 9-6 Der Nebel war so dicht, dass wir sehr langsam fahren mussten.  + dicht The fog was so dense that we had to drive very slowly.  Sương mù dày đặc đến nỗi chúng tôi phải lái xe rất chậm. +
Exercise 14-5 Er näherte sich dem Unfallort nur ganz langsam.  + langsam He approached the scene of the accident very slowly.  Anh ta rất chậm chạp đến gần hiện trường vụ tai nạn. +
Exercise 23-5 Der Zug setzte sich langsam in Bewegung. + Bewegung The train moved slowly. Tàu chạy chậm. +
Exercise 26-8 Hier musst du langsam fahren. Das ist eine verkehrsberuhigte Zone. + Zone Here you have to drive slowly. This is a traffic-calmed zone. Ở đây bạn phải lái xe chậm. Đây là một khu vực an toàn giao thông. +
Exercise 36-9 Das Flugzeug rollt langsam zum Start.  + Start The plane rolls slowly to take-off.  Chiếc máy bay lăn từ từ để cất cánh. +
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng

Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
C 緩緩 + * * huan3huan3 slowly langsam, gemächlich +
D 徐徐 + * * xu2xu2 gently/ slowly langsam, gemächlich,geruhsam +
Oxford 32000GlossEngDeu
along + They walked slowly along the road. Sie gingen langsam die Straße entlang.
and + Do it slowly and carefully. Mach es langsam und vorsichtig.
because of + He walked slowly because of his bad leg. Er ging langsam, weil sein Bein schlecht war.
to begin with + We'll go slowly to begin with. Wir fangen langsam an.
bend + Slowly bend from the waist and bring your head down to your knees. Beuge dich langsam von der Taille nach unten und bringe deinen Kopf auf die Knie.
clear + The muddy water slowly cleared. Das Schlammwasser hat sich langsam gelöst.
climb + The car slowly climbed the hill. Das Auto kletterte langsam auf den Hügel.
clock + The hands of the clock crept slowly around. Die Zeiger der Uhr schlichen sich langsam um die Uhr.
destroy + Failure was slowly destroying him (= making him less and less confident and happy). Das Scheitern zerstörte ihn langsam (= machte ihn immer weniger selbstsicher und glücklich).
difficulty + He spoke slowly and with great difficulty. Er sprach langsam und mit großer Mühe.
fly + A stork flew slowly past. Ein Storch flog langsam vorbei.
freeze + I froze with terror as the door slowly opened. Ich erstarrte vor Schrecken, als sich die Tür langsam öffnete.
gather + gather sth: People slowly gathered their belongings and left the hall. etw.[Akk] sammeln: Langsam sammelten die Leute ihre Habseligkeiten und verließen den Saal.
go by + The weeks went slowly by. Die Wochen vergingen langsam.
image + Slowly, an image began to appear on the screen. Langsam begann ein Bild auf dem Bildschirm zu erscheinen.
lean + lean on sth: She walked slowly, leaning on her son's arm. sich auf etw. stützen: Sie ging langsam und lehnte sich an den Arm ihres Sohnes.
mount + She slowly mounted the steps. Sie stieg langsam auf die Treppe.
pass + The procession passed slowly along the street. Die Prozession verlief langsam auf der Straße.
precisely + She pronounced the word very slowly and precisely. Sie sprach das Wort sehr langsam und präzise aus.
proceed + Work is proceeding slowly. Die Arbeit geht langsam voran.
progress + Work on the new road is progressing slowly. Die Arbeiten an der neuen Straße schreiten langsam voran.
progress + The line of traffic progressed slowly through the town. Der Verkehr entwickelte sich langsam durch die Stadt.
push + push sth: He walked slowly up the hill pushing his bike. etw.[Akk] schieben: Er ging langsam den Hügel hinauf und schob sein Fahrrad.
roll + The traffic rolled slowly forwards. Der Verkehr rollte langsam vorwärts.
from side to side + He shook his head slowly from side to side. Er schüttelte seinen Kopf langsam von einer Seite zur anderen.
slowly but surely + We'll get there slowly but surely. Wir kommen langsam aber sicher dorthin.
sound + Sound travels more slowly than light. Schall bewegt sich langsamer als Licht.
speak + Please speak more slowly. Sprechen Sie bitte langsamer.
spread + A smile spread slowly across her face. Ein Lächeln breitete sich langsam über ihr Gesicht aus.
suspicion + They drove away slowly to avoid arousing suspicion. Sie fuhren langsam weg, um Verdacht zu vermeiden.
wound + The wound healed slowly. Die Wunde heilte langsam ab.

Mcc SentencesGbEng
290 蜗牛 慢慢 + The snail crawls forward slowly.
308 他们 + They walk very slowly.
1731 乌龟 缓慢 + Tortoises crawl very slowly.
2220 记帐 + The snail crawled very slowly.

蜗牛慢慢地向前爬。 Wōniú mànmàn de xiàngqián pá. The snail crawls forward slowly. Die Schnecke kriecht langsam vorwärts.
他们走得很慢。 Tāmen zǒu de hěn màn. They walk very slowly. Sie gehen sehr langsam.
乌龟爬得很缓慢。 Wūguī pá de hěn huǎnmàn. Tortoises crawl very slowly. Schildkröten kriechen sehr langsam.
蜗牛爬得很慢。 Wōniú pá de hěn màn. The snail crawled very slowly. Die Schnecke kroch sehr langsam.
Lesson 007. Lessons Review!
man4man4 + slowly
Lesson 007. Lessons Review!
man4man4 shuo1 + to speak slowly
10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng

un prêtre s’avance à pas lents + a priest walked slowly forward

il se mit à rouler lentement le long du trottoir + he started rolling slowly along the sidewalk

avance doucement, dis-je. les roues se mirent à tourner + inch slowly forward, I said. the wheels began turning

il parlait lentement et articulait avec soin + he spoke slowly and articulated carefully
Wordnet ChineseGb
Wordnet GermanGer
Wordnet EnglishEng
+ + + + 103 slowly +
+ + + + 103 slowly +
Wordnet FrenchFra
Wordnet SpanishSpa
Wordnet ItalianIta
Wordnet ThaiThai
Wordnet FinnishFin
Wordnet VietnameseVie
Wiktionary VietnameseVie