4 工具 gong1 ju4 tool/ instrument/ utensil/ means (to achieve a goal etc)
4 la1 to pull/ to play (string instruments)/ to drag/ to draw
5 尺子 chi3 zi5 rule/ ruler (measuring instrument)/ CL:把[ba3]
5 chui1 to blow/ to play a wind instrument/ to blast/ to puff/ to boast/ to brag/ to end in failure/ to fall through
5 谜语 mi2 yu3 riddle/ conundrum
6 潜水 qian2 shui3 to dive/ to go under water/ lurker (Internet slang for sb who reads forum posts but never replies)
6 xian2 bow string/ string of musical instrument/ watchspring/ chord (segment of curve)/ hypotenuse/ CL:根[gen1]
6 瓦解 wa3 jie3 to collapse/ to disintegrate/ to crumble
6 论坛 lun4 tan2 forum (for discussion)
6 演奏 yan3 zou4 to play a musical instrument/ to perform music
6 啰唆 luo1 suo5 to grumble
6 抱怨 bao4 yuan4 to complain/ to grumble
6 谣言 yao2 yan2 rumor
6 解体 jie3 ti3 to break up into components/ to disintegrate/ to collapse/ to crumble
6 崩溃 beng1 kui4 to collapse/ to crumble/ to fall apart
6 喇叭 la3 ba5 horn (automobile; alarm siren; musical etc) which produces a sound/ loudspeaker/ brass wind instrument/ trumpet/ suona 鎖吶|锁呐[suo3 na4]
6 xie4 crumbs/ filings/ worthwhile
6 噪音 zao4 yin1 rumble/ noise/ static
6 仪器 yi2 qi4 instrument/ apparatus/ CL:臺|台[tai2]

11000 Common Composites

22000 Common Composites

39000 Common Composites

74000 Common Composites

Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Goethebuch GbThaiVieEngDeuSpaPorItalFraNie
014 0234
Do you drink Coke with rum?
022 0389
Do you play a musical instrument?
Glossika 9 GbThaiVieEngDeuItalFraSpaNiePin
Cậu có chơi nhạc cụ nào không? - Không, nhưng tôi đã từng chơi guitar. + Do you play any instruments? — No, I used to play guitar though.

Đây là một diễn đàn quốc tế nổi tiếng. + This is a famous international forum.

diễn đàn + forum

Diễn đàn này kết nối với diễn đàn kia bằng Internet. + This forum connects with that forum via Internet.

Trống đồng Việt Nam + Vietnamese bronze drum

Anh ấy luôn cằn nhằn với tôi về côngviệc của mình. + He always grumbles to me about his job.

Vị nhạc sĩ cằn nhằn trong khi đi bộ. + The songwriter grumbles while walking.

cằn nhằn + grumble
SNOT Free time, entertainment • cinema/theatre names of musical instruments e.g. +
Oxford 3000VieEng
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
14-3. Unterhaltung, Kultur Exercise 14-3-5 Instrument + 1. instrument, 2. tool +
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Exercise 31-2 Ich spiele Klavier. Spielen Sie auch ein Musikinstrument?  + Instrument I play the piano. Do you also play a musical instrument?  Tôi chơi piano. Bạn có chơi nhạc cụ không? +
Exercise 31-2 Spielen Sie ein Instrument?  + Instrument Do you play an instrument?  Bạn có chơi nhạc cụ nào không? +
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng

Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode
+ + + + 103 The animal world brüllen + to bellow [cow], roar [lion], trumpet [elephant] + Animal behaviour B
+ + + + 103 The animal world Wiederkäuer + ruminant + Mammals C
+ + + + 103 The human body and health Trommelfell + eardrum + Head C
+ + + + 103 The human body and health Kreuzbein + sacrum + Skeleton C
+ + + + 103 Gesture and movement zusammenbrechen + to collapse, cave in, crumble + Movement upwards and downwards B
+ + + + 103 Gesture and movement mit den Fingern auf den Tisch trommeln + to drum one's fingers on the desk + Movement of the limbs B
+ + + + 103 Personality and human behaviour (über jmdn/etw) schimpfen + to bitch/moan/grumble (about sth) + Good/bad humour A
+ + + + 103 Personality and human behaviour Meckerer + moaner, grumbler, grouser + Good/bad humour B
+ + + + 103 Personality and human behaviour brummig + grumpy, grouchy, sour-tempered + Good/bad humour C
+ + + + 103 Personality and human behaviour grantig + grumpy + Good/bad humour C
+ + + + 103 Personality and human behaviour mürrisch + grumpy, sullen + Good/bad humour C
+ + + + 103 Personality and human behaviour griesgrämig + grumpy, grouchy + Good/bad humour C
+ + + + 103 Food and drink Keule + drumstick, leg + Meat, fish and poultry C
+ + + + 103 Food and drink Brotkrümel + breadcrumb + Breads, grains and pasta C
+ + + + 103 Food and drink Brösel + breadcrumb + Breads, grains and pasta C
+ + + + 103 Food and drink Rum + rum + Drinks C
+ + + + 103 Food and drink etw panieren + to breadcrumb sth + Cooking C
+ + + + 103 Food and drink Paniermehl + breadcrumbs + Cooking C
+ + + + 103 Perception trommeln + to drum + Sound A
+ + + + 103 Perception Spektakel + row, rumpus, racket + Sound C
+ + + + 103 Containers Fass + barrel, keg, vat, churn, drum + Barrels, buckets, tanks and tubs A
+ + + + 103 Containers Tonne + barrel, cask, drum, trash can + Barrels, buckets, tanks and tubs A
+ + + + 103 Visual and performing arts Saiteninstrument + stringed instrument + Music A
+ + + + 103 Visual and performing arts Holzblasinstrument + woodwind instrument + Music A
+ + + + 103 Visual and performing arts Blechblasinstrument + brass instrument + Music A
+ + + + 103 Visual and performing arts Trompete + trumpet + Music A
+ + + + 103 Visual and performing arts Trompeter(in) + trumpeter + Music A
+ + + + 103 Visual and performing arts Schlaginstrument + percussion instrument + Music A
+ + + + 103 Visual and performing arts Trommel + drum + Music A
+ + + + 103 Visual and performing arts kleine/große Trommel + snare/bass drum + Music A
+ + + + 103 Visual and performing arts Trommelschlegel + drumstick + Music A
+ + + + 103 Visual and performing arts Pauke + kettledrum (pl. timpani) + Music A
+ + + + 103 Visual and performing arts Schlagzeuger(in) + drummer, percussionist + Music A
+ + + + 103 Visual and performing arts Tasteninstrument + keyboard instrument + Music A
+ + + + 103 Visual and performing arts Schlagzeug + drums + Music A
+ + + + 103 Visual and performing arts Rumba + rumba + Dance B
+ + + + 103 Speaking schimpfen + to moan, grumble, bitch + Praising and complaining A
+ + + + 103 Speaking brummen + to grumble, grouch, grouse + Praising and complaining B
+ + + + 103 Speaking murren + to grumble + Praising and complaining C
+ + + + 103 Leisure Trumpf + trump card, trumps + Games C
+ + + + 103 Sport Gedränge + scrum [rugby] + Training and competition C
+ + + + 103 Science Spektrum + spectrum + Physical sciences B

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
A + * * fan1 turn over/ rummage/ capsize 1. umkehren, umdrehen 2. übersteigen 3. durchwühlen, stöbern 4. übersetzen, übertragen +
B 骨頭 + * * gu3tou drum Knochen +
B 儀器 + * * yi2qi4 instrument/ apparatus Instrument, Gerät,Apparat +
C + * * ta1 fall down/ collapse/ crumple/ sink/ slump/ calm down 1. einstürzen, zuammenbrechen, zusammenfallen 2. einsinken, einfallen 3. sich beruhigen, ruhig werden +
C 樂器 + * * yue3qi4 musical-instrument/ musical instrument Musikinstrument +
C 倒騰 + * * dao3teng move around/ rummage/ buy low and sell high sich drehen, billig kaufen und teuer verkaufen +
C 謠言 + * * yao2yan2 rumor-words/ rumor/ canard/ unfounded report/ hearsay Lüge, Gerücht +
C + * * qin2 general name for certain musical instruments 1.allg. Bezeichn. für manche Streich-,Zupf-u.Klavierinstr. 2. Klavier, Piano +
C + * * rou2 knead/ roll/ crumple/ rub/ massage reiben, kneten, massieren +
C 喇叭 + * * la3ba trumpet/ horn/ suona horn/ loudspeaker/ speaker Lautsprecher, Brass Windinstrument, Trompete +
C 皺紋 + * * zhou4wen2 wrinkle-line/ wrinkle/ furrow/ rimple/ crumple/ pucker Falte, Furche +
C 謎語 + * * mi2yu3 conundrum/ riddle Rätsel +
C 牢騷 + * * lao2sao1 whine/ complaint/ grumble/ grievance Beschwerde,Unmut, Unzufriedenheit +
C + * * zha1 residue/ dregs/ sediment/ broken bits/ crumb/ dross 1. Niederschlag, Rückstand, Bodensatz 2. kleine Stücke, Krume, Krümmel +
C 大腦 + * * da4nao3 cerebrum Gehirn, Cerebrum +
C 儀表 + * * yi2biao3 instrument-meter/ meter/ instrument/ appearance Aussehen, Haltung,Meßinstrument +
C 屁股 + * * pi4gu buttocks/ bottom/ rear/ rump/ hindquarters/ end/ butt Hintern, Arsch, Hinterteil eines Tiere,Stummel, +
D 壇/罈 + * * tan2 (壇) platform/ forum/ (罈) jug 1. Altar 2. erhöhtes Beet 3. Plattform, Tribüne, Podest 4.Fachgebiet, Kreis, 5.dickbäuchiges Tongefäß, Kruke +
D + * * gu3 drum 1. Trommel 2. ermuntern, antreiben 3. Luft in etw hineinblasen +
D 器械 + * * qi4xie4 instrument Geräte, Apparate, Instrumente +
D + * * xie4 bits/ crumb 1. Späne, Splitter, Krume, Fetzen 2. unbedeutend, geringfügig +
D + * * qiang1 cavity/ antrum 1. Hohlraum (in einem menschlichen oder tierischen Körper), Höhle 2. Melodie, Ton 3. Akzent 4. Sprechen +
Oxford 32000GlossEngDeu
basic + basic to sth: Drums are basic to African music. basic to etw.: Schlagzeug ist für afrikanische Musik einfach.
beat + We heard the drums beating. Wir hörten die Trommeln schlagen.
beat + beat sth: Someone was beating a drum. etw.[Akk] schlagen: Jemand hat eine Trommel geschlagen.
beat + several loud beats on the drum mehrere laute Beats auf der Trommel
beat + the steady beat of the drums der gleichmäßige Takt der Trommeln
bell + the bell of a trumpet (= the bell-shaped part at the end of it) die Glocke einer Trompete (= der glockenförmige Teil am Ende)
blow + the sound of trumpets blowing der Klang der Trompeten bläst
business + Her job was to drum up (= increase) business. Ihr Job war es, das Geschäft zu trommeln (= zu steigern).
come + The high point of the concert came during the drum solo. Höhepunkt des Konzerts war das Schlagzeugsolo.
confirm + confirm sth: Rumours of job losses were later confirmed etw.[Akk] bestätigen: Gerüchte über Arbeitsplatzverluste wurden später bestätigt
definite + I've heard rumours, but nothing definite. Ich habe Gerüchte gehört, aber nichts Bestimmtes.
drum + a bass drum eine Große Trommel
drum + Tony Cox on drums Tony Cox am Schlagzeug
drum + to play the drums Schlagzeug spielen
drum + a regular drum beat ein regelmäßiger Trommelbeat
drum + There was a great crash and then a long roll of drums. Es gab einen tollen Crash und dann einen langen Trommelwirbel.
end + Let's put an end to (= stop) these rumours once and for all. Beenden wir diese Gerüchte ein für allemal.
foundation + The rumour is totally without foundation (= not based on any facts). Das Gerücht ist völlig grundlos (= nicht auf Tatsachen beruhend).
instrument + surgical/optical/precision, etc. instruments chirurgische/optische/präzise Instrumente etc.
instrument + instruments of torture Folterwerkzeuge
instrument + Is he learning an instrument? Lernt er ein Instrument?
instrument + brass/stringed, etc. instruments Messing/Saiteninstrumente, etc.
instrument + the flight instruments die Fluginstrumente
instrument + the instrument panel die Instrumententafel
know + know (sth): 'You were right—someone's been spreading rumours about you.' 'I knew it!' weißt du (etw.):' Du hattest Recht - jemand hat Gerüchte über dich verbreitet.' "Ich wusste es!"
learn + learn sth: to learn a language/a musical instrument/a skill etw.[Akk] lernen, um eine Sprache/ein Musikinstrument/eine Fähigkeit zu erlernen
measure + measuring equipment/instruments Messgeräte/Instrumente
nonsense + Ministers have dismissed the rumours of a bribery scandal as nonsense. Die Minister haben die Geruechte um einen Bestechungsskandal als Unsinn abgetan.
pace + Rumours of corruption and scandal gathered pace (= increased in number). Gerüchte über Korruption und Skandal nahmen zu (= Zunahme der Zahl).
pack up, pack sth up + We arrived just as the musicians were packing up their instruments. Wir kamen gerade als die Musiker ihre Instrumente packten.
player + a trumpet player ein Trompeter
pointed + a pointed instrument ein spitzes Instrument
possibly + We don't want these rumours to spread if we can possibly avoid it. Wir wollen nicht, dass sich diese Gerüchte verbreiten, wenn wir es vermeiden können.
pressure + a pressure gauge (= an instrument used for measuring the pressure of a liquid or a gas) ein Manometer (= ein Gerät zur Messung des Drucks einer Flüssigkeit oder eines Gases)
quite + I've had quite enough of your tantrums. Ich habe genug von deinen Wutanfällen.
reach + The rumours eventually reached the President. Die Gerüchte erreichten schließlich den Präsidenten.
repeat + repeat sth: The rumour has been widely repeated in the press. etw.[Akk] wiederholen: Das Gerücht hat sich in der Presse wiederholt.
rumour + to start/spread a rumour ein Gerücht verbreiten
rumour + rumour (of sth): There are widespread rumours of job losses. Gerücht (von etw.[Dat]: Es gibt weit verbreitete Gerüchte über Arbeitsplatzverluste.
rumour + rumour (about sth): Some malicious rumours are circulating about his past. Gerücht (über etw.[Akk]: Es kursieren einige böswillige Gerüchte über seine Vergangenheit.
rumour + rumour (that...): I heard a rumour that they are getting married. Gerücht (das...): Ich habe ein Gerücht gehört, dass sie heiraten.
rumour + Many of the stories are based on rumour. Viele der Geschichten basieren auf Gerüchten.
rumour + Rumour has it (= people say) that he was murdered. Gerüchten zufolge soll er ermordet worden sein.
rumour + I thought she was leaving the company, but perhaps it may be just a rumour. Ich dachte, sie würde die Firma verlassen, aber vielleicht ist es nur ein Gerücht.
rumour + it is rumoured that...: It's widely rumoured that she's getting promoted. Es wird gemunkelt, dass...: Es wird viel gerüchteweise gemunkelt, dass sie befördert wird.
rumour + rumour to be/have sth: He was rumoured to be involved in the crime. Gerüchte um etw. zu sein/haben: Er soll angeblich in das Verbrechen verwickelt sein.
spread + spread sth: to spread rumours/lies about sb etw.[Akk] verbreiten, um Gerüchte über jdn. zu verbreiten
stage + They marched off stage to the sound of trumpets. Sie marschierten von der Bühne zum Klang der Trompeten.
start + Have you any idea where the rumour started? Wissen Sie, wo das Gerücht begann?
sweep + She swept the crumbs into the wastebasket. Sie fegte die Krümel in den Papierkorb.
temperature + to take sb's temperature (= measure the temperature of sb's body using a special instrument) jds. Temperatur zu messen (= die Körpertemperatur mit einem speziellen Instrument zu messen)
tone + the full rich tone of the trumpet den vollen, satten Klang der Trompete

Mcc SentencesGbEng
1578 儿子 喜欢 打鼓 + My son loves playing drums.
2016 正在 仪器 实验 + She is doing an experiment with the instrument.
2826 告诉 谣言 + I'll tell you a rumor.
3246 案板 面包 + There are some crumbs of bread on the chopping board.
3377 桌子 一些 面包屑 + There are some bread crumbs on the table.
3545 谣言 纷纷纭纭 + As the rumor spread, it developed into a jumble of numerous versions.
3667 精密 仪器 提高 分析 质量 + Precision instruments have enhanced the quality of analysis.

儿子很喜欢打鼓。 Érzi hěn xǐhuan dǎgǔ. My son loves playing drums. Mein Sohn spielt gerne Schlagzeug.
她正在用仪器做实验。 Tā zhèngzài yòng yíqì zuò shíyàn. She is doing an experiment with the instrument. Sie macht ein Experiment mit dem Instrument.
告诉你一个谣言。 Gàosu nǐ yīgè yáoyán. I'll tell you a rumor. Ich erzähle Ihnen ein Gerücht.
案板上有些面包渣。 Ànbǎn shàng yǒuxiē miànbāo zhā. There are some crumbs of bread on the chopping board. Auf dem Schneidbrett befinden sich Brotkrumen.
桌子上有一些面包屑。 Zhuōzi shàng yǒu yīxiē miànbāo xiè. There are some bread crumbs on the table. Auf dem Tisch liegen Brotkrumen.
谣言传得纷纷纭纭。 Yáoyán chuán de fēnfēn yúnyún. As the rumor spread, it developed into a jumble of numerous versions. Als sich das Gerücht verbreitete, entwickelte es sich zu einem Durcheinander aus zahlreichen Versionen.
Lesson 050. Musical Instruments in Mandarin.
que4qi4 + musical instrument
Lesson 050. Musical Instruments in Mandarin.
yan3zou4 + to play a musical instrument (in general)
Lesson 050. Musical Instruments in Mandarin.
Ni3 hui4 yan3zou4 shen2me yue4qi4? + What musical instrument can you play?
Lesson 050. Musical Instruments in Mandarin.
tan2 + to play a musical instrument (using your fingers)
Lesson 050. Musical Instruments in Mandarin.
chui1 + to play a musical instrument (using your mouth) / to blow
Lesson 050. Musical Instruments in Mandarin.
la1 + to play a musical instrument (pulling) / to pull
Lesson 050. Musical Instruments in Mandarin.
gu3 + drums
Lesson 050. Musical Instruments in Mandarin.
da3gu3 + to play drums
Lesson 050. Musical Instruments in Mandarin.
Wo3 zai4 yue4dui4 li3 da3gu3. + I play drums in the band.
Lesson 050. Musical Instruments in Mandarin.
gu3shou3 + drummer
Lesson 050. Musical Instruments in Mandarin.
Wo3 shi4 gu3shou3. + I am a drummer.
10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng

je voulais connaître mieux l’instrument et apprendre des solos + I want to know the instrument better and learn some solos

après plusieurs années de rumeurs, le scandale a éclaté + after years of rumors, the scandal broke

elle va organiser un forum + she will organize a forum
07905038-n rum
Wordnet ChineseGb
Wordnet GermanGer
Wordnet EnglishEng
+ + + + 103 rum +
+ + + + 103 rum +
+ + + + 103 rum +
Wordnet FrenchFra
Wordnet SpanishSpa
Wordnet ItalianIta
Wordnet ThaiThai
Wordnet FinnishFin
Wordnet VietnameseVie
Wiktionary VietnameseVie
rum rượu rum, rum + +