3 地方 di4 fang5 region/ regional (away from the central administration)
3 dai4 band/ belt/ girdle/ ribbon/ tire/ area/ zone/ region/ CL:條|条[tiao2]/ to wear/ to carry/ to lead/ to bring/ to look after/ to raise
5 地区 di4 qu1 local/ regional/ district (not necessarily formal administrative unit)/ region/ area/ as suffix to city name; means prefecture or county (area administered by a prefecture level city or county level city)/ CL:個|个[ge4]
6 开拓 kai1 tuo4 to break new ground (for agriculture)/ to open up (a new seam)/ to develop (border regions)/ fig. to open up (new horizons)
6 区域 qu1 yu4 area/ region/ district
6 边疆 bian1 jiang1 border area/ borderland/ frontier/ frontier region

11000 Common Composites

22000 Common Composites

39000 Common Composites

74000 Common Composites

Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Goethebuch GbThaiVieEngDeuSpaPorItalFraNie
Glossika 9 GbThaiVieEngDeuItalFraSpaNiePin
C07 41 2341
旅游业 是 该 地区的 主要 产业 。 + การท่องเที่ยวเป็นอุตสาหกรรมหลักในภูมิภาค - อุตสาหกรรมหลักของภูมิภาคคือการท่องเที่ยว + Du lịch là ngành công quản lý chính của vùng. > Ngành công quản lý chính của vùng là du lịch. + Tourism is the main industry in the region. — The region's main industry is tourism. + Der Tourismus ist der wichtigste Wirtschaftszweig in der Region. Die Hauptindustrie der Region ist der Tourismus. + Il turismo è l' industria principale della regione. L' industria principale della regione è il turismo. + Le tourisme est la principale industrie de la région. La principale industrie de la région est le tourisme. + El turismo es la principal industria de la región. La principal industria de la región es el turismo. + Toerisme is de belangrijkste industrie in de regio. De belangrijkste sector in de regio is toerisme. + (lǚyóuyè shì gāi dìqūde· zhǔyào chǎnyè.)
Du lịch là ngành công quản lý chính của vùng. > Ngành công quản lý chính của vùng là du lịch. + Tourism is the main industry in the region. — The region's main industry is tourism.

Đây là một vùng nổi tiếng. + This is a famous region
region +
Southern Region miền Nam +
Oxford 3000VieEng
vùng region
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
6-1. Umwelt Exercise 6-1-1 Region + region +
6-1. Umwelt Exercise 6-1-1 Gebiet + region, area +
6-1. Umwelt Exercise 6-1-1 Gegend + region +
6-1. Umwelt Exercise 6-1-1 Bereich + 1. area, 2. region, 3. field, 4. sector +
6-1. Umwelt Exercise 6-1-8 regional + regional +
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Exercise 2-1 Die Aussprache ist regional verschieden. + Aussprache The pronunciation varies from region to region. Cách phát âm khác nhau giữa các khu vực. +
Exercise 4-1 In der Rhein-Main-Region sind die Mieten sehr hoch.  + Region In the Rhine-Main region, rents are very high.  Tại vùng Rhine-Main, giá thuê rất cao. +
Exercise 4-1 Die Milch ist aus der Region. + Region The milk is from the region. Sữa là từ khu vực. +
Exercise 4-2 Du kannst mit einer Regionalbahn fahren. Das ist billiger.  + regional You can take a regional train. That's cheaper.  Bạn có thể tham gia một chuyến tàu khu vực. Đó là rẻ hơn. +
Exercise 4-2 Das ist eine regionale Spezialität.  + regional It's a regional specialty.  Đó là một đặc sản của vùng. +
Exercise 4-2 Die Aussprache ist regional verschieden.  + regional The pronunciation varies from region to region.  Cách phát âm khác nhau giữa các khu vực. +
Exercise 5-8 In dieser Region herrscht ein mildes Klima.  + Klima This region has a mild climate.  Vùng này có khí hậu ôn hòa. +
Exercise 17-9 Der Fluss hat die ganze Region überschwemmt.  + Fluss The river has flooded the entire region.  Dòng sông đã tràn ngập toàn bộ khu vực. +
Exercise 25-5 Die Region lebt vom Tourismus. + Tourismus The region thrives on tourism. Khu vực phát triển mạnh về du lịch. +
Exercise 45-7 Jede Region hat ihre eigenen Traditionen.  + Tradition Each region has its own traditions.  Mỗi vùng có truyền thống riêng. +
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng

Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode
+ + + + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Interregio (IR) + regional train + Rail transport C
+ + + + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Region + region + Geography A

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
B 地帶 + * * di4dai4 district/ region/ zone Region +
B 地方 + * * di4fang1 local, regional örtlich, regional, hiesig +
B + * * qu1 region/ district 1. 1. Region, Zone, Gebiet 2. Bezirk, Distrikt 3. unterscheiden, einteilen +
B 地區 + * * di4qu1 area/ region/ district Gebiet (Prefäktur Political divisions China, Wiki) +
C 區域 + * * qu1yu4 region/ area/ district Zone, Region,Gebiet +
C 自治區 + * * zi4zhi4qu1 self-administer-area/ autonomous region autome Region +
Oxford 32000GlossEngDeu
in advance (of sth) + People were evacuated from the coastal regions in advance of the hurricane. Die Menschen wurden vor dem Hurrikan aus den Küstenregionen evakuiert.
climate + the harsh climate of the Arctic regions das raue Klima der arktischen Regionen
conflict + A conflict between the two countries could easily spread across the whole region. Ein Konflikt zwischen den beiden Ländern könnte sich leicht über die gesamte Region ausbreiten.
director + a regional director ein Regionaldirektor
grow + The region is too dry for plants to grow. Die Region ist zu trocken für Pflanzen.
hill + a region of gently rolling hills eine Region mit sanften Hügeln
map + an unexplored region that has not yet been mapped eine unerforschte Region, die noch nicht kartiert wurde
national + national and regional politics nationale und regionale Politik
produce + The region produces over 50% of the country's wheat. Die Region produziert mehr als 50 % des Weizens des Landes.
region + the Arctic/tropical/desert, etc. regions arktische/tropische Regionen/Wüstengebiete etc.
region + one of the most densely populated regions of North America eine der am dichtesten besiedelten Regionen Nordamerikas
region + the Basque region of Spain das Baskenland Spaniens
regional + regional variations in pronunciation regionale Unterschiede in der Aussprache
regional + the conflict between regional and national interests der Konflikt zwischen regionalen und nationalen Interessen
regional + regional councils/elections/newspapers Regionalrat/Wahlen/Zeitungen
rich + the region's rich history and culture reiche Geschichte und Kultur der Region
settle + This region was settled by the Dutch in the nineteenth century. Diese Region wurde im 19. Jahrhundert von den Niederländern besiedelt.
study + study how, what, etc...: The group will study how the region coped with the loss of thousands of jobs. Studie wie, was, was, etc...: Die Gruppe wird untersuchen, wie die Region mit dem Verlust von Tausenden von Arbeitsplätzen fertig wu
variation + regional/seasonal variation (= depending on the region or time of year) regionale/saisonale Variation (= abhängig von Region oder Jahreszeit)
withdraw + withdraw (sb/sth) (from sth): Both powers withdrew their forces from the region. Rückzug (sb/etw.) (aus etw.[Dat]: Beide Kräfte zogen ihre Kräfte aus der Region zurück.

Mcc SentencesGbEng

10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng

la région a connu une cinquantaine de massacres + the region has experienced some fifty massacres

il existe toujours deux taux régionaux + there have always been two regional rates

il y a une minorité francophone appréciable dans la région + there’s a sizable French- speaking minority in the region

il est très stratégique pour la région + it’s very strategic for the region

les régions rurales constituent un genre de refuge + rural regions are a kind of refuge

le blé n’est plus cultivé dans cette région + wheat is not cultivated in this region

ce sont des régions qui actuellement explosent économiquement + these are regions that are currently exploding with economic activity

le trafic ferroviaire régional a été interrompu + regional railway traffic has been inter- rupted
08630985-n region
Wordnet ChineseGb
Wordnet GermanGer
Wordnet EnglishEng
+ + + + 103 region +
+ + + + 103 region +
+ + + + 103 region +
+ + + + 103 region +
+ + + + 103 region +
Wordnet FrenchFra
Wordnet SpanishSpa
Wordnet ItalianIta
Wordnet ThaiThai
Wordnet FinnishFin
Wordnet VietnameseVie
Wiktionary VietnameseVie