5 训练 xun4 lian4 to train/ to drill/ training/ CL:個|个[ge4]
6 修养 xiu1 yang3 accomplishment/ training/ self-cultivation
6 培训 pei2 xun4 to cultivate/ to train/ to groom/ training
6 师范 shi1 fan4 teacher-training/ pedagogical/ normal (school; e.g. Beijing Normal University)
6 专科 zhuan1 ke1 specialized subject/ branch (of medicine)/ specialized training school

11000 Common Composites

22000 Common Composites

39000 Common Composites

74000 Common Composites

Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Ich mache eine Ausbildung. I do vocational training. Tôi học nghề.
Es regnet. It's raining. Trời đang mưa.
Goethebuch GbThaiVieEngDeuSpaPorItalFraNie
018 0313
It is raining.
Glossika 9 GbThaiVieEngDeuItalFraSpaNiePin
B02 49 1099
现在 没下雨 。 + ตอนนี้ฝนไม่ตก + Bây giờ trời không mưa. + It isn't raining right now. + Es regnet gerade nicht. + Non piove in questo momento. + Il ne pleut pas en ce moment. + No está lloviendo ahora mismo. + Het regent nu niet. + ( xiànzài méixiàyǔ.)
B03 2 1102
当时 没下雨 , 所以 我们 没带 雨伞 。 + ไม่ได้ฝนตกดังนั้นเราจึงไม่จำเป็นต้องมีร่ม + Trời lúc đó không mưa nên chúng tôi không cần đến ô. + It wasn't raining, so we didn't need an umbrella. + Es hat nicht geregnet, also brauchten wir keinen Regenschirm. + Non pioveva, quindi non avevamo bisogno di un ombrello. + Il ne pleuvait pas, donc on n'avait pas besoin de parapluie. + No llovía, así que no necesitábamos un paraguas. + Het regende niet, dus we hadden geen paraplu nodig. + (dāngshí méixiàyǔ, suóyí wǒmen· méidài yúsǎn.)
B04 3 1153
我 要带把 雨伞 , 正在 下雨 。 + ฉันจะเอาร่มมากับฉัน ฝนตก. + Tôi sẽ mang theo ô. Trời đang mưa. + I'm going to take an umbrella with me. It's raining. + Ich werde einen Regenschirm mitnehmen. Es regnet. + Porterò con me un ombrello. Piove. + Je vais prendre un parapluie avec moi. Il pleut. + Me voy a llevar un paraguas conmigo. Está lloviendo. + Ik ga een paraplu meenemen. Het regent. + ( wǒ yàodàibá yúsǎn, zhèngzài xiàyǔ.)
B07 10 1310
下雨了 , 我 应该不会 出门儿 了 。 + ฝนตก. ฉันไม่คิดว่าฉันจะออกไปข้างนอก + Trời đang mưa. Tôi nghĩ là mình sẽ không ra ngoài. + It's raining. I don't think I'll go out. + Es regnet. Ich glaube nicht, dass ich ausgehe. + Piove. Non credo che uscirò. + Il pleut. Je ne pense pas que je vais sortir. + Está lloviendo. No creo que salga. + Het regent. Ik denk niet dat ik eruit ga. + (xiàyǔle·, wǒ yīnggāibúhuì chūménr le·.)
B12 14 1564
现在 下雨了 , 雅琴 要出门 。 她 没有 雨伞, 但 你 有 一把 。 + ฝนตกและ Yaqin ก็ออกไป เธอไม่มีร่ม แต่คุณมี + Trời đang mưa và Nhã Cầm định ra ngoài. Cô ấy không có ô nhưng cậu có. + It's raining, and Yaqin's going out. She doesn't have an umbrella, but you have one. + Es regnet und Yaqin geht raus. Sie hat keinen Regenschirm, aber Sie haben einen. + Piove e Yaqin esce. Lei non ha un ombrello, ma ne ha uno. + Il pleut et Yaqin sort. Elle n' a pas de parapluie, mais vous en avez un. + Está lloviendo, y Yaqin está saliendo. Ella no tiene paraguas, pero tú sí. + Het regent, en Yaqin gaat uit. Ze heeft geen paraplu, maar je hebt er wel een. + (xiànzài xiàyǔle·, yǎqín yàochūmén. tā méiyóu yúsǎn, dàn ní yǒu yìbǎ.)
B12 48 1598
我们 该走了 吗 ? — 我 想等到 雨停 再 走。 + เราควรจะออกไปตอนนี้หรือไม่? - ฉันควรรอจนกว่าจะหยุดตก + Giờ chúng ta có nên ra ngoài không? - Tôi muốn chờ đến khi tạnh mưa hơn. + Should we go out now? — I'd rather wait until it stops raining. + Sollen wir jetzt ausgehen? Ich warte lieber, bis es aufhört zu regnen. + Dovremmo uscire ora? Preferisco aspettare fino a quando non smette di piovere. + On devrait sortir maintenant? Je préfère attendre qu'il ne pleuve plus. + ¿Deberíamos salir ahora? Prefiero esperar hasta que deje de llover. + Moeten we nu uitgaan? Ik zou liever wachten tot het ophoudt met regenen. + (wǒmen· gāizǒule· mā? — wó xiángděngdào yǔtíng zài zǒu.)
B17 23 1823
又 下雨了 。 — 真的 吗 ? 十 分钟前 还是晴天 。 + ฝนตกอีกแล้ว. - มันคือ? แดดสิบ (10) นาทีที่ผ่านมา + Trời lại đang mưa. - Thế á? Mười phút trước trời còn nắng. + It's raining again. — It is? It was sunny ten (10) minutes ago. + Es regnet wieder. Ist es das? Vor zehn (10) Minuten war es sonnig. + Piove di nuovo. È così? Era soleggiato dieci (10) minuti fa. + Il pleut à nouveau. Ça l'est? Il faisait beau il y a dix (10) minutes. + Está lloviendo de nuevo. ¿Lo es? Hace diez (10) minutos estaba soleado. + Het regent weer. Dat is het? Het was tien (10) minuten geleden zonnig. + (yòu xiàyǔle·. — zhēnde· mā? shí fēnzhōngqián háishì qíngtiān.)
B20 5 1955
你 很 喜欢 训练课程 。 你 说 :" 这 课程 不错 , 对 吧 ?" + คุณสนุกกับการฝึกอบรมจริงๆ คุณบอกว่า "แน่นอนมันเยี่ยมมากไม่ใช่เหรอ?" + Bạn thực sự thích khoá huấn luyện của bạn. Bạn nói: "Khoá học tuyệt vời quá phải không?" + You really enjoyed your training course. You say, "The course was great, wasn't it?" + Sie haben Ihre Ausbildung wirklich genossen. Du sagst:"Der Kurs war toll, nicht wahr?" + Ti è piaciuto molto il tuo corso di formazione. Tu dici:"Il corso è stato fantastico, non era vero"? + Vous avez vraiment aimé votre formation. Tu as dit:"Le cours était super, n'est-ce pas?" + Realmente disfrutaste tu curso de entrenamiento. Dices:"El curso estuvo genial, ¿no?" + U heeft echt genoten van uw training. Je zegt:"De cursus was geweldig, nietwaar? + ( ní hén xǐhuan· xùnliànkèchéng. nǐ shuō :" zhè kèchéng búcuò, duì ba·? ")
C04 44 2194
我 能听见 雨声 。 + ฉันได้ยินว่าฝนตก + Tôi đã nghe thấy được trời đang mưa. + I could hear it raining. + Ich konnte es regnen hören. + Ho potuto sentire piovere. + J'entendais la pluie. + Podía oírlo llover. + Ik kon het horen regenen. + (wǒ néngtīngjiàn yǔshēng.)
C12 22 2572
我们 没出去 , 因为 外面 雨 下得 很大 。 + เราไม่ได้ออกไปเพราะฝนตกหนัก + Chúng tôi đã không ra ngoài vì trời mưa. + We didn't go out because it was raining heavily. + Wir sind nicht ausgegangen, weil es heftig geregnet hat. + Non siamo usciti perché pioveva pesantemente. + Nous ne sommes pas sortis parce qu'il pleuvait beaucoup. + No salimos porque llovía mucho. + We gingen niet uit omdat het zwaar regende. + (wǒmen· méichūqù, yīnwèi wàimiàn yǔ xiàde· hěndà.)
C14 4 2654
就算 下雨 , 明天 我们 也 要去 海边 。 + เรากำลังจะไปที่ชายหาดในวันพรุ่งนี้แม้ว่าจะมีฝนตก + Tôi đã không được nhận việc mặc dù tôi được đánh giá chất nội dung tốt. > Tôi đã không được nhận việc dù được đánh giá chất nội dung tốt. + We're going to the beach tomorrow, even if it's raining. + Wir fahren morgen zum Strand, auch wenn es regnet. + Domani andremo in spiaggia, anche se piove. + On va à la plage demain, même s'il pleut. + Mañana iremos a la playa, aunque esté lloviendo. + We gaan morgen naar het strand, zelfs als het regent. + (jiùsuàn xiàyǔ, míngtiān wǒmen· yě yàoqù hǎibiān.)
C14 22 2672
除非 不下雨 了 , 不然 我 就 不去了 。 + ฉันจะไม่ไปจนกว่าจะหยุดฝนตก + Tôi sẽ không đi nếu trời không tạnh mưa. + I'm not going unless it stops raining. + Ich gehe nicht, solange es nicht aufhört zu regnen. + Non sto andando a meno che non smetta di piovere. + Je n'irai pas tant qu'il ne pleuvra pas. + No iré a menos que deje de llover. + Ik ga niet naar buiten tenzij het stopt met regenen. + ( chúfēi bùxiàyǔ le·, bùrán wǒ jiù búqùle·.)
C20 31 2981
当 你 觉得 语言 训练 开始 越 来 越 难了 ,那 就 代表 你 很快 就 会 有 突破 了 , 所以 要 坚持 , 不要 放弃 。 + เมื่อการฝึกอบรมภาษาของคุณเริ่มต้นยากลำบากนั่นหมายความว่าคุณกำลังจะสร้างความก้าวหน้าอันยิ่งใหญ่ให้ติดกับมันและไม่ยอมแพ้ + Khi quá trình luyện ngôn ngữ của cậu bắt đầu gặp khó, điều đó nghĩa là cậu sắp thực Trung hoa một bước ngoặt lớn nên hãy bám chặt và đừng từ bỏ. + When your language training starts getting tough, it means you're about to make a big breakthrough, so stick with it and don't give up. + Wenn Ihr Sprachtraining anfängt, hart zu werden, bedeutet das, dass Sie kurz davor stehen, einen großen Durchbruch zu erzielen, also bleiben Sie dabei und geben Sie nicht auf. + Quando la tua formazione linguistica inizia a diventare difficile, significa che stai per fare una grande svolta, quindi bastone con esso e non rinunciare. + Lorsque votre formation linguistique commence à devenir difficile, cela signifie que vous êtes sur le point de faire une grande percée, alors tenez bon et n'abandonnez pas. + Cuando tu entrenamiento de idiomas empieza a ser difícil, significa que estás a punto de hacer un gran avance, así que sigue adelante y no te rindas. + Wanneer uw taaltraining moeilijk begint te worden, betekent dit dat u op het punt staat een grote doorbraak te maken, dus blijf erbij en geef niet op. + ( dāng nǐ juéde· yǔyán xùnliàn kāishǐ yuè lái yuè nánle·, nà jiù dàibiáo ní hěnkuài jiù huì yǒu tūpò le·, suóyǐ yào jiānchí, búyào fàngqì.)
Trời đang đẹp. Không có mưa. + The weather's nice. It's not raining.
Trời đang mưa. + It's raining.
Trời có mưa không? + Is it raining?
Trời có mưa không? + Is it raining?
Trời đang mưa à? + Is it raining?
Cậu mang ô theo đi. Trời đang mưa. + Take an umbrella with you. It's raining.
Trời đang mưa. Tôi không muốn ra ngoài lúc mưa. + It's raining. I don't want to go out in the rain.
Trời mưa nên chúng tôi đã không ra ngoài. + It was raining, so we didn't go out.
Trời đang không mưa khi chúng tôi đi ra ngoài. + It wasn't raining when we went out.
Trời có mưa lúc cậu dậy không? + Was it raining when you got up?
Trồi đang không mưa lúc tôi ngủ dậy. + It wasn't raining when I got up.
Trời đang mưa lúc chúng tôi đi ra ngoài. + It was raining when we went out.
Trời đang mưa. Trời đã mưa được cả ngày. + It's raining. It's been raining all day.
Trời mưa được bao lâu rồi? + How long has it been raining?
Trời đã mưa được một tiếng. + It's been raining for an hour.
Bây giờ trời không mưa. + It isn't raining right now.
Trời lúc đó không mưa nên chúng tôi không cần đến ô. + It wasn't raining, so we didn't need an umbrella.
Tôi sẽ mang theo ô. Trời đang mưa. + I'm going to take an umbrella with me. It's raining.
Trời đang mưa. Tôi nghĩ là mình sẽ không ra ngoài. + It's raining. I don't think I'll go out.
Trời đang mưa và Nhã Cầm định ra ngoài. Cô ấy không có ô nhưng cậu có. + It's raining, and Yaqin's going out. She doesn't have an umbrella, but you have one.
Giờ chúng ta có nên ra ngoài không? - Tôi muốn chờ đến khi tạnh mưa hơn. + Should we go out now? — I'd rather wait until it stops raining.
Trời lại đang mưa. - Thế á? Mười phút trước trời còn nắng. + It's raining again. — It is? It was sunny ten (10) minutes ago.
Bạn thực sự thích khoá huấn luyện của bạn. Bạn nói: "Khoá học tuyệt vời quá phải không?" + You really enjoyed your training course. You say, "The course was great, wasn't it?"
Tôi đã nghe thấy được trời đang mưa. + I could hear it raining.
Chúng tôi đã không ra ngoài vì trời mưa. + We didn't go out because it was raining heavily.
Tôi đã không được nhận việc mặc dù tôi được đánh giá chất nội dung tốt. > Tôi đã không được nhận việc dù được đánh giá chất nội dung tốt. + We're going to the beach tomorrow, even if it's raining.
Tôi sẽ không đi nếu trời không tạnh mưa. + I'm not going unless it stops raining.
Khi quá trình luyện ngôn ngữ của cậu bắt đầu gặp khó, điều đó nghĩa là cậu sắp thực Trung hoa một bước ngoặt lớn nên hãy bám chặt và đừng từ bỏ. + When your language training starts getting tough, it means you're about to make a big breakthrough, so stick with it and don't give up.
Oxford 3000VieEng
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
1-1. Person Exercise 1-1-5 Erziehung + 1. education, 2. upbringing, 3. training, 4. breeding +
12-1. Ausbildung Exercise 12-1-1 Ausbildung + training, education +
12-1. Ausbildung Exercise 12-1-8 Ausbildungsplatz + training vacancy +
12-1. Ausbildung Exercise 12-1-9 Fortbildung + advanced training +
14-2. Sport Exercise 14-2-2 Training + training +
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Exercise 1-1 Ich komme morgen, das heißt, nur wenn es nicht regnet.  + heißen* I'll come tomorrow, that is, only if it's not raining.  Tôi sẽ đến vào ngày mai, đó là, chỉ khi nào trời mưa. +
Exercise 1-8 Es kann sein, dass es heute noch regnet.  + können* It may still be raining today.  Có thể trời mưa hôm nay. +
Exercise 5-1 Es hat stark geregnet.  + stark It was raining hard.  Trời mưa. +
Exercise 5-5 Gestern hat es geregnet. Heute scheint wieder die Sonne.  + scheinen* Yesterday it was raining. Today the sun is shining again.  Hôm qua trời mưa. Hôm nay mặt trời lại sáng lên. +
Exercise 5-7 Es hat gestern den ganzen Tag geregnet.  + regnen It was raining all day yesterday.  Trời mưa cả ngày hôm qua. +
Exercise 5-7 Im Urlaub hat es viel geregnet.  + regnen It was raining a lot on vacation.  Trời mưa rất nhiều. +
Exercise 5-7 Es regnet nur noch leicht.  + regnen It's raining lightly.  Trời mưa nhẹ. +
Exercise 5-7 Es kann jede Minute anfangen zu regnen.  + regnen It can start raining any minute.  Nó có thể bắt đầu mưa bất kỳ phút. +
Exercise 6-3 Wenn es nicht regnet, dann kommen wir.  + dann  If it's not raining, we'll come.  Nếu trời không mưa, chúng ta sẽ đến. +
Exercise 6-3 Noch ein Jahr, dann bin ich mit meiner Ausbildung fertig.  + dann  Another year, then I'm done with my training.  Một năm khác, sau đó tôi đã hoàn thành khóa học. +
Exercise 6-3 Er läuft jeden Morgen, ob es regnet oder schneit.  + ob It runs every morning, whether it's raining or snowing.  Nó chạy vào mỗi buổi sáng, cho dù trời đang mưa hoặc tuyết rơi. +
Exercise 6-7 Nach der Ausbildung hat Inge eine Arbeit gefunden.  + Arbeit After training, Inge found a job.  Sau khi đào tạo, Inge tìm được việc làm. +
Exercise 8-6 Ich gehe nicht gerne nach draußen, wenn es regnet.  + draußen I don't like to go outside when it's raining.  Tôi không thích ra ngoài khi trời đang mưa. +
Exercise 9-2 Übertreib es nicht mit dem Training!  + übertreiben* Don't overdo it with training!  Đừng lạm dụng nó với đào tạo! +
Exercise 10-4 Es regnet. Unser Picknick fällt leider aus. – So ein Pech!  + Pech It's raining. Our picnic is cancelled. Too bad!  Trời đang mưa. Cuộc dã ngoại của chúng tôi bị hủy bỏ. Quá tệ! +
Exercise 12-3 Es hat während des ganzen Urlaubs geregnet. + während It was raining all the time during the holidays. Trời đang mưa mọi lúc trong những ngày nghỉ. +
Exercise 12-6 Es hat geregnet. Zum Glück hatte ich einen Regenschirm dabei.  + Glück It was raining. Luckily, I had an umbrella with me.  Trời đang mưa. May mắn thay, tôi đã có một cái ô với tôi. +
Exercise 21-9 Er kann das strenge Training nicht aushalten. + Training He can't stand the rigorous training. Anh ta không thể chịu đựng được sự huấn luyện nghiêm ngặt. +
Exercise 22-6 Es regnet. Hast du einen Schirm dabei?  + Schirm It's raining. Did you bring an umbrella?  Trời đang mưa. Bạn đã mang một cái ô? +
Exercise 24-3 Ich habe meine Ausbildung abgeschlossen.  + Ausbildung I have completed my training.  Tôi đã hoàn thành khóa học. +
Exercise 25-9 Es hat nicht geregnet. Ich muss meine Blumen gießen.  + gießen* It wasn't raining. I have to water my flowers.  Trời không mưa. Tôi phải cho hoa của tôi. +
Exercise 26-4 Es hat schrecklich geregnet. Ich bin ganz nass geworden.  + nass It was raining badly. I got all wet.  Trời mưa. Tôi bị ướt. +
Exercise 26-9 Du musst deine Ausbildung auf jeden Fall beenden.  + beenden You must definitely finish your training.  Bạn chắc chắn phải hoàn thành đào tạo của bạn. +
Exercise 29-1 Gott sei Dank hat es nicht geregnet. + Dank Thank God it wasn't raining. Cảm ơn Chúa trời trời không mưa. +
Exercise 29-1 Es war zuerst so schön. Plötzlich hat es angefangen zu regnen.  + plötzlich At first it was so beautiful. Suddenly it started raining.  Ban đầu nó thật đẹp. Đột nhiên nó bắt đầu mưa. +
Exercise 36-2 Ich bin fest entschlossen, diese Ausbildung fertigzumachen.  + sich entschließen* I am determined to finish this training.  Tôi quyết tâm hoàn thành khóa học này. +
Exercise 37-9 Du musst dich beruflich weiterbilden. + weiterbilden You need to get some professional training. Bạn cần phải có một số đào tạo chuyên nghiệp. +
Exercise 40-7 Der Urlaub war eine Katastrophe. Es hat nur geregnet.  + Katastrophe The vacation was a disaster. It was just raining.  Kỳ nghỉ là một thảm hoạ. Trời mưa. +
Exercise 41-6 Es regnet dicke Tropfen.  + Tropfen It's raining drops.  Trời mưa. +
Exercise 41-7 Vorhin schien noch die Sonne, und jetzt regnet es schon wieder.  + vorhin The sun was still shining earlier, and now it's raining again.  Mặt trời vẫn chiếu sáng sớm hơn, và bây giờ trời mưa lại. +
Exercise 42-9 Obwohl es regnete, ging er spazieren.  + obwohl Although it was raining, he went for a walk.  Mặc dù trời mưa, anh đi dạo. +
Exercise 43-7 Ich möchte nächstes Jahr in meinem Beruf eine Fortbildung machen.  + Fortbildung I would like to take part in a training next year in my profession.  Tôi muốn tham gia đào tạo trong năm tới trong nghề của tôi. +
Exercise 43-7 Er hat schon an vielen Fortbildungen teilgenommen. + Fortbildung He has already participated in many advanced training courses. Anh đã tham gia nhiều khóa học nâng cao. +
Exercise 43-8 Mein Neffe sucht nach der Schule einen Ausbildungsplatz als Kfz-Mechaniker. + Ausbildungsplatz My nephew is looking for a training position as a car mechanic after school. Cháu trai của tôi đang tìm kiếm một vị trí đào tạo như một thợ cơ khí xe hơi sau giờ học. +
Exercise 43-9 Ich möchte eine Weiterbildung machen.  + Weiterbildung I want to do some advanced training.  Tôi muốn làm một số đào tạo tiên tiến. +
Exercise 43-9 Er hat schon mehrere Weiterbildungen absolviert.  + Weiterbildung He has already completed several advanced training courses.  Anh ấy đã hoàn thành một số khóa học nâng cao. +
Exercise 44-2 Er nutzt jede freie Minute zum Training.  + nutzen He uses every free minute for training.  Anh ta sử dụng mọi phút rảnh rỗi để tập luyện. +
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng

Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode
raining Weather 11
+ + + + 103 Weather es regnet sich ein + it's raining steadily + Rain C
+ + + + 103 Sport Training + training, workout + Training and competition A
+ + + + 103 Sport Fitnesstraining + fitness training + Training and competition A
+ + + + 103 Sport Krafttraining + weight-training + Sports B
+ + + + 103 Education Ausbildung + training + General B
+ + + + 103 Education Berufsausbildung + vocational training + Further and higher education B
+ + + + 103 Education Berufsschule + vocational college, training college + Further and higher education B
+ + + + 103 Education pädagogische Hochschule + teacher training college + Further and higher education B
+ + + + 103 Education Praktikum + period of practical training + Further and higher education B
+ + + + 103 Education Umschulung + retraining course + School C
+ + + + 103 Education Fortbildungskurs + in-service training course + Further and higher education C
+ + + + 103 Employment Praktikum + practical training + Application and training A
+ + + + 103 Employment Ausbildung + training + Application and training B
+ + + + 103 Employment Ausbildungskurs + training course + Application and training B
+ + + + 103 Employment Ausbildungsprogramm + training programme + Application and training B
+ + + + 103 Employment Management-Ausbildung + management training + Application and training B
+ + + + 103 Employment Ausbildung am Arbeitsplatz + on-the-job training + Application and training C
+ + + + 103 Employment innerbetriebliche Ausbildung + on-the-job training + Application and training C
+ + + + 103 Employment hausinterne Ausbildung + in-house training + Application and training C

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
A 鍛煉 + * * duan4lian4 take exercise/ physical training Sport treiben +
A 體育 + * * ti3yu4 physical training/ physical culture Sport,Körperkultur +
C 師範 + * * shi1fan4 teacher training/ person of exemplary virtue Pädagogik +
D 結業 + * * jie2 ye4 complete an educational or training program einen Kurs abschließen +
D 修養 + * * xiu1yang3 training/ good manners Bildung in einem geisteswissenschaftlichen Fach, theoretisches Wissen, sich selbst erziehen +
D 練兵 + * * lian4 bing1 training militärischer Drill, Militärtraining +
Oxford 32000GlossEngDeu
actually + It's not actually raining now. Es regnet nicht mehr.
adequate + adequate to do sth: training that is adequate to meet the future needs of industry adäquat für etw.[Akk] sein: Ausbildung, die den künftigen Bedürfnissen der Industrie entspricht
aim + aim at doing sth: They're aiming at training everybody by the end of the year. etw.[Akk] anstreben: Sie wollen bis Ende des Jahres alle ausbilden.
area + the areas of training and development die Bereiche Ausbildung und Entwicklung
college + a college of further education (= providing education and training for people over 16) eine Fachhochschule (= Aus- und Weiterbildung für Personen über 16 Jahre)
condition + A good training programme is one of the conditions for successful industry. Eine gute Ausbildung ist eine der Voraussetzungen für eine erfolgreiche Industrie.
conduct + improving standards of training and professional conduct Verbesserung der Standards für Ausbildung und Berufsausbildung
course + to go on a management training course zur Teilnahme an einem Management-Trainingskurs
effort + The company has invested a great deal of time and effort in setting up new training schemes. Das Unternehmen hat viel Zeit und Mühe in die Erarbeitung neuer Ausbildungskonzepte investiert.
ever + It was raining harder than ever. Es regnete härter als je zuvor.
feature + Teamwork is a key feature of the training programme. Teamarbeit ist ein wesentliches Merkmal des Trainingsprogramms.
form + The training programme takes the form of a series of workshops. Das Ausbildungsprogramm wird in Form von Workshops durchgeführt.
game + They're in training for the big game. Sie trainieren für das große Spiel.
heavily + It was raining heavily. Es hat stark geregnet.
increasingly + Increasingly, training is taking place in the office rather than outside it. Zunehmend findet die Ausbildung nicht außerhalb, sondern im Büro statt.
indirect + indirect costs (= costs that are not directly connected with making a product, for example training, heating, rent, etc.) indirekte Kosten (= Kosten, die nicht direkt mit der Herstellung eines Produkts verbunden sind, z. B. Schulung, Heizung, Miete usw.)
injure + She injured herself during training. Sie hat sich beim Training verletzt.
it + It was raining this morning. Es hat heute Morgen geregnet.
low + Training was given a very low priority. Die Ausbildung hatte einen sehr niedrigen Stellenwert.
management + a management training course ein Management-Trainingskurs
material + The company produces its own training material. Das Unternehmen stellt eigenes Schulungsmaterial her.
military + military training/intelligence Militärische Ausbildung/Geheimdienst
minute + Typical English weather—one minute it's raining and the next minute the sun is shining. Typisch englisches Wetter - es regnet in der einen Minute und in der nächsten Minute scheint die Sonne.
miss + You can't afford to miss meals (= not eat meals) when you're in training. Sie können es sich nicht leisten, Mahlzeiten zu verpassen (= keine Mahlzeiten zu essen), wenn Sie im Training sind.
not + It's not/It isn't raining. Es regnet nicht.
outside + Go outside and see if it's raining. Geh nach draußen und schau, ob es regnet.
plan + plan (to do sth): The government has announced plans to create one million new training places. Plan (etw.): Die Regierung hat angekündigt, eine Million neue Ausbildungsplätze zu schaffen.
poor + It was raining heavily and visibility was poor. Es regnete stark und die Sicht war schlecht.
preparation + The team has been training hard in preparation for the big game. Die Mannschaft hat hart trainiert, um sich auf das große Spiel vorzubereiten.
program + an intense training program ein intensives Trainingsprogramm
programme + a training programme for new staff ein Schulungsprogramm für neue Mitarbeiter
qualify + qualify sb (for sth): This training course will qualify you for a better job. jdn. (für etw.) qualifizieren: Dieser Lehrgang qualifiziert Sie für einen besseren Job.
race + He's already in training for the big race against Bailey. Er trainiert bereits für das große Rennen gegen Bailey.
rain + It's pouring with rain (= raining very hard). Es regnet in Strömen (= sehr stark regnerisch).
rain + Is it raining? Regnet es?
rain + It had been raining hard all night. Es hatte die ganze Nacht stark geregnet.
realistic + We try to make these training courses as realistic as possible. Wir versuchen, diese Schulungen so realistisch wie möglich zu gestalten.
scheme + a training scheme ein Ausbildungsprogramm
send + We are being sent on a training course next month. Nächsten Monat werden wir zu einem Trainingskurs geschickt.
session + a photo/recording/training, etc. session eine Foto-/Aufnahme-/Trainingssession etc.
should + In order that training should be effective it must be planned systematically. Damit die Ausbildung effektiv sein kann, muss sie systematisch geplant werden.
skilled + a shortage of skilled labour (= people who have had training in a skill) Fachkräftemangel (= Personen, die eine Ausbildung absolviert haben)
social + Social events and training days are arranged for all the staff. Für alle Mitarbeiter werden gesellschaftliche Veranstaltungen und Schulungstage organisiert.
sort + Most people went on training courses of one sort or another (= of various types) last year. Die meisten Menschen haben im vergangenen Jahr Ausbildungskurse der einen oder anderen Art (= verschiedener Art) absolviert.
special + These teachers need special training. Diese Lehrer benötigen eine spezielle Ausbildung.
staff + staff development/training Personalentwicklung/Training
stop + stop doing sth: Has it stopped raining yet? aufhören, etw. zu tun: Hat es schon aufgehört zu regnen?
worse + It's raining worse than ever. Es regnet schlimmer denn je.

Mcc SentencesGbEng
119 外面 下雨 + It's raining outside.
669 大雨 + It's raining hard.
2013 天气 下雨 + What lousy weather! It's raining again.
2175 下雨 水滴 落到 车窗 + It's raining and the raindrops are falling on the car windows.
3277 警官 训练 警犬 + The police officer is training the police dog.

外面在下雨。 Wàimian zàixià yǔ. It's raining outside. Draußen regnet es.
下大雨了。 Xià dàyǔ le. It's raining hard. Es regnet stark.
这鬼天气,又下雨了。 Zhè guǐ tiānqì,yòu xiàyǔ le. What lousy weather! It's raining again. Was für ein mieses Wetter! Es regnet wieder.
下雨了,水滴落到车窗上。 Xiàyǔ le,shuǐdī 【◎Fix:◎luò;◎là;◎lào】 dào chē chuāng shàng. It's raining and the raindrops are falling on the car windows. Es regnet und die Regentropfen fallen auf die Autoscheiben.
警官在训练警犬。 Jǐngguān zài xùnliàn jǐngquǎn. The police officer is training the police dog. Der Polizist trainiert den Polizeihund.
Lesson 009. Weather and Seasons in Chinese.
xia4yu3 + raining / It is raining
Lesson 022. Playing Sports and Exercising.
Jin1tian1 sui1ran2 xia4yu3 dan4shi4 bu4 leng3. + Even though it is raining today, it is not cold.
10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng

tu es trop jeune pour t’entraîner + you’re too young to receive training

votre fils est en entraînement pour devenir soldat + your son is in training to become a soldier

je suis toujours dans ma période de formation + I’m still in my training stage

bien joué, ton entraînement est terminé + well done—your training is complete

on peut se féliciter du renforcement des mesures pour la formation + we can be proud of strengthening the measures for training

chaque poste possède un plan d’apprentissage + each job has a training plan

il y a une lacune énorme dans la formation + there’s a huge gap in training

ils faisaient un semestre d’intégration + they did six months on-the-job training

il a plu à basse altitude + it was raining at lower altitudes

après dix années de sécheresse, il pleut au Sahel + after ten years, of drought, it’s raining in the Sahel
Wordnet ChineseGb
Wordnet GermanGer
Wordnet EnglishEng
+ + + + 103 raining +
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Wiktionary VietnameseVie