11000 Common Composites

22000 Common Composites

39000 Common Composites

74000 Common Composites

Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Goethebuch GbThaiVieEngDeuSpaPorItalFraNie
Glossika 9 GbThaiVieEngDeuItalFraSpaNiePin
B04 5 1155
巧克力 在 哪里 ? 你 都 吃光了 吗 ? + ช็อกโกแลตอยู่ที่ไหน? คุณกินทั้งหมดหรือไม่? + Tại sao cậu lại mệt thế? Tối qua cậu có đi ngủ muộn không? + Where are the chocolates? Have you eaten all of them? + Wo sind die Pralinen? Hast du alle gegessen? + Dove sono i cioccolatini? Avete mangiato tutti? + Où sont les chocolats? Tu les as tous mangés? + ¿Dónde están los chocolates? ¿Te los has comido todos? + Waar zijn de pralines? Heb je ze allemaal gegeten? + ( qiǎokèlì zài nǎli·? nǐ dōu chīguāngle· mā?)
C07 30 2330
加 牛奶 的 巧克力 叫 "牛奶巧克力 "。 + ช็อกโกแลตทำจากนมเป็นช็อกโกแลตนม + Chocolat làm từ sữa là chocolat sữa. + Chocolate made from milk is milk chocolate. + Schokolade aus Milch ist Milchschokolade. + Il cioccolato a base di latte è cioccolato al latte. + Le chocolat au lait est du chocolat au lait. + El chocolate hecho de leche es chocolate con leche. + Chocolade gemaakt van melk is melkchocolade. + ( jiā niúnǎi de· qiǎokèlì jiào "niúnáiqiǎokèlì ".)
C12 1 2551
那里 只 剩下 一点点 巧克力 了 。 + เหลือเพียงช็อกโกแลตเพียงไม่กี่ชิ้นเท่านั้น + Chỉ còn một ít chocolat để lại. + There are only a few chocolates left. + Es sind nur noch wenige Pralinen übrig. + Ci sono solo pochi cioccolatini rimasti. + Il ne reste plus que quelques chocolats. + Sólo quedan unos pocos chocolates. + Er zijn nog maar weinig chocolaatjes over. + (nàli· zhǐ shèngxià yìdiándián qiǎokèlì le·.)
Oxford 3000VieEng
热巧克力 rè qiǎokēlì heiße Schokolade
巧克力 qiǎokèlì Schokolade
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng
Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
Oxford 32000GlossEngDeu

Mcc SentencesGbEng
1564 沾满 巧克力 + His lips and face are covered with chocolate.
3044 沾满 巧克力 + His hands are covered with chocolate.

他的嘴上和脸上都沾满了巧克力。 Tā de zuǐ shàng hé liǎn shàng dōu zhān mǎn le qiǎokèlì. His lips and face are covered with chocolate. Seine Lippen und sein Gesicht sind mit Schokolade bedeckt.
他的手沾满了巧克力。 Tā de shǒu zhān mǎn le qiǎokèlì. His hands are covered with chocolate. Seine Hände sind mit Schokolade bedeckt.
10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng
Wordnet ChineseGb
Wordnet GermanGer
Wordnet EnglishEng
Wordnet FrenchFra
Wordnet SpanishSpa
Wordnet ItalianIta
Wordnet ThaiThai
Wordnet FinnishFin
Wordnet VietnameseVie
Wiktionary VietnameseVie