3 xin4 letter/ mail/ to trust/ to believe/ to profess faith in/ truthful/ confidence/ trust/ at will/ at random
4 教授 jiao4 shou4 professor/ to instruct/ to lecture on/ CL:個|个[ge4];位[wei4]
4 职业 zhi2 ye4 occupation/ profession/ vocation/ professional
4 专业 zhuan1 ye4 specialty/ specialized field/ main field of study (at university)/ major/ CL:門|门[men2];個|个[ge4]/ professional
5 业务 ye4 wu4 business/ profession/ CL:個|个[ge4]
6 名誉 ming2 yu4 fame/ reputation/ honor/ honorary/ emeritus (of retired professor)

11000 Common Composites

22000 Common Composites

39000 Common Composites

74000 Common Composites

Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Was bist du von Beruf? What's your profession? Nghề của bạn là gì?
Goethebuch GbThaiVieEngDeuSpaPorItalFraNie
023 0415
What is your profession?
Glossika 9 GbThaiVieEngDeuItalFraSpaNiePin
B09 47 1447
网球 选手 必须 打得 非常 好 才能 成为 职业选手 。 + นักเทนนิสต้องเล่นได้ดีมาก + Một tay quần vợt phải rất giỏi mới có thể chơi chuyên quản lý. + A tennis player must be very good to play professionally. + Ein Tennisspieler muss sehr gut sein, um professionell zu spielen. + Un giocatore di tennis deve essere molto buono per giocare professionalmente. + Un joueur de tennis doit être très bon pour jouer professionnellement. + Un tenista debe ser muy bueno para jugar profesionalmente. + Een tennisspeler moet erg goed zijn om professioneel te spelen. + (wǎngqiú xuǎnshǒu bìxū dǎde· fēicháng hǎo cáinéng chéngwéi zhíyè xuǎnshǒu.)
C19 23 2923
你 从 你的 大学 教育中 收获了 什么 ? — 除了 专业 学位 之外 , 我 还 交了 很多 一辈子 的 好朋友 。 + สิ่งที่คุณได้รับออกจากการศึกษาวิทยาลัยของคุณหรือไม่ - นอกจากระดับมืออาชีพแล้วฉันยังทำให้เพื่อนหลาย ๆ คนมีชีวิตอยู่ + Cậu đã được gì từ giáo dục đại học? - Bên cạnh cái bằng chuyên môn, tôi cũng có nhiều bạn trong đời. + What did you get out of your college education? — Besides a professional degree, I also made many friends for life. + Was hast du von deiner College-Ausbildung gekriegt? Neben einem Berufsexamen habe ich auch viele Freunde fürs Leben gefunden. + Che cosa è uscito dalla scuola universitaria? Oltre ad una laurea professionale, ho anche fatto molti amici per tutta la vita. + Qu'avez-vous retiré de vos études collégiales? En plus d'un diplôme professionnel, je me suis aussi fait beaucoup d'amis pour la vie. + ¿Qué obtuviste de tu educación universitaria? Además de un título profesional, hice muchos amigos para toda la vida. + Wat heb je uit je studie gehaald? Naast een professionele graad heb ik ook veel vrienden voor het leven gemaakt. + (nǐ cóng nǐde· dàxué jiàoyùzhōng shōuhuòle· shéme? — chúle· zhuānyè xuéwèi zhīwài, wǒ hái jiāole· hěnduō yībèizi·de· hǎopéngyǒu.)
Một tay quần vợt phải rất giỏi mới có thể chơi chuyên quản lý. + A tennis player must be very good to play professionally.
Cậu đã được gì từ giáo dục đại học? - Bên cạnh cái bằng chuyên môn, tôi cũng có nhiều bạn trong đời. + What did you get out of your college education? — Besides a professional degree, I also made many friends for life.

Bạn biết nghề nghiệp của cô ấy không? + Do you know her profession?

Tôi không biết nghề nghiệp của họ. + I do not know their profession.

Đầu bếp này rất chuyên nghiệp. + This cook is very professional.

chuyên nghiệp + professional

Tôi tôn trọng những giáo sư. + I respect the professors.

giáo sư + professor

Ông của tôi đã từng là một vậnđộng viên nhảy cao chuyên nghiệp. + My grandfather used to be a professional high jump athlete.

Giáo sư đang dạy cơ học lượng tử. + The professor is teaching Quantum Mechanics.

chuyên gia nhiều kinh nghiệm + I am a seasoned professional.

giúp tôi phát triển hơn + where I can grow professionally
SNOT Personal identification • occupation job/occupation/profession nghề/nghề nghiệp +
SNOT Education • education professor +
Oxford 3000VieEng
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
12-1. Ausbildung Exercise 12-1-3 Professor + professor +
13-1. Arbeit, Beruf Exercise 13-1-1 Beruf + profession +
13-1. Arbeit, Beruf Exercise 13-1-15 beruflich + professional +
14-2. Sport Exercise 14-2-2 Profi + professional, pro +
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Exercise 7-3 Sein Beruf ist Elektrotechniker.  + Beruf His profession is electrical engineering.  Nghề của ông là kỹ thuật điện. +
Exercise 7-3 Für diesen Beruf müssen Sie gut ausgebildet sein. + Beruf You must be well trained for this profession. Bạn phải được đào tạo tốt cho nghề này. +
Exercise 15-7 In meinem Beruf muss ich viel stehen.  + stehen* I have to stand a lot in my profession.  Tôi phải đứng rất nhiều trong nghề nghiệp của mình. +
Exercise 17-8 In vielen Berufen braucht man heute Sprachkenntnisse.  + Kenntnisse In many professions you need language skills today.  Trong nhiều ngành nghề ngày nay bạn cần kỹ năng ngôn ngữ. +
Exercise 19-5 Wegen beruflicher Veränderung musste er auch seinen Wohnortwechseln. + Wohnort Due to professional changes, he also had to change his whereabouts. Do thay đổi nghề nghiệp, ông cũng phải thay đổi nơi ở của mình. +
Exercise 21-1 In diesem Beruf verdient man gut.  + verdienen You earn well in this profession.  Bạn kiếm được nhiều tiền trong nghề này. +
Exercise 28-2 Stefan ist von Beruf Busfahrer.  + Fahrer Stefan is a bus driver by profession.  Stefan là một tài xế xe buýt theo nghề nghiệp. +
Exercise 31-7 Keine Angst. Mein Bruder kann die Heizung bestimmt reparieren. Er ist doch Profi.  + Profi Don't be afraid. I'm sure my brother can fix the heater. He's a professional.  Đừng sợ. Tôi chắc rằng anh tôi có thể sửa chữa nóng. Anh ấy là một chuyên gia. +
Exercise 31-7 Mein Sohn möchte Profisportler werden. + Profi My son wants to be a professional athlete. Con trai tôi muốn trở thành vận động viên chuyên nghiệp. +
Exercise 34-4 Ich bin Kellner von Beruf.  + Kellner I'm a professional waiter.  Tôi là một bồi bàn chuyên nghiệp. +
Exercise 37-1 Der Professor war international bekannt.  + international The professor was internationally renowned.  Vị giáo sư nổi tiếng thế giới. +
Exercise 37-3 Er ist Professor an der Universität.  + Professor He's a professor at the university.  Anh ta là một giáo sư tại trường đại học. +
Exercise 37-3 Er ist Professor für Geschichte. + Professor He's a professor of history. Anh ta là một giáo sư về lịch sử. +
Exercise 37-9 Du musst dich beruflich weiterbilden. + weiterbilden You need to get some professional training. Bạn cần phải có một số đào tạo chuyên nghiệp. +
Exercise 38-4 Ich habe zehn Jahre Erfahrung in diesem Beruf.  +  Erfahrung I have ten years of experience in this profession.  Tôi có mười năm kinh nghiệm trong nghề này. +
Exercise 38-8 Meine Frau liebt ihren Beruf.  + lieben My wife loves her profession.  Vợ tôi yêu nghề của mình. +
Exercise 41-1 Als Arzt arbeitet er heute in seinem Traumberuf.  + Traumberuf As a doctor he works in his dream profession today.  Là một bác sĩ, ông làm việc trong nghề giấc mơ của mình ngày hôm nay. +
Exercise 41-9 Selbst Fachleute verstehen diesen unglaublichen Unfall nicht.  + Fachleute Even professionals don't understand this incredible accident.  Ngay cả các chuyên gia cũng không hiểu được tai nạn đáng kinh ngạc này. +
Exercise 43-1 Sie eignet sich gut für diesen Beruf.  + sich eignen She is well suited for this profession.  Cô ấy phù hợp với nghề này. +
Exercise 43-7 Ich möchte nächstes Jahr in meinem Beruf eine Fortbildung machen.  + Fortbildung I would like to take part in a training next year in my profession.  Tôi muốn tham gia đào tạo trong năm tới trong nghề của tôi. +
Exercise 44-4 Für bestimmte Berufe ist ein Zeugnis erforderlich.  + Zeugnis A certificate is required for certain professions.  Giấy chứng nhận là bắt buộc đối với một số ngành nhất định. +
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng

Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode
+ + + + 103 Sport Profi + professional + Training and competition B
+ + + + 103 Education (Gast)professor(in) + (visiting) professor + Staff and students A

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
B 業務 + * * ye4wu4 business/ professional work Profession,Business +
B 業餘 + * * ye4yu2 amateur/ not professional Extra-curricular, Amateur-, Freizeit- +
B 職業 + * * zhi2ye4 occupation/ profession Beruf, Beschäftigung +
B 教授 + * * jiao4shou4 professor Professor +
C + * * hang2 line/ row/ trade/ profession/ trading company 1.Linie, Zeile, Reihe 2. Geschwisterfolge 3. Beruf, Geschäftsbereich, Gewerbe, Zunft 4.Firma, Geschäft +
D 一技之長 + * * yi1 ji4 zhi1 chang2 professional skill/ specially berufliche Qualifikation in einem bestimmten Fach +
D 外行 + * * wai4hang2 laity/ nonprofessional unfachmännisch, laienhaft, unprofessionell, Laie +
D 各行各業 + * * ge4 hang2 ge4 ye4 all trades and professions alle Branchen und Gewerbe +
Oxford 32000GlossEngDeu
association + Do you belong to any professional or trade associations? Gehören Sie zu einem Berufsverband oder einer Berufsgenossenschaft?
behave + The doctor behaved very unprofessionally. Der Arzt verhielt sich sehr unprofessionell.
body + recognized professional bodies such as the Law Association anerkannten Berufsverbänden wie der Law Association
career + a career soldier/diplomat (= a professional one) Berufssoldat/Diplomat (= Berufssoldat)
class + the professional classes die professionellen Klassen
conduct + improving standards of training and professional conduct Verbesserung der Standards für Ausbildung und Berufsausbildung
daughter + She's the daughter of an Oxford professor. Sie ist die Tochter eines Oxford-Professors.
feature + feature sb/sth as sb/sth: The film features Cary Grant as a professor. jdn. /etw.[Akk] als jdn. /etw.[Akk] inszenieren: Der Film zeigt Cary Grant als Professor.
follow + She followed her mother into the medical profession. Sie folgte ihrer Mutter in den medizinischen Beruf.
in front of + She is now entitled to put 'Professor' in front of her name. Sie hat nun das Recht,' Professor' vor ihren Namen zu setzen.
go around/round + go doing sth: It's unprofessional to go round criticizing your colleagues. etw.[Akk] tun: Es ist unprofessionell, die Kollegen zu kritisieren.
language + the language of the legal profession die Sprache der Anwaltschaft
legal + the legal profession/system Rechtsberuf/System
majority + In the nursing profession, women are in a/the majority. Im Pflegeberuf sind Frauen in der Mehrheit.
male + a male-dominated profession ein von Männern dominierter Beruf
medical + the medical profession die Ärzteschaft
be in a/the minority + Men are in the minority in this profession. Männer sind in diesem Beruf in der Minderheit.
number + Nurses are leaving the profession in increasing numbers. Krankenschwestern und Krankenpfleger verlassen den Beruf zunehmend.
opinion + legal/medical/political opinion (= the beliefs of people working in the legal, etc. profession) juristisch/medizinisch/politische Meinung (= der Glaube von Menschen, die im juristischen, etc.
organized + organized crime (= committed by professional criminals working in large groups) organisierte Kriminalität (= von Berufsverbrechern, die in Großgruppen arbeiten)
for the most part + The contributors are, for the most part, professional scientists. Die Mitwirkenden sind zum größten Teil professionelle Wissenschaftler.
people + These garments are intended for professional sports people. Diese Bekleidung ist für Profisportler bestimmt.
personally + Have you had any dealings with any of the suspects, either personally or professionally? Hatten Sie mit einem der Verdächtigen persönlich oder beruflich zu tun?
philosophy + a professor of philosophy Professor der Philosophie
police + The profession is policed by its own regulatory body. Der Berufsstand wird von einer eigenen Aufsichtsbehörde überwacht.
politics + the internal politics of the legal profession die Innenpolitik der Anwaltschaft
profession + the medical/legal/teaching, etc. profession den Beruf des Arztes/Lehrers/Rechtsanwalts, etc.
profession + to enter/go into/join a profession in einen Beruf einzutreten/zu gehen/einsteigen
profession + the caring professions (= that involve looking after people) die Pflegeberufe (= die Pflegeberufe)
profession + He was an electrician by profession. Er war von Beruf Elektriker.
profession + She was at the very top of her profession. Sie war an der Spitze ihres Berufsstandes.
profession + The legal profession has/have always resisted change. Die Rechtsanwaltschaft hat sich dem Wandel stets widersetzt.
professional + professional qualifications/skills berufliche Qualifikationen/Fertigkeiten
professional + professional standards/practice Berufliche Standards/Praxis
professional + an opportunity for professional development eine Chance zur beruflichen Weiterentwicklung
professional + If it's a legal matter you need to seek professional advice. Wenn es sich um eine juristische Angelegenheit handelt, sollten Sie sich von einem Fachmann beraten lassen.
professional + You must not let your personal reactions interfere with your professional judgement. Sie dürfen nicht zulassen, dass Ihre persönlichen Reaktionen Ihr berufliches Urteilsvermögen beeinträchtigen.
professional + Most of the people on the course were professional women. Die meisten Teilnehmerinnen waren berufstätige Frauen.
professional + He dealt with the problem in a highly professional way. Er hat das Problem professionell gelöst.
professional + Many of the performers were very professional. Viele der Darsteller waren sehr professionell.
professional + professional conduct/misconduct professionelles Verhalten/Verhalten
professional + a professional golfer ein professioneller Golfspieler
professional + After he won the amateur championship he turned professional. Nachdem er die Amateurmeisterschaft gewonnen hatte, wurde er Profi.
professional + the world of professional football die Welt des Profifußballs
professional + the terms that doctors and other health professionals use die Begriffe, die Ärzte und andere Angehörige der Gesundheitsberufe verwenden
professional + You need a professional to sort out your finances. Sie brauchen einen Profi, der Ihre Finanzen in Ordnung bringt.
professional + a top golf professional ein Top-Golfprofi
professional + This was clearly a job for a real professional. Das war eindeutig ein Job für einen echten Profi.
professor + Professor (Ann) Williams Professor (Ann) Williams
professor + a chemistry professor Chemieprofessor
professor + to be appointed Professor of French at Cambridge Ernennung zum Professor für Französisch in Cambridge
professor + He was made (a) professor at the age of 40. Er wurde im Alter von 40 Jahren zum (a) Professor ernannt.
qualification + academic/educational/professional/vocational qualifications akademische/Bildungsabschlüsse/Berufsqualifikationen
realize + She never realized her ambition of becoming a professional singer. Ihr Ziel, professionelle Sängerin zu werden, hat sie nie verwirklicht.
receive + receive sth: Emergency cases will receive professional attention immediately. etw.[Akk] erhalten: Notfälle werden sofort professionell behandelt.
self + his private/professional self (= how he behaves at home/work) sein privates/professionelles Selbst (= wie er sich zu Hause/am Arbeitsplatz verhält)
serve + His linguistic ability served him well in his chosen profession. Seine sprachlichen Fähigkeiten dienten ihm in seinem Beruf als Wahlfach.
something + She's a professor of something or other (= I'm not sure what) at Leeds. Sie ist eine Professorin von irgendetwas (= ich bin mir nicht sicher was) in Leeds.
son + He's the son of an Oxford professor. Er ist der Sohn eines Professors aus Oxford.
speak + Professor Wilson was invited to speak about the results of his research. Professor Wilson wurde eingeladen, über die Ergebnisse seiner Forschung zu sprechen.
surprise + it surprises sb that...: It surprises me that you've never sung professionally. es überrascht mich, dass Sie noch nie professionell gesungen haben.
take + Her energy and talent took her to the top of her profession. Ihre Energie und ihr Talent brachten sie an die Spitze ihres Berufes.
teaching + the teaching profession den Lehrerberuf
thoroughly + a thoroughly professional performance eine durch und durch professionelle Aufführung
turn + He decided to turn professional. Er entschied sich, Profi zu werden.
video + a home video (= not a professional one) ein Heimvideo (= kein professionelles Video)

Mcc SentencesGbEng

Lesson 004. Introducing People. Nationalities and Occupations.
gong1zuo4 + work / profession /occupation
Lesson 040. Can You Fix It?
Wang2 shi1fu + (GP: name + Profession) Master Wang
Lesson 043. Chinese Traditional Art.
jia1 + (GP: jia1, names of professions)
10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng

il est entré dans la vie professionnelle voilà huit ans + he entered professional life eight years ago

c’est déjà plus qu’un métier, c’est une profession + it’s more than a job – it’s a profession

après consultation confidentielle des professeurs + after confidential consultation with the professors

vous faites honte à votre profession! + you’re a disgrace to your profession!

ma démarche est purement professionnelle + my interest is purely professional
Wordnet ChineseGb
Wordnet GermanGer
Wordnet EnglishEng
+ + + + 103 profess +
+ + + + 103 profess +
+ + + + 103 profess +
+ + + + 103 profess +
+ + + + 103 profess +
+ + + + 103 profess +
+ + + + 103 profess +
Wordnet FrenchFra
Wordnet SpanishSpa
Wordnet ItalianIta
Wordnet ThaiThai
Wordnet FinnishFin
Wordnet VietnameseVie
Wiktionary VietnameseVie