VNEN nồi * pot * 103

1 dian3 drop (of liquid)/ stain/ spot/ speck/ jot/ dot stroke (in Chinese characters)/ decimal point/ point/ mark (of degree or level)/ a place (with certain characteristics)/ iron bell/ o’clock/ a little/ a bit/ some/ (point) unit of measurement for type/ to tou
4 饺子 jiao3 zi5 dumpling/ pot-sticker/ CL:個|个[ge4];隻|只[zhi1]
4 zui3 mouth/ beak/ spout (of teapot etc)/ CL:張|张[zhang1];個|个[ge4]
4 dang1 to be/ to act as/ manage/ withstand/ when/ during/ ought/ should/ match equally/ equal/ same/ obstruct/ just at (a time or place)/ on the spot/ right/ just at
5 hu2 pot/ classifier for bottled liquid
5 土豆 tu3 dou4 potato/ CL:個|个[ge4]
5 pen2 basin/ flower pot/ unit of volume equal to 12 斗 and 8 升; approx 128 liters/ CL:個|个[ge4]
5 guo1 pot/ pan/ boiler/ CL:口[kou3];隻|只[zhi1]
5 名胜古迹 ming2 sheng4 gu3 ji4 historical sites and scenic spots
6 霸道 ba4 dao4 the Way of the Hegemon; abbr. of 霸王之道/ despotic rule/ rule by might/ evil as opposed to the Way of the King 王道/ overbearing/ tyranny/ (of liquor; medicine etc) strong/ potent
6 潜力 qian2 li4 potential/ capacity
6 xian2 bow string/ string of musical instrument/ watchspring/ chord (segment of curve)/ hypotenuse/ CL:根[gen1]
6 考察 kao3 cha2 to inspect/ to observe and study/ on-the-spot investigation
6 现场 xian4 chang3 lit. actual location/ the scene (of the incident)/ on-the-spot
6 仓库 cang1 ku4 depot/ storehouse/ warehouse
6 guan4 can/ jar/ pot
6 陶瓷 tao2 ci2 pottery and porcelain/ ceramics
6 淡水 dan4 shui3 potable water (water with low salt content)/ fresh water
6 当场 dang1 chang3 at the scene/ on the spot
6 假设 jia3 she4 suppose that.../ hypothesis/ conjecture
6 无能为力 wu2 neng2 wei2 li4 impotent (idiom)/ powerless/ helpless

11000 Common Composites

22000 Common Composites

39000 Common Composites

74000 Common Composites

2000VIET ấm trà teapot
2000VIET ấm cà phê coffee pot
2000VIET nồi pot

Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Die Bahn fährt nach Potsdam. The train goes to Potsdam. Xe lửa đi đến Potsdam.
die Kartoffel potato
Goethebuch GbThaiVieEngDeuSpaPorItalFraNie
021 0367
Shall I peel the potatoes?
021 0375
Are you cooking the soup in this pot?
032 0597
Would you like that with potatoes?
Glossika 9 GbThaiVieEngDeuItalFraSpaNiePin
A08 19 369
我 觉得 她 故意 刁难 我 。 + ฉันรู้สึกว่าเธอตั้งใจจะทำให้ฉันอยู่ตรงจุด + Tôi cảm thấy rằng cô ấy có mục đích đưa tôi vào vị trí. + I feel that she's purposely putting me on the spot. + Ich habe das Gefühl, dass sie mich absichtlich in Verlegenheit bringt. + Sento che mi sta mettendo intenzionalmente sul posto. + J'ai l'impression qu'elle me met délibérément dans le pétrin. + Siento que me está poniendo en un aprieto a propósito. + Ik heb het gevoel dat ze me bewust ter plaatse zet. + ( wǒ juéde· tā gùyì diāonán wǒ.)
A11 40 540
车站 那边 新开了 一间 麻辣火锅 , 你 吃过了吗 ? + มีร้านอาหารหม้อร้อนรสเผ็ดใหม่ที่สถานีคุณเคยลองไหม + Có một nhà hàng nóng cay nóng của nhà ga, bạn đã thử nó? + There's a new spicy hot pot restaurant by the station, have you tried it? + Es gibt ein neues scharfes Hot Pot Restaurant am Bahnhof, hast du es schon mal ausprobiert? + C' è un nuovo ristorante di pentola piccante dalla stazione, l' avete provato? + Il y a un nouveau restaurant épicé près de la gare, tu as essayé? + Hay un nuevo restaurante picante en la estación, ¿lo has probado? + Er is een nieuw pittig heet potrestaurant bij het station, heeft u het geprobeerd? + ( chēzhàn nàbiān xīnkāile· yìjiān málàhuǒguō, nǐ chīguòle· mā?)
C19 12 2912
请 把 这个 锅 装满 水 , 然后 放到 炉子上烧开 。 + กรุณาใส่หม้อนี้ใส่น้ำแล้วนำไปวางบนเตาให้เดือด + Làm ơn đổ nước vào ấm và cho nó vào lò để đun sôi. + Please fill this pot with water and put it on the stove to boil. + Bitte füllen Sie diesen Topf mit Wasser und stellen Sie ihn auf den Herd zum Kochen. + Riempire questa pentola con acqua e metterla sul fornello per far bollire. + Remplissez cette casserole d'eau et mettez-la sur la cuisinière pour la faire bouillir. + Por favor, llene esta olla con agua y póngala en la estufa a hervir. + Vul deze pan met water en zet hem op de kachel om te koken. + (qíng bǎ zhège· guō zhuāngmǎn shuǐ, ránhòu fàngdào lúzi·shàng shāokāi.)
C20 34 2984
我的 经理 在 我们的 新市场 营销企划案中 指出了 一个 潜在的 问题 。 + ผู้จัดการของฉันชี้ให้เห็นถึงปัญหาที่อาจเกิดขึ้นกับแผนการตลาดใหม่ของเรา + Giám đốc của tôi đã chỉ ra một vấn đề tiềm ẩn trong kế hoạch marketing mới của chúng tôi. + My manager pointed out a potential problem with our new marketing plan. + Mein Manager wies auf ein mögliches Problem mit unserem neuen Marketingplan hin. + Il mio manager ha sottolineato un potenziale problema con il nostro nuovo piano di marketing. + Mon directeur a signalé un problème potentiel avec notre nouveau plan de marketing. + Mi gerente señaló un problema potencial con nuestro nuevo plan de marketing. + Mijn manager wees op een mogelijk probleem met ons nieuwe marketingplan. + (wǒde· jīnglǐ zài wǒmen·de· xīnshìchǎng yíngxiāoqǐhuàànzhōng zhǐchūle· yīge· qiánzàide· wèntí.)
Làm ơn đổ nước vào ấm và cho nó vào lò để đun sôi. + Please fill this pot with water and put it on the stove to boil.
Giám đốc của tôi đã chỉ ra một vấn đề tiềm ẩn trong kế hoạch marketing mới của chúng tôi. + My manager pointed out a potential problem with our new marketing plan.

khoai tây + potato

Ngay tại chỗ + On the spot
potential khả năng +
potentially Có khả năng +
SNOT Shopping • household articles pot nồi +
SNOT Food and drink • types of food and drink potatoes khoai tây +
SNOT • types of food and drink sweet potato khoai lang +
Oxford 3000VieEng
nồi pot
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
5-3. Haushalt Exercise 5-3-1 Topf + pot +
5-3. Haushalt Exercise 5-3-1 Kanne + jug, pot +
7-1. Verkehr Exercise 7-1-7 Punkt + 1. period, 2. point, 3. dot, 4. full stop, 5. spot, 6. item +
8-1. Essen, Trinken Exercise 8-1-10 Kartoffel + potato +
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Exercise 4-2 Potsdam liegt bei Berlin.  + bei Potsdam is near Berlin.  Potsdam gần Berlin. +
Exercise 4-8 Ich mag keine Kartoffeln. Und du? – Ich schon.  + schon I don't like potatoes. And you? - I do.  Tôi không thích khoai tây. Còn bạn? - Tôi làm. +
Exercise 7-2 Zu Mittag esse ich am liebsten Fleisch und Kartoffeln.  + Mittag I prefer to eat meat and potatoes at lunch.  Tôi thích ăn thịt và khoai tây vào buổi trưa. +
Exercise 14-2 Ich hätte gern einen Sack Kartoffeln.  + Sack I'd like a sack of potatoes.  Tôi muốn một cái khoai tây. +
Exercise 14-7 Möchten Sie zum Fleisch Kartoffeln oder Klöße? – Klöße, bitte.  + Kloß Would you like potatoes or dumplings with the meat? Dumplings, please.  Bạn có muốn khoai tây hoặc bánh bao với thịt? Bánh bao, xin vui lòng. +
Exercise 15-1 Was bekommen Sie? – 5 kg Kartoffeln.  + bekommen* What do you get? 5 kg of potatoes.  Bạn được những gì? 5 kg khoai tây. +
Exercise 16-5 Die Kanne ist fast leer. Ich mache uns neuen Tee.  + leer The pot is almost empty. I'll make us some new tea.  Cái nồi gần như trống rỗng. Tôi sẽ làm cho chúng ta một số trà mới. +
Exercise 18-8 Kann ich bitte noch Kartoffeln bekommen?  + Kartoffel Can I get some more potatoes, please?  Tôi có thể lấy thêm một ít khoai tây không? +
Exercise 18-8 Die Kartoffeln wurden gekocht.  + Kartoffel The potatoes were boiled.  Khoai tây đã được luộc. +
Exercise 19-1 Hast du keinen größeren Topf? Ich möchte Kartoffeln kochen.  + Topf Don't you have a bigger pot? I want to make potatoes.  Bạn không có một cái nồi lớn hơn? Tôi muốn làm khoai tây. +
Exercise 19-1 Sie kochte die Kartoffeln in einem großen Topf.  + Topf She cooked the potatoes in a large pot.  Cô nấu khoai tây trong một nồi lớn. +
Exercise 19-1 Jeder Topf findet seinen Deckel. + Topf Every pot finds its lid. Mỗi nồi thấy nắp của nó. +
Exercise 20-3 Bitte ein Schnitzel mit Kartoffeln und Salat.  + Schnitzel A schnitzel with potatoes and salad, please.  Một schnitzel với khoai tây và salad, xin vui lòng. +
Exercise 30-2 Das ist aber eine schöne Teekanne. – Ja, die ist aus China.  + Kanne That's a nice teapot. Yes, it's from China.  Đó là một ấm trà tốt. Vâng, nó đến từ Trung Quốc. +
Exercise 30-2 Sie machte eine Kanne Tee für ihre Gäste.  + Kanne She made a pot of tea for her guests.  Cô làm một chậu trà cho khách của mình. +
Exercise 30-5 Sie setzte den Topf auf den Herd.  + setzen She put the pot on the stove.  Cô đặt nồi lên bếp. +
Exercise 35-5 Kannst du mal den Topf abheben?  + abheben* Can you take the pot off?  Bạn có thể lấy nồi ra không? +
Exercise 35-9 Die Kartoffeln sind noch nicht gar.  + gar The potatoes aren't cooked yet.  Khoai tây không được nấu chín. +
Exercise 37-7 Das scheint seine schwache Stelle zu sein.  + schwach That seems to be his weak spot.  Đó có vẻ là điểm yếu của anh ấy. +
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng

Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode
pot A Kitchen 16
pot Kitchen Utensils 6
+ + + + 103 Household Kochtopf + (cooking) pot + Kitchenware A
+ + + + 103 Household Kanne + pot, jug, pitcher + Kitchenware A
+ + + + 103 Household Kaffekanne + coffee pot + Kitchenware A
+ + + + 103 Household Salzstreuer + salt pot + Kitchenware B
+ + + + 103 Household Kartoffelstampfer + potato masher + Kitchenware B
+ + + + 103 Gardens Pflanzentisch + potting table, bench + Garden parts and features B
+ + + + 103 Gardens etw umpflanzen + to transplant/repot sth + Gardening C
+ + + + 103 The animal world Nilpferd + hippopotamus + Mammals A
+ + + + 103 Physical appearance dickbäuchig + paunchy, pot-bellied + Build A
+ + + + 103 Clothes, accessories and grooming Fleck + stain, spot + Care and cleaning A
+ + + + 103 Food and drink Kartoffel + potato + Vegetables A
+ + + + 103 Food and drink Erdapfel + potato + Vegetables A
+ + + + 103 Food and drink Bratkartoffeln + fried potatoes + Vegetables B
+ + + + 103 Food and drink Geröstete + fried potatoes + Vegetables B
+ + + + 103 Food and drink Rösti + fried potatoes + Vegetables B
+ + + + 103 Food and drink Kartoffelbrei + mashed potatoes + Vegetables B
+ + + + 103 Food and drink Kartoffelmus + mashed potatoes + Vegetables B
+ + + + 103 Food and drink Salzkartoffeln + boiled potatoes + Vegetables B
+ + + + 103 Food and drink Pellkartoffel + potato cooked in its skin/jacket + Vegetables B
+ + + + 103 Food and drink in der Schale gebackene Kartoffel + baked/jacket potato + Vegetables B
+ + + + 103 Food and drink Kartoffelkloß + potato dumpling + Vegetables B
+ + + + 103 Food and drink Kartoffelknödel + potato dumpling + Vegetables B
+ + + + 103 Food and drink Kartoffelchips + potato crisps + Vegetables B
+ + + + 103 Food and drink Süßkartoffel + sweet potato + Vegetables C
+ + + + 103 Colour and light bunt + coloured, colourful, multicoloured, spotted + Colours A
+ + + + 103 Colour and light gefleckt + spotted, speckled, dappled + Colours A
+ + + + 103 Colour and light scheckig + spotted, gaudy, blotchy, patchy, dappled [horse] + Colours C
+ + + + 103 Colour and light buntscheckig + spotted, dappled [horse] + Colours C
+ + + + 103 Colour and light getüpfelt + spotted, dotted + Colours C
+ + + + 103 Shapes and patterns Punkt + point, spot, dot + Shapes and lines A
+ + + + 103 Shapes and patterns gepunktet + spotted, polka-dot + Patterns A
+ + + + 103 Shapes and patterns gefleckt + spotted + Patterns B
+ + + + 103 Shapes and patterns gescheckt + spotted [animal] + Patterns B
+ + + + 103 Containers Blumentopf + flower pot + Dishes and pots A
+ + + + 103 Containers Nachttopf + chamber pot + Dishes and pots A
+ + + + 103 Visual and performing arts Scheinwerfer + spotlight + Theatre C
+ + + + 103 Media and popular culture Lokalberichterstatter (in) + spot reporter + Print media B
+ + + + 103 Media and popular culture Stubenhocker + couch potato + Audiovisual media B
+ + + + 103 Literature and literary criticism Hypotaxe + hypotaxis + Style C
+ + + + 103 Literature and literary criticism hypotaktisch + hypotactic + Style C
+ + + + 103 Leisure Töpferei + pottery + Hobbies B
+ + + + 103 Leisure Töpfer(in) + potter + Hobbies B
+ + + + 103 Science Hypothese + hypothesis + General B
+ + + + 103 Science Sonnenfleck + sunspot + Space science B
+ + + + 103 Industry Töpferei + pottery + Premises and production B
+ + + + 103 Employment Töpfer(in) + potter + Jobs, trades and professions B
+ + + + 103 Politics and international relations Despotismus + despotism + Political systems and ideologies C

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
B 土豆 + * * tu3dou4 potato Kartoffel +
B 名勝 + * * ming2sheng4 famous place/ scenic spot Szenischer Punkt +
B + * * hu2 pot 1. Kanne, Krug, Kessel, 2. Flasche +
B + * * pen2 basin/ tub/ pot Becken, Wanne, Topf +
C 難題 + * * nan2ti2 difficult problem/ tough question/ hot potato schwierige Problem, knifflige Frage +
C 潔白 + * * jie2bai2 pure white/ spotlessly white fleckenlos, weiß +
C + * * gang1 jar/ vat/ big container made of pottery; porcelain; etc. Tongefäß +
C + * * guan4 pot/ jar/ pitcher/ jug Büchse, Dose, Topf, Krug +
C 電壓 + * * dian4ya1 voltage/ electric potential difference Spannung +
D 大鍋飯 + * * da4guo1 fan4 meal in a big public pot Kantinenessen +
D 專制 + * * zhuan1zhi4 despotism/ autarchy Autokratie +
D 擔保 + * * dan1bao3 assure/ hypothecate für jn,etwas bürgen +
D 少量 + * * shao3liang4 a little/ a few/ a spot of eine kleine Menge, wenig +
D 馬鈴薯 + * * ma3ling2shu3 potato Kartoffel +
D 就地 + * * jiu4di4 on the spot auf der Stelle, an Ort und Stelle +
D 潛力 + * * qian2li4 potential Potential +
D 當場 + * * dang1chang3 on the spot an Ort und Stelle +
D 庫房 + * * ku4fang2 depot/ storeroom Lagerraum +
Oxford 32000GlossEngDeu
boil + She put some potatoes on to boil. Sie hat Kartoffeln aufkochen lassen.
brain + Teachers spotted that he had a good brain at an early age. Die Lehrer sahen, dass er schon früh ein gutes Gehirn hatte.
carry on (with sth), carry sth on + carry doing sth: He carried on peeling the potatoes. weiter etw. tun: Er schälte die Kartoffeln weiter.
chip + All main courses are served with chips or baked potato. Alle Hauptgerichte werden mit Pommes Frites oder Ofenkartoffel serviert.
class + I've been taking classes in pottery. Ich habe Töpferkurse besucht.
clean + The hotel was spotlessly (= extremely) clean. Das Hotel war makellos (= extrem) sauber.
consider + The company is being actively considered as a potential partner (= it is thought possible that it could become one). Das Unternehmen wird aktiv als potenzieller Partner betrachtet (= es ist möglich, dass es zu einem möglichen Partner wird).
cost + Opinion was divided on the potential costs and benefits of the scheme. Die Meinungen über die potenziellen Kosten und Nutzen der Regelung gingen auseinander.
distribution + Electronic media make the potential for information distribution possible on a scale never before achieved. Elektronische Medien ermöglichen das Potenzial der Informationsverbreitung in einer nie zuvor erreichten Größenordnung.
early + early potatoes (= that are ready to eat at the beginning of the season) Frühkartoffeln (= die zu Saisonbeginn verzehrfertig sind)
eat up, eat sth up + Come on. Eat up your potatoes. Komm schon. Iss deine Kartoffeln auf.
full + Many people don't use their computers to their full potential. Viele Menschen nutzen ihren Computer nicht voll aus.
harmful + Many household products are potentially harmful. Viele Haushaltsprodukte sind potenziell schädlich.
high + a high potassium content hoher Kaliumgehalt
huge + The sums of money involved are potentially huge. Die Summen, um die es dabei geht, sind potenziell riesig.
immediate + The effects of global warming, while not immediate, are potentially catastrophic. Die Auswirkungen der globalen Erwärmung sind zwar nicht unmittelbar, aber potenziell katastrophal.
informal + The aim of the trip was to make informal contact with potential customers. Ziel der Reise war es, informelle Kontakte mit potenziellen Kunden zu knüpfen.
level + Archaeologists found pottery in the lowest level of the site. Archäologen fanden Töpferwaren in der untersten Ebene des Geländes.
light + The stage was lit by bright spotlights. Die Bühne wurde mit hellen Scheinwerfern beleuchtet.
loose + The potatoes were sold loose, not in bags. Die Kartoffeln wurden lose verkauft, nicht in Säcken.
lucky + lucky (that...): You were lucky (that) you spotted the danger in time. Glück (das...): Du hattest Glück (das), dass du die Gefahr rechtzeitig erkannt hast.
machine + The potatoes are planted by machine. Die Kartoffeln werden maschinell gepflanzt.
magic + a magic spell/charm/potion/trick einen Zauber/Zauberspruch/Zauber/Trank/trick
mark + The cross marks the spot where the body was found. Das Kreuz markiert den Fundort der Leiche.
new + new potatoes (= ones dug from the soil early in the season) neue Kartoffeln (= Kartoffeln, die zu Beginn der Saison aus dem Boden gegraben werden)
of + 2 kilos of potatoes 2 Kilo Kartoffeln
pack + The pottery was packed in boxes and shipped to the US. Die Keramik wurde in Kisten verpackt und in die USA verschifft.
pan + pots and pans Töpfe und Pfannen
plant + a tomato/potato plant eine Tomaten-Kartoffel-Pflanze
point + He pointed to the spot where the house used to stand. Er zeigte auf die Stelle, wo das Haus stand.
pot + a pot of jam eine Kanne Marmelade
pot + a yogurt pot ein Joghurtbecher
pot + a coffee pot eine Kaffeekanne
pot + a pepper pot ein Pfefferstreuer
pot + a teapot eine Teekanne
pot + Is there any more tea in the pot? Ist noch Tee in der Kanne?
pot + They drank a pot of coffee. Sie tranken eine Kanne Kaffee.
pot + pots and pans Töpfe und Pfannen
potato + Will you peel the potatoes for me? Wirst du die Kartoffeln für mich schälen?
potato + roast/boiled/baked/fried potatoes Brat-/Brat-/Backkartoffeln
potential + potential customers potentielle Kunden
potential + a potential source of conflict eine potenzielle Konfliktquelle
potential + the potential benefits of European integration die potenziellen Vorteile der europäischen Integration
potential + a potential prime minister ein potenzieller Premierminister
potential + First we need to identify actual and potential problems. Zunächst müssen wir die tatsächlichen und potenziellen Probleme identifizieren.
potentially + a potentially dangerous situation eine potenziell gefährliche Situation
potential + potential (for): the potential for change potential (for): das Potential für Veränderungen
potential + potential (for doing sth): The European marketplace offers excellent potential for increasing sales. Potenzial (für etw.): Der europäische Markt bietet hervorragende Möglichkeiten zur Umsatzsteigerung.
potential + All children should be encouraged to realize their full potential. Alle Kinder sollen ermutigt werden, ihr volles Potenzial auszuschöpfen.
potential + She has great potential as an artist. Sie hat ein großes Potential als Künstlerin.
potential + He has the potential to become a world-class musician. Er hat das Potenzial, ein Weltklasse-Musiker zu werden.
potential + The house has a lot of potential. Das Haus hat viel Potenzial.
realize + We try to help all students realize their full potential (= be as successful as they are able to be). Wir versuchen allen Schülern dabei zu helfen, ihr volles Potential auszuschöpfen (= so erfolgreich zu sein, wie sie es können).
recognition + a growing recognition that older people have potential too eine wachsende Erkenntnis, dass auch ältere Menschen Potenzial haben
sack + They got through a sack of potatoes. Sie haben einen Sack Kartoffeln durchgestanden.
salad + potato salad Kartoffelsalat
say no (to sth) + If you don't invest in this, you're saying no to a potential fortune. Wenn Sie nicht investieren, sagen Sie nein zu einem möglichen Vermögen.
seed + seed potatoes (= used for planting) Pflanzkartoffeln (= Pflanzkartoffeln)
serve + serve sth with sth: Serve the lamb with new potatoes and green beans. etw.[Akk] mit etw.[Dat] servieren: Das Lamm mit neuen Kartoffeln und grünen Bohnen servieren.
shine + Campaigners are shining a spotlight on the world's diminishing natural resources. Kampagnenmacher rücken die weltweit knapper werdenden natürlichen Ressourcen in den Mittelpunkt des Interesses.
spot + a quiet/secluded/lonely, etc. spot einen ruhigen/sekludierten/einzelnen Platz, etc.
spot + He showed me the exact spot where he had asked her to marry him. Er zeigte mir genau die Stelle, wo er sie gebeten hatte, ihn zu heiraten.
spot + She stood rooted to the spot with fear (= unable to move). Sie stand mit Furcht (=Bewegungsunfähigkeit) auf der Stelle.
spot + a tourist spot ein Touristenort
spot + This is a favourite spot for walkers and climbers. Für Wanderer und Kletterer ist dies ein beliebter Ort.
spot + Which has spots, the leopard or the tiger? Welche Flecken hat der Leopard oder der Tiger?
spot + The male bird has a red spot on its beak. Der männliche Vogel hat einen roten Fleck auf seinem Schnabel.
spot + She was wearing a black skirt with white spots. Sie trug einen schwarzen Rock mit weißen Flecken.
spot + His jacket was covered with spots of mud. Seine Jacke war mit Schlammpunkten bedeckt.
spot + rust spots Rostflecken
spot + The baby's whole body was covered in small red spots. Der ganze Körper des Babys war mit kleinen roten Flecken bedeckt.
spot + teenagers worried about their spots Teenager sorgen sich um ihre Flecken
tea + a cup/mug/pot of tea eine Tasse/Tasse/Tasse/Tee
typical + This is a typical example of Roman pottery. Dies ist ein typisches Beispiel römischer Keramik.
weak + He knew her weak spot where Steve was concerned. Er kannte ihre Schwachstelle, wo Steve betroffen war.
weakness + Can you spot the weakness in her argument? Kannst du die Schwäche in ihrem Argument erkennen?

Mcc SentencesGbEng
1117 很多 铁锅 + There are many iron pots and pans in my home.
1848 这里 韩国 著名 景点 之一 + This is one of Korea's famous scenic spots.
1954 土豆 + I like mashed potatoes.
2075 + She's carrying a pot of soup.
2189 妈妈 花苗 挪到 花盆 + Mom moved the flower seedling to a big flowerpot.
2217 制作 陶器 + She's making pottery.
2727 弟弟 花盆 + Younger brother is standing in the flowerpot.
2918 这里 + Here is a pot of tea.
3348 红薯 新鲜 + The sweet potatoes are fresh.
3349 每天 马铃薯 + I eat potatoes every day.
3779 叉子 土豆 + Stick the fork into the potato.
3782 一把 勺子 马铃薯 糊状 + He mashed up the potatoes with a spoon.

我家里有很多铁锅。 Wǒ jiā lǐ yǒu hěn duō tiě guō. There are many iron pots and pans in my home. Es gibt viele eiserne Töpfe und Pfannen in meinem Haus.
这里是韩国的著名景点之一。 Zhèlǐ shì Hánguó de zhùmíng jǐngdiǎn zhīyī. This is one of Korea's famous scenic spots. Dies ist einer der berühmtesten Orte Koreas.
我爱吃土豆泥。 Wǒ ài chī tǔdòu 【◎Fix:◎ní;◎nì】. I like mashed potatoes. Ich mag Kartoffelpüree.
她端着一锅汤。 Tā duānzhe yī guō tāng. She's carrying a pot of soup. Sie hat einen Topf Suppe dabei.
妈妈把花苗挪到大花盆里。 Māma bǎ huā miáo nuó dào dà huāpén lǐ. Mom moved the flower seedling to a big flowerpot. Mama verlegte den Blumensetzling in einen großen Blumentopf.
她在制作陶器。 Tā zài zhìzuò táoqì. She's making pottery. Sie macht Keramik.
弟弟站在花盆里。 Dìdi zhàn zài huāpén lǐ. Younger brother is standing in the flowerpot. Jüngerer Bruder steht im Blumentopf.
这里有一壶茶。 Zhèlǐ yǒu yī hú chá. Here is a pot of tea. Hier ist eine Kanne Tee.
红薯很新鲜。 Hóngshǔ hěn xīnxiān. The sweet potatoes are fresh. Die Süßkartoffeln sind frisch.
我每天都吃马铃薯。 Wǒ měitiān dōu chī mǎlíngshǔ. I eat potatoes every day. Ich esse jeden Tag Kartoffeln.
Lesson 029. Buying Food in a Supermarket.
tu3dou4 + potatoes
Lesson 029. Buying Food in a Supermarket.
ma3ling2shu3 + potatoes (TW)
10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng

personne ne dépasse son potentiel + no one exceeds his potential

cette hypothèse était tellement invraisem- blable + this hypothesis was so unlikely

elle a vraiment un bon potentiel! + she really has great potential!

cette idée diffère sensiblement d’une hypothèse concurrente + this idea differs noticeably from a current hypothesis

j’ai arrêté de vendre du pot puis de la coke + I stopped selling pot, then coke
03990474-n pot
Wordnet ChineseGb
Wordnet GermanGer
Wordnet EnglishEng
+ + + + 103 pot +
+ + + + 103 pot +
+ + + + 103 pot +
+ + + + 103 pot +
+ + + + 103 pot +
+ + + + 103 pot +
+ + + + 103 pot +
+ + + + 103 pot +
+ + + + 103 pot +
+ + + + 103 pot +
Wordnet FrenchFra
Wordnet SpanishSpa
Wordnet ItalianIta
Wordnet ThaiThai
Wordnet FinnishFin
Wordnet VietnameseVie
Wiktionary VietnameseVie
pot nồi + +