11000 Common Composites

22000 Common Composites

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74000 Common Composites

2000VIET cảnh sát police officer

Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Goethebuch GbThaiVieEngDeuSpaPorItalFraNie
Glossika 9 GbThaiVieEngDeuItalFraSpaNiePin
B18 29 1879
我的 一个 朋友 被 逮捕了 。 据称 他 袭警 。 + เพื่อนของฉันถูกจับกุม มันถูกกล่าวหาว่าเขาโดนเจ้าหน้าที่ตำรวจ + Một người bạn của tôi mới bị bắt. Người ta buộc tội anh ấy đánh một cảnh sát. + A friend of mine has been arrested. It's alleged that he hit a police officer. + Ein Freund von mir wurde verhaftet. Es wird behauptet, dass er einen Polizisten geschlagen hat. + Un mio amico è stato arrestato. Si presume che abbia colpito un ufficiale di polizia. + Un de mes amis a été arrêté. Il aurait frappé un policier. + Un amigo mío ha sido arrestado. Se alega que golpeó a un oficial de policía. + Een vriend van mij is gearresteerd. Het is beweerd dat hij een politieagent sloeg. + (wǒde· yīge· péngyǒu bèi dáibǔle·. jùchēng tā xíjǐng.)
B18 32 1882
听说 爱弥儿 打了 警察 , 但 我 不相信。 + Emil ควรจะโดนเจ้าหน้าที่ตำรวจ แต่ฉันไม่เชื่อ + Emil bị cho là đã đánh một cảnh sát nhưng tôi không tin. + Emil is supposed to have hit a police officer but I don't believe it. + Emil soll einen Polizisten geschlagen haben, aber ich glaube es nicht. + Emil dovrebbe aver colpito un poliziotto, ma non credo. + Emil est censé avoir frappé un policier, mais je n' y crois pas. + Emil debería haber golpeado a un oficial de policía, pero no puedo creerlo. + Emil wordt verondersteld een politieagent te hebben geraakt, maar ik geloof het niet. + (tīngshuō àimír dǎle· jǐngchá, dàn wǒ bùxiāngxìn.)
C11 34 2534
卡米拉 给 我 看了 她 儿子的 照片 , 他 是个警察 。 + Camila แสดงภาพของลูกชายของเธอซึ่งเป็นเจ้าหน้าที่ตำรวจ + Camilia đưa tôi bức ảnh của con cô ấy, người đang là cảnh sát. + Camila showed me a picture of her son, who is a police officer. + Camila zeigte mir ein Foto ihres Sohnes, der Polizist ist. + Camila mi ha mostrato una foto di suo figlio, che è un poliziotto. + Camila m' a montré une photo de son fils, qui est policier. + Camila me mostró una foto de su hijo, que es policía. + Camila liet mij een foto zien van haar zoon, die politieagent is. + (kámǐlā géi wǒ kànle· tā érzi·de· zhàopiàn, tā shìge· jǐngchá.)
C20 15 2965
不要 和 警察 争辩 , 否则 最后 你 会 被 逮捕 。 + อย่าโต้เถียงกับเจ้าหน้าที่ตำรวจหรือคุณเพิ่งถูกจับ + Đừng cãi nhau với cảnh sát nếu không kết quả chỉ là cậu sẽ bị bắt thôi. + Don't argue with the police officer or you'll just end up getting arrested. + Diskutieren Sie nicht mit dem Polizisten, sonst werden Sie verhaftet. + Non litigare con l' agente di polizia o si finirà solo per essere arrestato. + Ne discutez pas avec le policier ou vous finirez par vous faire arrêter. + No discuta con el oficial de policía o acabará siendo arrestado. + Probeer niet te ruziën met de politieagent of je wordt gewoon gearresteerd. + ( búyào hé jǐngchá zhēngbiàn, fǒuzé zuìhòu nǐ huì bèi dáibǔ.)
Một người bạn của tôi mới bị bắt. Người ta buộc tội anh ấy đánh một cảnh sát. + A friend of mine has been arrested. It's alleged that he hit a police officer.
Emil bị cho là đã đánh một cảnh sát nhưng tôi không tin. + Emil is supposed to have hit a police officer but I don't believe it.
Camilia đưa tôi bức ảnh của con cô ấy, người đang là cảnh sát. + Camila showed me a picture of her son, who is a police officer.
Đừng cãi nhau với cảnh sát nếu không kết quả chỉ là cậu sẽ bị bắt thôi. + Don't argue with the police officer or you'll just end up getting arrested.
Oxford 3000VieEng
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Exercise 22-2 Er ist Beamter bei der Polizei.  + Beamte He's a police officer.  Anh ấy là sĩ quan cảnh sát. +
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng

Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode
police officer The Legal System 1
police officer Jobs and Occupations H-P 48
+ + + + 103 Employment Polizist(in) + police officer + Jobs, trades and professions A
+ + + + 103 Employment Verkehrspolizist(in) + traffic police officer + Jobs, trades and professions B
+ + + + 103 Law Polizist(in) (in Zivil) + (plain-clothes) police officer + Police and investigation A

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
Oxford 32000GlossEngDeu
arms + Police officers in the UK do not usually carry arms. Polizeibeamte in Großbritannien tragen in der Regel keine Waffen.
blow up + A police officer was killed when his car blew up. Ein Polizist wurde getötet, als sein Auto explodierte.
click + The police officer clicked a pair of handcuffs around his wrists. Der Polizeibeamte klickte sich ein Paar Handschellen um die Handgelenke.
direct + A police officer was directing the traffic. Ein Polizist leitete den Verkehr.
form + Help arrived in the form of two police officers. Hilfe kam in Form von zwei Polizisten.
freeze + The police officer shouted 'Freeze!' and the man dropped the gun. Der Polizist rief:"Keine Bewegung!" und der Mann ließ die Waffe fallen.
gun + Should police officers carry guns? Sollen Polizisten Waffen tragen?
gun + The police officers drew their guns (= took them out so they were ready to use). Die Polizisten zogen ihre Waffen (= holten sie raus, damit sie einsatzbereit waren).
note sth down + The police officer noted down details of the burglary. Der Polizeibeamte notierte Details des Einbruchs.
prepared + The police officer read out a prepared statement. Der Polizeibeamte las eine vorbereitete Erklärung vor.
punch + Hill threw a punch at the police officer. Hill hat einen Schlag auf den Polizisten geworfen.
security + The visit took place amidst tight security (= the use of many police officers). Der Besuch fand inmitten einer engen Sicherheitslage statt (= Einsatz vieler Polizisten).
take + The police officer took my name and address. Der Polizist nahm meinen Namen und meine Adresse an.
the unexpected + Police officers must be prepared for the unexpected. Polizeibeamte müssen auf Unvorhergesehenes vorbereitet sein.
van + a police van (= for carrying police officers or prisoners) einen Polizeiwagen (= für die Beförderung von Polizeibeamten oder Häftlingen)

Mcc SentencesGbEng
3021 警官 犯人 + The police officer is escorting the prisoner.
3277 警官 训练 警犬 + The police officer is training the police dog.

警官押着犯人。 Jǐngguān yāzhe fànrén. The police officer is escorting the prisoner. Der Polizeibeamte eskortiert den Gefangenen.
警官在训练警犬。 Jǐngguān zài xùnliàn jǐngquǎn. The police officer is training the police dog. Der Polizist trainiert den Polizeihund.
10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng
Wordnet ChineseGb
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Wordnet EnglishEng
+ + + + 103 police officer +
Wordnet FrenchFra
Wordnet SpanishSpa
Wordnet ItalianIta
Wordnet ThaiThai
Wordnet FinnishFin
Wordnet VietnameseVie
Wiktionary VietnameseVie
police officer cảnh sát + +