VNEN dương cầm * piano * 103 VNEN pi a nô * piano * 103

4 弹钢琴 tan2 gang1 qin2 play the piano

11000 Common Composites

22000 Common Composites

39000 Common Composites

74000 Common Composites

2000VIET đàn piano piano

Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Goethebuch GbThaiVieEngDeuSpaPorItalFraNie
100 1955
I can neither play the piano nor the guitar.
Glossika 9 GbThaiVieEngDeuItalFraSpaNiePin
B08 31 1381
我 会 弹 钢琴 。 我弟弟 也 会 弹 钢琴 。 + ฉันสามารถเล่นเปียนโนได้. พี่ชายของฉันสามารถเล่นเปียโนได้เช่นกัน + + I can play the piano. My brother can play the piano, too. + Ich kann Klavier spielen. Mein Bruder kann auch Klavier spielen. + Posso suonare il pianoforte. Mio fratello può suonare anche il pianoforte. + Je peux jouer du piano. Mon frère peut aussi jouer du piano. + Puedo tocar el piano. Mi hermano también sabe tocar el piano. + Ik kan piano spelen. Mijn broer kan ook piano spelen. + ( wǒ huì tán gāngqín. wǒdìdì yě huì tán gāngqín.)
B16 31 1781
我姐姐 会 弹 钢琴 , 但 我 不会 。 + น้องสาวของฉันสามารถเล่นเปียโน แต่ฉันไม่สามารถ + Em gái tôi biết chơi dương cầm nhưng tôi không biết. + My sister can play the piano, but I can't. + Meine Schwester kann Klavier spielen, aber ich nicht. + Mia sorella può suonare il pianoforte, ma non riesco. + Ma sœur sait jouer du piano, mais pas moi. + Mi hermana sabe tocar el piano, pero yo no. + Mijn zus kan piano spelen, maar dat kan ik niet. + ( wójiějiē huì tán gāngqín, dàn wǒ búhuì.)
B18 20 1870
你 会 弹 钢琴 , 对 吧 ? — 嗯 , 但 我 弹得 不太好 。 + คุณสามารถเล่นเปียโนได้หรือไม่? - ใช่ แต่ฉันไม่ค่อยดี + Cậu biết chơi dương cầm phải không? - Đúng, nhưng tôi không giỏi lắm. + You can play the piano, can't you? — Yes, but I'm not very good. + Du kannst Klavier spielen, nicht wahr? Ja, aber ich bin nicht sehr gut. + Si può suonare il pianoforte, non è possibile? Sì, ma non sono molto buono. + Tu peux jouer du piano, n'est-ce pas? Oui, mais je ne suis pas très bon. + Puedes tocar el piano, ¿verdad? Sí, pero no soy muy bueno. + Je kunt piano spelen, nietwaar? Ja, maar ik ben niet erg goed. + ( nǐ huì tán gāngqín, duì ba·? — ń, dàn wǒ tánde· bútàihǎo.)
C01 3 2003
我 不是 自己 搬的 这架 钢琴 , 有人 帮 我搬的 。 + ฉันไม่ได้ย้ายเปียโนด้วยตัวเอง ฉันมีใครช่วยฉัน + Tôi không tự chuyển cái đàn dương cầm. Tôi đã nhờ người khác giúp. + I didn't move the piano by myself. I got somebody to help me. + Ich habe das Klavier nicht alleine bewegt. Ich habe jemanden, der mir hilft. + Non ho mosso il pianoforte da solo. Ho avuto qualcuno per aiutarmi. + Je n'ai pas déplacé le piano tout seul. J'ai quelqu'un pour m'aider. + No moví el piano yo solo. Tengo a alguien que me ayude. + Ik heb de piano niet alleen bewogen. Ik kreeg iemand om me te helpen. + (wǒ búshì zìjǐ bānde· zhèjià gāngqín, yǒurén bāng wǒ bānde·.)
Anh ấy đang không chơi dương cầm. + He's not playing the piano.
Anh ấy chơi dương cầm. + He plays the piano.
Tôi chơi dương cầm không giỏi lắm. + I don't play the piano very well.
Cô ấy chơi dương cầm không giỏi lắm. + She doesn't play the piano very well.
Cậu có chơi dương cầm không? - Không. + Do you play the piano? — No, I don't.
Nadya từng có một cây dương cầm, nhưng cô ấy đã bán nó cách giá vài năm. + Nadya used to have a piano, but she sold it a few years ago.
Ichirou đã chơi đàn từ khi anh ấy bảy tuổi + Ichirou's played the piano since he was seven (7) years old.
+ I can play the piano. My brother can play the piano, too.
Em gái tôi biết chơi dương cầm nhưng tôi không biết. + My sister can play the piano, but I can't.
Cậu biết chơi dương cầm phải không? - Đúng, nhưng tôi không giỏi lắm. + You can play the piano, can't you? — Yes, but I'm not very good.
Tôi không tự chuyển cái đàn dương cầm. Tôi đã nhờ người khác giúp. + I didn't move the piano by myself. I got somebody to help me.
SNOT Free time, entertainment • cinema/theatre flute, piano, violin, guitar +
Oxford 3000VieEng
dương cầm piano
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
14-3. Unterhaltung, Kultur Exercise 14-3-5 Klavier + piano +
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Exercise 26-8 Mit 15 wollte ich gerne Klavier spielen lernen. Aber damals hatte ich kein Geld dafür.  + damals When I was 15, I wanted to learn to play the piano. But back then, I didn't have the money.  Khi tôi 15 tuổi, tôi muốn học piano. Nhưng trước đó, tôi không có tiền. +
Exercise 31-2 Ich spiele Klavier. Spielen Sie auch ein Musikinstrument?  + Instrument I play the piano. Do you also play a musical instrument?  Tôi chơi piano. Bạn có chơi nhạc cụ không? +
Exercise 36-6 Meine Tochter möchte Klavier spielen lernen.  + Klavier My daughter wants to learn to play the piano.  Con gái tôi muốn học piano. +
Exercise 36-6 Sie spielt sehr gut Klavier. + Klavier She plays the piano very well. Cô ấy chơi piano rất tốt. +
Exercise 42-3 Er begleitet die Sängerin auf dem Klavier. + begleiten He accompanies the singer on the piano. Anh ấy đi cùng với ca sĩ trên cây đàn piano. +
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng

Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode
piano Music 14
+ + + + 103 Visual and performing arts Klavier + piano + Music A
+ + + + 103 Visual and performing arts Klavierspieler(in) + piano player, pianist + Music A
+ + + + 103 Visual and performing arts Flügel + grand piano + Music A
+ + + + 103 Visual and performing arts Klavierstunde + piano lesson + Music B
+ + + + 103 Visual and performing arts Klavierunterricht + piano lessons, piano instruction + Music B
+ + + + 103 Visual and performing arts Klavierstimmer(in) + piano tuner + Music B

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
D 鋼琴 + * * gang1qin2 piano Klavier,Piano +
Oxford 32000GlossEngDeu
age + He started playing the piano at an early age. Schon früh begann er Klavier zu spielen.
background + A piano tinkled gently in the background. Im Hintergrund klingelte ein Klavier sanft.
early + He learnt to play the piano at an early age. Schon früh lernte er Klavierspielen.
exercise + exercises for the piano Klavierübungen
feeling + He played the piano with great feeling. Er spielte Klavier mit viel Gefühl.
get + We couldn't get the piano through the door. Wir konnten das Klavier nicht durch die Tür bekommen.
gift + She can pick up a tune instantly on the piano. It's a gift. Sie kann eine Melodie sofort am Klavier aufnehmen. Es ist ein Geschenk.
go + Where do you want the piano to go (= be put)? Wohin soll das Klavier gehen (= gestellt werden)?
good + The piano was in good condition. Das Klavier war in gutem Zustand.
lesson + She gives piano lessons. Sie gibt Klavierunterricht.
music + The music was still open on the piano (= the paper or book with the musical notes on it). Die Musik war noch auf dem Klavier zu hören (= das Papier oder Buch mit den Noten darauf).
piano + to play the piano um Klavier zu spielen
piano + playing jazz on the piano Jazz am Klavier spielen
piano + piano music Klaviermusik
piano + a piano teacher/lesson ein Klavierlehrer/Stunde
piano + Ravel's piano concerto in G Ravels Klavierkonzert in G
piano + a sonata for violin and piano eine Sonate für Violine und Klavier
piano + Alison Evans provided piano accompaniment. Alison Evans sorgte für Klavierbegleitung.
play + play (sth): to play the piano/violin/flute, etc. spielen (etw.): Klavier/Violine/Flöte etc. spielen
practice + She does an hour's piano practice every day. Sie übt täglich eine Stunde Klavierunterricht.
practice + to practice the piano every day jeden Tag Klavier spielen
practise + practise for sth: She's practising for her piano exam. für etw. üben: Sie übt für ihre Klavierprüfung.
push + We pushed and pushed but the piano wouldn't move. Wir schoben und drückten, aber das Klavier bewegte sich nicht.
stair + We had to carry the piano up three flights of stairs. Wir mussten das Klavier drei Treppen hochtragen.
today + I've got a piano lesson later today. Ich habe heute später Klavierstunde.
in/out of tune + The piano is out of tune. Das Klavier ist verstimmt.
underneath + The coin rolled underneath the piano. Die Münze rollte unter dem Klavier.
work + Beethoven's piano works Beethovens Klavierwerke

Mcc SentencesGbEng
627 练习 弹钢琴 + She's practicing the piano.
1918 弹琴 + She's playing the piano.
2086 老师 进行 钢琴 伴奏 + My teacher accompanied me on the piano.
2570 乐谱 弹琴 + She's playing the piano from sheet music.

她在练习弹钢琴。 Tā zài liànxí tán gāngqín. She's practicing the piano. Sie übt Klavier.
她在弹琴。 Tā zài tánqín. She's playing the piano. Sie spielt Klavier.
老师为我进行钢琴伴奏。 Lǎoshī wèi wǒ jìnxíng gāngqín bànzòu. My teacher accompanied me on the piano. Mein Lehrer begleitete mich auf dem Klavier.
她看着乐谱弹琴。 Tā kànzhe yuèpǔ tánqín. She's playing the piano from sheet music. Sie spielt Klavier aus Notenblättern.
Lesson 050. Musical Instruments in Mandarin.
gang1qin2 + piano
Lesson 050. Musical Instruments in Mandarin.
tan2 gang1qin2 + to play piano
10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng

c’était aussi un piano mécanique + it was also a player piano

elle retournait au piano et recommençait à jouer + she returned to the piano and resumed playing
Wordnet ChineseGb
Wordnet GermanGer
Wordnet EnglishEng
+ + + + 103 piano +
+ + + + 103 piano +
+ + + + 103 piano +
+ + + + 103 piano +
Wordnet FrenchFra
Wordnet SpanishSpa
Wordnet ItalianIta
Wordnet ThaiThai
Wordnet FinnishFin
Wordnet VietnameseVie
Wiktionary VietnameseVie
piano dương cầm + +