1 de5 of/ structural particle: used before a noun; linking it to preceding possessive or descriptive attributive
1 ne5 (question particle for subjects already mentioned)
1 le5 (modal particle intensifying preceding clause)/ (completed action marker)
2 de5 structural particle: used after a verb (or adjective as main verb); linking it to following phrase indicating effect; degree; possibility etc
2 zhe5 particle attached after verb to indicate action in progress; like -ing ending
2 ba5 (modal particle indicating polite suggestion)/ ...right?/ ...OK?
2 ye3 also/ too/ (in classical Chinese) final particle serving as copula
2 bi3 (particle used for comparison and "-er than")/ to compare/ to contrast/ to gesture (with hands)/ ratio
2 gei3 to/ for/ for the benefit of/ to give/ to allow/ to do sth (for sb)/ (passive particle)
3 a5 modal particle ending sentence; showing affirmation; approval; or consent
3 de5 -ly/ structural particle: used before a verb or adjective; linking it to preceding modifying adverbial adjunct
3 ba3 to hold/ to contain/ to grasp/ to take hold of/ a handle/ particle marking the following noun as a direct object/ classifier for objects with handle
4 ya5 (particle equivalent to 啊 after a vowel; expressing surprise or doubt)
4 zhi1 (possessive particle; literary equivalent of 的)/ him/ her/ it
5 suo3 actually/ place/ classifier for houses; small buildings; institutions etc/ that which/ particle introducing a relative clause or passive/ CL:個|个[ge4]
6 ma5 (a modal particle)
6 la1 a phrase-final particle
6 发射 fa1 she4 to shoot (a projectile)/ to fire (a rocket)/ to launch/ to emit (a particle)/ to discharge/ emanation/ emission

11000 Common Composites

22000 Common Composites

39000 Common Composites

74000 Common Composites

Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Goethebuch GbThaiVieEngDeuSpaPorItalFraNie
Glossika 9 GbThaiVieEngDeuItalFraSpaNiePin
Oxford 3000VieEng
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng
Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode
+ + + + 103 Size and quantity Teilchen + particle + Capacity, volume and quantity C
+ + + + 103 Size and quantity Körnchen + particle + Capacity, volume and quantity C
+ + + + 103 Science Partikel + particle + Physical sciences C

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
A + * * ne (modal particle ending a question) Modalpartikel +
A + * * la* particle, fusion of le and ah Endpartikel, Mischung aus le und ah +
A 們(朋友們) + * * men (particle forming a plural pronoun) ein Suffix, Pluralmarker +
A + * * de particle to form an attribute/ of strukt.Partikel de , besitzanzeigendes Attribut +
A + * * de particle to form an adverbial de=Partikel zur Bildung einer Adverbialform +
A + * * ba (modal particle ending a sentence) milder Imperativ +
A + * * le 1. used after a verb, indicating a completed action 2.a modal particle used at the end of a sentence Modalpartikel,Aspektpartikel +
A + * * na (modal particle ending a sentence) 1. welcher, welche, welches 2. irgendein, irgendwelche +
A + * * ma (modal particle expressing urging) Partikel, zeigt an, dass etwas selbstverständl.ist +
A + * * ma (modal particle making a question) ein Fragepartikel +
A + * * na* particle,used in the same way as ah after words ending with n Endpartikel wie ah nach Wörtern, die auf n enden +
A + * * na* particle used in the same way as ne Partikel wie ne +
C + * * lou modal particle to suggest the completion of an action modaler Partikel Vollendung einer Handlung +
C 原子 + * * yuan2zi3 original-particle/ atom Atom, atomar +
C 原子彈 + * * yuan2zi3dan4 original-particle-bomb/ atom bomb/ atomic bomb Atombombe +
Oxford 32000GlossEngDeu
physics + particle/nuclear/theoretical physics Teilchen-, Kern-, Theoretische Physik

Mcc SentencesGbEng

Lesson 001. Greetings in Chinese.
ma + Question particle ma
Lesson 001. Greetings in Chinese.
ne + Question particle ne
Lesson 005. What’s your name?
de + possessive or modifying particle de
Lesson 005. What’s your name?
le + modal or aspect particle le (change of situation)
Lesson 006. Chinese food is good to eat!
a4 + particle showing willingness
Lesson 007. Lessons Review!
ba + particle ba (suggestion)
Lesson 015. Making Phone Calls in Chinese.
guo4 + particle guo indicating past tense
10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng

les particules radioactives tombent avec les gouttes de pluie + radioactive particles fall with raindrops
06326406-n particle
Wordnet ChineseGb
Wordnet GermanGer
Wordnet EnglishEng
+ + + + 103 particle +
+ + + + 103 particle +
+ + + + 103 particle +
Wordnet FrenchFra
Wordnet SpanishSpa
Wordnet ItalianIta
Wordnet ThaiThai
Wordnet FinnishFin
Wordnet VietnameseVie
Wiktionary VietnameseVie