4 准时 zhun3 shi2 on time/ punctual/ on schedule
4 按时 an4 shi2 on time/ before deadline/ on schedule

11000 Common Composites

22000 Common Composites

39000 Common Composites

74000 Common Composites

Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Goethebuch GbThaiVieEngDeuSpaPorItalFraNie
084 1629
Did he come on time? He could not come on time.
084 1632
Why could you not come on time?
084 1635
I could not come on time because there were no buses.
098 1918
I overslept; otherwise I’d have been on time.
098 1919
I missed the bus; otherwise I’d have been on time.
098 1920
I didn’t find the way / I got lost; otherwise I’d have been on time.
100 1944
The train was on time, but too full.
101 1979
What are the doctor’s consultation times?
Glossika 9 GbThaiVieEngDeuItalFraSpaNiePin
B13 29 1629
要 准时 到 这儿 , 别迟到。 + อยู่ที่นี่ตรงเวลา อย่าดึก + Đến đúng giờ nhé. Đừng đến muộn. + Be here on time. Don't be late. + Sei pünktlich hier. Komm nicht zu spät. + Essere qui in tempo. Non essere in ritardo. + Soyez là à l'heure. Ne sois pas en retard. + Llegue a tiempo. No llegues tarde. + Wees hier op tijd. Wees niet te laat. + (yào zhǔnshí dào zhèr, biéchídào.)
C03 48 2148
请 早点儿 到 , 以便 我们 能 准时 开会 。 + กรุณามาถึงช่วงเช้าเพื่อที่เราจะสามารถเริ่มการประชุมได้ทันเวลา + Làm ơn đến sớm để chúng ta có thể bắt đầu cuộc họp đúng giờ. + Please arrive early so that we'll be able to start the meeting on time. + Bitte kommen Sie frühzeitig an, damit wir rechtzeitig mit der Besprechung beginnen können. + Si prega di arrivare in anticipo per poter iniziare la riunione in tempo utile. + Veuillez arriver tôt afin que nous puissions commencer la réunion à l'heure. + Por favor llegue temprano para que podamos empezar la reunión a tiempo. + Komt u alstublieft vroeg aan, zodat we de vergadering op tijd kunnen beginnen. + (qíng záodiǎnr dào, yǐbiàn wǒmen· néng zhǔnshí kāihuì.)
C04 13 2163
除了 我 , 大家都 迟到了 。 我 是 唯一 一个准时 到的 。 + ทุกคนก็สายยกเว้นฉัน ฉันเป็นคนเดียวที่มาถึงตรงเวลา + Mọi người đều muộn trừ tôi. - Tôi là người duy nhất đến đúng giờ. + Everybody was late except me. I was the only one to arrive on time. + Alle kamen zu spät, außer mir. Ich war der Einzige, der pünktlich ankam. + Tutti erano in ritardo, tranne me. Ero l' unico ad arrivare puntuale. + Tout le monde était en retard sauf moi. J'étais le seul à arriver à l'heure. + Todos llegaron tarde excepto yo. Yo fui el único que llegó a tiempo. + Iedereen was te laat behalve ik. Ik was de enige die op tijd aankwam. + ( chúle· wǒ, dàjiādōu chídàole·. wǒ shì wéiyī yīge· zhǔnshí dàode·.)
C15 13 2713
一切都 准时的 开始 和 结束了 。 + ทุกอย่างเริ่มต้นและสิ้นสุดลงตามเวลา + Mọi thứ bắt đầu và kết thúc đúng giờ. + Everything began and ended on time. + Alles begann und endete pünktlich. + Tutto iniziò e finì puntuale. + Tout a commencé et s'est terminé à temps. + Todo comenzó y terminó a tiempo. + Alles begon en eindigde op tijd. + (yíqièdōu zhǔnshíde· kāishǐ hé jiéshùle·.)
C15 14 2714
如果 我 说 十点 , 那 我的 意思 就是 说 要准时 。 + ถ้าฉันบอกว่าสิบโมงเช้า (10:00 น.) ฉันก็หมายความว่าให้ทันเวลา + Nếu tôi nói mười giờ tức là đúng giờ. + If I say ten o'clock (10:00), then I mean, be on time. + Wenn ich zehn Uhr (10:00) sage, dann meine ich, sei pünktlich. + Se dico dieci (10:00), allora intendo, essere puntuale. + Si je dis dix heures (10:00), je veux dire, être à l'heure. + Si digo a las diez en punto, entonces quiero decir, llegar a tiempo. + Als ik tien uur (10:00 uur zeg, dan bedoel ik op tijd. + (rúguó wǒ shuō shídiǎn, nà wǒde· yìsi· jiùshì shuō yàozhǔnshí.)
C15 40 2740
师傅 , 我 要赶 飞机 。 咱们 几点 能到 机场? + เซอร์ฉันรีบจับเที่ยวบินตรงเวลา เมื่อไรเราจะมาถึงสนามบิน? + Thưa ngài, tôi đang vội để bắt chuyến bay cho đúng giờ. Khi nào chúng ta sẽ tới vịnh? + Sir, I'm in a hurry to catch my flight on time. When will we arrive at the airport? + Sir, ich habe es eilig, meinen Flug pünktlich zu erwischen. Wann kommen wir am Flughafen an? + Signore, ho fretta di prendere il mio volo puntuale. Quando arriveremo all' aeroporto? + Monsieur, je suis pressé de prendre mon vol à l'heure. Quand arriverons-nous à l'aéroport? + Señor, tengo prisa por tomar mi vuelo a tiempo. ¿Cuándo llegaremos al aeropuerto? + Meneer, ik ben in een haast om mijn vlucht op tijd te vangen. Wanneer komen we aan op de luchthaven? + ( shīfù, wǒ yàogǎn fēijī. zánmen· jídiǎn néngdào jīchǎng?)
C18 4 2854
你 应该 早 点儿 去 上班 , 这样 才能 准时到 。 + คุณควรปล่อยให้ FOR ทำงานก่อนหน้านี้เพื่อให้คุณได้รับตามเวลา + Cậu nên đi làm sớm hơn để cậu đến nơi đúng giờ. + You should leave FOR work earlier so you get there on time. + Sie sollten FOR work früher verlassen, damit Sie pünktlich ankommen. + Dovresti lasciare il lavoro in anticipo per arrivare in tempo. + Vous devriez partir POUR le travail plus tôt pour arriver à l'heure. + Usted debe salir para el trabajo más temprano para llegar a tiempo. + U moet FOR work eerder verlaten zodat u er op tijd bent. + ( nǐ yīnggāi záo diǎnr qù shàngbān, zhèyàng cáinéng zhǔnshí dào.)
Không, cậu đến đúng giờ. + No, you're on time.
Máy bay khởi hành đúng giờ và đến Thành phố Mexico sau đấy bốn tiếng. + The plane departed on time and arrived in Mexico City four (4) hours later.
Đến đúng giờ nhé. Đừng đến muộn. + Be here on time. Don't be late.
Làm ơn đến sớm để chúng ta có thể bắt đầu cuộc họp đúng giờ. + Please arrive early so that we'll be able to start the meeting on time.
Mọi người đều muộn trừ tôi. - Tôi là người duy nhất đến đúng giờ. + Everybody was late except me. I was the only one to arrive on time.
Mọi thứ bắt đầu và kết thúc đúng giờ. + Everything began and ended on time.
Nếu tôi nói mười giờ tức là đúng giờ. + If I say ten o'clock (10:00), then I mean, be on time.
Thưa ngài, tôi đang vội để bắt chuyến bay cho đúng giờ. Khi nào chúng ta sẽ tới vịnh? + Sir, I'm in a hurry to catch my flight on time. When will we arrive at the airport?
Cậu nên đi làm sớm hơn để cậu đến nơi đúng giờ. + You should leave FOR work earlier so you get there on time.

Đúng giờ + On time
GNOT Temporal • indications of time on time, sharp, exact đúng (giờ) +
Oxford 3000VieEng
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
4-1. Zeit Exercise 4-1-10 rechtzeitig + on time +
7-1. Verkehr Exercise 7-1-21 pünktlich + on time, punctual +
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Exercise 6-3 Wir waren pünktlich am Bahnhof. Aber dann hatte der Zug Verspätung.  + dann  We arrived at the station on time. But then the train was late.  Chúng tôi đến trạm đúng giờ. Nhưng rồi chuyến tàu đã trễ. +
Exercise 15-3 Unser Zug ist pünktlich abgefahren.  + abfahren* Our train left on time.  Đoàn của chúng tôi rời đi đúng giờ. +
Exercise 15-4 Sie müssen die Miete pünktlich überweisen.  + müssen* You have to pay the rent on time.  Bạn phải trả tiền thuê đúng hạn. +
Exercise 15-4 Seien Sie bitte pünktlich.  + pünktlich Please be on time.  Làm ơn đúng giờ. +
Exercise 15-4 Der Bus fährt pünktlich um acht Uhr.  + pünktlich The bus leaves on time at 8:00.  Xe buýt khởi hành vào lúc 8:00. +
Exercise 15-4 Er ist immer pünktlich.  + pünktlich He's always on time.  Anh ấy luôn đúng giờ. +
Exercise 15-5 Ich bin gerannt, um pünktlich zu sein.  + rennen* I ran to be on time.  Tôi chạy đến đúng giờ. +
Exercise 19-8 Sie hat mir fest versprochen, pünktlich zu sein.  + versprechen* She promised me she'd be on time.  Cô ấy hứa với tôi rằng cô ấy sẽ đúng giờ. +
Exercise 22-2 Wir fahren um 8 Uhr los. Sei bitte pünktlich.  + losfahren* We leave at 8:00. Please be on time.  Chúng tôi rời đi lúc 8:00. Làm ơn đúng giờ. +
Exercise 32-7 Erscheint bitte pünktlich!  + erscheinen* Please be on time!  Làm ơn đúng giờ! +
Exercise 33-1 Komm bloß nicht zu spät. Wir müssen pünktlich am Bahnhof sein.  + bloß Don't you be late. We have to get to the station on time.  Đừng trễ. Chúng ta phải đến trạm đúng giờ. +
Exercise 33-3 Wenn du die Rechnung nicht pünktlich bezahlst, bekommst du eine Mahnung.  + Mahnung If you don't pay the bill on time, you will get a reminder.  Nếu bạn không thanh toán đúng hạn, bạn sẽ nhận được một lời nhắc nhở. +
Exercise 34-9 Die Maschine ist pünktlich gestartet.  + starten The plane took off on time.  Chiếc máy bay cất cánh đúng giờ. +
Exercise 35-1 Bitte weck mich rechtzeitig. Ich muss pünktlich sein.  + rechtzeitig Please wake me up in time. I have to be on time.  Xin hãy đánh thức tôi dậy kịp. Tôi phải đúng giờ. +
Exercise 41-8 Ich will mich bemühen, pünktlich zu sein.  + bemühen I want to try and be on time.  Tôi muốn thử và hẹn hò đúng giờ. +
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng

Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode
on time Time 23
+ + + + 103 Time pünktlich + on time + Time phrases A
+ + + + 103 Time rechtzeitig + in time, on time + Time phrases C

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
B 按時 + * * an4shi2 on time/ on schedule pünktlich, rechtzeitig +
B 準時 + * * zhun3shi2 on time/ punctual pünktlich, rechtzeitig +
C 按期 + * * an4qi1 on schedule/ on time termingerecht, fristgemäß +
Oxford 32000GlossEngDeu
bill + She always pays her bills on time. Sie bezahlt ihre Rechnungen immer pünktlich.
budget + The work was finished on time and within budget (= did not cost more money than was planned). Die Arbeiten wurden termingerecht und innerhalb des Budgets abgeschlossen (= nicht mehr Geld gekostet als geplant).
conscious + I made a conscious effort to get there on time. Ich habe mich bewusst bemüht, rechtzeitig dort anzukommen.
effort + We need to make a concerted effort to finish on time. Wir müssen uns gemeinsam darum bemühen, dass wir rechtzeitig fertig werden.
luck + With a bit of luck, we'll finish on time. Mit etwas Glück schaffen wir es rechtzeitig.
mad + Only a mad dash got them to the meeting on time. Nur ein wütender Schlag brachte sie pünktlich zum Treffen.
right + The bus came right on time. Der Bus kam pünktlich.
struggle + It was a real struggle to be ready on time. Es war ein echtes Ringen, rechtzeitig bereit zu sein.
time + The train arrived right on time (= at exactly the correct time). Der Zug kam pünktlich (= genau zur richtigen Zeit).

Mcc SentencesGbEng

10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng

elle avait effectué trois jours de prison + she had served three days of prison time

c’est à vous dégoûter d’être toujours ponctuel + I’m always on time in order to annoy you
Wordnet ChineseGb
Wordnet GermanGer
Wordnet EnglishEng
+ + + + 103 on time +
Wordnet FrenchFra
Wordnet SpanishSpa
Wordnet ItalianIta
Wordnet ThaiThai
Wordnet FinnishFin
Wordnet VietnameseVie
Wiktionary VietnameseVie