VNEN hộ sĩ * nurse * 103 VNEN nữ cứu thương * nurse * 103 VNEN nữ khán hộ * nurse * 103 VNEN nữ y tá * nurse * 103 VNEN y tá * nurse * 103

3 阿姨 a1 yi2 maternal aunt/ step-mother/ childcare worker/ nursemaid/ woman of similar age to one's parents (term of address used by child)/ CL:個|个[ge4]
4 护士 hu4 shi5 nurse/ CL:個|个[ge4]
5 幼儿园 you4 er2 yuan2 kindergarten/ nursery school
5 委屈 wei3 qu1 to feel wronged/ to nurse a grievance/ to cause sb to feel wronged
6 哺乳 bu3 ru3 breast feeding/ to suckle/ to nurse

11000 Common Composites

22000 Common Composites

39000 Common Composites

74000 Common Composites

2000VIET y tá nurse

Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
der Krankenpfleger nurse y tá
die Krankenschwester nurse y tá
stillen to nurse để y tá
stillen to nurse để y tá
Goethebuch GbThaiVieEngDeuSpaPorItalFraNie
057 1085
I work as a nurse part-time.
Glossika 9 GbThaiVieEngDeuItalFraSpaNiePin
A04 12 162
请 先 将 挂号单 交给 护士 。 + กรุณาให้บัตรลงทะเบียนของคุณกับพยาบาล + Xin vui lòng cung cấp thẻ đăng ký của bạn cho y tá. + Please give your registration card to the nurse. + Bitte geben Sie der Krankenschwester Ihre Meldebescheinigung. + Si prega di consegnare la scheda di registrazione all' infermiere. + Veuillez remettre votre carte d'inscription à l'infirmière. + Por favor, entregue su tarjeta de registro a la enfermera. + Geef uw registratiekaart door aan de verpleegkundige. + ( qǐng xiān jiāng guàhàodān jiāogěi hùshì.)
A16 2 752
我 应该叫 护士 吗 ? + ฉันควรจะเรียกหาพยาบาลหรือไม่? + Tôi có nên gọi cho y tá? + Should I call for the nurse? + Soll ich die Krankenschwester rufen? + Dovrei chiamare l' infermiera? + Dois-je appeler l'infirmière? + ¿Llamo a la enfermera? + Moet ik naar de verpleegkundige bellen? + ( wǒ yīnggāijiào hùshì mā?)
Em gái tôi làm y tá. + My sister's a nurse.

Các y tá và các bác sĩ + The nurses and the doctors

+ I do not know how to become a nurse.

Các y tá đang hỗ trợ bác sĩ. + The nurses are supporting the doctor.

Người y tá đợi đến khi anh ấy dừng hát. + The nurse waits until he stops singing.

Quyết định đó đã ám người y tá cho tới chết. + That decision haunted the nurse to death.

Tôi là một y tá ở Sydney. + I work as a nurse in Sydney.

Y tá + Nurse
SNOT Health and body care • medical services nurse y tá +
Oxford 3000VieEng
y tá nurse
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
1-1. Person Exercise 1-1-5 Kindergarten + kindergarten, nursery +
1-1. Person Exercise 1-1-5 Kita + kindergarten, nursery +
2-2. Krankheit Exercise 2-2-4 Pfleger + nurse (male) +
2-2. Krankheit Exercise 2-2-4 Krankenpfleger + nurse (male) +
2-2. Krankheit Exercise 2-2-4 Krankenschwester + nurse +
2-2. Krankheit Exercise 2-2-9 pflegen + 1. to nurse, 2. to look after, to groom   (pflegt, pflegte, hat gepflegt) +
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Exercise 3-3 Anna arbeitet als Krankenschwester im Krankenhaus.  + arbeiten Anna works as a nurse in the hospital.  Anna làm việc như một y tá trong bệnh viện. +
Exercise 4-4 Meine Freundin ist Krankenschwester.  + Schwester My girlfriend's a nurse.  Bạn gái tôi là y tá. +
Exercise 7-3 Meine Cousine möchte gern Krankenschwester werden.  + Krankenschwester My cousin wants to be a nurse.  Anh em họ của tôi muốn trở thành một y tá. +
Exercise 7-3 Alle Krankenschwestern in diesem Krankenhaus sind sehr nett. + Krankenschwester All the nurses in this hospital are very nice. Tất cả y tá tại bệnh viện này đều rất tốt. +
Exercise 17-4 Ich bringe vormittags mein Kind in die Kita, weil ich bis 13 Uhr arbeiten muss. (Kindertagesstätte) + Kita I bring my child to the nursery in the morning because I have to work until 1 pm. (children's daycare center) Tôi mang con tôi đến nhà trẻ vào buổi sáng vì tôi phải làm việc cho đến 1 giờ chiều. (trung tâm giữ trẻ ban ngày) +
Exercise 20-6 Mein Bruder arbeitet als Krankenpfleger im Krankenhaus. + Krankenpfleger My brother works as a nurse in the hospital. Anh tôi làm y tá trong bệnh viện. +
Exercise 20-6 Meine Freundin hat eine Stelle als Altenpflegerin gefunden. + Pfleger My girlfriend found a job as an geriatric nurse. Bạn gái tôi tìm được việc làm y tá geriatric. +
Exercise 27-1 Als Krankenschwester habe ich oft Frühdienst.  + Dienst As a nurse, I often work early.  Là một y tá, tôi thường làm việc sớm. +
Exercise 45-2 Die Krankenschwester versorgt den Patienten.  + versorgen  The nurse takes care of the patient.  Y tá chăm sóc bệnh nhân. +
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng

Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode
nurse Childcare and Parenting B
Nurse Workplace Clothing
nurse Medical Care 8
nurse Jobs and Occupations H-P 44
+ + + + 103 The health service and medicine Krankenschwester + (female) nurse + Medical personnel and specialities A
+ + + + 103 The health service and medicine Krankenpfleger(in) + nurse + Medical personnel and specialities A
+ + + + 103 Education Erzieher(in) + nursery school teacher, kindergarten teacher + Staff and students B
+ + + + 103 Employment Erzieher(in) + nursery school teacher, kindergarten teacher + Jobs, trades and professions A

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
B 阿姨 + * * a1yi2 1.auntie, a form of address for any woman of one´s mothers age 2.nurse (in a family) 1. (Na) Tante +
B 護士 + * * hu4shi nurse Krankenschwester +
C 托兒所 + * * tuo1'er2suo3 entrust-child-place/ nursery/ child care center Kindertagesstätte, Krippe +
C 幼兒園 + * * you4'er2yuan2 young-child-garden/ kindergarten/ nursery school Kindergarten +
D 保姆 + * * bao3mu3 nurse/ mammy Kindermädchen, Baby-Sitter, Nanny +
Oxford 32000GlossEngDeu
attend to sb/sth + A nurse attended to his needs constantly. Eine Krankenschwester kümmerte sich ständig um seine Bedürfnisse.
back sb/sth up + two doctors backed up by a team of nurses zwei Ärzte, die von einem Team von Krankenschwestern unterstützt werden,
complaint + complaint (against sb/sth): I believe you have a complaint against one of our nurses. Beschwerde (gegen jdn. /etw.[Akk]: Ich glaube, Sie haben eine Beschwerde gegen eine unserer Krankenschwestern.
conflict + The government has done nothing to resolve the conflict over nurses' pay. Die Regierung hat nichts unternommen, um den Konflikt um die Bezuege der Krankenschwestern und Krankenpfleger zu loesen.
foot + The nurse hung a chart at the foot of the bed (= the part of the bed where your feet normally are when you are lying in it). Die Krankenschwester hängte am Fuß des Bettes ein Diagramm auf (= der Teil des Bettes, in dem die Füße normalerweise liegen).
gentle + She was the gentlest of nurses. Sie war die sanfteste Krankenschwester.
health + He was nursed back to health by his wife. Er wurde von seiner Frau wieder gesund gepflegt.
hospital + hospital doctors/nurses/staff Krankenhausärzte/Schwestern/Personal
long + Nurses have to work long hours (= for more hours in the day than is usual). Die Krankenschwestern müssen lange Stunden arbeiten (= mehr Stunden am Tag als üblich).
male + a male nurse/model/colleague ein Pflegedienste/Modell/Kollege
number + Nurses are leaving the profession in increasing numbers. Krankenschwestern und Krankenpfleger verlassen den Beruf zunehmend.
nurse + a qualified/registered nurse eine ausgebildete Krankenschwester
nurse + student nurses Schwesternschülerin
nurse + a male nurse Krankenpfleger
nurse + a dental nurse (= one who helps a dentist) eine Zahnarzthelferin (= eine Person, die einem Zahnarzt hilft)
nurse + a psychiatric nurse (= one who works in a hospital for people with mental illnesses) eine psychiatrische Krankenschwester (= eine Person, die in einem Krankenhaus für psychisch Kranke arbeitet)
nurse + Nurse Bennett Krankenschwester Bennett
nurse + Nurse, come quickly! Schwester, kommen Sie schnell!
ought to + Nurses ought to earn more. Krankenschwestern sollten mehr verdienen.
pressure + The nurse applied pressure to his arm to stop the bleeding. Die Schwester übte Druck auf seinen Arm aus, um die Blutung zu stoppen.
ring + ring for sb/sth: Just ring for the nurse (= attract the nurse's attention by ringing a bell) if you need her. Klingeln Sie für jdn. /etw.: Klingeln Sie einfach für die Krankenschwester (= Aufmerksamkeit der Krankenschwester durch Klingeln ein
screen + The nurse put a screen around the bed. Die Schwester stellte einen Bildschirm um das Bett.
senior + Junior nurses usually work alongside more senior nurses. Junior Krankenschwestern arbeiten in der Regel zusammen mit mehr ältere Krankenschwestern.
shave + shave sb/sth/yourself: The nurse washed and shaved him. jdn. /etw.[Akk] selbst rasieren: Die Krankenschwester wusch ihn und rasierte ihn.
stick + stick sth + adv./prep.: The nurse stuck the needle into my arm. etw. + Adv. /Vorbereitung aufklebenDie Schwester hat die Nadel in meinen Arm gesteckt.
student + a student teacher/nurse eine studentische Lehrerin/Schwester
uniform + a military/police/nurse's uniform eine Militär-/Polizei-/Schwesterntracht
wound + The nurse cleaned the wound. Die Schwester hat die Wunde gesäubert.
wrap + The nurse wrapped a bandage tightly around my ankle. Die Krankenschwester wickelte einen Verband eng um meinen Knöchel.

Mcc SentencesGbEng
352 成为 护士 + She's become a nurse.
2825 妈妈 宝宝 童谣 + The mother is singing nursery rhymes to her baby.

她成为一名护士。 Tā chéngwéi yīmíng hùshi. She's become a nurse. Sie ist Krankenschwester geworden.
妈妈给宝宝唱童谣。 Māma gěi bǎobǎo chàng tóngyáo. The mother is singing nursery rhymes to her baby. Die Mutter singt Kinderzimmerreime auf ihr Baby.

hu4shi + nurse
Lesson 045. Visiting a Hospital in China.
hu4shi xiao3jie + nurse (addressing a nurse)
Lesson 045. Visiting a Hospital in China.
Hu4shi xiao3jie, Wang2 yi1sheng1 jin1tian1 zai4 ma? + Miss nurse, is doctor Wang in the office today?
10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng

un infirmier lui est venu en aide + a male nurse came to his aid

l’infirmière s’est trompée. elle a tout inversé + the nurse was wrong. she got everything backwards
10366966-n nurse
Wordnet ChineseGb
Wordnet GermanGer
Wordnet EnglishEng
+ + + + 103 nurse +
+ + + + 103 nurse +
+ + + + 103 nurse +
+ + + + 103 nurse +
+ + + + 103 nurse +
+ + + + 103 nurse +
+ + + + 103 nurse +
Wordnet FrenchFra
Wordnet SpanishSpa
Wordnet ItalianIta
Wordnet ThaiThai
Wordnet FinnishFin
Wordnet VietnameseVie
Wiktionary VietnameseVie
nurse y tá + +
nurse bảo mẫu + +
y tá + + nurse