5 zhong1 clock/ o'clock/ time as measured in hours and minutes/ bell/ CL:架[jia4];座[zuo4]
6 纪要 ji4 yao4 minutes/ written summary of a meeting

11000 Common Composites

22000 Common Composites

39000 Common Composites

74000 Common Composites

Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Es dauert fünf Minuten. It takes 5 minutes. Mất 5 phút.
Goethebuch GbThaiVieEngDeuSpaPorItalFraNie
010 0159
An hour has sixty minutes.
038 0712
The next train is in 5 minutes.
038 0713
The next tram is in 10 minutes.
038 0714
The next bus is in 15 minutes.
Glossika 9 GbThaiVieEngDeuItalFraSpaNiePin
A03 10 110
接到 订 单 后 三 十分钟后 会送达 。 + คุณจะได้รับการจัดส่ง 30 นาทีหลังจากสั่งซื้อ + Bạn sẽ nhận được giao hàng 30 phút sau khi đặt hàng. + You'll receive delivery 30 minutes after placing your order. + Sie erhalten die Lieferung 30 Minuten nach Ihrer Bestellung. + Riceverai la consegna 30 minuti dopo aver effettuato l' ordine. + Vous recevrez la livraison 30 minutes après avoir passé votre commande. + Recibirás la entrega 30 minutos después de hacer tu pedido. + U ontvangt de levering 30 minuten na het plaatsen van uw bestelling. + ( jiēdào dìng dān hòu sān shífēnzhōnghòu huìsòngdá.)
A10 25 475
一小时 八 块 , 超过 十五分钟 以 一小时 计算 。 + เป็นเงิน 1.30 เหรียญต่อชั่วโมงและคุณจะถูกเรียกเก็บเงินเป็นเวลาเกิน 15 นาที + Đó là $ 1,30 mỗi giờ, và bạn sẽ bị tính phí cho bất cứ điều gì trên 15 phút. + It's $1.30 per hour, and you'll be charged for anything over 15 minutes. + Es kostet $1,30 pro Stunde, und Sie zahlen für alles, was länger als 15 Minuten dauert. + E' di $1.30 all' ora, e sarete addebitati per qualsiasi cosa oltre i 15 minuti. + C'est 1,30 $ de l'heure et vous serez facturé pour tout ce qui dépasse 15 minutes. + Es $1.30 por hora, y se le cobrará por más de 15 minutos. + Het is $1,30 per uur, en je wordt meer dan 15 minuten in rekening gebracht. + ( yìxiǎoshí bā kuài, chāoguò shíwǔfēnzhōng yǐ yìxiǎoshí jì suàn.)
A18 28 878
你 再 等 个 几分钟 就好了 。 + ถ้าคุณรอสักครู่ก็จะพร้อม + Nếu bạn đợi một vài phút nó sẽ sẵn sàng. + If you wait a few minutes it will be ready. + Wenn Sie ein paar Minuten warten, ist es fertig. + Se si aspetta qualche minuto sarà pronto. + Si vous attendez quelques minutes, il sera prêt. + Si esperas unos minutos estará listo. + Als u een paar minuten wacht is het klaar. + ( nǐ zài děng ge· jǐfēnzhōng jiùhǎole·.)
B06 33 1283
你 准备好了 吗 ? — 还没 。 我 五 分钟内准备好 。 + คุณพร้อมหรือยัง? - ยัง. ฉันจะพร้อมในอีกห้า (5) นาที + Tôi sẽ đi vắng ít hôm. Tối nay tôi đi nên mai tôi sẽ không ở nhà. + Are you ready yet? - Not yet. I'll be ready in five (5) minutes. + Bist du jetzt bereit? Noch nicht. Ich bin in fünf (5) Minuten fertig. + Sei ancora pronto? Non ancora. Sarò pronto in cinque (5) minuti. + Vous êtes prêts? Pas encore. Je serai prêt dans cinq (5) minutes. + ¿Ya estás listo? Todavía no. Estaré listo en cinco (5) minutos. + Bent u nog klaar? Nog niet. Over vijf (5) minuten ben ik klaar. + (nǐ zhǔnbèihǎole· mā? — háiméi. wó wǔ fēnzhōngnèi zhǔnbèihǎo.)
B11 9 1509
我们 没花 太久 等 公车 , 几分钟 就 来了 。 + เราไม่ต้องรอรถนานมาก มันมาในไม่กี่นาที + Chúng tôi không phải đợi xe buýt lâu lắm nhưng xe đã đến trong vòng vài phút. + We didn't have to wait very long for the bus; it came in a few minutes. + Wir mussten nicht lange auf den Bus warten, er kam in wenigen Minuten. + Non abbiamo dovuto aspettare molto tempo per l' autobus, è venuto in pochi minuti. + Nous n'avons pas eu à attendre très longtemps le bus, il est arrivé en quelques minutes. + No tuvimos que esperar mucho tiempo para el autobús, llegó en pocos minutos. + We hoefden niet lang op de bus te wachten, het kwam in een paar minuten. + (wǒmen· méihuā tàijiú děng gōngchē, jǐfēnzhōng jiù láile·.)
B14 25 1675
市中心 有 公车 可以 到 机场 吗 ? — 有 ,每 二十 分钟 一班 。 + มีรถบัสจากตัวเมืองไปสนามบินหรือไม่? - ใช่ทุกๆยี่สิบ (20) นาที + Có xe buýt chạy từ trung tâm đến vịnh không? - Có hai mươi phút một chuyến. + Is there a bus from downtown to the airport? — Yes, every twenty (20) minutes. + Gibt es einen Bus von der Innenstadt zum Flughafen? Ja, alle zwanzig (20) Minuten. + C' è un autobus dal centro dell' aeroporto? Sì, ogni venti (20) minuti. + Y a-t-il un bus du centre-ville à l'aéroport? Oui, toutes les vingt (20) minutes. + ¿Hay autobús desde el centro de la ciudad al aeropuerto? Sí, cada veinte (20) minutos. + Is er een bus van het centrum naar de luchthaven? Ja, om de twintig (20) minuten. + ( shìzhōngxīn yǒu gōngchē kéyǐ dào jīchǎng mā? — yǒu, měi èrshí fēnzhōng yībān.)
B17 23 1823
又 下雨了 。 — 真的 吗 ? 十 分钟前 还是晴天 。 + ฝนตกอีกแล้ว. - มันคือ? แดดสิบ (10) นาทีที่ผ่านมา + Trời lại đang mưa. - Thế á? Mười phút trước trời còn nắng. + It's raining again. — It is? It was sunny ten (10) minutes ago. + Es regnet wieder. Ist es das? Vor zehn (10) Minuten war es sonnig. + Piove di nuovo. È così? Era soleggiato dieci (10) minuti fa. + Il pleut à nouveau. Ça l'est? Il faisait beau il y a dix (10) minutes. + Está lloviendo de nuevo. ¿Lo es? Hace diez (10) minutos estaba soleado. + Het regent weer. Dat is het? Het was tien (10) minuten geleden zonnig. + (yòu xiàyǔle·. — zhēnde· mā? shí fēnzhōngqián háishì qíngtiān.)
B18 37 1887
我 最好 快点儿 , 我 十 分钟 要 跟 马克西姆见面 。 + ฉันควรรีบร้อน ฉันควรจะพบกับ Maksim ภายในสิบนาที (10) + Cậu không được phép đỗ xe ở đây. Chỗ này chỉ dành cho đỗ xe riêng. + I'd better hurry. I'm supposed to meet Maksim in ten (10) minutes. + Ich muss mich beeilen. Ich soll Maksim in zehn (10) Minuten treffen. + Mi affretto meglio. Dovrei incontrare Maksim in dieci (10) minuti. + Je ferais mieux de me dépêcher. Je dois rencontrer Maksim dans dix (10) minutes. + Mejor me doy prisa. Debo encontrarme con Maksim en diez (10) minutos. + Ik zou beter opschieten. Ik moet Maksim in tien (10) minuten ontmoeten. + ( wǒ zuìhǎo kuàidiǎnr, wǒ shí fēnzhōng yào gēn mǎkèxīmǔ jiànmiàn.)
C10 10 2460
公共汽车服务 非常 好 , 每 十 分钟 就 有 一趟 车 。 + บริการรถประจำทางดีมาก มีรถบัสทุกสิบ (10) นาที + Dịch vụ xe bus rất tốt. Cứ mười phút lại có một xe bus. + The bus service is very good. There's a bus every ten (10) minutes. + Die Busverbindung ist sehr gut. Alle zehn (10) Minuten fährt ein Bus. + Il servizio di autobus è molto buono. C' è un autobus ogni dieci (10) minuti. + Le service de bus est très bon. Il y a un bus toutes les dix (10) minutes. + El servicio de autobús es muy bueno. Hay un autobús cada diez (10) minutos. + De busdienst is zeer goed. Er is om de tien (10) minuten een bus. + (gōnggòngqìchēfúwù fēicháng hǎo, měi shí fēnzhōng jiù yǒu yítàng chē.)
C12 10 2560
你 不必 因为 我 迟到个 几分钟 就 这么 生气。 + คุณไม่ต้องรำคาญเพียงเพราะฉันไม่กี่นาทีปลาย + Cậu không cần phải khó chịu vì tôi chỉ muộn có ít phút. + You don't have to get annoyed just because I'm a few minutes late. + Du musst dich nicht ärgern, nur weil ich ein paar Minuten zu spät komme. + Non devi essere infastidito solo perché sono in ritardo di pochi minuti. + Tu n'as pas à t'énerver parce que je suis en retard de quelques minutes. + No tienes que enfadarte sólo porque llego unos minutos tarde. + Je hoeft je niet te ergeren omdat ik een paar minuten te laat ben. + ( nǐ búbì yīnwèi wǒ chídàoge· jǐfēnzhōng jiù zhème shēngqì.)
C13 47 2647
飞机 降落了 吗 ? — 还没 , 大约 三十 分钟后降落 。 + มีเที่ยวบินของเขาลงแล้วหรือยัง? - ยังไม่ควรลงจอดในเวลาประมาณสามสิบ (30) นาที + Máy bay hạ cánh chưa? > Chưa, dự là nó sẽ hạ cánh khoảng ba mươi phút nữa. + Has his flight landed yet? — Not yet, it should land in about thirty (30) minutes. + Ist sein Flug schon gelandet? Noch nicht, es sollte in etwa dreißig (30) Minuten landen. + Il suo volo è ancora atterrato? Non ancora, dovrebbe atterrare in circa trenta (30) minuti. + Son vol a-t-il déjà atterri? Pas encore, il devrait atterrir dans environ trente (30) minutes. + ¿Ya aterrizó su vuelo? Todavía no, debería aterrizar en unos treinta (30) minutos. + Is zijn vlucht al geland? Het moet nog niet in ongeveer dertig (30) minuten landen. + (fēijī jiàngluòle· mā? — háiméi, dàyuē sānshí fēnzhōnghòu jiàngluò.)
C15 10 2710
火车 会在 几分钟后 发车 。 + รถไฟจะออกภายในไม่กี่นาที + Tàu hoả sẽ đi trong vòng vài phút nữa. + The train will be leaving in a few minutes. + Der Zug fährt in wenigen Minuten ab. + Il treno partirà in pochi minuti. + Le train part dans quelques minutes. + El tren saldrá en unos minutos. + De trein vertrekt over enkele minuten. + (huǒchē huìzài jǐfēnzhōnghòu fāchē.)
C16 17 2767
搭 车 去 机场 要 两个 小时 , 但 搭 高速铁路 只要 四十五 分钟 。 + ใช้เวลาเดินทางประมาณ 2 ชั่วโมงไปยังสนามบินโดยทางรถยนต์ แต่ใช้เวลาเพียง 40 นาทีโดยรถไฟความเร็วสูง + Lái xe đến vịnh bằng xe hơi mất hai tiếng nhưng đi bằng đường sắt cao tốc thì chỉ mất bốn mươi phút. + It's a two-hour drive to the airport BY car, but it's only forty (40) minutes by high-speed rail. + Es ist eine zweistündige Fahrt mit dem Auto zum Flughafen, aber mit dem Hochgeschwindigkeitszug sind es nur vierzig (40) Minuten. + Si tratta di due ore di macchina per l' aeroporto BY auto, ma è solo quaranta (40) minuti di treno ad alta velocità. + Il est à deux heures de route de l'aéroport EN voiture, mais à seulement quarante (40) minutes en train à grande vitesse. + Es un viaje de dos horas en coche al aeropuerto BY, pero son sólo cuarenta (40) minutos en tren de alta velocidad. + Het is een twee uur rijden naar de luchthaven BY auto, maar het is slechts veertig (40) minuten rijden per hogesnelheidstrein. + ( dā chē qù jīchǎng yào liǎngge· xiǎoshí, dàn dā gāosùtiělù zhǐyào sìshíwǔ fēnzhōng.)
C20 17 2967
我 几分钟内 就 准备好了 , 你 先 去 , 我可以 追上 你 。 + ฉันจะพร้อมภายในไม่กี่นาที คุณจะไปข้างหน้าและฉันจะติดต่อกับคุณ + Tôi sẽ sẵn sàng trong ít phút nữa. Cậu cứ đi trước, và tôi sẽ bắt kịp cậu. + I'll be ready in a few minutes. You go on ahead and I'll catch up with you. + Ich bin in ein paar Minuten fertig. Geh du schon mal vor und ich hole dich ein. + Sarò pronto in pochi minuti. Si va avanti e io mi metterò al passo con voi. + Je serai prêt dans quelques minutes. Allez-y, je vous rejoins. + Estaré lista en unos minutos. Ve tú y yo te alcanzaré. + Over een paar minuten ben ik klaar. Je gaat verder en ik zal je inhalen. + ( wó jǐfēnzhōngnèi jiù zhǔnbèihǎole·, nǐ xiān qù, wó kéyǐ zhuīshàng nǐ.)
Bọn trẻ đâu rồi? - Tôi không biết, chúng vừa ở đây mấy phút trước. + Where are the children? — I don't know, they were here a few minutes ago.
Họ dừng lại nói chuyện mấy phút. + They stopped to talk for a few minutes.
Noboru đi lúc nào thế? - Anh ấy đi cách đây mười phút. + When did Noboru leave? — He left ten (10) minutes ago.
Xe buýt đến muộn. Chúng tôi đã đợi được hai mươi phút. + The bus is late. We've been waiting for twenty (20) minutes.
Tôi sẽ đi vắng ít hôm. Tối nay tôi đi nên mai tôi sẽ không ở nhà. + Are you ready yet? - Not yet. I'll be ready in five (5) minutes.
Chúng tôi không phải đợi xe buýt lâu lắm nhưng xe đã đến trong vòng vài phút. + We didn't have to wait very long for the bus; it came in a few minutes.
Có xe buýt chạy từ trung tâm đến vịnh không? - Có hai mươi phút một chuyến. + Is there a bus from downtown to the airport? — Yes, every twenty (20) minutes.
Trời lại đang mưa. - Thế á? Mười phút trước trời còn nắng. + It's raining again. — It is? It was sunny ten (10) minutes ago.
Cậu không được phép đỗ xe ở đây. Chỗ này chỉ dành cho đỗ xe riêng. + I'd better hurry. I'm supposed to meet Maksim in ten (10) minutes.
Dịch vụ xe bus rất tốt. Cứ mười phút lại có một xe bus. + The bus service is very good. There's a bus every ten (10) minutes.
Cậu không cần phải khó chịu vì tôi chỉ muộn có ít phút. + You don't have to get annoyed just because I'm a few minutes late.
Máy bay hạ cánh chưa? > Chưa, dự là nó sẽ hạ cánh khoảng ba mươi phút nữa. + Has his flight landed yet? — Not yet, it should land in about thirty (30) minutes.
Tàu hoả sẽ đi trong vòng vài phút nữa. + The train will be leaving in a few minutes.
Lái xe đến vịnh bằng xe hơi mất hai tiếng nhưng đi bằng đường sắt cao tốc thì chỉ mất bốn mươi phút. + It's a two-hour drive to the airport BY car, but it's only forty (40) minutes by high-speed rail.
Tôi sẽ sẵn sàng trong ít phút nữa. Cậu cứ đi trước, và tôi sẽ bắt kịp cậu. + I'll be ready in a few minutes. You go on ahead and I'll catch up with you.

Tôi cần sáu mươi phút trong khi họ cần một giờ. + I need sixty minutes while they need one hour.

Buổi hoà nhạc đã bắt đầu hai mươi phút trước. + The concert started twenty minutes ago.

Máy bay sẽ bắt đầu mở cửa 20 phút trước khi cất cánh + They will start boarding 20 minutes before the departure time.

Chúng ta sắp hạ cánh trong khoảng mười lăm phút nữa. + We'll be landing in about fifteen minutes.

Xe buýt chạy 5 phút 1 chuyến. + The bus runs about every five minutes

Chào Bảbara, hôm nay tôi sẽ đến muộn 30 phút. + Hi Barbara, I'm going to be 30 minutes late today.

Khoảng 10 phút + About ten minutes

Trong vài phút + In a few minutes

Mât khoáng 20 phút. + It'll take about twenty minutes.

Tôi sẽ chuẩn bị xong trong vài phút. + I'll be ready in a few minutes.
GNOT Temporal • points of time (sixteen) minutes to/past (three) +
Oxford 3000VieEng
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Exercise 1-6 Rufen Sie bitte in fünf Minuten noch einmal an.  + in  Please call again in five minutes.  Vui lòng gọi lại sau 5 phút. +
Exercise 2-9 Es ist nicht mehr viel Zeit. Nur noch fünf Minuten.  + noch  There's not much time left. Just five more minutes.  Không còn nhiều thời gian nữa. Chỉ còn năm phút nữa. +
Exercise 2-9 Ist das Essen schon fertig? – Nein, es dauert noch ein paar Minuten.  + noch  Is dinner ready yet? No, it'll take a few more minutes.  Bữa tối đã sẵn sàng chưa? Không, sẽ mất vài phút nữa. +
Exercise 3-4 Wie weit ist es bis zum Bahnhof? Nicht weit, ungefähr zehn Minuten zu Fuß.  + ungefähr How far is it to the station? Not far, about ten minutes on foot.  Trạm đến như thế nào? Không xa, khoảng mười phút đi bộ. +
Exercise 5-6 Der Zug hat voraussichtlich 20 Minuten Verspätung.  + voraussichtlich The train is expected to be 20 minutes late.  Xe lửa dự kiến ​​sẽ chậm trễ 20 phút. +
Exercise 11-5 Unser Zug hatte 40 Minuten Verspätung.  + Zug Our train was 40 minutes late.  Xe lửa của chúng tôi đã trễ 40 phút. +
Exercise 14-4 Du musst jeden Tag mindestens 20 Minuten üben. + üben You have to practice for at least 20 minutes every day. Bạn phải luyện tập ít nhất 20 phút mỗi ngày. +
Exercise 15-7 Nach 20 Minuten stand das Spiel 1:1.  + stehen* After 20 minutes the game was 1:1.  Sau 20 phút trận đấu là 1: 1. +
Exercise 16-7 Der Reis muss etwa 20 Minuten kochen. + kochen Cook the rice for about 20 minutes. Nấu cơm khoảng 20 phút. +
Exercise 17-5 Ich komme gleich. Es dauert nur ein paar Minuten.  + paar I'll be right there. It'll only take a few minutes.  Tôi sẽ tới đó ngay. Sẽ chỉ mất vài phút. +
Exercise 21-7 Die ganze Aktion dauerte keine zehn Minuten.  + Aktion The whole action lasted less than ten minutes.  Toàn bộ hành động kéo dài chưa đầy mười phút. +
Exercise 22-1 Können Sie ein paar Minuten warten?  + warten Can you wait a few minutes?  Bạn có thể đợi một vài phút? +
Exercise 22-7 Der Zug hat in München nur 20 Minuten Aufenthalt.  + Aufenthalt The train is only 20 minutes in Munich.  Xe lửa chỉ cách Munich 20 phút. +
Exercise 22-8 Unser Zug hatte 10 Minuten Verspätung.  + Verspätung Our train was 10 minutes late.  Xe lửa của chúng tôi đã trễ 10 phút. +
Exercise 23-4 Die Fahrt hat nicht lange gedauert. Kaum 20 Minuten.  + kaum The trip didn't take long. Barely 20 minutes.  Chuyến đi không mất nhiều thời gian. Chỉ khoảng 20 phút. +
Exercise 24-3 Nach 20 Minuten führte unsere Mannschaft 2 : 0.  + führen After 20 minutes, our team led 2:0.  Sau 20 phút, nhóm của chúng tôi dẫn 2: 0. +
Exercise 25-2 Er kam zehn Minuten zu spät.  + Minute He was ten minutes late.  Anh ấy đã mười phút muộn. +
Exercise 25-3 Wie weit ist es zum Bahnhof? – Das ist ganz nah, nur zwei Minuten von hier.  + nah How far is it to the station? It's only two minutes from here.  Trạm đến như thế nào? Chỉ cách đó hai phút. +
Exercise 28-4 Er hat sich um fünf Minuten verspätet. + verspäten He's five minutes late. Anh ta muộn 5 phút. +
Exercise 29-1 Von zu Hause brauche ich etwa 10 Minuten bis zur Arbeit.  + etwa From home I need about 10 minutes to work.  Từ nhà tôi cần khoảng 10 phút để làm việc. +
Exercise 35-8 Der Bus ist in 2 Minuten fällig.  + fällig The bus is due in two minutes.  Xe buýt sẽ đến sau hai phút. +
Exercise 38-9 Das Fleisch muss zehn Minuten braten.  + braten*  Fry the meat for ten minutes.  Chiên thịt trong 10 phút. +
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng

Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode
minutes Time 2
+ + + + 103 The office and computing Protokoll + minutes + Office equipment and materials B
+ + + + 103 The office and computing das Protokoll aufnehmen + to take the minutes + Office equipment and materials B

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
Oxford 32000GlossEngDeu
along + I'll be along (= I'll join you) in a few minutes. Ich komme in ein paar Minuten (= ich komme zu Ihnen).
arrive + The train arrived at the station 20 minutes late. Der Zug kam 20 Minuten verspätet am Bahnhof an.
at + The noise came at two-minute intervals (= once every two minutes). Der Lärm kam im Zwei-Minuten-Takt (= alle zwei Minuten).
audience + The audience was/were clapping for 10 minutes. Das Publikum klatschte/klatschte 10 Minuten lang.
away + away from sb/sth: The station is a few minutes' walk away from here. von jdm. /etw.[Dat] weg: Der Bahnhof ist nur wenige Gehminuten von hier entfernt.
out of breath + We were out of breath after only five minutes. Nach nur fünf Minuten waren wir außer Atem.
can + The stadium can be emptied in four minutes. Das Stadion kann in vier Minuten geleert werden.
central + The flat is very central—just five minutes from Princes Street. Die Wohnung ist sehr zentral - nur fünf Minuten von der Princes Street entfernt.
chat + chat away (to/with sb): Within minutes of being introduced they were chatting away like old friends. chatten (mit/nach jdm.): Innerhalb von Minuten nach der Vorstellung plauderten sie wie alte Freunde.
check + She gave me the minutes of the meeting to read and check. Sie gab mir die Protokolle des Treffens zum Lesen und Prüfen.
connection + I missed the connection by five minutes. Ich habe den Anschluss um fünf Minuten verpasst.
cook + Add the onion and cook for three minutes. Zwiebel dazugeben und drei Minuten kochen lassen.
correct + Their eyesight can be corrected in just a few minutes by the use of a laser. Ihr Augenlicht kann mit einem Laser in wenigen Minuten korrigiert werden.
couple + a couple of minutes einige Minuten
due + The next train is due in five minutes. Der nächste Zug kommt in fünf Minuten.
early + The bus was ten minutes early. Der Bus war zehn Minuten zu früh.
early + The bus came five minutes early. Der Bus kam fünf Minuten zu früh.
empty + empty out: The tank empties out in five minutes. leer: Der Tank entleert sich in fünf Minuten.
every + The buses go every 10 minutes. Die Busse fahren alle 10 Minuten.
fast + Within a few minutes she was fast asleep (= sleeping deeply). Innerhalb weniger Minuten schlief sie fest (=schlief tief).
feel + feel like sth: The interview only took ten minutes, but it felt like hours. sich nach etw. anfühlen: Das Interview dauerte nur zehn Minuten, aber es fühlte sich wie Stunden an.
follow + The first two classes are followed by a break of ten minutes. Nach den ersten beiden Unterrichtsstunden folgt eine Pause von zehn Minuten.
forget + Could you possibly forget about work for five minutes? Könntest du vielleicht für fünf Minuten die Arbeit vergessen?
further + Cook for a further 2 minutes. Weitere 2 Minuten kochen lassen.
gently + Simmer the soup gently for 30 minutes. Die Suppe 30 Minuten sanft köcheln lassen.
get into sth + You should get into the routine of saving the document you are working on every ten minutes. Sie sollten in die Routine der Speicherung des Dokuments, an dem Sie arbeiten, alle zehn Minuten einsteigen.
give + I'll give you (= allow you to have) ten minutes to prepare your answer. Ich gebe Ihnen (= erlaube Ihnen zu haben) zehn Minuten, um Ihre Antwort vorzubereiten.
heat + Simmer the soup for 10 minutes then remove from the heat. Die Suppe 10 Minuten lang köcheln lassen und dann vom Herd nehmen.
hurry + hurry sb: I don't want to hurry you but we close in twenty minutes. Beeil dich jdm.: Ich will dich nicht hetzen, aber wir schließen in zwanzig Minuten.
impatient + I'd been waiting for twenty minutes and I was getting impatient. Ich hatte 20 Minuten gewartet und wurde ungeduldig.
in + to return in a few minutes/hours/days/months. in ein paar Minuten/Stunden/Tage/Monaten zurückzukehren.
interruption + She spoke for 20 minutes without interruption. Sie sprach 20 Minuten ohne Unterbrechung.
last + The meeting only lasted (for) a few minutes. Das Treffen dauerte nur wenige Minuten.
lead + The lead car is now three minutes ahead of the rest of the field. Der Führungswagen liegt nun drei Minuten vor dem Rest des Feldes.
leave + leave sb/sth to do sth: Leave the rice to cook for 20 minutes. jdn. /etw.[Akk] etw.[Akk] tun lassen: Reis 20 Minuten kochen lassen.
length + Each class is 45 minutes in length. Jede Unterrichtsstunde dauert 45 Minuten.
load + load sth: We loaded the car in ten minutes. etw.[Akk] einladen: Wir haben das Auto in zehn Minuten beladen.
located + The offices are conveniently located just a few minutes from the main station. Die Büros befinden sich nur wenige Minuten vom Hauptbahnhof entfernt.
make it + The flight leaves in twenty minutes—we'll never make it. Der Flug geht in zwanzig Minuten, wir schaffen es nie.
medium + Cook over a medium heat for 15 minutes. Auf mittlerer Flamme 15 Minuten kochen lassen.
mere + It took her a mere 20 minutes to win. Sie hat nur 20 Minuten gebraucht, um zu gewinnen.
minute + It's four minutes to six. Es sind vier Minuten vor sechs.
minute + I'll be back in a few minutes. Ich bin in ein paar Minuten zurück.
minute + Boil the rice for 20 minutes. Reis 20 Minuten kochen lassen.
minute + Just minutes into the second half of the game Robinson scored his second goal. Nur Minuten nach Beginn der zweiten Halbzeit erzielte Robinson sein zweites Tor.
normally + It normally takes 20 minutes to get there. Die Fahrzeit dauert normalerweise 20 Minuten.
on + The band are on (= performing) in ten minutes. Die Band ist in zehn Minuten an (=performant).
out + You're out of luck—she left ten minutes ago. Du hast kein Glück mehr, sie ist vor zehn Minuten gegangen.
past + ten (minutes) past six Zehn (Minuten) nach sechs
past + There's a bus at twenty minutes past the hour (= at 1.20, 2.20, etc.). Zwanzig Minuten nach der vollen Stunde fährt ein Bus (= um 1.20 Uhr, 2.20 Uhr usw.).
past + We arrived at two o'clock and left at ten past (= ten minutes past two). Wir kamen um zwei Uhr morgens an und fuhren um zehn nachher (= zehn Minuten nach zwei).
personal + Coogan has run a personal best of just under four minutes. Coogan hat eine persönliche Bestzeit von knapp vier Minuten gelaufen.
recover + recover sth: It took her a few minutes to recover consciousness. etw.[Akk] zurückgewinnen: Es dauerte ein paar Minuten, bis sie wieder zu Bewusstsein kam.
remain + There were only ten minutes remaining. Es blieben nur noch zehn Minuten.
rude + I don't wish to be rude, but I have another appointment in five minutes. Ich möchte nicht unhöflich sein, aber ich habe in fünf Minuten einen weiteren Termin.
run + Who was the first person to run a mile in under four minutes? Wer war die erste Person, die eine Meile in weniger als vier Minuten gelaufen ist?
see + I can only see you for five minutes. Ich kann dich nur für fünf Minuten sehen.
shocked + For a few minutes we stood in shocked silence. Einige Minuten lang standen wir schockiert in der Stille.
should + The bus should have arrived ten minutes ago. Der Bus hätte vor zehn Minuten ankommen sollen.
side + Fry the steaks for two minutes on each side. Die Steaks auf jeder Seite zwei Minuten braten.
stay + I can stay a few minutes longer. Ich kann noch ein paar Minuten bleiben.
storm + A few minutes later the storm broke (= began). Wenige Minuten später brach der Sturm aus (= begann).
swell + Cook the lentils for 20 minutes until they swell and soften. Die Linsen 20 Minuten kochen, bis sie anschwellen und weich werden.
thickness + Cook for about 10 minutes, depending on the thickness of the steaks. Je nach Stärke der Steaks ca. 10 Minuten kochen lassen.
to + It's five to ten (= five minutes before ten o'clock). Es sind fünf bis zehn (= fünf Minuten vor zehn Uhr).
wait + I've been waiting (for) twenty minutes. Ich habe 20 Minuten gewartet.
walk + The office is ten minutes' walk from here. Das Büro ist zehn Minuten zu Fuß von hier entfernt.
when + Can you spare five minutes when it's convenient? Hätten Sie fünf Minuten Zeit, wenn es Ihnen passt?
within + The ambulance arrived within minutes of the call being made. Der Krankenwagen kam innerhalb von Minuten nach dem Anruf an.
would + Would you mind leaving us alone for a few minutes? Würden Sie uns bitte für ein paar Minuten allein lassen?

Mcc SentencesGbEng
391 地铁 间隔 分钟 + The subway comes every five minutes.
577 十二点 + It's five minutes to twelve.

地铁间隔五分钟一班。 Dìtiě jiàngé wǔ fēn zhōng yī bān. The subway comes every five minutes. Die U-Bahn kommt alle fünf Minuten.
差五分十二点。 Chà wǔ fēn shí'èr diǎn. It's five minutes to twelve. Es sind fünf Minuten vor zwölf.
Lesson 014. Calendar and Time.
shi2wu3 fen1zhong1 + fifteen minutes
Lesson 018. I Can Speak a Little Chinese.
Hai2 you3 shi2 fen1zhong1. + still have ten minutes
10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng

je reviendrai dans dix minutes + I will return in 10 minutes

j’ai cinq minutes, je dois rencontrer quelqu’un à midi + I have five minutes—I have to meet someone at noon

je patiente depuis dix minutes + I have been patiently waiting for ten minutes

vous ne pouvez pas attendre deux minutes + you can’t wait two minutes

la séquence s’intitulera «Cinq minutes pour survivre» + the sequence was entitled “Five minutes of survival”

vous avez cinq minutes pour évacuer les lieux + you have five minutes to evacuate the premises

encore quelques minutes. les renforts arrivent + a few more minutes. the reinforcements are arriving

cinq minutes sont allouées pour deux questions + five minutes are allocated for two questions
Wordnet ChineseGb
Wordnet GermanGer
Wordnet EnglishEng
+ + + + 103 minutes +
Wordnet FrenchFra
Wordnet SpanishSpa
Wordnet ItalianIta
Wordnet ThaiThai
Wordnet FinnishFin
Wordnet VietnameseVie
Wiktionary VietnameseVie