VNEN lúc đầu * (at, in) the beginning, at first * 103
勉强 lúc đầu


11000 Common Composites

22000 Common Composites

39000 Common Composites

74000 Common Composites

Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Goethebuch GbThaiVieEngDeuSpaPorItalFraNie
Glossika 9 GbThaiVieEngDeuItalFraSpaNiePin
A08 10 360
乍听之下 还不错 。 + ตอนแรกฟังดูดี + Lúc đầu, nó nghe khá hay. + At first, it sounded pretty good. + Zuerst klang es ziemlich gut. + All' inizio, suonava abbastanza bene. + Au début, ça sonnait plutôt bien. + Al principio, sonaba bastante bien. + Aanvankelijk klonk het vrij goed. + ( zhàtīngzhīxià háibúcuò.)
B03 10 1110
大介 和 爱子 去 哪儿 了 ? + Daisuke และ Aiko ไปที่ไหน? + Lúc đầu, và Nghiệp đã đi đâu? + Where have Daisuke and Aiko gone? + Wo sind Daisuke und Aiko hin? + Dove sono andati Daisuke e Aiko? + Où sont passés Daisuke et Aiko? + ¿Dónde se han ido Daisuke y Aiko? + Waar zijn Daisuke en Aiko gebleven? + ( dàjiè hé àizi· qù nǎr le·?)
C02 38 2088
我 买了 几双 新鞋 。 第一次 穿 觉得 有点 奇怪 , 因为 还没 习惯 。 + ฉันซื้อรองเท้าใหม่ ๆ พวกเขารู้สึกแปลก ๆ ตอนแรกเพราะฉันไม่คุ้นเคยกับมัน + Tôi đã mua những giày mới. Lúc đầu nó lạ chân vì tôi chưa quen với nó. + I bought some new shoes. They felt strange at first because I wasn't used to them. + Ich habe neue Schuhe gekauft. Zuerst fühlten sie sich seltsam, weil ich sie nicht gewohnt war. + Ho comprato alcune scarpe nuove. All' inizio si sentivano strani perché non ero abituato a loro. + J'ai acheté de nouvelles chaussures. Ils se sentaient étranges au début parce que je n'étais pas habitué. + Compré unos zapatos nuevos. Al principio se sentían extraños porque no estaba acostumbrado a ellos. + Ik heb nieuwe schoenen gekocht. Ze voelden zich aanvankelijk raar omdat ik er niet aan gewend was. + ( wó mǎile· jǐshuāng xīnxié. dìyīcì chuān juéde· yóudiǎn qíguài, yīnwèi háiméi xíguàn.)
C04 34 2184
大介 没能 解决 这个 问题 ,而 爱子 成功地解决了 。 + Daisuke ล้มเหลวในการแก้ปัญหาในขณะที่ Aiko ประสบความสำเร็จในการแก้ปัญหา + Lúc đầu, đã không giải được bài toán trong khi Nghiệp đã giải thành công bài toán. + Daisuke failed to solve the problem, whereas Aiko succeeded in solving the problem. + Daisuke konnte das Problem nicht lösen, während es Aiko gelang, das Problem zu lösen. + Daisuke non è riuscito a risolvere il problema, mentre Aiko è riuscito a risolverlo. + Daisuke n' a pas réussi à résoudre le problème, alors qu'Aiko a réussi à résoudre le problème. + Daisuke no pudo resolver el problema, mientras que Aiko lo consiguió. + Daisuke slaagde er niet in het probleem op te lossen, terwijl Aiko erin slaagde het probleem op te lossen. + (dàjiè méinéng jiějué zhège· wèntí, ér àizi· chénggōngde· jiějuéle·.)
C13 8 2608
她的 病情 比 我们 当初 料想的 严重 多了 。 + ความเจ็บป่วยของเธอร้ายแรงกว่าที่เราคิดมาตั้งแต่แรก + Bệnh của cô ấy nghiêm trọng hơn nhiều so với chúng ta tưởng tượng lúc đầu. + Her illness was far more serious than we thought at first. + Ihre Krankheit war weitaus schlimmer, als wir zunächst dachten. + La sua malattia era molto più grave di quanto pensassimo all' inizio. + Sa maladie était beaucoup plus grave qu'on ne le pensait au début. + Su enfermedad era mucho más grave de lo que pensábamos al principio. + Haar ziekte was veel ernstiger dan we aanvankelijk dachten. + ( tāde· bìngqíng bí wǒmen· dāngchū liàoxiǎngde· yánzhòng duōle·.)
C15 18 2718
我们 刚 开始 处得 不好 , 但 后来 我们 成了好朋友 。 + ตอนแรกเราไม่ได้เข้ากันได้ดี แต่ในท้ายที่สุดเราก็กลายเป็นเพื่อนที่ดี + Lúc đầu chúng tôi không chơi với nhau tốt lắm nhưng cuối cùng chúng tôi đã trở thành bạn tốt. + At first we didn't get along very well, but in the end we became good friends. + Zuerst kamen wir nicht sehr gut miteinander aus, aber am Ende wurden wir gute Freunde. + All' inizio non andammo d' accordo molto bene, ma alla fine siamo diventati buoni amici. + Au début, nous ne nous entendions pas très bien, mais à la fin, nous sommes devenus de bons amis. + Al principio no nos llevábamos muy bien, pero al final nos hicimos buenos amigos. + Aanvankelijk waren we het niet goed met elkaar eens, maar uiteindelijk werden we goede vrienden. + (wǒmen· gāng kāishǐ chǔde· bùhǎo, dàn hòulái wǒmen· chéngle· hǎopéngyǒu.)
C19 29 2929
刚 开始 没有 人 相信 莎拉 , 结果 证明 她是 对的 。 + ในตอนแรกไม่มีใครเชื่อ Sara แต่เธอกลับกลายเป็นเรื่องที่ถูกต้อง + Lúc đầu không ai tin Sara nhưng rồi cũng rõ là cô ấy đúng. + Nobody believed Sara at first, but she turned out to be right. + Niemand glaubte Sara zuerst, aber sie hatte Recht. + Nessuno credeva a Sara in un primo momento, ma lei si è rivelata essere giusto. + Personne n' a cru Sara au début, mais elle avait raison. + Nadie le creyó a Sara al principio, pero resultó que tenía razón. + Niemand geloofde aanvankelijk Sara, maar ze bleek gelijk te hebben. + ( gāng kāishǐ méiyǒu rén xiāngxìn shālā, jiéguǒ zhèngmíng tā shì duìde·.)
Lúc đầu, và Nghiệp đã đi đâu? + Where have Daisuke and Aiko gone?
Tôi đã mua những giày mới. Lúc đầu nó lạ chân vì tôi chưa quen với nó. + I bought some new shoes. They felt strange at first because I wasn't used to them.
Lúc đầu, đã không giải được bài toán trong khi Nghiệp đã giải thành công bài toán. + Daisuke failed to solve the problem, whereas Aiko succeeded in solving the problem.
Bệnh của cô ấy nghiêm trọng hơn nhiều so với chúng ta tưởng tượng lúc đầu. + Her illness was far more serious than we thought at first.
Lúc đầu chúng tôi không chơi với nhau tốt lắm nhưng cuối cùng chúng tôi đã trở thành bạn tốt. + At first we didn't get along very well, but in the end we became good friends.
Lúc đầu không ai tin Sara nhưng rồi cũng rõ là cô ấy đúng. + Nobody believed Sara at first, but she turned out to be right.

Như tôi đã nói lúc đầu ... + As I said at the beginning …
Oxford 3000VieEng
lúc đầu at first
lúc đầu initial
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
14 Einkaufsliste Lúc đầu, anh ấy muốn làm món cá và khoai tây chiên, nhưng bây giờ anh ấy lại lên kế hoạch nấu món đặc sản Hy Lạp. Zuerst wollte er Fisch und Pommes Frites machen, aber nun plant er, eine griechische Spezialität zu kochen.
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Exercise 11-1 Anfangs ging alles gut. + anfangs Everything went well at first. Mọi thứ trở nên tốt lúc đầu. +
Exercise 18-7 Mein Sohn war am Anfang in der Schule sehr faul. Heute lernt er sehr fleißig.  + faul My son was very lazy in school at the beginning. Today he is learning very hard.  Con trai tôi lúc đầu rất lười biếng trong trường học. Hôm nay anh ấy học rất chăm chỉ. +
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng

Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
Oxford 32000GlossEngDeu
not bad + That wasn't bad for a first attempt. Das war nicht schlecht für einen ersten Versuch.
far + far back: The band made their first record as far back as 1990. weit zurück: Die Band machte ihr erstes Album bereits 1990.
at first + I didn't like the job much at first. Zuerst mochte ich den Job nicht besonders.
at first + If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. Wenn Sie am Anfang keinen Erfolg haben, versuchen Sie es erneut.
hit + His death didn't really hit me at first. Sein Tod hat mich zuerst nicht wirklich getroffen.
police + Hundreds of police in riot gear struggled to control the violence. Hunderte von Polizisten in Aufruhrausrüstung kämpften, um die Gewalt zu kontrollieren.
realize + The situation was more complicated than they had at first realized. Die Situation war komplizierter, als sie es zunächst gemerkt hatten.
spell + There will be rain at first, with sunny spells later. Es wird anfangs regnen, später kommt es zu sonnigen Abschnitten.
strange + strange to sb: At first the place was strange to me. jdm. fremd: Am Anfang war mir der Ort fremd.

Mcc SentencesGbEng

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5000 FrenchFrzEng
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